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Unit 1

You will read & translate a text about self-presentation and a family. Before you read, discuss in pairs the following.

1. Do you remember your early years? Why? 2. Do you know the truly significant things about the people you love and live with? 3. Do you often share your fears and problems with your parents? 4. What are your best memories of your family? 5. Do you have family customs (e.g. an annual picnic, the first day of spring, a traditional relaxed evening meal once a week) etc.? 6. Is it a challenge for family members to make time for one another? What is your opinion?

Introducing myself (my family)


To begin with I’d like tointroduce myself. My full name is Alexander Andreevich Smirnov, but friends normally call me by my short name Sasha. I was born on September 27, 1993. I am 17. Originally, I’m from Murmansk, but now I live in Arkhangelsk. I am a first-year-student of the Northern Arctic Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov.

I was born under the astrological sign of Libra. I think I’m quite easy-going and balanced. I find it easy to make friends. It seems to me I can mix quite well with people I’ve never met before. I like to be friendly to the people around me. I can play the piano quite well. I love playing computer games and reading. I am sure I am ambitious. I like to win competitions, to win prizes, to score the most points, to be the best, etc. I have a career plan.

I come from quite a big family. We are 6 in the family: my father, mother, two brothers, a sister and me. My parents live in Murmansk. When I lived there I had very close contact with my family, but now of course it’s much more difficult. I feel the miss of my parents and my granny. Every week we could go at the weekend to stay with my grandmother on my mother’s side. My grandfather is not sociable but he is a very good musician. I don’t remember my grandparents on my father’s side; they died when I was 5 years old. I write occasionally to my parents, also we phone each other and send e-mails.

My father is quite old, he’s 55. He is tall. He has short, dark, curly hair and a small beard. I think he is a cheerful and good-humored person. He usually wears jeans and sweaters. My father doesn’t like formal clothes. He prefers to dress casually. He is generous, punctual and helpful. He is always clean-shaven. He is very interested in other people and he plays the guitar very well. He is a marine engineer of a shipping company. He has a sister Lidia, so I have only one aunt. I love my auntie, her husband (my uncle) and their children (my cousins).

My mother is 50. She has short, straight hair. She has dimples and rosy cheeks. She has long eyelashes which she darkens with mascara. Her favorite colours are green and light blue. My mother likes to be well dressed. She wears shoes with extremely high heels. She is open-minded and nice. Her main interest is music. My parents have a great many friends. My mother’s brother Alex and his wife have three children, who are all married now.

My brothers Sergey, who is six years older than me, is a computer programmer. He’s married to Irena, who doesn’t work – she is a housewife and she brings up the children. They have two children: Igor and Maria aged four and three. They are my nephew and niece. My other brother, Ivan, who is five years older than me, is an architect. Unfortunately, he and his wife Marina got divorced two years ago. My sister Anastasia is one year younger than me. She is a blond girl with short straight hair, dark eyes and slander arms and legs. She is rather tall and slim. So you can see we have quite a lot of presents to buy at Christmas!

To my mind the stereotypical family of husband and wife is changing now. Unfortunately there are a lot of one-parent families. A lot of people get divorced now and live on their own, and bring up their children on their own.

Psychologists say some families cope well with problems, while others fall apart. I am absolutely sure that the key to a family’s strength and happiness is the degree of emotional closeness between members.

Topical vocabulary

significant things существенные моменты
a goal цель, задача
originally я родился
Libra Весы
to be balanced быть уравновешенным
to mix идти на контакт с людьми
to be friendly to smb. быть дружески расположенным
to score the most points выигрывать
to feel the miss of smb чувствовать, как кого- то не хватает
granny бабуля, бабушка
my grandmother on my mother’s side бабушка с маминой стороны
to die (died) умирать
to write occasionally время от времени переписываться
to be clean-shaven быть чисто выбритым
a marine engineer судовой инженер
auntie тетушка
to have dimples лицо с ямочками
to darken the eyelashes красить ресницы
shoes with extremely high heels туфли на высоченных каблуках
to get divorced развестись
the stereotypical family типичная семья
one-parent family неполная семья
to fall apart не получаться (трещать по швам)
family’s strength сила, сплоченность семьи
she brings up the children она растит детей


Match the highlighted words or word combinations in the text with their definitions.

1. willing to talk and engage in activities with other people;

2. the sister of one's father or mother or the wife of one's uncle;

3. wearing smart or fashionable clothes;

4. when children leave their parents' home they …;

5. each of the twelve equal sections into which the zodiac is divided;

6. parents of one's father or mother;

7. as a rule, it usually happens;

8. children of one's uncle or aunt;

9. a person having a husband or wife;

10. I have a strong desire to be successful.


Fill in the boxes with names from the text about family relationship.

Family tree






Charles, William and Diana are the children of Jack and Anne. Charles and William are their two sons, and Diana is their daughter. Charles and William are the two brothers of Diana. Jack and Anne are happy since they've been married. Jack is Anne’s husband. Anne is Jack’s wife. They are the parents of Charles, William and Diana. Jack is their father and Anne is their mother. Jack and Anne have five grandchildren. Charles is married; his wife’s name is Mary. Mary and Charles are Jessica’s aunt and uncle. Michael is a nephew of Charles and the son of Diana and Samuel at the same time. Jane is Mary’s niece and Joseph’s sister. Elizabeth has four cousins, the children of Diana and Samuel. Diana is the sister-in law of Mary who is Jack’s and Anne’s daughter-in law. Jack is Samuel’s father-in law and Anne is his mother-in law.


Complete the form with your personal details.


Personal Details Name/Surname _________________________________________________________ Last name _____________First name __________ Patronymic _______________ Gender male /female Marital status married /single/divorced Married name ________________________________________________________ Maiden name ___________________________________________________________ Date of birth ________ _____________ ___________ (day / month / year ) Place of birth ___________/ _____________ ( city) (Country) Nationality ________________________________  



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