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The Lubrication System. The Power Train

Task 1. Read the text and answer the question: «What is the difference

between a manual and automatic transmission?»

The lubrication system delivers oil to the moving parts of the engine. As the oil circulates through passages in the engine, it spreads a film on the parts. Lubrication reduces friction and so minimizes engine wear. The oil also helps cool the engine. Oil is stored in a pan under the engine. A pump circulates oil from the pan through a filter and then through lines to the engine. The filter prevents impurities from entering the engine.

The power train, or drive train, transmits power from the engine to the driving wheels – the wheels that make an automobile go. The power train’s parts include (1) the transmission and (2) the drive system.

If a car has a manual transmission, the driver shifts gearshift. After the car has been put into motion and gains speed, the driver shifts to second gear and then to higher gears. Most manual transmissions in new cars have five forward speeds and one reverse gear. When shifting gears, the driver must step on the clutch to disconnect the engine from the transmission.

If a car has an automatic transmission, the driver does not have to operate a gearshift and clutch. To move ahead, the driver simply slides the selector lever to the drive position. A microcomputer and hydraulic oil pressure control the transmission on the basis of the car’s speed, shifting to the gear that is best for a given driving condition. In new cars, most automatic transmission have four forward speeds and one reverse gear. A torque converter connects the flywheel to the automatic transmission. A torque converter increases torque. It also enables the driver to have the transmission in gear with the engine running slowly while keeping the car from moving by lightly braking.


lubrication – смазка

oil – смазочное масло, жидкая смазка

passage – ход; канал; проходное отверстие

film – пленка, тонкий слой

friction – трение

wear – износ; амортизация

pan – поддон; лоток

line – трубопровод

impurity – загрязнение; засорение; примесь

power train – силовая передача

drive train – привод; передача

driving wheel – ведущее колесо

transmission – коробка передач; зубчатая передача

gearshift – механизм переключения передач

clutch – сцепление; включать сцепление

selector lever – рычаг(ручка) переключателя

gear – зубчатая передача

reverse gear – резервный механизм, реверс

torque converter – гидротрансформатор

flywheel – маховое колесо, маховик

torque – вращающий момент

braking – торможение


Task 2. Answer the following questions.

1. What delivers oil to the moving parts of the engine?

2. When does the oil spread a film on the parts?

3. What reduces friction?

4. Where is oil stored?

5. What do the power train’s parts include?

6. Does the driver have to operate a gearshift and clutch with an automatic


7. How many forward speeds does automatic transmission have in new cars?

8. What increases torque?


Task 3. Use these words and word combinations to complete the following sentences: filter, connects, friction, gearshift, automatic transmission, engine

wear, delivers, oil, torque converter, clutch, driver.

1. The lubrication system … oil to the moving parts of the engine.

2. Lubrication reduces … and so minimizes … .

3. … is stored in a pan under the engine.

4. The … prevents impurities from entering the engine.

5. With an automatic transmission the … does not have to operate a …

and … .

6. A torque converter … the flywheel to the … … .

7. A … … increases torque.

Task 4. Now as you know what the fuel, exhaust, cooling and lubrication

systems are used for, define the function of each one.

Look through the units 7, 9, 10 and 11.


Unit 12

Market Research

Market research typically serves as the first step in developing a new car.

Manufacturers survey auto owners and people in the age or income group the vehicle is aimed at to learn their likes and dislikes. They also try to foresee people’s concerns in such areas as safety and the environment. Above all, automakers try to forecast the demand for different kinds of vehicles, such as small

and large cars, trucks, and minivans.

Designers, engineers, marketing executives, and financials study the market research. If a particular market – for example, people wanting small economy cars or large luxury automobiles – appears big enough for profitable production, the firm’s top executives may approve the new car program. Such a program may cost from $ 300 million to $ 500 million – or up to $ 3 billion if it requires new assembly and engine plants.

Development of the concept begins after research has identified the market for the vehicle. Automotive designers create exterior colors, interior fabrics, and overall car design. They make hundreds of drawings based on such factors as the potential buyers’ tastes, age, and income. The designers may work for the manufacturer or an independent design firm. The design staff chooses the best drawings for review by corporation executives, who make the final selections.

Designers enlarge those drawings to full scale. Today, most of the design drawings are created on a computer. This process, called computer-aided design (CAD), enables automotive designers to create, test, and modify their plans all

on the computer.

market – рынок

research – исследование

owner – владелец

income – доход

to forecast – предсказывать

profitable – прибыльный

drawing – чертеж

exterior – внешний

interior – внутренний

buyer – покупатель

manufacturer – производитель


Task 1.Practise reading of the following words and word combinations.

Manufacturer, survey, auto owner, vehicle, safety and environment, forecast, demand, executive, profitable, exterior colors, interior fabrics, overall car

design, drawing, computer-aided design.


Task 2. Complete the following sentences.

1. Market research serves as … .

2. Manufactures try to foresee … .

3. Automakers try to forecast … .

4. Automotive designers create … .

5. The design staff choses the best drawings for … .

6. Most of the design drawings are created on … .

7. This process is called … .


Task 3. Answer the following questions and retell the text.

1. What does market research typically serve?

2. What do manufacturers survey?

3. What do they try to forecast?

4. Who studies the market research?

5. When does development of the concept begin?

6. What do automotive designers create?

7. How are most of the design drawings created?


Task 4.Translate the following sentences into Russian.

1. When a vehicle passes over a road, its weight is transmitted through the

wheels on to the pavement beneath it.

2. The underbody panels are welded to the body panels.

3. The front wheels will be controlled by the steering system.

4. The steering wheel could be turned by a driver far more easily with

power steering.

5. New brakes will be used in the car.


Unit 13

Product Engineering

When you read the text, look for the answers to the following questions.

1. Who plans, coordinates and carries out the specifications for the new car?

2. Need all parts of the car be developed for a new vehicle?

3. What do computers handle?

Product engineering. A team of automotive engineers plans, coordinates, and carries out the specifications for the new car and the engineering of every needed part. In addition to the manufacturer’s engineers, the team may include engineers from automotive suppliers and from independent engineering firms.

Some parts, such as the engine and transmission, need not be developed for a new vehicle if the automaker has appropriate designs. But many parts are newly created. Everything from steering wheels and road wheels to headlights and taillights must be specified. Computers now handle a large portion of automotive engineering. Engineering rely on computer- aided engineering (CAE) programs to design and draw parts, to combine the parts into components, and to package the components into a car’s systems. In CAE, a scanner traces every line and curve on the clay model, gathering information that is stored in the computer. The computer is then used to produce engineering drawings for making dies – the precision tools that shape metals and other materials for the parts and components.


part – деталь, часть

team – команда

supplier – поставщик

engine – двигатель

automaker – автомобилестроитель

steering wheel – руль

wheel – колесо

headlight – передняя фара

taillight – задняя фара

to design – проектировать, конструировать

to draw – чертить

to rely on – полагаться на

to trace – прослеживать

line – линия

curve – кривая

clay – глина

precision tools – точные инструменты


Task 1. Find in the text the description ofthe work of a team of automotive engineers and translate it.

Task 2. Give English equivalents to the following words and word combinations.

Команда, спецификация, деталь, поставщик, независимая техническая фирма, двигатель, трансмиссия, транспортное средство, колесо, передние фары, задние фары, компьютерное проектирование, чертеж, точные



Task 3. Answer the following questions.

1. What do automotive engineers do?

2. Whom does a team of automotive engineers include?

3. Do all parts need to be developed for a new vehicle?

4. What parts must be specified?

5. How are computers used in automotive engineering?


Task 4. Look through the text and title it.

Clay modelers turn the drawings into a concept car – a full-sized model

that resembles a real car. They cut and shape the clay with machine tools that

use data and instructions obtained from the drawings. The modelers also use

hand tools to carve some tricky bends and openings in the car body. They then

apply adhesive film to the clay. The films reflects lights, which makes the shiny

model resemble what the new car will look like in the dealer’s showroom. While

artists make this model, other specialists create interior models on the car’s seats

and instrument panel.


Task 5. Look through the text again and answer the question: «What do

clay modelers do?»

Task 6. Translate the following sentences. Indicate the functions of the


1. To repair the car is very important.

2. To continue his trip he had to change two tyres.

3. He was too tired to drive the car.

4. They promised us to install a new steering wheel.

5. The cooling system to be checked keeps the engine from overheating.

6. To move ahead the driver simply slides the selector lever to the drive


7. Some cars use a carburetor to provide the fuel-air mixture.


Unit 14

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