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Choose the correct possessive determiners.

Example: I have got a sister. ___ name is Susan. Answer: I have got a sister. Her name is Susan.

Hi Daniel,

__________ name is John. This is_________ friend Jason. He's 12. ________ sister is nine. They have got a pet. ________pet is a budgie.________ name is Charlie. Jason and I go to the same school. There are 450 boys and girls in_________ school. Jason's form teacher is Mrs. Peterson. She has got a pet, too. _______pet is a tortoise. Our form teacher is Mr. Smith. I like_______ lessons. He has two dogs. The dogs love to play in_________ garden. Now I have a question for you. What's________ pet?



5. Put in much, many, few, a few, little, a little.

1.How_______ photographs did you take?

2.He hasn't got ____friends.

3.How __.money did you take?

4.Do you watch TV___ ?

5.Do you drink_____ tea?

6.There isn't_______ milk in the cup.

7.We went to a cheap restaurant. It didn't cost

8.I've got_______ friends, so I'm lonely.

9.She isn't lonely because she's got ___friends.

10.They have_____ money. They are very poor.

11.She didn't eat anything but she drank ____water.

12. There was ___ food in the fridge. It was nearly empty.

13.Can you speak French___ ___?

14.When did you see Nick? ___ days ago.

15.She is very lazy. She does ___work.

16.Last night he went to a restaurant with ___friends.

17.The TV service is not very good. There are ___good programmers.

18.Anna knows ___ about economics.

19.Most of the town is modern — there aren't ____old buildings.

20."Did you enjoy the party?" "No, not so ___."

Much or many? - Choose the correct answer.

1) pupils

2) time

3) money

4) dollars

5) milk

6) children

7) water

8) fun

9) dogs

10) people

Complete the sentences with a suitable preposition where necessary.

1. My wallet is _____ the drawer.

2. We live _____ Santander. Santander is ____ the north of Spain.

3. We live in a flat ____ the fourth floor.

4. There is a long queue of people ____ the bus stop.

5. My grandparents are arriving ____ Monday.

6. Are you going on holiday ____ the summer?

7. What time did you arrive _____ Dublin?

8. Would you like to go out _____ my birthday?

9. The plane took off exactly ____ time.

10. Bye! I’ll see you ____ school tomorrow.

8. Choose the most suitable preposition: in, at, on

1. Did you go out _____ Friday evening?

2. Susanne had a headache _____ New Year's Day.

3. Mary went on holiday _____ Monday.

4. The conference is _____ 6 June.

5. Wolfgang met Michaela _____ the way to work.

6. Do not walk _____ the grass.

7. Put the notice _____ the noticeboard.

8. My parents bought their house _____ 1967.

9. Milan is _____ the north of Italy.

10. I'll give you the money I owe you _____ the end of the month.

11. I live _____ Vienna.

12. Moira lives _____ Toronto.

13. Her office is _____ the end of the corridor.

14. There are lots of managers _____ my company.

15. David bought his car _____ 1998.

16. Moira's birthday is _____ September 24.

17. We can have the meeting _____ my office.

18. The cat sat _____ the mat.

19. My children are _____ home.

20. The television is _____ the living room.


British Art, Theatre, Music

There was little pictorial art in England until the great miniaturists of the Tudor epoch. There were portraits on a large scale, but they were in the main, of foreign origin, notably Dutch like Holbein. Then came Hogarth, the first great native painter born at the end of the 17th century, famous for both engravings and oil paintings, he was followed by Joshua Reynolds (1723-1792) famous for his portraits.

If Hogarth was the artist of the towns, Gainsborough, contemporary of Reynolds, was the painter of the countryside, frequently the background to his portraits. In a similar tradition was Stubbs, as famous for his portraits of horses as of people.

Among the other portraitists of the 18th century were Romney, and Rae-burn. Constable (1776-1837) finally gave landscape painting its importance. Among his near-contemporaries, though a little younger, were William Blake, poet, visionary and painter, and Turner, renowned above all for his naval scenes.

The modern period in British art may be said to date from the year 1910, when the first Post-Impressionist Exhibition was held in London.

The first decade of the century had been dominated by two romanticists, Frank Brangwyn and Augustus John and by the sculptor Jacob Epstein who became a protagonist of modernity. The two painters may, to some extent, have been influenced by Gauguin, Epstein was essentially an expressionist.

Such modern painters as Peter Blake, Allan Jones and some others seek an image of immediate popular appeal (hence the term "pop-art" sometimes applied to this school).




Вариант 3

Write the sentences in negative.

1. Peter goes to the office every day.

2. It always snows in winter.

3. He usually gets up at 7 o’clock.

4. They translate texts every lesson.

5. We spend our summer holidays in the village.

6.The classes begin at half past eight.

7.Spring begins in April.

8. We always discuss important questions

9. Students take an active part in scientific research.

Put the correct forms of the verbs into the gaps. Use the Simple Present in the statements.

1. He (to work) in the centre of Chicago. 2. He (to work) in the centre of Chicago? 3. He (not to work) in the centre of Chicago. 4. They (to read) many books. 5. They (to read) many books? 6. They (not to read) many books. 7. You (to play) volleyball well? 8. When you (to play) volleyball? 9. What Nick (to do) in the evening? 10. He (to go) to the cinema in the evening? 11. Where he (to go) in the morning?

Choose the correct variant

1)What colour is the car? – It is quite far, I can’t see _____ colour.




2)_____ were the last words.




3)_____ told me a funny story the other day.

A mine friend

Of my friend

A friend of mine

4)Why are you sitting here? It is not your place, but _____ .




5)These sweets are very tasty. Could you give _____ to me, please?




6)Where is the cooler? – You are standing next to _____ .




7)You haven’t seen _____ ! How can you say, that she is a bad painter?

Hers picture

A her picture

A picture of hers

8) In what direction do you usually hitch-hike? – Western Europe. Join _____ .




9) On holiday I’m going to stay in _____ house.




10)I really love _____ here in Paris!




Use the correct possessive adjectives.

1) It is a very good project, but _____ is better.




2) Jack, Are you listening to _____ .




3) Every cat washes _____ face after eating.




4) Hmmm! Nice photos! – Yeah! It’s _____ in Hawaii.




5) What are you doing? – It is none _____ business!


of your

of yours

6) Our children will go to the concert. So will _____ .




7) Look at my new watch. Do you like _____ ?




8)This is his “Jaguar”, and this “Harley Davidson” is also _____ .




9) They seem to be good guys. What do you have against _____ ?




10) Let’s send these flowers to _____ . I’m sure, she will be pleased.




5. Choose the best answer: a little, a few

1. I've got___money. Let's have coffee.

2. I've got___stamps that you can use.

3. I've got___time. Do you want to talk?

4. She can speak___Spanish.

5. I write___letters every week.

6. We had___rain last night.

7. They made___mistakes, but it was OK.

8. Let's go outside for___fresh air.

9.There are___new hotels since you last visited.

6. Put in much, many, few, a few, little, a little.

1.Things are not going- so well for her. She has ___ problems.

2This town is not a very interesting place to visit, so ___tourists come here.

3. Would you like_______ cake?

4. Would you like _____ apples?

5. There are lots of boys in our class, but very ___ girls.

6.Don't eat too________ sweets before lunch!

7.Eating too _______ ___ fat is bad for your health.

8.I can't do much I'm afraid. I have so ___time.

9.Don't buy any more cheese. We have_____ left.

10.How ___cups of coffee do you drink a day?

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