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Do you understand pronoun reference? Choose the correct sentence. Explain your answer.


a) When I loaded the new program on the computer, it crashed.

b) When I loaded the new program on the computer, the computer crashed.


a) At the lesson, the teacher showed me how to use the equipment.

b) At the lesson, they showed me how to use the equipment.


a) I wanted to buy a new computer, but they didn’t have one I could afford.

b) I wanted to buy a new computer, but the store didn’t have one I could afford.


a) When she put the computer on the table, the table collapsed.

b) When she put the computer on the table, it collapsed.


a) I told the teacher that the teacher was wrong.

b) I told the teacher that he was wrong.


Unit 3. The United States of America

Text 3. American Symbols

1. Transcribe and learn the new words and word combinations:

- Declaration of Independence – Декларация независимости

- to declare – объявлять, провозглашать

- to state – утверждать, заявлять

- equal – равный, равноправный

- liberty – свобода

- pursuit – стремление

- to adopt – принимать

- fireworks – фейерверк, салют

- Philadelphia – Филадельфия

- to crack – давать трещину

- to repair – чинить

- case – зд. павильон

- steel – сталь

- to recite – декламировать, повторять по памяти

- pledge of allegiance – присяга верности

- indivisible – неделимый

- justice – справедливость

- harbour – гавань, порт

- initials – инициалы

- eagle – орел

- coin – монета

- Democrat – демократ, член Демократической партии

- Republican – республиканец, член Республиканской партии

- conservative – консервативный

- support – поддержка

Do you know anything about American symbols? Read and translate the text about them.

The United States of America

The Declaration of Independence

This famous document declared the freedom of the original 13 colonies from British rule. A large part of it was written by Thomas Jefferson. The Declaration stated that the colonies were now “free and independent states”’ and officially named them the United States of America.

This historic document said that “all men are created equal” and all people have the right to “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.”

The Declaration of Independence was adopted by the Congress on the fourth of July, 1776. This day is now celebrated in the USA as Independence Day, or the Fourth of July. It’s the most important holiday in America and there are parades, picnics and fireworks all over the country.

The Liberty Bell

The Liberty Bell is a symbol of freedom. It was made in London and taken to Philadelphia in 1752 where it cracked when it was first used. It was repaired, and when the Declaration of Independence was signed, it rang out the day. It cracked again in 1835 and 1846.

In 1976 it was placed in a special case of glass and steel behind Independence Hall (the building in Philadelphia where the Declaration of Independence was written and signed).

Stars and Stripes

The flag of the US has 13 stripes for the 13 original colonies and 50 stars for the 50 states.

American citizens and immigrants sometimes recite the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag: “I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the Unites States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, One Nation, under God, indivisible, with Liberty and Justice for all.”


The Statue of Liberty

The Statue of Liberty was a present to the people of the United States from the people of France.


It was designed by Frederic Auguste Bartoldie and brought to America in 1884. The model for this statue was Bartoldie’s mother.

The Statue of Liberty stands on Liberty Island in the middle of New York harbour. It has become a symbol of hope and freedom and was the first American sight seen by many people who went to the US for a better life.

The Statue is 46 metres high and weighs 204 tons.

The American Eagle

The American eagle is the national symbol of the United States. It is also called the “bald eagle” and it appears on the Great Seal of the United States and on some coins.

Uncle Sam

Uncle Sam has the initials US and is an unofficial symbol of the US government. He first appeared in the 1960s on posters asking people to join the army; pointing his finger and saying “Uncle Sam needs you!”' His top hat and clothes are always decorated with the stars and stripes of the American flag.

The Donkey and the Elephant

The Donkey and the Elephant first appeared in political cartoons as symbols of the two main political parties in the US – the Democrats and the Republicans.

There are not clear differences between the two parties. The Republicans tend to be more conservative and to have more support among the upper classes. The Democrats tend to be more liberal and to have more support among the working classes and the poor.

3. Answer the following questions:

· When was The Declaration of Independence adopted by the Congress? What did this document state?

· Where was The Liberty Bell made? Why was it repaired twice?

· How many stripes and stars does the flag of the US have? Why?

· Who presented The Statue of Liberty to the people of the USA? Where does it stand now? How many metres is this statue high?

· How is the American Eagle also called?

· Why is America usually called as Uncle Sam? When did this symbol first appear and why?

· What symbol embodies the Democratic Party of the USA? What symbol embodies the Republican Party of the USA?

· What class in the US represents the Democrats? What class represents the Republicans?


4. Find in the text the words that meet the following definitions:

1) to make clearly known or announce officially;

2) to speak in favour of (a motion);

3) to declare formally or publicly;

4) favouring the preservation of established customs, values, etc., and opposing innovation;

5) having identical privileges, rights, status, etc;

6) a metal disc or piece used as money;

7) the power of choosing, thinking, and acting for oneself; freedom from control or restriction;

8) the first letter of a word, especially a person's name;

9) the act of pursuing, chasing, or striving after;

10) a sheltered port;

11) to choose and follow (a plan, technique, etc.;

12) the quality or fact of being just;

13) to break or cause to break without complete separation of the parts;

14) unable to be divided;

15) to restore (something broken) to good condition or working order;

16) to repeat (a poem, passage, etc.) aloud from memory before an audience.

Find the Russian equivalents to the English words from the list below in the English-Russian dictionary. Transcribe them, learn and put them in the text according to their meanings. Then retell the text.

List of words: 1) railroad; 2) powerful; 3) confident; 4) approved; 5) to be proud of; 6) good family man; 7) damp noodle; 8)religious; 9) to carry out; 10) occasion; 11) to persuade.

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