Пиши Дома Нужные Работы

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II Раскройте скобки, употребив инфинитив или герундий

Контрольная работа №2

Вариант I

I а) переведите текст в письменной форме;

б) выпишите глаголы в страдательном залоге и определите их время;

В) выпишите неличные формы глагола и определите их форму и функцию в предложении.


We say that unemployment exists where people capable and willing to work are unable to find suitable paid employment. But where an economy is adapting to changing conditions, there will always be some persons unemployed as they change jobs or as seasonal work comes to an end.

Unemployment may occur for many different reasons. There will always be some people changing jobs. In certain occupations, e.g. unskilled labour in the construction industry, workers are not employed regularly by one employer. When a contract is completed, labour is not required. Occasionally workers are discharged when a factory is being reorganized.

Unemployed workers usually register at the local employment exchange from which employers can hire them. The unemployed are paid certain benefits.

Employment in some industries, e.g. building, fruipicking is seasonal in character. Sometimes there are unemployed workers of a particular occupation in one part of the country but a shortage of the same type of work in other parts. Thus today there is a surplus of unskilled and manual labourers in the north if England, whereas firms in the London area have vacancies unfilled. Two main reasons can be suggested for this type of unemployment – ignorance of opportunities and immobility of labour.

Workers may be in “between jobs”. Some of them are looking for better jobs, others are seeking better salaries. Young people search for their first jobs. This is called “frictional unemployment”. This type is usually short-term and regarded as inevitable.

Unemployment may also be caused by important changes in the structure of consumer demand and in technology. As a result some workers find that their skills and experience are unwanted by these changes. This type of employment is more long-term and regarded as more serious. It is known as structural unemployment. The full-employment or natural rate of unemployment ranges between 5 and 6 percent.

II Раскройте скобки, употребив инфинитив или герундий

1) I started (write) my letter this afternoon

2) She promised (go) to the doctor.

3) (Travel) by air is interesting.

4) She enjoys (cook) Indian meals.

5) Would you mind (open) the window?

III Образуйте следующие формы от глаголов

Use – Simple Passive Infinitive;

Occupy – Perfect Passive Infinitive;

Sign – Participle II;

Explain - Participle I Perfect;

Write – non-perfect Passive Gerund;

IV Выберите правильный ответ

1) Are there (much, a lot, many) houses in your street.

2) There are (a lot, a lot of, a little) things on the table.

3) I have (no, every, no one) relatives here.

4) Do you see (anything, nothing, somebody) in the distance?

5) Will you go (somewhere, somebody, anywhere) in the summer?

V Переведите с русского языка на английский

1) Вчера был подписан важный контракт

2) Я бы хотел, чтобы Вы посетили нас завтра

3) Когда будут испытывать это оборудование?

4) Фирма, строящая этот дом, является одной из лучших строительных фирм

5) Дом, построенный этой фирмой, имеет все современные удобства.

Вариант II

I а) переведите текст в письменной форме;

б) выпишите глаголы в страдательном залоге и определите их время;

В) выпишите неличные формы глагола и определите их форму и функцию в предложении.


Securities are a juridical document entitling an owner to a share of the property of the organization having issued these securities and consequently to a part of the incomes. In other words securities are an article. It brings money from sale to the organization-seller that has issued these securities. To the buyer it entitles to claim a property and income share of the organization. Just as there exist trading houses, shops, purchase and sale markets, there exist special structures to sale securities (stock exchanges etc.). There exist several kinds of securities. Here are the main ones among them.

The share is a security issued by a company. It certifies that its owner paid in a certain sum of money and consequently has the right to dividends.

Bonds are securities issued by enterprises. It assures that its owner paid in a certain sum of money and confirms that it is to be made up by the stipulated time with a fixed interest paid. If under the bond a regular profit payment is intended, it is made as a rule in the form of coupons. A coupon is a tear-off check with a figure of coupon rate printed on it. The fact of the profit payment is marked by cutting out the coupon.

The bill of exchange is a debenture undertaken by a bill debtor that he is sure to pay the debt and an interest on it to the owner of the bill by the fixed time.

The savings certificate is a certificate saying that a definite sum of money is deposited with a bank and its owner has the right to the get his deposit and interest on it on the expiry of a fixed period.

Treasury obligation is a kind of securities which is distributed by a government among the population on a contract basis. It assures that its holder put valuable means into the state budget and entitles to a fixed profit during the whole period of possessing it.

II Раскройте скобки, употребив инфинитив или герундий

1) Let me (explain) the exercise to you.

2) I’m looking forward to (see) my parents again.

3) Peter gave up (learn) Chinese.

4) Last night we tried (call) our parents.

5) Are you interested in (visit) museums?

III Образуйте следующие формы от глаголов

Sign - Perfect Active Infinitive;

Allow – Simple Passive Infinitive;

Include - Participle I Simple;

Translate – Participle II;

Translate - Perfect Passive Gerund;

IV Выберите правильный ответ

1) Don’t give them (anything, nothing, something).

2) Give me (anybody, somebody, something) to read.

3) There are (some, anybody, every) parks in the town.

4) I’ve got (a few, a little, much) English journals.

5) There are (a lot, a lot of, much) people in the street.

V Переведите с русского языка на английский

1) Акции, купленные в этом инвестиционном фонде, принесут большие дивиденды их владельцам.

2) Какие иностранные и российские компании, представляющие консультационные услуги, ты знаешь?

3) Когда было зарегистрировано ваше товарищество?

4) Мой новый офис уже отремонтирован.

5) Я хочу, чтобы вы напечатали несколько писем.

Вариант III

I а) переведите текст в письменной форме;

б) выпишите глаголы в страдательном залоге и определите их время;

В) выпишите неличные формы глагола и определите их форму и функцию в предложении.

Exchanges in Russia

There are different types of exchanges all over the world. They are commodity exchanges, currency exchanges and stock exchanges.

The first exchanges in Russia were commodity exchanges as the country is rich in natural resources. Besides at the end of the 80s there was a growing shortage of goods and raw materials and the centrally planned system collapsed.

Currency exchangeshave been operating in this country since 1989. Their task is to fix the officialrates of exchange. In the course of the trading sessions freely-convertible currency is bought and sold for Russian roubles.

The first stock exchange, the Moscow International Stock Ex­change, was established in 1990. Among its founders were the Min­istry of Finance and a number of banks. The other stock exchange is the Moscow Central Stock Exchange which is closely connected with the Commodity Exchange and the regional stock exchanges. Stock exchanges regulate the circulation of shares issued by joint stock companies. All these types of exchanges help Russia improve its financial system during its transition to a market economy.

II Раскройте скобки, употребив инфинитив или герундий

1) My mother forgot (buy) sugar

2) She made me (go) to the supermarket.

3) Have you finished (paint) the room yet?

4) I hope (see) you again.

5) May I (help) you?

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