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Обратная связь

The Power System. The Fuel System

Automobile. Impact on Society

As you read the text, look forthe answers to the following questions.

1. How many passenger cars are there world-wide?

2. What impact on society has the development of automobiles had?

3. Why only the well-to-do could afford the first automobiles?

4. What role do cars play in social life?

5. Would you like to have a car of your own? Why?


Automobile is the most important means of personal transportation for many millions of people around the globe. Worldwide, there are more than 400 million passenger cars plus more than 100 million light trucks, such as vans and pickups.

The development of automobiles has had an enormous effect on peopleۥs way of life throughout much of the world. Probably no other invention, discovery, or technological advance has created greater or more rapid changes in society.

Impact on society. The automobile has given people incredible freedom of movement. It enables them to decide where they want to go and when. The automobile influences where people live and work and how they spend their leisure time.

When the first automobiles were produced, only the well-to-do could afford them. Soon, however, prices declined as production increased in response to the growing demand. The lower prices put the automobile within reach of more and more people.

Wherever people have easy access to automobiles, cars play a major role in social life and the choice of recreational activities. People find it fun to hop in the car and visit friends and relatives, whether the drive takes a few minutes, hours, or days. The automobile helps make it easy to organize picnics, family reunions, and other get-togethers.


truck – грузовик

van – фургон

impact – влияние, воздействие

incredible – невероятный

access – доступ

decline – уменьшаться, спадать, идти на убыль

increase – возрастать, увеличивать(ся)

demand – спрос

recreation – развлечение, отдых

to hop – вскакивать на ходу, прыгать(зд. to hop in the car – мчаться на


family reunion – cбор(встреча) всей семьи


Task 1. Complete the given sentences with the proper words.

1. … is the most important means of … transportation.

2. … has given people freedom of … .

3. The demand for automobiles … … .

4. The prices decline put the automobile … … of more and more people.

5. Wherever people have … access to automobiles, … play a major role is

social life.

Words: within reach, cars, personal, is growing, movement, automobile,


Unit 2

Economic Impact

As you read the text, look for the answer to the following questions.

What businesses that serve automobile travelers are of major importance to all developed and developing countries?


Such developed nations as the United States, Japan, Germany, and Italy depend on automotive production for example, Norway and the Netherlands – the widespread use of cars has become vital to the economy. Filling stations, motels, restaurants, and other businesses that serve automobile travelers are of major importance to the economic well-being of all developed countries and increasingly of developing ones. In addition, many developing nations have begun making automotive vehicles or parts to stimulate industry and to provide the vehicles needed for growth. For example, China has promoted broad-based automotive manufacturing, and the Philippines has expanded parts production for export to carmakers in other countries.

vital – насущный, существенный

filling station – бензоколонка, бензозаправочный пункт

vehicle – средство передвижения, транспортное средство

parts – запчасти, детали

promote –способствовать, содействовать, поддерживать


Task 1. Translate the sentences from Russian into English.

1. Известно, что автомобиль– одно из важнейших средств сообщения для миллионов людей в мире.

2. Задача бензозаправочных пунктов, мотелей, ресторанов– обслуживать автомобилистов.

3. Многие развивающиеся страны начали производство транспортных средств и запасных частей, чтобы способствовать развитию своей экономики.

4. Они значительно расширили производство запчастей, чтобы экспортировать их производителям автомобилей в других странах.

5. Автомобиль позволяет легко решить, когда и куда ехать.


Unit 3

Problems of Safety

Text A

Each year, motor vehicle accidents kill an estimated 300,000 people throughout the world. Young people have the highest accident rate of all drivers.

Almost every accident results from one or more of these three factors: the driver, the car, and the road. The same three factors contribute to accident prevention.

Drivers are the chief factor in vehicle safety because they are responsible for about two-thirds of all accidents. They cause accidents by speeding, driving in the wrong lane, making improper turns, and breaking other rules of safe driving. About 40 per cent of traffic deaths involve drunken drivers. Alcohol slows a driver’s reflexes, reduces alertness and concentration, impairs vision, and clouds judgment. The growing use of illegal drugs by drivers is also a serious safety problem.


estimate – подсчитывать

accident rate – процент аварий

accident prevention – предупреждение дорожных аварий

responsible for – ответственный за что-либо

lane – полоса дороги

speeding – быстрая езда, превышение скорости

alertness – бдительность(reduce … – снижать)

impair vision – ухудшать, ослаблять зрение

cloud judgment – мутить(затуманивать) рассудок, рассудительность

drug – лекарство, медикамент, наркотик


Task 1. Answer the following questions and then retell the text.

1. How many people do motor vehicle accidents kill each year throughout

the world?

2. Who has the highest accident rate of all drivers?

3. What are the factors causing these accidents?

4. Why are drivers the chief factor in vehicle safety?

5. How do they cause accidents?

6. In what way does alcohol influence drivers?


Task 2. Translate the sentences from Russian into English.

1. Именно водители несут ответственность за большую часть аварий

на дорогах.

2. Известно, что алкоголь замедляет реакции, снижает бдительность


3. Употребление водителями запрещенных лекарств тоже является

серьезной проблемой безопасности.

4. Риск автомобильных аварий может быть значительно снижен за

счет новых способов современного дорожного строительства.


Unit 4

Problems of Safety

Text B

The automobile itself has become safer over the years because of advances in its design and manufacture. Automakers in the United States must meet strict federal government standards designed to prevent accidents and to protect drivers and passengers. The standards to prevent accidents involve the installation of government- specified lights, reflectors, brakes, tires, windows, windshield wipers and defrosters, and dashboard controls. Standards to protect car occupants include the installation of automatic seat belts or airbags, head restraints, and bumper systems. Seat belts– when used – are probably the main safety equipment. A driver must hot assume that the engine, brakes, lights, and steering system always operate properly. All equipment should be tested frequently.

Modern road building techniques have increasingly lowered the risk of automobile accidents. To build safe roads, highway engineers consider such factor as road foundations and surfaces, guardrails, and grading. They carefully plan bypasses, intersections, on-and off ramps, traffic signals, and the number of lanes.


meet strict government standards – соответствовать, отвечать строгим

(жестким) правительственным требованиям(нормам)

protect drivers and passengers – защищать водителей и пассажиров

prevent accidents – предотвращать, препятствовать, не допускать аварии

lights – светофор

reflector – отражатель

brake – тормоз

tyre – шина, покрышка

windshield wiper – стеклоочиститель ветрового стекла, «дворник»

defroster – антиобледенитель

dashboard – приборный щиток; приборная доска

seat belts – привязные ремни, ремни безопасности

head restraints – подголовники

bumper system – амортизаторная система

steering system – система рулевого управления

road foundation – основание дороги

road surface – покрытие дороги

guardrail – дорожные ограждения

grading – профилирование автодороги(ограждения)

bypass – обходная дорога, объезд

intersection – пересечение

on-and off ramps – наклонный въезд и спуск

lane – полоса дороги


Task 1. Answer the following questions.

1. Why has the automobile itself become safer over the years?

2. What do the standards to prevent accidents involve?

3. What do standards to protect car occupants include?

4. What factors do highway engineers consider to build safe roads?

Task 2. Look through the texts A and B and speak about the problems of safety and the ways of lowering the risk of automobile accidents.

Task 3. Translate the sentences with the words «it», «one», «that» into


1. It is apparent that the automobile has become safer over the years because of advances in its design and manufacture.

2. One should remember that drivers are the chief factor in vehicle safety.

3. It is breaking rules of safe driving that causes accidents.

4. It is know that all equipment should be tested frequently.

5. One should know that the use of illegal drugs by drivers is also a serious safety problem.


Unit 5

Environmental Impact

As automobiles burn gasoline, they release hydrocarbons, carbon monoxide, and nitrogen oxides into the air and so pollute it. Air pollution endangers people’s health and damages crops and livestock. Automobiles produce terrible pollution in many of the world’s big cities. Especially severe pollution occurs in such cities as Los Angeles, Mexico City Tokyo, and Madrid, where the streets

and highways are choked with traffic.

In many countries, steps have been taken to control air pollution caused

by automobiles as well as by other sources. In the United States, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) enforces federal emission standards that limit the amount of pollution new automobiles may produce.

In spite of the progress, blankets of polluted air still hang over large U. S. cities that have heavy traffic. In 1990, Congress passed new rules calling for even tougher limits on the emission of pollutants.


burn gasoline –сжигать бензин

hydrocarbon – углеводород

carbon monoxide – угарный газ, окись углерода

nitrogen oxide – окись азота

pollute – загрязнять

pollution – загрязнение

endanger people’s health – подвергать опасности здоровье людей

damage crops – повреждать, наносить ущерб посевам; с.-х. культурам

live-stock – домашний скот

control air pollution – осуществлять контроль загрязнения воздуха.


Task 1.Answer the following questions.

1. What do automobiles release into the air as they burn gasoline?

2. What does air pollution cause?

3. Can anything be done to limit the emission of pollutants?


Task 2. Find in the text the description of the air pollutions the steps that

have been taken to control air pollution caused by automobiles as well as by

other sources.

Task 3. Translate the following sentences with the Gerunds and Gerundial Constructions into Russian. Pay attention to the translation of the Conditional


1. We know about automobiles producing terrible air pollution.

2. There is a strong new automobiles may produce.

3. If the driver parks the car in the san, gasoline will evaporate from the


4. Automobiles would not have released so many harmful substances into

the air, if more steps have been taken to control air pollution.

5. Using this new emission control system will largely reduce air pollution.

6. If released directly into the air, the exhaust would expand suddenly and

create loud noise.


Unit 6

How an Automobile Works

Most automobiles made today have a front-mounted, gasoline-burning engine; an automatic transmission; and front-wheel drive. The typical engine is an internal-combustion engine, which works by burning a mixture of gasoline and air inside closed cylinders. When you turn the car’s ignition key, electricity from the battery causes the starting motor to crank the engine. Pistons move up and down inside the engine’s cylinders. As the pistons move down, intake valves above the cylinders open, and fuel and air are sucked into the cylinders.

The pistons then move back up the cylinders, compressing the fuel-air mixture. Electric sparks from the ignition system’s spark plugs ignite the mixture, and the engine starts to run as the pistons move rapidly.

Expansion of the burning gases forces the pistons down, and these down

strokes provide the power that moves the car. The piston’s down strokes turn the crankshaft. Power travels from the crankshaft to the transmission and, finally, to the front wheels. Burned gases escape as the exhaust valves above the cylinders open and the pistons move up, forcing the waste products out through the catalytic converter, muffler, and tail pipe.


front-mounted – установленный спереди

gasoline engine – бензиновый двигатель

automatic transmission – автоматическая коробка передач

front – wheel drive – привод на передние колеса

internal – combustion engine – двигатель внутреннего сгорания

ignition key – ключ зажигания

starting motor – пусковой двигатель

crank the engine – заводить двигатель

piston – поршень

intake valve – впускной клапан

ignition spark – искра зажигания

spark plug – зональная свеча, свеча зажигания

down stroke – ход(поршня) вниз

crankshaft – коленчатый вал

exhaust valve – выпускной(выхлопной) клапан

waste products – отходы, побочные продукты

catalytic converter – устройство для улавливания продуктов сгорания

из выхлопных газов

muffler – глушитель

tail pipe – выхлопная труба


Task 1. Use the text to complete the following sentences.

1. Most automobiles made today have … .

2. The typical engine is … .

3. When you turn the car’s ignition key … .

4. Pistons move … .

5. As the pistons move down … .

6. The pistons then move back up the cylinders … .

7. Electric sparks from the ignition system’s spark plugs … .

8. Expansion of the burning gases forces … .

9. The piston’s down strokes turn … .

10. Power travels … .

11. Burned gases escape as … .


Task 2.

1. Look through the text again.

2. Try to describe the basic way in which the typical car works.

Task 3. Translate the following sentences into Russian. Pay attention to

the tense of the verbs and the translation of the Participle and Participle constructions:

1. Most automobiles made today have a front-mounted gasoline-burning


2. An internal-combustion engine works by burning a fuel-air mixture.

3. Expansion of the burning gases forces the pistons to move down.

4. We know the function of the car’s ignition key to crank the engine.

5. In many countries steps have been taken to control air pollution caused

by automobiles.


Unit 7

The Power System. The Fuel System

The heart of an automobile’s power system-indeed, the heart of the car itself – is the engine. It produces the power that turns the wheels and that generates the electricity to operate the lights and accessories. The power system also includes (1) the fuel system, (2) the exhaust system, (3) the cooling system, and (4) the lubrication system. The fuel system stores fuel in a car’s gasoline tank and transports it to the engine. Most tanks hold 12 to 20 gallons (45 to 76 liters) and are made of steel or plastic. The fuel system also mixes the gasoline with air. To burn efficiently, the gasoline must first be vaporized into fine droplets and then mixed with the air.

Most cars produced since the late 1980’s use a system called fuel injection, which times and delivers precise amounts of gasoline. A pump in the fuel tank or mounted on the engine forces the gasoline under high pressure from the tank through fuel lines to fuel injectors. An injection system may be multipart or

single point. A multipart, or direct-port, system has an injector for each cylinder.

A single-point system, on the other hand, injects fuel into the throat of the intake manifold, which is basically a pipe with a branch to each cylinder. The standard injector has a needle valve. Electric current opens the valve, allowing the pressurized fuel to spray out.

Some cars use a carburetor to provide the fuel-air mixture. However, fuel injection has largely replaced the carburetor. In a carbureted engine, it is difficult to control the fuel precisely enough to achieve the low emissions and the

fuel efficiency demanded in today’s cars.


accessories – вспомогательные приборы

fuel system – топливная система

exhaust system – выхлопная система

cooling system – система охлаждения

lubrication system – система смазки

gasoline tank – бензобак

fuel injection – впрыск топлива

fuel lines – топливопровод

fuel injector(s) – топливный инжектор, форсунка

multipart system – система с множеством отверстий

single point system – система с одним отверстием

intake manifold – всасывающий патрубок

needle valve – игла карбюратора.


Task 1. Answer the following questions.

1. What is the heart of the car?

2. What does the power system include?

3. What is the function of the fuel system?

4. What is a fuel injection system used for?

5. Does a multipart or a single-point system inject fuel into the throat of

the intake manifold?


Task 2. Now read the text carefully, then say if the sentences below are

false or true according to the facts in the passage.

1. The fuel system includes the exhaust system, the cooling system and

the lubrication system.

2. The heart of an automobile’s power system is the engine.

3. The exhaust system stores fuel in car’s gasoline tank.

4. Most tanks are made of glass.

5. A fuel injection system times and delivers precise amounts of gasoline.

6. A needle valve forces the gasoline under high pressure from the tank to

fuel injectors.

7. The intake manifold is a pipe with a branch to each cylinder.


Task 3. Read the text and answer the question.

What does the engine block house?

The engine. Most automobiles have a gasoline engine. The majority of cars have the engine in the front of the vehicle. Other have it mounted in the rear or the middle. The engine block, also called the cylinder block, houses the engine’s internal parts and provides the foundation for pumps, pulleys, and other accessory parts. Block are cast from iron, iron alloys, or aluminum. The engine block contains the cylinder cavities in which the pistons move.


Task 4. Translate the sentences into English.

1. Известно, что бензиновый двигатель работает в режиме четырехтактного цикла.

2. Именно двигатель является сердцем любого автомобиля.

3. Необходимо проверить систему охлаждения.

4. Функция карбюратора– обеспечение автомобиля топливно-воздушной смесью.

5. Сгорание заставляет газы расширяться.

6. Чтобы избежать испарения бензина, не следует парковать автомобиль на солнце.


Unit 8

The Engine

As you read the text, look for the answers to the following questions.

1. How does the typical gasoline engine operate?

2. What is the function of the connecting rod?

3. What devices regulate modern engines?


The gasoline engine operates on a four-stroke cycle in most cars. On the intake stroke, the piston moves down the cylinder and draws in a fuel-air mixture as the intake valve opens. The valve then closes, and the piston moves back up the cylinder on the compression stroke, squeezing the fuel-air mixture. At the top of the stroke, the spark plug ignites the compressed mixture. The burning causes the gases to expand, forcing the piston down in the power stroke. On the exhaust stroke the piston moves up again and pushes the burned gases out the open exhaust valve. The exhaust valve then closes, the intake valve opens, and the cycle starts again.

During the power stroke, the connecting rod transfers energy from the piston to the crankshaft, which then transmits the energy to the transmission. For a car’s wheels to turn, the up-and-down movement of the pistons must be converted to rotary motion. The connecting rod and crankshaft do the job. The connecting rod turns the pistons up-and-down motions into the crankshaft’s rotary motion. Highly advanced devices regulate modern engines. An electronic control unit receives data regarding engine speed, air pressure and temperature, and other factors. The unit uses the data to regulate the timing of the ignition sparks and the fuel flow. It adjusts the engine hundreds of times a minute.


four-stoke cycle – четырехтактный цикл

intake stroke – ход впуска, такт впуска

compression stroke – ход, такт сжатия

power stroke – рабочий ход, такт

exhaust stroke – ход, такт выпуска

exhaust valve – выпускной(выхлопной) клапан

intake valve – впускной клапан

connecting rod – шатун; соединительная тяга

transmission – коробка передач

up-and-down movement – вертикальное возвратно-поступательное


rotary motion – вращательное движение

control unit – блок управления; регулирующее устройство

timing – регулировка момента зажигания; подачи топлива


Task 1. Look through the text and write out the names of the strokes used

in a four-stroke cycle.

Task 2. Read the text and translate the sentences dealing with the arrangement of the cylinders. Use a dictionary if necessary.

The number and arrangement of the cylinders varies among the makes of cars. American cars have 4, 6, or 8 cylinders. Cars made in other countries also have 3, 2, 5, or even 12. In most cases, the cylinders are arranged either in a straight line or in two equal rows set at an angle to form a V shape. An in-line engine with, for example, 4 or 6 cylinders is called a straight 4 or a straight 6. A V-type engine with, for example, 4, 6, or 8 cylinders is called a V-4, V-6, or V-8. Typically, the more cylinders an engine has, the greater its power.


Task 3. Complete the given sentences with the proper words.

1. The gasoline engine … on a four-stroke cycle in most cars.

2. At the top of the stroke, the … … ignites the compressed mixture.

3. The … causes the gases to … .

4. The connecting rod … energy from the piston to the … .

5. The up-and-down movement of the pistons must be … to … motion.

Words: transfers, rotary, spark plug, operates, crankshaft, converted, expand, burning.

Unit 9

The Exhaust System

The exhaust system works with the emission control system. The exhaust system removes the burned gases from the engine, and the emission control system reduces air pollution.

Even with precise fuel injection controls, the engine does not burn all the fuel completely and so produces emissions that may be harmful. The burned and partly burned gases leave the engine and enter a pipe or set of pipes called the exhaust manifold. They then go through the exhaust pipe to the catalytic converter. The interior of this device is divided into honeycomb like cells or, less commonly, is packed with tiny pellets. The cell walls or pellets are coated with certain rare metals, such as platinum, palladium, and rhodium. As the exhaust flows over the metals, a chemical process occurs that breaks down the pollutants into safer emissions.

Next, the exhaust gases pass to the muffler. Exhaust leaves the engine rapidly and at a far higher temperature than the outside air. If released directly into the air, the exhaust would expand suddenly and create loud noise. A muffler uses a series of tubes pierced with holes to cool and slow the exhaust before it exits the car through the tail pipe.

While a car is moving or parked in the sun, gasoline evaporates from the vehicle. This evaporation can release harmful hydrocarbons into the atmosphere. A separate system controls such emission by collecting the vapors and channeling them to the engine for burning.


emission control system (exhaust control system) – система очистки выхлопных газов

exhaust system – система выпуска выхлопных газов

air pollution – загрязнение воздуха

fuel injection – впрыск топлива

harmful emission – вредное выделение

exhaust manifold – выхлопной патрубок

exhaust pipe – выпускная(выхлопная) труба

catalytic converter – каталитический преобразователь, устройство для

улавливания продуктов сгорания из выхлопных газов

honeycomb like cell – пористый, ячеистый элемент, отсек

pellet – шарик; гранула

pollutant – загрязнитель

muffler – глушитель; звукопоглощающее устройство

pierce – прокалывать, просверливать

tail pipe – выпускная(выхлопная) труба

evaporate – испарять(ся)

hydrocarbon – углеводород


Task 1. Answer the following questions:

1. What system removes the burned gases from the engine?

2. What system reduces air pollution?

3. Can the engine burn all the fuel completely?

4. What is called the exhaust manifold?

5. What is the function of the catalytic converter?

6. What is the muffler used for?


Task 2. Say if the sentences below are false or true according to the text.

1. The fuel system removes the burned gases from the engine.

2. With precise fuel injection control the engine burns all the fuel completely.

3. The exhaust manifold is a pipe or set of pipes.

4. The tail pipe reduces the noise produced by the exhaust.

5. Gasoline evaporation can release harmful hydrocarbons into the atmosphere.


Task 3. Translate the following sentences with the Infinitive and the Infinitive Constructions into Russian.

1. To provide the fuel-air mixture they use a carburetor.

2. We know the exhaust system to be designed to remove the burned

gases from the engine.

3. The exhaust system is believed to work with the emission control system.

4. Even with precise fuel injection controls, the engine is not likely to

burn all the fuel completely.

5. A muffler is used to cool and slow the exhaust before it exits the car

through the tail pipe.


Unit 10

The Cooling System

The cooling system keeps the engine from overheating, which could damage it. Most automobiles use a coolant consisting of about half water and half antifreeze. A pump on the front of the engine circulates the coolant through passages called water jackets, which surround the cylinders. The coolant absorbs engine heat as it flows through the water jackets. The heated coolant then passes through copper or aluminum tubes in the radiator. Copper or aluminum fins around the tubes absorb heat from the coolant in the tubes. The motion of the car and, at slower speeds, the action of a fan, draw air through the radiator. As the air moves between the fins, it absorbs their heat. The cooled coolant returns to the engine, and the process starts over. A thermostat controls the engine temperature by regulating the flow of coolant through the radiator.


overheating – перегрев

coolant – хладагент; охладитель; охлаждающий состав

antifreeze – антифриз

pump – насос

water jacket – водяная рубашка

absorb – поглощать

copper – медь; медный

fin – ребро(для воздушного охлаждения)

fan – вентилятор

thermostat – термостат

damage – повреждать.

Task 1. Answer the following questions.

1. Can overheating damage the engine?

2. What does a coolant consist of?

3. How are the passages through which the coolant circulates called?

4. What absorbs engine heat?

5. What are tubes in the radiator made of?

6. What device controls the engine temperature?


Task 2. Read the text carefully, then say if the sentences below are false

or true according to the facts in the passage.

1. The exhaust system keeps the engine from overheating.

2. A coolant consists of about half water and half gasoline.

3. Water jackets surround the cylinders.

4. The coolant absorbs engine heat as it flows through the water jackets.

5. A pump controls the engine temperature.


Task 3. These words and phrases refer to the cooling system of an automobile: keeps the engine from overheating, circulates the coolant, copper or

aluminum tubes, radiator. In the passage there are much more words which refer

to this system. List them.


Task 4. The passive is frequently used in scientific writing. These are examples of passive sentences.

1. Fuel injection is used to replace the carburetor.

2. The fuel is being controlled precisely to achieve the low emissions demanded in today’s cars.

Rewrite these sentences using the passive form instead of the active:

1. The cooling system keeps the engine from overheating.

2. Overheating can damage the engine.

3. Most automobiles use a coolant.

4. A pump is circulating the coolant through water jackets.

5. You need the coolant to absorb engine heat.

6. A thermostat controls the engine temperature.


Unit 11

ТОП 5 статей:
Экономическая сущность инвестиций - Экономическая сущность инвестиций – долгосрочные вложения экономических ресурсов сроком более 1 года для получения прибыли путем...
Тема: Федеральный закон от 26.07.2006 N 135-ФЗ - На основании изучения ФЗ № 135, дайте максимально короткое определение следующих понятий с указанием статей и пунктов закона...
Сущность, функции и виды управления в телекоммуникациях - Цели достигаются с помощью различных принципов, функций и методов социально-экономического менеджмента...
Схема построения базисных индексов - Индекс (лат. INDEX – указатель, показатель) - относительная величина, показывающая, во сколько раз уровень изучаемого явления...
Тема 11. Международное космическое право - Правовой режим космического пространства и небесных тел. Принципы деятельности государств по исследованию...

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