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Task 11. Answer the questions to texts A and B.


1. What is the reason for writing this essay?

2. What does the present crisis in education stem from?

3. How is the widely accepted educational principle called and why?

4. What does a student do to arrange his academic affairs?

5. What attempt in education is being made throughout the USA?

6. What arguments are laid out to prove that becoming an educated person is a difficult, demanding enterprise?

7. What abilities are included in the foundation of a sound education and why?

8. What should a student know to learn intellectual responsibility?

9. What is considered to be a mark of a mature individual?

10. Do you agree with the author that «college education is gradually coming to resemble the Caucus-race in “Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland”»?

11. What consequences are expected if the problem of providing rigorous education is not solved?

13. What is the role of higher education in sustaining a democracy?

14. Why is it time once again to reconsider the social contract between the university and the nation?

15. What does “an age of knowledge” which is the American nation entering mean?



1. What does the author think about the urge to write?

2. What categories does the author divide people into?

3. Why is the author skeptical when he speaks about people without the inner impulse to tell the world anything?

4. What should you do according to peddlers of correspondence courses and textbooks to become a good writer?

5. What categories of writers does the author single out?

6. What do useful writers write about?

7. Who generally helps writers to succeed?

8. Why did O. Henry become a nightmare of editors?

9. Why did O. Henry ignore the public?

10. Why does the author think that writing helps thinking?

11. How according to the author can you reach fresh and better conclusions?

12. What is the difference between the best and the poor writers in so far as thinking a problem over is concerned?

13. What is the difference between the best and the poor writers in so far as their attitude to their first ideas are concerned?

14. The best writers hold their ideas cheap. What about the poor writers?

15. What is the attitude of the best and the poor writers to criticism?

16. What style of writing is typical of poor and average writers?



Task 12. Mind-map texts A and B.

Task 13. Retell texts A and B as closely as possible.

Task 14. Give a summary to texts A and B in writing (≈ 150 words for each).



Task 1. Refute or support the following statements. Give your own arguments.


1. It is painful to have one’s ignorance exposed.

2. The joy is the result of overcoming challenges.

3. Professors are busy trying to ingratiate themselves with students.

4. The urge to write cannot be injected into the human nervous system.

5. The ability to write can be acquired.

6. Writing helps thinking.


Task 2. Choose any topic you like and make a 3-4 minute presentation


1. Mass education is intended to serve the interests of a nation economically and socially. Is it meant to provide equal opportunity for quality education for citizens of all social classes?

2. Do you think that a university-educated worker will be better off than the one with vocational training only?

3. Nowadays the new generation of young people think less about “sell-fulfilment” and more about money and career.

4. How often have you been dissatisfied with what you have managed to say? Is nowadays computer literacy becoming more essential than the urge and ability to write?





Text A:Is Love an Art?

Text B:On the Meaning of life

Grammar:Non-finite forms of the verb: Infinitive, Gerund, Partciples; Modal Verbs

Phonetics:Consonant Clusters



Task 1. Transcribe and practice the pronunciation of the following words. Pay attention to initial and final consonant clusters.

little, premise, spirit, pleasant, starved, singly, uphold, dress, broker, freedom, thrill, prizes, standpoint, smoking, strangers, close, miracle, combined, disappointments, craving, opens, reflects, spend, longed, milk, accept, groveling, strength, triumphs

Task 2. Transcribe the following words.

coherence, enumeration, primarily, permit, cultivating, spontaneous, intermediary, appetite, installments, domesticity, potentialities, exhilarating, miraculous, facilitated, intimacy, antagonism, prevalent, overwhelming, adequate, intuition.

Task 3. Mind the stress and practise pronunciation.

to 'satisfy – ֽsatis'faction - ֽsatis'factory

to re'cuperate - reֽcupe'ration - re'cuperative

to in'satiate –in'satiable - inֽsatia'bility

'consequence – 'consequent - ֽconse'quential

to su'bordinate – a su'bordinate – ֽsubordi'nation

ex'traordinary – ֽextra'ordinarily - exֽtraordi'naire

'consciousness - ֽconsci'entious - 'conscience

ab'surd - ab'surdity - ab'surdly

'villain - 'villainous - 'villainy

to re'vere – 'reverence – 'reverent - ֽrever'ential

'mortal - mor'tality – to i'mmortalize - i'mmortal - ֽimmor'tality

to in'cline – 'incline - ֽincli'nation

Task 4. Observing the stresses and tunes read a paragraph from the texts A and B.


Task 1. Underline the suffixes and state the part of speech.

heredity, marriage, installment, undoubtedly, overwhelming, domesticity, coyness, consummation, mastery, eventually, mastery, hereditary, profitless, precisely, acquaintance, hymnology, humanity, barbaric, nothingness, conceivably, psychologist, eagerness, relatively


Task 2. Form antonyms of the following words by using negative prefixes or the suffix –less

profitable, respectful, satisfactory, important, pleasant, powerful, conventional, traditional, usual, available, attractive, spontaneous, regular, necessary, possible, convenient, determined, plausible, human, conceivable, mortal, meaningful, painful, purposeful, lucky


1. Most people see the problem of love primarily as that of being loved. - Большинство людей понимают проблему любви как проблему того, как стать объектом любви. Many of the ways to make oneself lovable are the same as those used to make oneself successful. - Многие из способов стать объектом любви такие же точно, как и те способы, которые используются для того, чтобы добиться успеха в жизни.
  2. Closely related to this factor is another feature characteristic of contemporary culture. - Непосредственно связанной с этим фактором является и еще одна черта, характерная для современной культуры.


3. If this were the case with any other activity, people would be eager to know the reasons for the failure. - Если бы такая ситуация сложилась в какой-то другой сфере человеческой деятельности, люди непременно захотели бы узнать причины неудачи.


4. Inaction,save as a measure of recuperation between bursts of activity, is painful and dangerous to the healthy organism – in fact, it is almost impossible. -- Бездействие, за исключением необходимой меры для восстановления сил между периодами бурной деятельности, болезненно и опасно для здорового организма и, по сути, почти невозможно.


5. Only the dying can be really idle. - Только умирающие могут ничего не делать.


6. a) What I do is simply what lies easiest to my hand. - Я просто делаю то, что мне легче всего дается. b) What I got in Sunday-school … was simply a firm conviction that the Christian faith was full of palpable absurdities, and the Christian God preposterous. - То, что я усвоил, посещая воскресную школу, было ни чем иным как твердое убеждениев полной абсурдности христианской веры и Бога. с) What the meaning of human life may be I don’t know: I incline to suspect that it has none. - В чем может заключаться смысл человеческой жизни, я не знаю: но склонен думать, что ни в чем.


7. It happens also that I was born with an intense and insatiable interest in ideas, and thus to play with them. - Дело в том, что я с детства испытывал острый неутолимый интерес к фантазиям, а потому отношусь к ним легкомысленно.
8. Never in my adult life have I experienced anything that could be plausibly called a religious impulse. - Никогда, будучи взрослым, не испытывал ничего такого, что можно было бы назвать религиозным порывом.
9. On the contrary, it seems to me, that, on the strength of His daily acts, He must be set down a most stupid, cruel and villainous fellow. - Наоборот, мне кажется, что исходя из действий, совершаемых Им каждодневно, Он должен считаться самым глупым и безжалостным подлецом.


10. But I can’t help thinking of his barbaric torture of most of the rest of humanity. - Но не могу не думать о том, насколько он жесток к остальной бóльшей частичеловечества. (У меня есть все основания считать, что он жесток к остальной большейчасти человечества)


11) No show, however good, could conceivably be good forever. -По- видимому, ни одно представление, каким бы хорошим оно не было, не может оставаться таковым вечно.



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