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Major Producing Countries and Companies

In the value of its products, the automotive industry leads all other manufacturing industries in Japan, the United States, and a number of other countries.

Most developed nations produce motor vehicles. Many developing nations also manufacture cars and trucks or assemble them for automakers of other countries.

In addition, more than 100 countries make parts and components.

Japan and the United States are the largest car producers. Japan replaced the United States as the top passenger car manufacturer from 1980 to 1983. It regained the top spot in 1987 and still holds first place. Other major producers include France, Germany, Great Britain, Italy, and Spain . In general, the largest automating countries also have the largest markets for cars. The United States has the biggest car market by far. Such countries as Japan, Italy, and France follow well behind.

The largest U.S. automakers, called the Big Three, are General Motors Corporation, Ford Motor Company, and Chrysler Corporation. Their largest suppliers number about 200 major companies. Each of the Big Three produces, under different trade names, a variety of cars and light trucks designed to meet the needs, preferences, and incomes of different consumers.

Japan’s major producers include Toyota Motor Corporation, Nissan Motor

Company, Honda Motor Company, Mitsubishi Motors Company, and Mazda Motor Corporation.


to replace – заменять, замещать

to regain – снова достичь

top – верхний

preference – предпочтение

income – доход

consumer – потребитель


Task 1.Look through the text and give a summary about major car producing countries and companies.

Task 2. Find in the text the information about the largest U.S. automakers, read and translate it.

Task 3. Find the correct answers to the following questions.

1. What countries are leading in the automotive industry?

2. How many countries make parts and components?

3. What countries are the largest car producers in the world?

4. What are the largest American automotive companies?

5. What are Japan’s major car producers?


Task 4. Read the text and title it.

Economic importance of the auto extends far beyond making cars. The manufacture of motor vehicles alone provides millions of jobs worldwide. But supplier industries provide even more jobs than does manufacturing. And still more millions work in such related businesses as service stations, repair shops, and car agencies. In the United States, the auto industry and more than 500,000 related businesses employ about 12 million workers – about a tenth of the U. S. labor force.

Manufacturing jobs in the auto industry generally pay well and offer good benefits regarding vacations, insurance, and retirement. Production workers earn the most money and receive the best benefits in developed countries.


Task 5. Look through the text again and answer the following question:

«What are the advantages of manufacturing jobs in the auto industry?»


Task 6. Translate the following sentences with the Participle constructions.

1. Nobody being on the highway, he was driving his car very fast.

2. With the current on, the system automatically starts operating.

3. The car stopped, there being no fuel in the tank.

4. Everybody having fastened the safety belts, he started the engine.

5. We watched the engine examined.

6. He got the headlights of his car repaired.

7. I heard him telling everybody about the design of his new car.


Unit 17


Rewarding careers can be made in each of the auto industry’s three main

activities – manufacturing, selling, and servicing.

Manufacturing hires college graduates trained as chemists, engineers, metallurgists, or physicists. Some do research to develop the materials, processes, and machinery needed to make cars. Others work with artists, designers, and drafters to create new models. The industry also hires college graduates trained in economics, journalism, statistics, business administration, or industrial


Selling new or used cars for dealers often requires a forceful personality.

Experience as a mechanic or a businessperson can be especially useful.

rewarding – приносящий удовлетворение, вознаграждение

graduate – выпускник

designer – конструктор

drafter – проектировщик

forceful personality – сильная личность

experience – опыт, стаж

gasoline station – автозаправочная станция

to repair – ремонтировать


Task 1. Answer the following questions.

1. In what fields of auto industry can rewarding careers be made?

2. Whom does manufacturing hire?

3. Who creates new models of cars?

4. What does selling cars require?

5. What are the spheres of auto servicing?


Task 2. Give English equivalents to the following words denoting different professions.

Химик, инженер, металлург, физик, художник, журналист, конструктор, маркетолог, проектировщик, бизнесмен, экономист, производственник, технолог, водитель.


Task 3. True or false: For the sentences that are false give the right information.

1. Rewarding careers cannot be made in such activities as manufacturing,

selling and servicing cars.

2. Manufacturing hires college graduates trained as chemists, engineers,

metallurgists or physicists.

3. People of different professions work to create new models of cars.

4. Selling used cars for dealers does not require a forceful personality.

5. Only old experienced people work in garages and gasoline stations.


Task 4. Translate the following sentences into Russian.

1. Manufacturing jobs in the auto industry are regarded to pay well.

2. The workers were offered good benefits regarding vacations, insurance

and retirement.

3. To be able to repair cars young people should learn to do this.

4. We know experience as a mechanic to be especially useful.

5. Many young people are likely to work at gasoline stations.

6. A courteous driver is sure to be a safe driver.


Unit 18

Driving Safely

Most people find it easy to drive a car. But operating an automobile is a

complicated and demanding task – and driving safely is not easy.

Learning to drive. Most automobile accidents involve drivers who violate traffic laws, lack good driving skills, or ignore or are unaware of the rules of safe driving. For that reason, every state in the United States grants a new driver a license to operate a car only after that person has passed a series of tests, including a road sign test, vision test, road rules test, and driving test. In addition, most states

require a person to be at least 16 years old to be given the privilege of driving. State driver’s license bureaus stress that a driver’s license is a privilege, not a right. Careless, unsafe drivers who break traffic laws risk losing their licenses.

A qualified instructor provides the best way to learn how to drive. Many

teen-agers learn to drive by taking driver education classes in high school.

Commercial driving schools also teach beginning drivers. Before learning to

drive, a student must obtain a restricted operator’s license, also known as a learner’s permit, in order to practice driving. Only qualified and experienced adult drivers should accompany a student who is practicing. Classroom instruction and practice driving help students sharpen their driving skills and master the techniques of controlling a moving vehicle. They also learn about the responsibilities involved in driving a car.


complicated – сложный

demanding – требующий усилий

accident – авария

to violate – нарушать

traffic laws – правила дорожного движения

rule – правило

safe – безопасный

driver license – водительские права

a road sign – дорожный знак


Task 1. Answer the questions to the text.

1. Is it easy to drive a car?

2. What are the reasons of most accidents?

3. When is a new driver in the USA granted a license?

4. Is a driver’s license a privilege or a right?

5. What does a qualified instructor provide?

6. Where are many teen-agers taught how to drive?

7. What must a student obtain before learning to drive?

8. Who should accompany a student who is practicing?


Task 2. Translate the following words and word combinations into Russian.

Complicated task, safety driving, automobile accident, road sign test, vision test, rules test, driving test, driver’s license, traffic laws, traffic laws, driver

education classes, techniques of a moving vehicle controlling, car driving.


Task 3. Read the text and then answer the question: «What must a defensive driver do to grant safe driving?»

Task 4. Translate the sentences paying attention to the functions of the Gerund.

1. Operating a car involves certain responsibilities to oneself and to others.

2. A good driver concentrates on only one thing while driving – the driving itself.

3. You must avoid violating traffic rules.

4. There is no necessity of changing the tyre.

5. We succeeded in developing the materials needed to make the car.

6. Selling new or used cars for dealers often requires a forceful personality.

7. His helping is very pleasant.

8. I know of his having been asked to repair the engine.


Unit 19

Responsibilities of Driving

Operating a car involves certain responsibilities to oneself and to others.

First of all, a driver must be continuously alert while making a variety of maneuvers, such as speeding up, slowing down, changing lanes, turning, and stopping. At the same time, the driver must be aware of other motor vehicles (including motorcycles), pedestrians, bicyclists, various road signs, and road hazards, Decisions must be made quickly and correctly. Drowsiness or illness slows a driver’s ability to react rapidly to changes in traffic conditions. Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs is especially dangerous.

A good driver concentrates on only one thing while driving- the driving itself. A good driver also has the proper attitude, which means a willingness to share the road with others and a desire to obey traffic laws. Aggressive behavior – driving too fast, following another vehicle too closely, or rapid lane changes – may

cause a driver to lose control or the car or provoke angry reactions in other motorists. A courteous driver is likely to be a safe driver. Finally, drivers have the

responsibility to see that their cars are properly maintained.


responsibility – ответственность

to be alert – быть настороже

maneuver – маневр

to be aware – знать, сознавать, отдавать отчет

pedestrian – пешеход

hazard – риск, опасность

drowsiness – сонливость

to obey – подчиняться

courteous – осторожный


Task 1. Complete the following sentences.

1. Operating a car involves … .

2. A driver must be alert while making a variety of maneuvers, such as … .

3. The driver must be aware of … .

4. Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs is … .

5. A good driver concentrates on … .

6. A good driver has a proper attitude, which means … .

7. A courteous driver is likely to be … .


Task 2. Find corresponding sentences in the text and read them.

1. Вождение машины требует определенной ответственности по отношению к самому себе и к другим.

2. Прежде всего, водитель должен быть постоянно настороже, совершая различные маневры.

3. В то же самое время водитель должен держать в поле зрения другие транспортные средства(включая мотоциклы), пешеходов, велосипедистов, различные дорожные знаки и опасности на дороге.

4. Сонливость и болезнь снижают способность водителя быстро реагировать на изменения в дорожных условиях.

5. Вождение автомобиля в состоянии алкогольного или наркотического опьянения особенно опасно.

6. Осторожный водитель, вероятно, является безопасным водителем.


Task 3. Give Russian equivalents to the following terms. Use a dictionary if necessary.

speeding up

slowing down

changing lanes




Task 4. Read the text and then answer the question: «What should not a

driver do to grant safe driving?»

Defensive driving means anticipating danger to avoid accidents. A defensive driver stays alert to all possibilities, such as other vehicles’ slowing down, entering the roadway, or stopping suddenly. A defensive driver adjusts the car’s speed and position to suit visibility, the road, and traffic conditions; slows down before entering a curve; yields the right of way; and signals well in advance before turning or changing lanes.


Task 5. Translate the conditional sentences into Russian.

1. If a car has a manual transmission the driver shifts gears with a gearshift.

2. If a car had an automatic transmission, the driver would not have to operate a gearshift and a clutch.

3. If the piston moves up again, it pushes exhaust gases out.

4. If the exhaust valve had closed, the intake valve would have opened

and the cycle would have started again.

5. Were it possible, he would learn driving a car with pleasure.


Unit 20

Cars of Tomorrow

As you read the text, look for the answers to the following questions.

1. What will the cars of tomorrow be like?

2. What will be the result of worries about pollution?

3. What role will computers play in auto industry?

4. How does an electronically

controlled roadway operate?


Cars of tomorrow will probably be increasingly fuel efficient and less polluting. Designs and features of cars will change to meet changing life styles. Internal combustion engines will probably still power most automobiles. But worries about pollution will likely increase the use of electric vehicles, despite their limited range and speed. Their use will probably be in delivery trucks and other commercial fleets in large cities.

Computerized controls will do more and more tasks in tomorrow’s cars

because of their low cost and precise functioning. With the flick of a switch, computerized suspension systems will adjust to changes in the road surface.

Computers will be part of some four-wheel steering systems, in which the rear wheels can be steered somewhat. Four-wheel steering will make it easier to maneuver a car than by front-wheel steering alone. Computers will also play an increasing role in creating tomorrow’s cars, from the designing to the engineering to the assembling. The selling and servicing of cars will also be more and more computerized.

People have long imagined an electronically controlled roadway. The driver would turn over guidance of the vehicle to a system in which electronic devices and controls in the roadway and on the vehicle communicate with one another. The system would permit heavier traffic and ease congestion. However, a more likely earlier system would simply communicate to the driver such information as road conditions and traffic patterns ahead.


Task 1.Give Russian equivalents to the following terms:


internal combustion engine






steering system













Task 2. Complete the following sentences.

1. Cars of tomorrow will probably be … .

2. Worries about pollution will likely increase … .

3. Computerized controls will do more and more tasks in tomorrow’s cars

because … .

4. Four-wheel steering will make it easier … .

5. People have long imagined … .


Task 3. Look through the text again and retell it.

Task 4. Check if you remember the following terms:

vehicle gear

engine torque

fuel tank fever

brake flywheel

spark plug drive train

radiator driving wheel

clutch wear

headlight mirror

accelerator to design

battery to drive

shock absorber to repair

steering system to manufacture

bumper system to assemble

dashboard to supply

defroster to stamp out

tyre to shape

wheel to grind

lane die

starting motor fender

intake valve hood

piston crankshaft

muffler suspension

pipe safety belt

tail pipe to fasten

ignition accident

lubrication dangerous

exhaust system pollution

intake manifold





steering wheel

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