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Modal Verbs and Their Equivalents

Модальные глаголы и их эквиваленты

Модальные глаголы can (could), may (might), must, ought, need употребляются только в сочетании с инфинитивом смыслового глагола. Они выражают не само действие, а возможность, способность, необходимость его совершения.

Особенности модальных глаголов:

1) являются «недостаточными», так как не имеют всех видовременных форм (can, may имеют формы прошедшего времени – could, might, must, ought, need имеют только форму настоящего времени);

2) инфинитив после модальных глаголов употребляется без частицы to. Исключение: ought to (I can swim. You ought to help him.);

3) в 3-м лице единственного числа не имеют окончания –s (He can do it.

Jane may go to the party tonight.);

4) вопросительная и отрицательная форма предложений с модальными глаголами образуется без помощи вспомогательных глаголов (May I come in? Need they clean the room? He cannot speak French.)

Употребление модальных глаголов и их эквивалентов

Глагол Значение Настоящее время Прошедшее время Будущее время
Can Реальная возможность совершения действия; умение I can /cannot swim. I could/ couldn’t come yesterday. I shall/ shall not be able to do it tomorrow.
Неформальное разрешение Can /could I use your pen? My parents said I could watch the film. Can I go to the cinema tomorrow?
Запрещение You cannot go out! ___ ___
Вежливая просьба Could you tell me the way to Trafalgar Square, please!
Сомнение, недоверие It cannot be true. Can he have said it? ___
May Формальное разрешение May I come in? – Yes, you may. He asked if he might come in. We will be allowed to go there tomorrow.
Предположение с невысокой степенью уверенности He may /might be having lunch now. He may/ might not have come yet. He may/ might come late.
Must Приказ, осознанная необходимость You must study well. He had to go to the Institute early yesterday. They will have to learn this rule.
Запрещение You must not smoke. ___ ___
Предположение с высокой степенью уверенности He must come now. He must have forgotten about it. They must be leaving tomorrow.
Have to Вынужденная необходимость He has to wear a suit. I had to learn this poem. You will have to wait.
Отсутствие необходимости I don’t have to do his exercise. He didn’t have to get up early yesterday. I shall not have to meet him.
Be to Необходимость совершения действия согласно договоренности, графику The train is to arrive in ten minutes. The manager was to sign the contract. They are to arrive tomorrow.
Ought to/ should Настоятельный совет, рекомендация (следует) You ought to/ should listen to the teacher carefully. ___ You ought to/ should visit the doctor tomorrow.
Упрек (следовало бы, но не сделал) ___ You should have read this article. ___
Need Отсутствие необходимости You needn’t do this exercise. You needn’t have done this exercise. You needn’t come here tomorrow.


Translate these sentences.

1) A small company needs a printer which will be shared by various users on a local area network (LAN).

2) A professional team of architects and engineers need to create accurate representations of objects in technical drawings and CAD.

3) A graphic arts business needs a printer to produce catalogues, brochures and other publications.

4) If you have the wide-format printer from Vutek, what kinds of material can you print on?

5) What types of device could be helpful to blind users?

6) How can a person with mobility limitations communicate with a computer?


In pairs tell each other what you must or mustn't do to protect your data.

Example: You mustn't stack disks on top of each other.

- disks in a protective case;

- into the disk drive very carefully;

- near magnets; damage the information stored on them;

- update your anti-virus program regularly since new viruses are created everyday;

- passwords and security devices to protect confidential information;


Complete the sentences using can, could, may, might, should, can't, must.

1. If you intend to do a lot of dictation, you ______ get a high-quality headset microphone.

2. You ________ dictate text directly onto your word processor or e-mail program.

3. With many voice-recognition programs, the user first _______train the software to recognize individual pronunciations.

4. Speech-recognition software ______ help children with special educational needs.

5. In a few years' time, a lot of people use their voices to interact with computers.

6. If I knew the Java language, I ______ include some attractive banners on my web page.

7. With a web page editor you _______ create a web document easily.

8. He ________ be a good web page designer because he doesn't know the HTML language.

9. ________ I use your laptop? I need to print out this report.

10. Before you start to make a website, you _______ decide how to organize the content.


Look at the HELP box and then rewrite the sentences below about what you should do to protect your eyes. Use modal auxiliary verbs in your sentences.

Position your keyboard at the same height as your elbows.

Don't use a monitor that is fuzzy or distorts the image.

Should/ought to

You should position your keyboard at the same height as your elbows. = You ought to ... You shouldn't use a monitor that is fuzzy or distorts the image. - You ought not (oughtn't) to use ...

1. Do not stare at the screen for long periods of time.

2. Avoid placing the monitor so that it reflects a source of bright light, such as a window.

3. Keep the screen clean to prevent distorting shadows.

4. If you work in an office with a large number of computers, don't sit too close to the sides or backs of the monitors.

5. Buy a protective filter that cuts down the ELF (extremely low frequency) emissions.


Unit 12. Jobs in ICT

Text 12. ICT Administrator Job Description

1. Transcribe and learn the new words and word combinations:

- job description перечень служебных обязанностей, должностная инструкция, официальный документ, в котором перечисляются служебные обязанности работника и особенности его работы, в соответствии с ним оценивается качество его труда

- IT – Information technology – infotech информационная технология, ИТ общий термин, используемый для ссылок на все технологии, связанные с созданием, обработкой, хранением, использованием, пересылкой и управлением информацией

- administrator – администратор, специалист, отвечающий за проектирование, инсталляцию, конфигурирование, контроль, управление и обслуживание сети, системы или СУБД

- oversee – наблюдать, надзирать; следить, смотреть (за чем-л.)

- computer security – компьютерная безопасность

- troubleshooting – поиск неисправности, диагностика, устранение неполадок процесс определения причин неисправностей в работе аппаратных средств и их устранения

- resolve – разрешать, решать

- housekeeping – служебные действия, например, ведение ОС журналов регистрации системных событий, таких как действия пользователя, перемещение файлов и т. п.

- IT support – поддержка, сопровождение (со стороны фирмы-производителя или специалиста)

- website – веб-сайт, Интернет-сайт, совокупность объединённых общим содержанием веб-страниц, размещённая на каком-либо Интернет-сервере под определённым доменным именем и реализующая виртуальное представительство организации или отдельного человека в Интернете

- security – защита, безопасность

- voluntary – добровольный; добровольческий

2. Read and translate the text:

As a rule of thumb Lasa recommends that organisations have one full time IT support worker/administrator per 50 computer users. Therefore for a small organisation with, say, 10 staff, one day per week of the staff member’s job would be taken up with the tasks detailed below.

A typical job description for an IT administrator in a small voluntary organisation might be composed of some or all of the following:

ü Oversee network and server (if appropriate)

ü Ensuring data is backed up on a regular basis

ü Overseeing computer security and anti-virus updates etc.

ü Carrying out computer “housekeeping” tasks

ü Providing IT support to computer users within the office

ü First port of call and initial troubleshooting of IT problems and resolving if possible

ü Logging all IT problems and resolutions

ü Liasing with external support company

ü Overseeing file management on centralised resource (e.g. server) or on individual workstations

ü Inducting new staff on IT systems

ü Keeping website updated (or liasing with whoever does this)

ü Keeping inventory of hardware and maintenance records

ü Ensuring all software is properly licensed

ü Providing input into IT strategy and annual IT budget

ü Input into one-off projects such as database development

ü Input into IT acceptable use policy development

ü Keep abreast of IT technology, maintain library of information

ü Advising on training needs and courses available

If possible have a person trained in the basic tasks such as backing up so that they can cover the administrator for holidays, sickness etc.


3. Complete these definitions with jobs from the box:

software engineer computer security specialist blog administrator help desk technician
DTP operator hardware engineer network administrator webmaster


1) A _________ designs and develops IT devices.

2) A __________ writes computer programs.

3) A ___________ edits and deletes posts made by contributors to a blog.

4) A _________ uses page layout software to prepare electronic files for publication.

5) A __________ manages the hardware and software that comprise a network.

6) A __________ designs and maintains websites.

7) A ___________ works with companies to build secure computer systems.

8) A __________ helps end-users with their computer problems in person, by email or over the phone.


4. Discuss if you would like to apply for the job. Give reasons for your answers:

DTP operator required for a leading financial magazine.

We are looking for a bright, competent QuarkXPress operator with at least three years’ experience in design and layout. Skills in Photoshop, Freehand or Illustrator an advantage.

Ability to work in a team and to tight deadlines is vital.

Please apply in writing, with CV and samples of your work, to Tom Parker, Production Manager, Financial Monthly, Stockton Street, London EC1A 4WW Or apply online


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