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Согласны ли вы с данными высказываниями по тексту(true/false)?

1) There are still not so many users of the Internet.

2) There is information on all sorts of topics on the Internet, including education and weather forecasts.

3) People can communicate through e-mail and chat programs only.

4) Internet is tens of thousands of networks which exchange the information in the same basic way.

5) You can access information available on the World Wide Web through the Web browser.

6) You need a computer (hardware) and a special pro­gram (software) to be a WWW user.

7) You move from site to site by clicking on a portion of text only.

8) Every time the user wants to move somewhere on the 'eh he/she needs to step by step enter links and addresses.

9) Films and pictures are not available on the Internet.

10) Radio and TV-broadcasting is a future of Internet. They're not available yet.

5. Дайте определение, используя словарь:

1) Internet

2) World Wide Web

3) Web browser

4) Internet provider

5) Hyperlinks

6. Переведите на английский:

1) Объем ресурсов и услуг, которые являются час­тью WWW, растет чрезвычайно быстро.

2) Каждая ссылка, выбранная вами, представляет документ, графическое изображение, видеоклип или аудио файл где-то в Интернет.

3) Интернет может быть также использован для це­лей развлечения.

4) Вы получаете доступ к ресурсам Интернет через интерфейс или инструмент, который называется веб-браузер.

5) Вся эта деятельность возможна благодаря десят­кам тысяч компьютерных сетей, подключенных к Интернету и обменивающихся информацией в одном режиме.

6) Пользователи общаются через электронную по­чту, дискуссионные группы, чэт-каналы (многока­нальный разговор в реальном времени) и другие

сред­ства информационного обмена.

7. Вставьте подходящие по смыслу слова(webbrowser, providers, link, WWW):

1) You access the information through one interface or tool called a...

2) People connected to the WWW through the local... have access to a variety of information.

3) The user doesn't need to know where the site is, the... follows the...

4) In 1996 there were more than 20 million users of the...

5) Each... provides a graphical interface.

6) Local... charge money for their services to access... resources.

Контрольная работа

Вариант 1 (технические специальности)

Industrial Engineering and Automation

1) A major advance in twentieth century manufacturing was the development of mass production techniques. Mass production refers to manufacturing processes in which an assembly line, usually a conveyer belt, moves the product to stations where each worker performs a limited number of operations until the product is assembled. In the automobile assembly plant such systems have reached a highly-developed form. A complex system of conveyer belts and chain drives moves car parts to workers who perform the thousands of necessary assembling tasks.

2) Mass production increases efficiency and productivity to a point beyond which the monotony of repeating an operation over and over slows down the workers. Many ways have been tried to increase productivity on assembly lines: some of them are as superficial as piping music into the plant or painting the industrial apparatus in bright colors; othersentail giving workers more variety in their tasks and more responsibility for the product.

3) These human factors are important considerations for industrial engineers who must try the balance an efficient system of manufacturing with the complex needs of workers.

4) Another factor for the industrial engineer to consider is whether each manufacturing process can be automated in whole or in part. Automation is a word coined in the 1940s to describe processes by which machines do tasks previouslyperformed by people. The word was new but the idea was not. We know of the advance in the development of steam engines that produced automatic valves. Long before that, during the Middle Ages, windmills had been made to turn by taking advantage of changes in the wind by means of devices that worked automatically.

5) Automation was first applied to industry in continuous-process manufacturing such as refining petroleum, making petrochemicals, and refining steel. A later development was computer-controlled automation of assembly line manufacturing, especially those in which quality control was an important factor.

Дополнительный словарь:

Advanced – передовой

assembly line – сборочная линия

conveyer belt – линия ковейера

assembly plant – сборочный завод

chain – цепь

perform – выполнять

valve - клапан

Прочтите текст. Перепишите и письменно переведите абзацы 2) и 3).

2. Перепишите и переведите предложение. Выпишите слова, оформленные окончанием –s, определите их функцию.

Mass production refers to manufacturing processes in which an assembly line, usually a conveyer belt, moves the product to stations where each worker performs a limited number of operations until the product is assembled.

3.Перепишите и переведите письменно предложение, которое правильно передает содержание текста.

1) Automation is a word coined in the 1940s to describe processes by which machines do tasks previously performed by people.

2) Automation is a system coined in the 1940s to describe processes by which machines do tasks previously performed by robots.


What is a Computer?

1) The term computer is used to describe a device made up of a combination of electronic and electromechanical (part electronic and part mechanical) components. Com­puter has no intelligence by itself and is referred to as hardware. A computer system is a combination of five elements:

· Hardware

· Software

· People

· Procedures

· Data/information

2) When one computer system is set up to communicate with another computer system, connectivity becomes the sixth system element. In other words, the manner in which the various individual systems are connected — for ex­ample, by phone lines, microwave transmission, or satellite — is an element of the total computer, system»

3) Software is the term used to describe the instructions that tell the hardware how to perform a task. Without software instructions, the hardwaredoesn't know what to do. People, however, are the most important component of the computer system: they create the computer software instructions and respond to the procedures that those instructions present.

4) The basic job of the computer is the processing of information. Computers accept information in the form instruction called a program and characterscalled data to perform mathematical and logical operations, and then give the results. The data is raw material while information is organized, processed, refined and useful for decision making. Computer is used to convertdata into information. Computer is also used to store information in digital form.

Дополнительный словарь:

characters — символы

data ['deitə] — данные

hardware — оборудование

гaw [го:] — необработанный, сырой

convert — превращать, преобразовывать

create [kri'eit]—создавать

evaluate— оценивать

refertoas — называть что-либо

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