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Cтрадательный залог (Passive Voice)

Роль лица или предмета, выраженного подлежащим в предложении, может быть различна: лицо или предмет могут быть активными, т.е. сами производить действие, либо пассивными, т.е. подвергаться действию со стороны другого предмета. В зависимости от того, что является в данном высказывании более существенным – деятель или предмет, на который направлено действие, сказуемое получает различное грамматическое оформление: оно может быть выражено действительным залогом (активной формой глагола) или страдательным (пассивной формой глагола).

В английском языке пассивная форма глагола состоит из вспомогательного глагола to be и смыслового глагола в третьей основной форме (второго причастия). Глагол to beявляется личной глагольной формой и изменяется в зависимости от лица и числа подлежащего и времени действия. Третья форма основного глагола остается неизменной.


to be + III (форма глагола)



I invite them.

Я (сама)приглашаю их.

The farmers supply the town with agricultural products.

Фермеры снабжаютгород сельскохозяйственными продуктами.



I am invited.

Меня приглашают.

The farmers are supplied with industrial goods.

Фермеры снабжаютсяпромтоварами.


I askeda question. (Active)

Я (сам) задалвопрос.

The garden surrounded the house.

Сад окружалдом.


He was asked a question..(Passive)

Ему задаливопрос.

The garden was surrounded by the wall.

Сад был окружен стеной.


She will send a letter tomorrow. (Active)

Она (сама) пошлетэто письмо завтра.

We shall meet the foreign delegation at the station.

Мы встретим иностранную делегацию на вокзале.


She will be sent an invitation card.(Passive)

Ей пришлютпригласительный билет.

We shall be met by our foreign partners at the airport

Мы будем встречены нашими иностранными партнерами в аэропорту.


Present Indefinite Past Indefinite Future Indefinite
  I am sent   he she is sent it   we you are sent they     I he was sent she it     we you were sent they   I shall be sent   he she will be sent it   we shall be sent   you they will be sent
  меня посылают его посылают и т.д.     меня посылали его посылали и т.д.   меня пошлют его пошлют и т.д.


Образование вопросительной и отрицательной формы.

Last year our librarywas suppliedwith new books.

Last year our library was not suppliedwith new books.

Was our library suppliedwith new books last year?


Перевод предложений со сказуемым, выраженным глаголом в пассивной форме.


1. Сочетанием глагола быть(в прошедшем или будущем времени) со страдательным причастием в краткой форме:


The first experiment with electric waves was made by Popov.

Первый эксперимент с радиоволнами был сделан Поповым.


2. Глаголом в третьем лице единственного или множественного числа с окончанием- ся, имеющим страдательное значение.


The experiment was made in the laboratory of the Institute.

Эксперимент делалсяв лаборатории института.


3. Неопределенно-личной формой глагола (при отсутствии подлежащего).


The experiment was made in the laboratory of the Institute.

Эксперимент делали в лаборатории института.


Если необходимо обратить внимание на то, кем или чем осуществляется действие, тогда существительное или местоимение вводится предлогом by после сказуемого в страдательном залоге, например:


The letter was written by my mother.


Если действие совершается с помощью какого-то предмета, тогда употребляется предлог with, например:


He was shot with a revolver.


This book is much spoken about.(Обэтой книге много говорят.)

Pavlov’s works are referred to in many scientific books. (На работы Павлова ссылаются во многих научных трудах.)


I. Open the brackets. Translate the sentences into Russian.

1. At the Institute the students (to be taught) many different subjects. 2. In Athens special attention (to be paid) to reading, writing and literature. 3. Next year a new school (to be built) near our house. 4. Everyboby in our country (to be provided for) getting education. 5. At the factory the young workers (to be trained) how to use the new equipment. 6. Take the book home so that you (to be able) to read it in the evening. 7. A new hydroelectric station (to be built) when we came there to have practice. 8. I (to be told) about that great chemist who devoted his life to chemistry. 9. Many new houses (to be built) in our town. 10. This book (to be translated) into many languages.


II.Put the following sentences into Past and Future Indefinite tenses.

1. This machine-tool is mounted on a work bench. 2. We are provided with the necessary literature. 3. I am given the most difficult task to do. 4. Precise data are indicated in a special table. 5. Much attention is also paid to the interior of the house.


III. Find the predicate and define its tense form.

a). 1. The research into the properties of these metals is done at one of Moscow institutes. 2. Such crystals are grown in special laboratories. 3. In the first year we are taught many important subjects. We are also given to do laboratory work.


b). 1. The delegates were shown new types of machinery which are produced at the plant at present. 2. All the machines were looked at with great interest. 3. At this chemical plant the huge automatic unit was looked after by only a few men.


c). In the future machine-tools will be made faster, more complex, and automatic. 2. Is this true that this problem will be worked at in our laboratory? 3. His scientific paper will be spoken about at the end of the discussion.


d). Machine parts can be produced by today’s machine-tools with very high precision. 2. Tools that cut metals should be made of very hard steel and alloys. 3. All the data had to be analysed by the experimentor himself.


IV. Rewrite the sentences in the passive.

1. Her mother drives her to school every day.

2. The boys walk the dog every day.

3. Do they sell clothes in this shop?

4. Someone is cleaning the windows.

5. People spend a lot of money on food.

6. They will open the new sports centre soon.

7. They sent for the doctor.

8. They may not repair the car this week.

9. They made him confess to the robbery.

10. The jury will have reached a verdict by the morning.


V. Underline the correct answer.

A large amount of valuable jewellery (has stolen / has been stolen) from Forest Manor. A man (arrested / was arrested) yesterday and (is questioned / is being questioned) by the police at the moment. He (thought / is thought) to (have committed / have been committed) the crime, although so far no proof (has found / has been found). The robbery (believed / is believed) to (have carried out / have been carried out) by two men, but so far no clue (has discovered / has been discovered) as to the second man’s identity. The police say that he may (have left / have been left) the country.

VI. Rewrite the sentences using “have something done”.

1. His teeth are checked twice a year.

2. Her skirt is being cleaned at the moment.

3. Central heating is going to be installed in our house next month.

4. My car is being repaired at the moment.

5. The windows will be cleaned.

6. The clock has to be fixed.


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