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American tradition of movie rating criteria

Both American critics and casual movie-goers alike rate films subjectively, relying on such things like the storyline, the acting, the directing, the sets, the costumes, the music, the editing etc. The main difference is that the critics have to voice their opinion as objectively as possible, since American movie-goers respect the country’s critics and choose what to watch based on the reviews; thus movies’ financial success is partially based on the reviews.

Nowadays the most common rating systems in the US are five-star and ten-point, which are basically the same. Despite their prevalence they are often criticized for being too shallow and not giving the room for analysis of the movie. The relevance of these systems is one of the most debated topics among movie critics. The opponents of these systems say that it’s all just meaningless numbers, whereas supporters of these systems claim that the audience doesn’t need long essays on the movie, the simple number is enough to them to decide if they are going to like the movie.

There are two kinds of movie critics in the US: journalists and online reviewers. The former are more traditional type, they prefer combining five-star or ten-point system with analysis of technical and artistic merits of the movie. Most of them take academic approach to the film. For the long time they remained the predominant force of American criticism. But in XXI century the development of new technologies led to the emergence of online review sites, such as, for example, RottenTomatoes.com and metacritic.com fact, which allowed their users leave reviews for new releases or classic movies. Thus anyone could become a movie critic as long as they have internet access and free time. These reviews, naturally, are amateurish and actively use rating systems. At first they were scorned upon, but nowadays they are beginning to be recognized as legitimate source of criticism.

Thus, in the first chapter we have come to the following conclusions:

1. Cinematography is the art, science or technology of motion-picture photography.A film, also called a movie, cinema or motion picture, is a series of still images on a strip of plastic which, when run through a projector and shown on a screen, creates the illusion of moving images.

Moviemaking is the process of making a movie. It is a complex process and it involves a number of discrete stages. Naturally a process that complicated requires a large industry.

The American movie industry is the largest movie industry in the world. Throughout the country’s history it has taken many forms, but one thing has always remained permanent – the Americans’ love for movies. The Americans are proud of their movie industry and they value their cinematic legacy greatly.

2. The history of movies began in the late 1880s. Motion pictures were initially exhibited as a carnival novelty and developed to one of the most important tools of entertainment and mass media in the 20th century and into the 21st century. In the beginning of XX century American filmmakers became preeminent.

At first movies used to be silent. The 1927 U.S. film “The Jazz Singer”introduced sound to movies, revolutionizing the industry worldwide. Genres requiring witty or action-oriented dialogue, such as gangster movies and comedies, gained primacy, as did extravagant musicals.

High artistic achievements marked European cinema during the years before WWII.

Changing tastes, decreased film attendance of the 1960s increased experimentation in moviemaking. But in recent years, the movie market has been dominated by blockbusters – the big-budget special-effects-laden movies for younger target audience.

3. The cinema of the United States has had a profound effect on cinema across the world since the early 20th century. Its history is sometimes separated into four main periods: the silent film era – the period of the formation of studio system, classical Hollywood cinema – the golden age of movie industry, New Hollywood, notable for vast amounts of experimental productions, and the contemporary period, in which American movies are divided into two groups – blockbusters and independent movies.

4. Despite movie critics’ rating being subjective, their opinion is highly valued by American movie-goers and can determine the movie’s financial success.




Genres of American moviemaking

Movie genres are various forms or identifiable types, categories, classifications or groups of movies that are recurring and have similar, familiar or instantly recognizable patterns, syntax, cinematic techniques or conventions that include one or more of the following: settings, content and subject matter, themes, mood, period, plot, central narrative events, motifs, styles, structures, situations, stock characters and stars [2, p. 542].

The most basic movie genres – melodrama, comedy and action-adventure movie – have developed in the beginning the silent era. Later they were followed by western and horror genres. Musicals were inaugurated with the era of the Talkies, and the genre of science-fiction movies was popularized until the 1950s.

It’s important to add that there is a very small amount of movies that can be considered “pure” genre movies; most of the movies ever made are hybrids, straddling several movie genres, thus making it rather difficult to draw a borderline between movie genres. Another difficulty is that throughout the history of movie countless sub-genres appeared and disappeared, and many sub-genres blossomed out into genres and vice versa.

Nevertheless here is the most widely accepted classification of genres and sub-genres of modern American movies:

1) action (a) action comedy, b) action horror, c) adventure, d) disaster movie, e) martial arts, f) sci-fi action, g) siege scenario, h) spy movie, i) superhero movie);

2) comedy (a) black comedy, b) farce, c) parody, d) romantic comedy,

e) satire, f) slapstick);

3) crime (a) courtroom drama, b) detective, c) gangster, d) murder mystery,

e) noir);

4) drama (a) docudrama, b) melodrama, c) psychological drama, d) tragedy);

5) historical (a) biopic, b) costume drama, c) period piece, d) peplum or sword-and-sandal);

6) horror (a) exorcism scenario, b) mockumentary horror, c) monster movie,
d) slasher, e) supernatural horror);

7) musical (a) jukebox musical, b) dance movie, c) rock-opera);

8) science fiction (a) alternative history, b) apocalypse and post-apocalypse,
c) fantasy, d) punk, e) space opera);

9) thriller (a) crime thriller, b) disaster thriller, c) psychological thriller,

d) techno-thriller);

10) western (a) acid western, b) classical western, c) curry western, d) neo-western, e) ostern, f) space western, g) spaghetti-western) [7].

Traditionally most of these genres (such as, for example, sci-fi or horror) had a stigma attached to them as being just a mindless entertainment, whereas dramas and historical movies were considered instant classic, understandable only for people of sophisticated taste. While this prejudice still remains strong, many movies of “low-brow” genres, such as “Metropolis” (1927) or “Dracula” (1931) have proven their artistic merits [24].


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