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The Compound Numerals (Составные числительные)

(35) Thirty-five – the thirty-fifth, (101) one hundred and one – the one hundred and first, (5,789) five thousand seven hundred and eighty nine – the five thousand seven hundred and eighty ninth.

Количественные числительные hundred, thousand, million употребляются в единственном числе, если перед ними стоит другое числительное. Когда числительные обозначают неопределенное количество, они употребляются во множественном числе с окончанием -s, за которым следует предлог –of.

E.g. millions of people – two million people.

Номера страниц, глав, домов, квартир, транспорта обозначаются количественными числительными. E.g. page 15, flat 45, bus 12.

Количественные числительные, обозначающие годы, читаются следующим образом: число сотен, затем число десятков и единиц.

E.g. 1900 – nineteen hundred, 2000 – two thousand, 1147 – eleven forty-seven. April 12, 2010 – on the twelfth of April two thousand and ten/

- on April the twelfth two thousand and ten

Порядковые числительные часто употребляются с именами извест­ных исторических личностей, представителей правящих династий: E.g. Elizabeth II – Elizabeth the Second, Peter I – Peter the First.

Fractions (Дроби)

½ - a half, ¼ - a quarter, 2/3 – two thirds, 1/3 – one third.

0.1 – [ou] point one, 1.75 - one point seven five, 1.25 - one point two five;

1.33 = one point three three.

Percentages (Проценты)

26% - twenty-six per cent, 50% - fifty per cent

More than 50% is the majority; less than 50% is the minority.

Arithmetic (Арифметические действия)

+ = addition 6+4=10 (six plus/and four equals/is ten)

12+15=27 (twelve plus fifteen is twenty- seven)

- = subtraction 6-4=2 (six minus four equals/is two)

63-35=28 (sixty-three minus thirty-five is twenty-eight)

x = multiplication 6x4 = 24 (six times/multiplied by four equals/is twenty-four

25x5=125 (twenty-five multiplied by four is one hundred an

twenty five)

: = division 4:2=2 (four divided by two equals/is two)

81:9=9 (eighty-one is divided by nine is nine)

Saying Time (Обозначение времени)

Если минутная стрелка находится в правой части циферблата – употребляется предлог past. E.g. It’s ten minutes past eleven. It’s a quarter past eleven. It’s half past eleven.

Если минутная стрелка находится в левой части циферблата, то употребляется предлог to. E.g. It’s ten minutes to twelve. It’s a quarter to twelve.

Глаголы to fast , to slow употребляются в следующих выражениях со значением «спешить, отставать». E.g. My watches is five minutes fast.His watches is two minutes slow.


How do you say these numbers in English?

1). 462; 2). 2'/2; 3). 2,345; 6,75; 0,25; 0.75; 62.759; 9,999; 4). 31/; 5). 1,250,000; 10,04; 6). 47%; 5.7%; 25%; 109%; 7). 20 September; 3 July; 8). 602 8477 (phone number); 9). 1807, 1794; 2009; 2010; 10). In 1903; in 1987; in 2009; 11). January 7, 2010; June 24, 2007; September 15, 1997.


32 х 3 = 0.25 : 25 = 1002 + 8 = 135 – 67 =

12 х 5 = 0.65 : 65 = 1012 + 9 = 178 – 57 =

13 х 3 = 0.76 : 76 = 1011 + 11 = 190 – 40 =

UNIT 6. Education

Text 6. Private Schools in the UK: Overview

1. Transcribe, pronounce and memorize the new words and word combinations, be ready for a spelling dictation:

- complicated – запутанный, сложный, трудный для понимания;

- equally – в равной степени, одинаково;

- confusing – непонятный, сбивающий с толку;

- privilege – привилегия;

- to fund – финансировать;

- to charge – назначать, запрашивать (цену), брать (плату);

- grand – субсидия, стипендия;

- bright – умный, способный;

- competition – конкуренция;

- to afford – иметь возможность, позволить себе;

- criterion – критерий;

- upper middle class – верхушка среднего класса, крупная буржуазия;

- upper class – аристократия;

- rapidly – быстро;

- prestigious – престижный;

- aim – цель;

- to produce – готовить выпускать;

- ordinary – обычный, обыкновенный;

- quality – качество;

- resources – средства, ресурсы, возможности;

- separate – отдельный;

- to share – делить, жить вместе с;

- security – безопасность;

- top priority – первоочередная задача;

- resident – постоянно живущий (при учебном заведении);

- staff – персонал, штат сотрудников;

- lock – замок;

- net – сетка;

- outstanding – выдающийся, знаменитый;

- facilities – условия, место отдыха и развлечений (спортплощадки, теннисные корты и т.д.);

- golf course – площадка для гольфа;

- diverse range – многообразие, разнообразие;

- nutrition – питание;

- average – средний, примерный;

- admission – прием в учебное заведение;

- to register – регистрироваться, записываться;

- in advance – заранее;

- to attend an interview – пройти собеседование;

- primary school – начальная школа;

- gifted – одаренный;

- decent – приличный;

- local – местный;

- option – выбор;

- advantage – преимущество;

- dedicated – посвятивший себя чему-либо, преданный;

- to mix with children from good backgrounds – общаться с детьми из хороших семей;

- opportunity – возможность;

- elite – элита, элитный;

- on the negative side – что же касается недостатков; минусов является то, что;

- to mention – упоминать;

- fee – плата за обучение;

- well-to-do – обеспеченный, состоятельный;

- intimidating – отпугивающий, страшный;

- scholarship – стипендия;

- truly – действительно, по-настоящему;

- to blend in – влиться, вписаться;

- lack – отсутствие, нехватка;

- to interfere with – мешать;

- to develop – развивать;

- opposite sex – противоположный пол.


Read the text and answer the questions below.

The school system in the UK can proudly call itself one of the most complicated in Europe. Not only it is not the same across the kingdom but also the number of changes that have taken place in the last 50 years have made it equally confusing for a British person and for a foreigner.

Let’s start from the beginning. There are two types of schools where you have to pay. The only thing is the private schools in Britain are called…public. Why? A long time ago when education was a privilege of the rich, the only schools where poor people could go were funded by charities (organizations that collect money for people in need). As it was public money, the schools for the poor were called public schools. Logical, isn’t it? However, in the course of history many public schools became very successful and turned into expensive private schools but the conservative British continued to call them public schools.

Until very recently public schools were either all-boys or all-girls. Public schools can be full boarding (pupils live there all academic year except for holidays), normal (pupils go home every day) and mixed (some pupils go home every weekend and some stay).

The first thing you need to have is money as some public schools charge up to 20,000 pounds a year. There are some grants for bright pupils as well but the places are few and the competition is very strong. Therefore, it comes as no surprise that only six percent of the people in the UK can afford it. The other important criterion is that you have to belong to the right class as the class system in Britain is still very important. Mostly, public education is a privilege of the upper middle and upper classes.

Harrow School

Harrow, the second best public school in the UK after Eton, was founded in 1572 as a public school for the children of poor farmers but rapidly became one of the most prestigious private schools in the country. Famous Old harrovians include Winston Churchill and Lord Byron.

One of the reasons why parents choose Harrow is that its aim is “to produce young men who will go on to be leaders in their chosen professions” (B. Lenon, Head Master). This means that Harrovians are more likely to do well that people who went to ordinary schools. Why? Well, for one thing, the quality of education is better since the school has better resources and funding. For another, the school has excellent reputation: the fact that you are an ex-Harrovian is some kind of “passport” for a brighter future.

Harrow is an all-boys school with 800 pupils. It is a full boarding school with nineteen boarding houses. A boarding house is a building where pupils sleep and rest. Each boy either has a separate room or shares one with another boy. Boys’ security is one of the school’s top priorities, so all boarding houses have three resident staff and very strong locks. Some also have a thick wall all around and a metal net over the yard. Even parents are not allowed there.

The school has outstanding facilities including the best golf courses, a swimming pool, the latest computers and even the best school theatre in the UK.


All teachers live in the school to make sure that pupils are offered a diverse range of evening and weekend activities.

Good nutrition is also very important. Have a look at the average menu:

Breakfast – Grilled Sausage, Bacon, Fried Egg with Fruit Juice, cereals.

Lunch – A choice of Breaded Fish or Roast Lamb with Potatoes and vegetables.

Supper – A choice of Burgers plus Pasts with Potatoes and Vegetables, Soup, Fresh Fruit.

Not bad, is it?

The lowest admission age for the school is thirteen. The school is very prestigious, so some parents apply as soon as their son is born! Normally parents register their son at least two years in advance. Most candidates have to attend an interview, do well in primary school and pass a test. There are some free places for gifted pupils but most pupils have to pay about 13,000 pounds a year plus extra charges.

Personal Views

Dr. John Rees Smith, Head of Language Centers, Middlesex University:

“As we live in London it as rather difficult for us to find a decent local school, so my wife and I decided that private education was a better option for our children.

“In our opinion, the main advantages of public education are good academic standards, better exam results, dedicated staff and a chance to mix with children from good backgrounds. There is also an opportunity to study elite subjects such as Latin and Greek, and start learning modern languages earlier.

“On the negative side, I would certainly mention high fees and that most public school kids have very well-to-do parents, so it can be a bit intimidating for poorer children.”

James Thomas, English Teacher, London:

“I come from an upper middle class family (my father is a lawyer), so it had been decided that I would go to a public school before I was born. It was a local mixed boarding school for boys, so my parents took me home every weekend and I did not feel very lonely. The main thing that you should understand about public education is that it is all about class. In our school there were some bright kids from poor working class families who got a scholarship. I always felt sorry for them as they could never truly blend in. Other boys always laughed at their accents and lack of money.

“A lot of upper middle and upper class families traditionally send their kids to full boarding schools because they do not want their children to be near home as it interferes with their social life. It is very sad because it means that no close relationship between parents and children can develop. I also do not like the idea of single sex education, especially for boys, as it can lead to future communication problems with the opposite sex”.


3. Answer the following questions:

1. What is private education?

2. Why are private schools in the UK called public?

3. How does English private education work?

4. What is the difference between full boarding, normal and mixed public schools?

5. What kind of people go to the public schools in the UK?

6. Why do well-to-do parents choose Harrow?

7. What do you know about the history of Harrow school?

8. What conditions does Harrow offer for its pupils?

9. What is the aim of Harrow school?

10. According to the author what are the positive and negative sides of studying at Harrow school?


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