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Types of wounds and their treatment

ЗАНЯТИЕ № 7 -2 часа

Тема: Types of wounds and their treatment

1. Мотивация цели: основанием для овладения данной темы является использование иностранного языка как средства получения новой информации , связанной с медицинской тематикой , актуализация межпредметных связей, овладение соответствующим языковым материалом для обсуждения актуальных событий в медицине, а также перспектива использования приобретенных навыков и умений в профессиональных целях ( умение говорить с коллегой, читать для расширения кругозора, писать иностранному коллеге)

2. Цель самоподготовки: после самостоятельного изучения темы


-лексико-фразеологический минимум по теме;

-изученную грамматическую конструкцию;

-границы применимости терминов и частоту их использования в медицинской литературе и практической деятельности.



-участвовать в беседе на темы повседневной жизни ;знать речевой этикет;

-переводить тексты соответствующей тематики, при необходимости используя словарь;

-выражать свои мысли в устной форме по пройденной тематике с использованием активно усвоенных грамматических правил;

- пользоватьсятехническими словарями и другими справочными материалами , понимать невербальные средства кодирования информации – схемы, диаграммы, и т. д. грамотно писать термины ,относящиеся к лексико-фразеологическому минимуму ;

-воспринимать на слух тексты по пройденной теме ( с10-15 %незнакомой лексики)

Исходный уровень знаний

Для усвоения материала данной темы студент должен использовать знания по темам:

1) Десмургия

2) Знания, полученные по предмету «Хирургия»

4.План изучения занятия

1.Incised wounds

a) The way of inflicting of Incised wounds.

b) The treatment of Incised wounds.

2.Lacerated wounds

a) The way of inflicting of Lacerated wounds .

b) The treatment of Lacerated wounds.

3.Puncture wounds.

a) The way of inflicting of Puncture wounds.

b) The treatment of Puncture wounds


a) The way of inflicting of Abrasions

b) The treatment of Abrasions


The treatment of Avulsion

5 Контрольные вопросы

1. What kind of wounds do you know?

2 What is the way of inflicting of Incised wounds?

3. What should be remembered of these wounds?

4. How should be treated the skin around an incised wound?

5. What is the way of inflicting of Lacerated wounds?

6. Why is there more damage to the tissues than in incised wounds?

7. What is the treatment of lacerated wounds?

8. What is the way of inflictingof Puncture wounds?

9.. What is the treatment of puncture wounds of the foot (Puncture wounds through the soft tissue of the arm or leg, Puncture wounds of the chest)

10. Why should be explored Puncture wounds of the abdomen?

11. What is the way of inflicting ofAbrasions, or brush burns?

12. What is the treatment of these wounds?

13. What should be donewhen pieces of skin and subcutaneous tissue are avulsed?


Самостоятельная работа на занятии.

1) ) Чтение текста « Types of wounds and their treatment»

2) Выполнение заданий на усвоение лексико- грамматического материала.

3)Составление сообщения с опорой на вопросы.

Завершение занятия

1)Подведение итогов

2)Задание на дом: Используя изученный материал , составьте рассказ « Types of wounds and their treatment»


8)Литература: Козырева Л. Г, Шадская Т. В. « Английский язык для медицинских колледжей и училищ»,Аванесьянц Э. М., Кахацкая Н. В, Мифтахова Т. В. «Английский язык для старших курсов», Тылкина С. А., Темчина Н. А. « Пособие по английскому языку для медицинских училищ»



Read the words (rhyme ).Mind the pronunciation

a transport immobilized bandage, recurrent, fixed bandage correcting acquired or congenital defects of the limbs. gauze bandage , T-shaped bandage for perineum , net (tubular, elastic) roller dressing, knitted / stockinet roller dressing, arm sling, scarf / triangular bandage , adhesive dressing, ircula bandage , spiral bandage ,creeping bandage,diverging (converging) turtle bandage , cross / figure-of-eight bandage , spica bandage , recurrent bandage for head ,.

New words

1.Incised wounds.-резаная рана

2. to be inflicted by a sharp instrument- наноситься острым инструментом

3. inception-начало

4 a surgical incision-хирургический надрез

5 to be .contaminated with virulent organisms.-быть заражённым ( загрязнённым) заразными организмами

6. to be treated with antiseptic solution.-лечиться спомощью антисептического раствора

7. to be filled with dirt and foreign material-быть наполненным грязью и инородными веществами

8., to be thoroughly rinsed with sterile saline –быть тщательно промытым стерильным солевым раствором

9. Hydrogen peroxide-перекись водорода

10. bubble out large amounts of dirt and debris –удапить большое количество грязи и инородных веществ

11. causes minimal damage to tissue cells.-наносить минимальное повреждение клеткам ткни

12.Lacerated wounds-рваная рана.

13 caused by blunt instruments or by blows which tear the tissues.—наноситься тупым инструментом или взрывом, который разрывает ткань

14. The ragged edges –неровные, зазубренные края (раны)

15.the susceptibility to infection –восприимчивость к инфекции.

16. Flaps of devitalized skin-лоскуты безжизненной ткани

17. if the blood supply is insufficient –если кровоснабжение недостаточное

18 if sacrifice does not jeopardize closure of the wound.-если удаление не подвергает опастности закрытие раны

19. to defer closure until it is granulating cleanly.-отложить закрытие раны , пока она не загранулируется

20. Puncture wounds.-колотая рана

21 inflicted by pointed instruments such as a nail-наноситься острым инструментом , таким как гвоздь

22. to immobilize the part –делать неподвижным (повреждённую часть)

23. to use crutches.-использовать костыль

24. . A tetanus antitoxin should be given. –необходимо ввести антистолбняковую сыворотку

25 application of a pressure dressing.-наложение давящей повязки

26. the accumulation of blood and air in the pleural cavity –скопление крови и воздуха в плевральной полости

27. Abrasions. –( brush burns)-ссадины

28 to be caused by friction.-возникать в результате трения

29. should be treated as burns-следует лечить как ожоги

30. to be covered with a bland ointment or vaseline gauze dressing. –покрывать смягчающей мазью или марлевой повязкой с взелином

31 to hasten healing.-ускорять заживление или рубцевание

32 chemotherapy -химиотерапия

33. Avulsion.-отрыв

34. subcutaneous tissue-подкожная клетчатка

35. ensuing defect –последующий дефект

36 be closed by primary suture –быть закрытым наложением шва

37. be covered with a skin graft. /A split- skin graft-неполнослойный кожный трансплантат

38 grow on periosteum- вырасти над надкостницей

39. tendon sheath,-влагалище сухожилия

Types of wounds and their treatment


Incised wounds. A wound inflicted by a sharp instrument and seen within a few hours of inception can be closed as a surgical incision, provided that the wound has not been grossly contaminated with virulent organisms. But it should be remembered that these wounds are always contaminated.

The skin around an incised wound should be treated with antiseptic solution. If the wound is filled with dirt and foreign material, it should be thoroughly rinsed with sterile saline to remove as much contamination as possible. Hydrogen peroxide will sometimes bubble out large amounts of dirt and debris and causes minimal damage to tissue cells. An incised wound that has been contaminated with virulent organisms or has been open for several hours should be packed open and closed several days later when it is certain that infection will not develop.

Lacerated wounds. Lacerated wounds are caused by blunt instruments or by blows which tear the tissues. The edges of lacerated wounds are ragged, and there is more damage to the tissues than in incised wounds. Contamination is usually more marked, and the susceptibility to infection is greater.

Flaps of devitalized skin should be cut away if the blood supply is insufficient and if then sacrifice does not jeopardize closure of the wound. All foreign material should be carefully removed and bleeding controlled. The treatment of lacerated wounds is identical in every respect with that of incised wounds, except that it is often more desirable to pack them open and rely on secondary closure. If the wound becomes infected it is necessary' to defer closure until it is granulating cleanly.

Puncture wounds. Puncture wounds, inflicted by pointed instruments such as a nail, require no surgical treatment unlessimportant structures have been damaged. But it is well to immobilize the part and to use chemotherapy.

In puncture wounds of the foot full doses of sulfadiazine or penicillin should be given for three days, and the patient should use crutches. If he is allowed to walk on the foot, infection will often occur. A tetanus antitoxin should be given. If unfectin occurs, the wound should be opened without delay.

Puncture wounds through the soft tissue of the arm or leg may be treated by immobilization of the extremity and application of a pressure dressing.

Puncture wounds of the chest should be treated conservatively unless the accumulation of blood and air in the pleural cavity causes dyspnea and requires aspiration.

Puncture wounds of the abdomen should be explored if there is any possibility that the peritoneal cavity has been entered. Small puncture wounds of the bowel may produce few immediate symptoms but may result in peritonitis if they are not repaired.

Abrasions.Abrasions, or brush burns, are caused by friction. The epidermis and some of the deeper layers of the skin are lost, and a base is left which is identical with that of a second degree burn. These wounds should be treated as burns, that is to say, washed clean to remove any dirt and covered with a bland ointment or vaseline gauze dressing. A pressure bandage and immobilization will hasten healing. In extensive abrasions chemotherapy is justified. If the wound does not become infected, the dressing should be left in place for ten days, by which time complete epithelization should have occurred. The early removal of dressing is painful and disturbs the new epithelium, which adheres to the dressing.

Avulsion.When pieces of skin and subcutaneous tissue are avulsed the ensuing defect either should be closed by primary suture or should be covered with a skin graft. A split- skin graft will grow on periosteum, tendon sheath, fat, or fascia and should be applied even if the blood supply to the base of the wound is not very promising. Skin is nourished by the lymph and will survive surprisingly well provided that too much contamination is not present




I Answer the questions. ( смотри контрольные вопросы)

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