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Are there other ways of accessing the Internet?

Other methods of internet access include Wi-Fi, satellite, mobile phones and TV sets equipped with a modem. Wi-Fi-enabled laptops or PDAs allow you to connect to the Net if you are near a wireless access point, in locations called hotspots (for example, a Wi-Fi café, park or campus). Satellite services are used in places where terrestrial access is not available (for example, on ships at sea). High-end mobile phones provide access through the phone network.


6. Choose the correct answers:

1. The Internet was

a) invented in the mid-90s

b) popular in the 1960s

c) probably created in the USA

2. Which term describes any fast, high-bandwidth connection?

a) broadband

b) dial-up connection

c) Wi-Fi connection

3. The power-line Internet provides broadband access through

a) telephone lines

b) satellites

c) electrical power lines

4. Which device converts computer data into a form that can be transmitted over phone lines?


b) a mobile phone

c) a modem

5. The standard protocol that allows computers to communicate over the Internet is called

a) an IP address

b) TCP / IP


6. The geographical region covered by one or several access points is called a

a) wireless access point

b) hotspot

c) wireless network device


7. Read and translate the Internet FAQs:

Part 2


Email lets you exchange messages with people all over the world. Optional attached files can include text, pictures and even audio and animation. A mailing list uses email to communicate messages to all its subscribes – that is, everyone that belongs to the list.

Which email program is the best?

Outlook Express is a popular program, but many users web-based email accounts such as Mail.ru or Hotmail.

The Web

The Web consists of billions of documents living on web servers that use the HTTP protocol. You navigate through the Web using a program called a web browser, which lets you search, view and print wed pages.

How often are web pages updated?

It depends entirely on the page. Some are updated thousands of times a day.

Chat or Instant Messaging (IM)

Chat and Instant Messaging technologies allow you to have real-time conversations online, by typing messages at the keyboard.


FTP, or file transfer protocol, is used to transfer files over a TCP / IP network. Nowadays, this feature is built into Web browsers. You can download programs, games and music files from a remote computer to your hard drive.


Telnet is a protocol and a program used to long onto remote computer systems. It enables you to enter commands that will be executed as if you were entering them directly on the remote server.


Newsgroups are the public discussion areas which make up a system called Usenet. The contents are contributed by people who post articles or respond to articles, creating chains of related postings called message threads. You need a newsreader to subscribe to newsgroup and to read and post messages. The newsreader may be a stand-alone program or part of a web browser.

How many newsgroups are there?

There are approximately 30,000 active newsgroups.

Where can you find newsgroups?

Your newsreader may allow to download the newsgroup addresses that your ISP has included on its news server. An alternative to using a newsreader is to visit web forums instead, which perform the same function but without the additional software.

8. In pairs, discuss which of the internet systems (1-6) you would use to do the tasks (a-f):

1. Email   a) transfer files from the Internet to your hard drive
2. The Web   b) send a message to another person via the Internet
3. Newsgroups   c) have a live conversation (usually typed) online
4. Chat and IM   d) connect to a remote computer by entering instructions, and run a program in it
5. FTP   e) take part in public discussion areas devoted to specific topics
6. Telnet   f) download and view documents published on the Internet

Grammar Section

The Passive Voice

Страдательный залог

Формы страдательного залога английских глаголов образуются с помощью вспомогательного глагола to be в соответствующем времени, лице и числе и причастия прошедшего времени (Participle II) смыслового глагола.

Глагол-сказуемое в страдательном залоге показывает, что подлежащее предложения является объектом действия со стороны другого лица или предмета.

Сравните: I bought a book. — Я купил книгу.

The book was bought (by me). — Книга была куплена (мной).

Глаголы в страдательном залоге на русский язык переводятся:

1) глаголом быть + краткая форма причастия страдательного залога.

The letter was sent yesterday. Письмо было послано вчера.

2) глаголом с частицей -ся (-сь).

This problem was discussed last week. Эта проблема обсуждалась на прошлой неделе.

3) неопределенно-личным оборотом, т. е. глаголом в действительном залоге 3 лица множественного числа, типа «говорят», «сказали».

English is spoken in many countries. На английском языке говорят во многих странах.

4) глаголом в действительном залоге (при наличии исполнителя действия).

Operation systems are created by programmists. Программисты создают новые операционные системы.


Время Утвердительная форма Вопросительная форма Отрицательная форма
Present Simple The letter is written. Is the letter written? The letter is not written.
Past Simple The letter was written. Was the letter written? The letter was not written.
Future Simple The letter will be written. Will the letter be written? The letter will not be written.
Present Progressive The letter is being written. Is the letter being written? The letter is not being written.
Past Progressive The letter was being written. Was the letter being written? The letter was not being written.
Future Progressive The letter will be being written. Will the letter be being written? The letter will not be being written.
Present Perfect The letter has been written. Has the letter been written? The letter has not been written.
Past Perfect The letter had been written. Had the letter been written? The letter had not been written.
Future Perfect The letter will have been written. Will the letter have been written. The letter will not have been written.

Read the article and underline all the examples of the passive. What tenses are they?

A HACKER has been sent to jail for fraudulent use of credit card numbers. Nicholas Cook, 26, was arrested by police officers near a bank cash point last month.

Eight months earlier, he had been caught copying hundreds of computer programs illegally. After an official inquiry, he was accused of software piracy and fined £5,000.

It is reported that in the last few years Cook has been sending malware (malicious software) to phone operators and attacking mobile phones to steal business and personal information. Cook has now been sentenced to three years in prison for stealing passwords and obtaining money by credit card fraud.

Government officials say that new anti-hacking legislation will be introduced in the EU next year.


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