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XIII. В приведенном ниже диалоге поставьте глаголы в правильную форму.

Учебный год

Преподаватель – Е.Е. Белова

I. Представьте, что к Вам в компанию приехал представитель английской фирмы. Выполните следующие действия и запишите получившиеся фразы:

а) Let me introduce myself. My name is Miss Starkova, I am a financial director. Let me introduce my staff to you. This is my secretary, Miss Orekhova. I`d like you to meet Oleg Glazov, our Sales Manager. May I introduce Mr. Ivanov. He is our Export-Import Manager.

б) What company do you work for? What is your occupation? What city are you from?

в) Would you like something to drink?

г) Let`s meet tomorrow at 4.30 p.m. at the office. I`ll phone you in the morning. Goodbye.

  CONTINENTAL EQUIPMENT John G. Smith Financial Director 9 North Road, Brighton, BN1 5JF, England Phone: (0273) 543359 Fax: (0273) 559364  
II. Познакомьтесь с визитной карточкой и письменно ответьте на следующие вопросы:



Whose card is this? – It is John G. Smith`s card.

Who is he? – He is a financial director.

What company is he from? He is from Continental Equipment

What city is he from? – He is from Brighton.

What is his telephone number? - His telephone number is (0273) 543359.

What is the address of his company? - The address of his company is 9 North Road, Brighton, BN1 5JF, England.


III. Какими должны быть Ваши ответы на следующие, обращенные к Вам реплики (фразы запишите):


How do you do? – Pleased to meet you.

Glad to meet you. – Glad to meet you too.

Good afternoon. – Good afternoon.

Good morning. – Good morning.

Goodbye! – Goodbye!

Hi! – Hello!

How are you getting on? - All right, thank you and you?

How are you? I`m fine. Thanks.

Would you like a cup of coffee? – Yes, please.

Thank you very much. – Not at all.


IV. Представьте, что Вам звонит Ваш деловой партнер из Англии. Выполните следующие действия (фразы запишите):


- What company are you from? / What company do you work for?

- Sorry, I'm busy at the moment. Could you call again a bit later, please?

- Where are you calling from?

- May I ask your telephone number and an area code?

- I`ll call back in two hours.


V. Представьте, что Вам звонит из Англии Ваш деловой партнер, который собирается приехать к Вам в командировку. Выполните следующие действия (фразы запишите):


- When are you coming?

- What time does the plain arrive? I`ll meet you in the airport.

- Shall I reserve a room at a hotel for you? Have a good trip!

- Hello! I would like to make a reservation for a double room for four nights, from Tuesday, the 18th of November, to Friday, the 21th of November.


VI. Где, по Вашему мнению, должны стоять эти выражения: в начале (В), в конце (С) письма или могут использоваться в обоих случая (ВС). Распределите и запишите фразы по графам следующей таблицы:


in response to thank you for in accordance with further to this is to inform you feel free to contact as soon as possible I enclose please don’t hesitate at your earliest convenience once again effective from June 15 may be able to help you as you may recall get in touch would be appreciated


VII. Вы собираетесь в командировку в Эдинбург. Пошлите факс (деловое письмо) на фирму Blake & Co, господину Henry Smith по адресу: 10 Garden St.; уведомьте его о своем прибытии (дата, номер поезда, вагон, время прибытия) и попросите, чтобы Вас встретили.


  Mr Henry Smith Blake & Co 10 Garden St. Edinburgh Scotland 25 November 2015   Dear Henry,   I am writing to inform you that I will arrive on the 11th of December at 6 a.m. Train No. 5665, car №5. I would like to ask that you arrange for one of your representatives to meet me upon my arrival. I also understand that you have already completed the arrangements regarding my accommodations. Please get in touch with me if you have any further questions.   Thanking you beforehand for your help.   Yours sincerely,   Anastasia Starkova Sales Manager  



VIII. В диалоге расставьте по местам приведенные ниже вопросы так, чтобы они соответствовали ответам.


Susan. Grand Tour Agency. Susan Sharp speaking.

Hans. Hello, Susan. This is Hans Bradly. I need to send two of our sales managers to Rome next week. What are the options?

Susan. OK. When do they plan to leave?

Hans. Monday October 14th .

Susan. And if you want to book a return flight I must ask you: how long are they staying?

Hans. Four days. They would like to come back on the night of the 17th. Are there any British Airways flights about that time?

Susan. Let me have a look. There is a flight at 8.50 p.m. with British Airlines.

Hans. Are there any seats available?

Susan. Fortunately, there are. I’ve just called it up on the screen. Shall I reserve

you two right now ?

Hans. Yes, please. And make it Business Class, OK? When will the tickets come?

Susan. In three or four days. I’ll send them to you as soon as they arrive.


IX. Составьте письмо-запрос в адрес английской компании:


  December 25, 2015   Mr. White Sales Manager Hackett Menswear 221 Baker St. London   Dear Sirs,   With reference to your advertisement in yesterday's «New York Times», we are pleased to advise you that we are in the market for 200 men`s suits. What is their value in the delivery conditions CIF Odessa? If we are satisfied with the price, we on our part will do our best to place substantial business with you. We look forward to hearing from you at your earliest convenience.   Yours faithfully, Miss A. Starkova Purchasing Manager  



X. Представьте себе телефонную беседу с фирмой-партнером. Ответьте на поставленные вопросы:


a) Have you received our shipment of tyres? – Yes, we have already received them, thank you.

b) When did they arrive? - They arrived yesterday.

c) Are all the things you ordered included? – Certainly.

d) Did you get the invoice too? – We have got it too.

e) Have you paid the invoice for the last shipment yet? – Of course, we have paid for it.

f) But why haven’t I got the record of the payment? – There is no doubt about it. My secretary will check it.

g) Does the amount of the invoice correspond to what you ordered? – No.

h) Is it necessary for us to give you a credit note to cover the difference? – Yes, certainly.

i) Will you be paying the new invoice immediately? – You may be sure.

j) Can you send the cheque before the end of the month?

Otherwise our accounts department is considering changing the conditions of payment. – Of course, we`ll do it.


XI. Переведите на английский язык следующий диалог в банке.


- May I cash this traveler’s check?

- Yes, of course. Your passport, please.

- Here you are.

- All right, thanks. How much cash would you like to get?

- 250 pounds and 50 of them changed for dollars. What is the exchange rate, please?

- 0,605, profitable enough. Here are your pounds, please, 30 dollars and 25 cents.

- Thank you. Where should I sign?


XII. В приведенном ниже диалоге один из собеседников был невежлив. Исправьте реплики этого человека и запишите их в вежливой форме.


Mr Simpson. Hello. May I speak to Mr. Ward please?

Mr Ward. One moment, please.

Mr Simpson. Could you put me through to Mr Ward?

Mr Ward. Charles Ward speaking. May I ask who is calling?

Mr Simpson. Good morning. This is Gary Simpson.

Mr Ward. Sorry, I did not catch you.

Mr Simpson. This is Gary Simpson of Grant & Clark speaking.

Mr Ward. Could you tell me what it’s about?

Mr Simpson. Could we make an appointment to discuss our contract? Will you

be available next Monday?

Mr Ward. I`m afraid not.

Mr Simpson. Oh, that’s a pity. How about this Friday or next Tuesday?

Mr Ward. Tuesday or Friday is fine. I could make it after five.


XIII. В приведенном ниже диалоге поставьте глаголы в правильную форму.

Mr Hunt, the manager of a small company producing bathroom showers is speaking to his very important customer, Mr Benedetto, the manager of a hotel.

Mr Benedetto. Well, I`ll give one last chance. Look at this order again. No

more mistakes. You last delivered the showers which I even

didn`t order.

Mr Hunt. Oh, do forgive me. We will never repeat that.

Mr Benedetto. I hope so. But remember. I would like to stress that I

must get this order by Thursday next week. It is very

important. I cannot accept any other delivery time.

Mr Hunt. Sure, sir. We will send it in time. We always deliver our

orders in time, don`t we?

Mr Benedetto. No, you don`t. Once I received an order with a delay of two

months. Besides, packing should be excellent.

Mr Hunt. Certainly. I guess you agree that this is one thing we

always do before.

Mr Benedetto. But twice my surname was written Bereditto by your people.

Mr Hunt. Oh, I am so sorry. This time I myself will write your name


Mr Benedetto. One last thing. Call me on Tuesday and inform about

the state of the order.

Mr Hunt. Right, I`ll phone you myself. The goods will definitely

come to right address and at the time you need them.


XIV. Представьте, что Вы разговариваете по телефону со своим деловым партнером из Англии. Сформулируйте и запишите ответы на его реплики:


Your partner. Good afternoon, Mr. Ivanov. We’ve written to you several times

detailing our complaint, but haven’t received your reply yet.

You. Good afternoon. Sorry, I have already carefully examined your

complaint, but didn`t have enough time to answer you as I have been very busy lately.

Your partner. We are in a very awkward position now. We haven’t received the

shipment which was supposed to arrive two weeks ago.

You. I regret it but the delay wasn`t our fault. There was a large amount of orders resulting in paralysis of the post office, and the package was delayed, we were helpless.

Your partner. When will the shipment be ready for dispatch?

You. The goods will be delivered by Friday.

Your partner. If we don’t receive the shipment by the end of next week,

we’ll cancel the order.

You. Sorry once again. Be sure, there will be no delay this time.


XV. Составьте письмо в адрес английской компании, которая поставила Вам партию мужских костюмов, изложив в нем следующие претензии:

January 20, 2016   Hackett Menswear Consumer Complaint Division 221 Baker St. London Dear Sirs,   I am writing to complain about the quality of the products I had purchased. Unfortunately, your product has not performed well because six suits don`t have from one to three buttons; two suits are made of damaged material; three suits have spots of paint. When and by what kind of transport it is possible to send back the defective goods? When can we receive the substitution to these suits? I hope that you will deal with this matter promptly as it is causing us considerable inconvenience.   Yours faithfully, Mr. A. Starkova Purchasing Manager  


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