Пиши Дома Нужные Работы

Обратная связь

Work of an In-patient Department

Инфинитив (The Infinitive)


§ 25. Инфинитив является неличной формой глагола. Он имеет формы вида и залога.


Таблица форм инфинитива


  Active Passive
Indefinite to help to be helped
Continuous to be helping  
Perfect to have helped to have been helped


Indefinite Infinitive (Active Passive), а также Continuous Infinitive (Active) выражают действие, одновременное с действием, выраженным глаголом-сказуемым.


I am glad to help my sick friend.

Я рада помочь своему больному другую


I am glad to be helping my sick friend.

Я рада, что помогаю (сейчас) своему больному другу.


Perfect Infinitive (Active Passive), выражает действие, предшествующее действию, выраженному глаголом-сказуемым.


I am glad to have helped my sick friend.

Я рада, что помогла своему больному другу.


Инфинитив может выполнять следующие функции в предложении.


1. Подлежащего.

To know a foreign language is necessary for everybody.

Знать один иностранный язык необходимо каждому.


2. Дополнения.

He wants to master English and French.

Он хочет знать в совершенстве английский и французский языки.


3. Именной частью сказуемого.

The main purpose of our experiment is to determine the cause of lung damage in these cases.

Главная часть нашего эксперимента – установить причину повреждения лёгких в этих случаях заболевания.

4. Обстоятельство цели.

The drug was injected intravenously to maintain fluid balance in the body.

Для поддержания уровня жидкости в организме лекарство вводилось внутривенно.

5. Определения.

Here is the diet to be prescribed in your case.

Вот диета, которая необходима при вашем заболевании.

The secret of tasty food depends much on the cook to prepare it.

Секрет вкусной пищи во многом зависит от человека, который готовит её.

Vitamin A has the power to improve vision.

Витамин А обладает способностью улучшать зрение.

He has been the first in our family to fall ill with flu this autumn.

Он первым а нашей семье заболел гриппом этой осенью.


Грамматические упражнения.


Упражнение1. Найдите формы инфинитива в следующих предложениях.

Переведите предложения. (стр. 119)


1) Spontaneous respiration was chosen to permit the development of pulmonary

edema and alveolar collapse.

2) To determine progressive lung damage in this case was rather difficult.

3) To give first aid one must learn the basic aids rules.

4) It is useful to summarize very briefly what is known about the elastic properties

of elastin and collagen.

5) Experiments were done to observe the effects of temperature upon the respiratory



Упражнение2. Переведите следующие предложения, определите функции

инфинитива. (стр. 122)


1) The present investigation is carried out to determine the liver functions in

experimental dogs.

2) An attempt was made to correlate metabolism with humidity, light, or average

daily temperature.

3) One of the purposes of this work is to prevent the action of the disaccharide-

splitting (расщепление) enzymes.

4) In order to ensure (обеспечивать) more adequate oxygenation the fluids bathing

the mucosa were recirculated.

5) From the curves of the blood ammonia concentration it is possible to obtain

necessary information.



3. Переведите на русский язык, обращая внимание на Active Infinitive и

Passive Infinitive.

1) To play tennis was the greatest pleasure.

2) Which is more pleasant: to give or to be given presents?

3) Isn’t it natural that we like to be praised and don’t like to be scolded?

4) Nature has many secrets to be discovered yet.

5) To improve your pronunciation you should record yourself and analyse your


6) This is the book to be read during the summer holidays.

7) To be instructed by such a good specialist was a great advantage.

8) He is very forgetful, but he doesn’t like to be reminded of his duties.


4. Переведите на русский язык, обращая внимание на Perfect Infinitive.

1) The children were delighted to have been brought to the circus.

2) Jane remembered to have been told a lot about Mr. Rochester.

3) I am sorry to have spoilt your mood.

4) Maggie was very sorry to have forgotten to revise the grammar rules.

5) I am awfully glad to have met you.

6) I am sorry to have kept you waiting.

7) Sorry not to have noticed you.

8) I am sorry to have added some more trouble by what I have told you.

9) I remembered to have been moved by the scene I witnessed.


5. Переведите следующие предложения. Обратите внимание на функции


1) To read is useful. (функция подлежащего)

2) Our duty is to treat people. (функция части составного сказуемого)

3) I want to see it myself. (функция дополнения)

4) I have to come to discuss a problem with you. (функция обстоятельства)

5) To become a doctor you are to study for a long time.

(функция обстоятельства)

6) There are two problems to discuss. (функция определения)

7) The method to be used depends on the task. (функция определения)

8) He is always the first to come. (функция определения)


6. Переведите следующие предложения, определите функции инфинитива.

1) No doubt chronic gastritis is one of the diseases to be responsible for the

development of gastric carcinoma.

2) Academician A. N. Bakulev was the first surgeon in Russia to perform the

operation on the heart.

3) To reveal the early symptoms of malignant tumours is one of the measures

contributing to their effective treatment.

4) To prevent the spread of infection the children were isolated.

5) They were told to make injections today.

6) The duty of a doctor id to treat patients.

7) We didn’t expect him to recover from this disease so soon.

8) The nurse to assist in the operation is very experienced.

9) This may lead to operation on the pancreas.


*7. a) Infinitives are used after certain adjectives.

I’m pleased/ surprised to see you.

It’s hard/ important/ impossible to learn Chinese.


b) Infinitives are used to express purpose. They answer the question ‘Why?’.

This use is very common in English.


I’m learning English to get a good job.

She’s saving money to buy a car.

I’m going to Scotland to visit my parents.




a) Infinitives after adjectives. Complete the following sentences.


e.g. hard/ find a good job → It’s hard to find a good job.

I/ surprised/ see you here → I’m surprised to see you here.


1) this book/ easy/ read

2) lovely/ see you last night

3) easy/ make mistakes when you’re learning a language

4) important/ keep vocabulary records

5) I/ pleased/ see you’ve stopped smoking

6) impossible/ keep the house tidy with five children

7) unusual/ have long, hot summers in England


b) Infinitive of purpose. Match a line in A with a line in B and a line in C.


  I went for a walk I’m going to the library I went to town I phoned the theatre I want to borrow some money I bought some flowers I’m going to Paris I wrote to John       to make to buy to get to change to visit to explain to find out to do   the house smell nice. a new car. some friends. how to get to my house. my books. some fresh air. some shopping. what time the play started.

8. Переведите следующие предложения, определите функции инфинитива.

1) The drug to be taken by this man may prevent the disease.

2) The doctor made the nurse sterilize the instruments.

3) To recover quickly she must follow the doctor’s advice.

4) They were asked to remove the bandage.

5) There are some blood tests to be made.

6) Who will be the first to find vaccine against AIDS?

7) To obtain new data was necessary for further investigations.

8) Cells are too small to be seen with unaided eyes.

9) The drugs prescribed to the patient turned out to be harmful for him.

10) The new equipment was used to register physiological parameters of the body.




Задание 1. Ознакомьтесь со словами и словосочетаниями.

Переведите словосочетания или предложения.


to be admitted – принимать

Only 100 boys are admitted to this school every year.

fill in – заполнять

to fill in one's name

ward – больничная палата; отделение в больнице

emergency ward; pediatrics ward

case history – история болезни

I took her to a family doctor who started by taking a very long and detailed case history.

include – заключать, включать в себя, содержать в себе

Do you include walking among you every day routine?

ill – больной, нездоровый

to fall ill

She is ill with a tropical disease.

impairment – ухудшение; повреждение, упадок

hearing impairment; memory impairment; mental impairment; speech impairment

determine – определять, устанавливать

The patient’s blood group must be determined before the blood transfusion.

disease – болезнь

to prevent (a) disease; acute disease; chronic disease; heart disease; gastrointestinal diseases

change – перемена; изменение, чередование

There was little change in his condition.

to administer – прописывать, давать ( лекарство )

administer antibiotics

medicine – 1) медицина, особенно терапия

to practise medicine; to study medicine

2) лекарство

medicine for (headache, cold, etc.); to prescribe (a) medicine; cough medicine

dose – доза, прием

to administer, give a dose; to take a dose

treatment – лечение, уход (for - от)

to administer, give, provide treatment; to get, receive, undergo treatment; inpatient treatment; outpatient treatment


Задание 2. Переведите следующие словосочетания:


a) to be admitted to the in-patient department

to fill in a case history

to make an initial diagnosis

to include the information about the diseases

to perform an operation

the patient’s complaints

attending doctor

the history of the present illness

to take the patient’s temperature

to give injections

intramuscular and intravenous injections

to examine the patients


b) дежурная медицинская сестра

приёмное отделение лечебного учреждения

род занятий, профессия

семейный анамнез

группа крови пациента

чувствительность к антибиотикам

анамнез заболевания (жизненный анамнез)

врачебный/медицинский осмотр

рентгеновское исследование

жалобы и симптомы

стационарное лечение, лечение в стационаре

история болезни


Задание 3. Прочтите и переведите текст.

Answer the following question: What findings compose the family history, the past history and the history of the present illness?


Work of an In-patient Department

When patients are admitted to the hospital first of all they are received by a nurse on duty at the reception ward. She fills in patients’ case histories in which she writes down their names, age, place of work, occupation, address and the initial diagnosis made by a doctor at the polyclinic.

Then a doctor on duty examines the hospitalized patients and gives his instructions what department and wards the patients are to be admitted to.

As soon as the patient is admitted to the in-patient department the ward doctor fills in the patient’s case history. It must include the information about the patient’s parents. The doctor must know if any of the family has ever been ill with tuberculosis or has had any mental or emotional impairment. This information composes the family history.

The patient’s medical history must include the information about the diseases which the patient had both being a child and adult, about the operations which were performed, about any traumas he had. The patient’s blood group and his sensitivity to antibiotics must be determined and the obtained information written down in the case history. These findings compose the past history.

The attending doctor must know what the patient’s complaints and symptoms are. He must know how long and how often the patient has had these complaints.

The information on the physical examination of the patient on his admission to the hospital, the results of all the laboratory tests and X-ray examinations, the description of the course of the disease with any changes in the symptoms and the condition of the patient, the administered medicines in their exact doses and the produced effect of the treatment – all these findings which compose the history of the present illness should be written down in the case history.

At the in-patient departments of a hospital life begins early in the morning. The nurses on duty take the patients’ temperature, give them intramuscular and intravenous injections, and give all the prescribed remedies in the doses indicated by the ward doctors.

At about nine o’clock in the morning the doctors begin the daily rounds of the wards during which they examine all the patients. After the medical examination the doctors administer different procedures.




Active words and word combinations


private doctor – частный врач

to inoculate – делать прививку

inoculation – прививка

consulting physician – врач-консультант

disability – нетрудоспособность, инвалидность

the disabled – инвалиды

retirement benefits – пенсионные выплаты

emergency unit – отделение неотложной помощи

the injured – пострадавшие, раненые

the blind – незрячие, слепые

Medicare – правительственная программа, предусматривающая частичную

оплату медицинского обслуживания престарелым за счет страхования,

остальную часть – за счет государства

Medicaid – социальная правительственная программа, обеспечивающая

бесплатное медицинское обслуживание беднякам и инвалидам

dependent children – несовершеннолетние дети

the aged (syn. the elderly) – пожилые, старые люди

stroke – инсульт

mental diseases – психические заболевания

drug addiction – пристрастие к наркотикам




Упражнение 1. Прослушайте и повторите за диктором (преподавателем) следующие слова. Обратите внимание на ударение.


society trauma

physician insurance

relationship atherosclerosis



Упражнение 2. Прочтите и переведите следующие словосочетания.

in case, government-financed hospitals, intensive care unit, health insurance, place of employment, maternal and child health care, retirement benefits


Упражнение 3. Прочтите следующий ряд слов. Выпишите слова, относящиеся к теме “медицинское обслуживание”.

medical, health, need, patient, gradually, hospital, program, illness, disease, week, nausea, importance, death, chief, forget, disability, pregnancy, arthritis, cancer, opinion, emphysema, chronic bronchitis


Упражнение 4. Прочтите и переведите текст.


Health Care System in the USA


The second meeting of Dr. Nelson and his colleagues with the Professors and students of the Medical Faculty of the Moscow Medical Academy was devoted to problems of medical service in the USA.

Dr. Nelson: Dear colleagues, it is a great pleasure for all of us to meet you again. Today we’ll speak about medical service in our country.

As for the health care system in my country, it exists on three levels: the level of the family doctor, the medical institution or hospital and the United States Public Health Service.

Dr. Kruglov: Do many Americans seek medical care help from private doctors?

Dr. Haddow: Not many, I should say. A private doctor, we call him a family doctor, gives his patients regular examinations and inoculations. In case professional care is needed, the family doctor arranges for the patient to see a specialist or to go to a hospital. The family doctor receives pay directly from the patient. Most physicians have private practices. They make use of the hospital’s facilities whenever necessary. A family doctor either has his own private office or works with several other doctors in a so-called group practice.

Sasha Nikiforov: Dr. Haddow, what is characteristic of American hospitals? Do all patients pay for their treatment at hospitals?

Dr. Haddow: I should like to point out first that many Americans have no family doctor and they come directly to the hospital for all their medical needs. The hospital provides health care to the sick and injured. We have government-financed and private hospitals. The patients are admitted to hospitals or clinics staffed by consulting physicians, residents, interns and highly skilled nurses. The nursing staff is very important. Nurses and patients are in close contact throughout the patients’ stay in the hospital. Social services are available to the patients and families regarding personal, emotional, and financial problems that may arise from continued illness or disabilities.

Most hospitals have at least the following major departments or units: surgery, obstetrics and gynaecology, pediatrics and general medicine. They may also have trauma and intensive care units, neurosurgical and renal care units, and a psychiatric unit. The Emergency Room (unit) is a very special area in hospital. The emergency patients receive immediate attention.

Dr. Nelson: Let’s not forget about the high cost of medical care in our country. Two thirds of the population have private health insurance. Some people have health insurance, life insurance (financial assistance for the relatives in case of death), disability insurance and retirement benefits at their place of employment. Most employees and their families now pay more than 50 per cent of the costs of health insurance. The great cost of medical care in the country and the great number of people who could not pay for it forced the federal government to develop two heal the insurance programs – Medicaid and Medicare. Medicaid, started in 2966, is a federal program providing free medical care for low-income people, the aged, the blind and for dependent children.

Dean of the Faculty: Dr. Kendall, I’ve read that Medicare is a health insurance program for the elderly and disabled. What age group does the Medicare program provide for?

Dr. Kendall: Medicare, started in 1967, is a federal program providing free medical care for aged Americans over 65, for those who in the past had the greatest medical expenses.

Dr. Kruglov: Dr. Nelson, what are the scientific problems facing American medicine?

Dr. Nelson: Well, in my opinion, the chief scientific problems facing American medicine are the same as those facing Russian medicine, they are heart disease and cancer. The chief causes of suffering and death today are cancer and cardiovascular diseases, including hypertension, stroke and atherosclerosis. Also much medical research is done on illnesses of aging, disabilities caused by arthritis, mental illness, drug addiction, and genetic problem.

Dean of the Faculty: Dear colleagues, you’ve given us a clear picture of the American health care system. We all want to thank you and wish you the best of luck in your work.



Упражнение 5. Задайте вопросы, ответами на которые будут следующие предложения.

Model: A family physician provides health care for the entire family.

Who provides health care for the entire family?

1) Cigarette smoking is the leading preventable cause of death and disability in the


2) Nine million people suffer from emphysema and chronic bronchitis because of


3) Smoking and hypertension are two major risk factors for cardiovascular disease.

4) Nausea, shortness of breath, shoulder or arm pain, or chest pain can be symptoms

of a heart stack.


Упражнение 6. Ответь на вопросы вашего товарища. Используйте в ответах слова и словосочетания, данные в скобках.

1) What kinds of hospitals are there in America?

(government-financed, private hospitals)

2) Who comprises the staff of hospitals or clinics in America?

(consulting physicians, residents, interns, highly skilled nurses)

3) What department do American hospitals have?

(surgery, obstetrics, gynaecology, pediatrics, general medicine, neurosurgical,

a renal care unit, a psychiatric unit, an Emergency Room)

4) What is Medicaid?

(a federal program, to provide free medical care, low income people, the aged, the blind, dependent children)

5) What is Medicare?

(a federal program, a health insurance program, the elderly and disabled, to provide free medical care, aged Americans)


Упражнение 7. Расскажите вашим товарищам о работе частного врача в

США. Используйте в своем рассказе следующие словосочетания.


private doctor, family doctor, to give regular examinations, to arrange for the patient to see a specialist, to make use of hospital facilities, private office, group practice


Упражнение 8. Прочтите следующие утверждения и выразите свое согласие или несогласие. Начните свои ответы со следующих фраз:


Quite so./ Exactly./ Yes, I think that… или: I don’t think that is correct… . I can’t

agree with the fact that… . No, I don’t think you are right… .


1) Medicaid is a federal program, which provides free medical care for low income

people, the aged, the blind and for dependent children.

2) Medicare is a federal program, which provides free medical care for aged Americans over 65.

3) Most employees and their families do not have their health insurance.

4) Many people in America have health insurance, life insurance, disability insurance, disability insurance and retirement benefits at their place of employment.

5) The chief scientific problems facing American medicine are heart disease and cancer.


Упражнение 9. Вы участвуете в викторине ‘Что я знаю о медицинском обслуживании в США’. Несколько студентов вашей группы подготовились к викторине в качестве экспертов по следующим темам.


1) The three levels of health care in the USA.

2) The work of the family doctor.

3) The system of Medicaid.

4) The system of Medicare.

5) The medical units at American hospitals.

6) The chief scientific problems of American medicine.


Health Care System in the USA (summary)


The health care in the USA exists at three levels: the level of the family doctor, the medical institution or hospital and the US Public Health Service. A private doctor (a family doctor) gives his patients regular examinations and inoculations. If professional care is needed, he refers the patient to a specialist. Most physicians have private practices, but they may use the facilities of the hospital.

Patients who don’t have a family doctor come directly to the hospital. Government-financed and private hospitals provide health care to the sick and injured. The staff includes consulting physicians, residents, interns and highly skillednurses who are in close contact with the patients throughout their stay in the hospital. The major units (departments) are Emergency Room (unit), surgery, obstetrics, gynecology, pediatrics, general medicine, trauma, intensive care units, psychiatric, neurosurgical and renal care units.

Two thirds of the population have private health insurance, life and disability insurance and retirement benefits at their place of employment. But there are also two state programs of health insurance. Medicaid provides free medical care for low-income people, the aged and the blind and also for dependent children. Medicare provides free medical care for aged Americans over 65 and those who had great medical expenses in the past.




Герундий (The Gerund)

§ 23. Герундий – неличная форма глагола, которая имеет грамматические особенности как глагола, так и существительного, и выражает действие как процесс: smoking курение, курить, preventing предупреждение, предупреждать, improving улучшение, улучшать.

Герундий произошел от отглагольного существительного, которое существует и в современном английском языке.

Сохраняя часть признаков существительного, герундий приобрел свойства глагола, в частности, формы вида и залога.

Герундий может выполнять в предложении следующие функции.


Таблица форм герундия


  Active Passive
Indefinite Perfect examining having examined being examined having been examined


1. Подлежащего:

Smoking is not allowed here.

Курить здесь не разрешается.

2. Именной части составного сказуемого:

Thyroidectomy is removing the thyroid gland.

Тиреоидэктомия – это удаление щитовидной железы.

3. Дополнения:

a) прямого:

The patient needs examining at once.

Больной нуждается в срочном обследовании.

b) предложного:

The brain is the primary centre for regulating body activities.

Мозг является центром регуляции движения тела.

4. Определения:

There are different methods of treating this disease.

Существуют различные способы лечения этого заболевания.

5. Обстоятельства:

After receiving necessary information we could continue our experiment.

Получив (после того, как мы получили) необходимые данные, мы смогли продолжить эксперимент.


Как видно из примеров, герундий может переводиться существительным, инфинитивом, деепричастием, придаточным предложением.

I remember his having been taken to the infection hospital as a small child.

Я помню, что он лежал в инфекционной больнице ещё в детстве.



Грамматические упражнения.


Упражнение1. Переведите на русский язык, обращая внимание на герундий.

1) Repairing cars is his business.

2) It goes without saying.

3) Have you finished writing?

4) Taking a cold shower in the morning is very healthy.

5) I like skiing, but my sister prefers skating.

6) She likes sitting in the sun.

7) It looks like raining.

8) My watch wants repairing.

9) Thank you for coming.

10) I had no hope of getting an answer before the end of the month.

11) He talked without stopping.

12) Some people can walk all day without feeling tired.

13) Living in little stuffy rooms means breathing poisonous air.

14) Jane Eyre was fond of reading.

15) Miss Trotwood was in the habit of asking Mr. Dick his opinion.

16) Avoid making mistakes if you can.

17) Beethoven continued writing music after he became deaf.

18) I am looking forward to going on holiday.

19) She congratulated herself on having thought of such a good idea.

20) My friend succeeded in translating this difficult text.

21) We are looking forward to seeing you again.

22) He has always dreamt of visiting other countries.

23) He persisted in trying to solve that difficult problem.

24) They accuse him of having robbed the house.

25) I insist on being told the truth.


Упражнение2. Раскройте скобки, употребляя герундий в активной и

пассивной форме.

1) Why do you avoid (speak) to me?

2) She tired to avoid (to speak) to.

3) The doctor insisted on (to send) the sick man to hospital.

4) The child insisted on (to send) home at once.

5) Do you mind him (to examine) by a cardiologist?

6) He showed no sign of (to recognize) me.

7) She showed no sign of (to surprise).

8) He had a strange habit of (to interfere) in other people’s business.

9) I was angry at (to interrupt) every other moment.

10) He is good at (to repair) cars.

11) He was very glad of (to help) in his difficulty.

12) On (to allow) to leave the room, the children immediately ran out into the yard

and began (to play).

13) In (to make) this experiment, they came across some very interesting phenomena.

14) The results of the experiment must be checked and rechecked before (to publish).

15) The problem is not worth (to discuss).



Упражнение3. Переведите на русский язы, обращая внимание на

существительные и местоимения перед герундием.


1) Mother was surprised at her daughter having tidied up the room so quickly.

2) My trying to convince him is of no use.

3) When asked why she had missed the train, she said something about her watch

being slow.

4) She approached without my seeing her.

5) She stayed in town the whole summer because of her daughter being ill.

6) I had no idea of his leaving St. Petersburg so soon.

7) Aunt’s coming here gives me much pleasure.

8) The librarian did not object to the reader keeping the book one day longer.

9) She said that she knew nothing about the door having been left open.



Упражнение 4. В следующих предложениях найдите герундий.

Предложения переведите:


1) Besides being important for industry oxygen is also important for medicine.

2) In addition to depending upon the environment the development of the child depends on the condition of its health.

3) Mother insisted on my being examined by a physician.

4) On being relieved of an acute pain in the heart area the patient was allowed to sit up.

5) A researcher cannot draw a proper conclusion without having carried out numerous experiments.



Упражнение 5. В следующих предложениях найдите герундий.

Предложения переведите:


1) Besides being important for industry oxygen is also important for medicine.

2) In addition to depending upon the environment the development of the child depends on the condition of its health.

3) Mother insisted on my being examined by a physician.

4) On being relieved of an acute pain in the heart area the patient was allowed to sit up.

5) A researcher cannot draw a proper conclusion without having carried out numerous experiments.



Упражнение 6. Запомните перевод предлогов перед герундием в функции

обстоятельства. Предложения переведите:


1) Предлог переводится “in” – при

In entering the lungs the blood becomes oxygenated.


2) Предлог переводится “on (upon)” – по, после

On taking electrocardiograms cardiac impairments are revealed.


3) Предлог “by” переводится – путем, при помощи

The vital capacity of the lungs can be determined by estimating the amount of the air breathed in.


4) Предлог “through” переводится – благодаря, при помощи

a) An unfavourable response developed through administering the remedy in too large dose.

b) The respiratory rate may increase through running quickly.


5) Предлог “without” – без – часто переводится отрицательной формой деепричастия.

The inflammatory process in the lungs could not be stopped without giving the patient streptomycin injections.


6) Иногда герундий с предлогами “in, on (upon), by” переводится деепричастием.

By giving up oxygen to all the tissues of the body red blood cells feed them.


Упражнение 7. Переведите предложения, используя при переводе

выделенных слов герундий с предлогом:


1) При назначении любого лекарства лечащий врач указывает дозу, которую нужно принимать.

2) Ученые научились предупреждать некоторые заболевания путем изучения их причин.

3) Правосторонние боли в груди были сняты благодаря применению банок.


*Verb patterns

Here are three possible verb patterns.


1. Verb + infinitive (+ to)

They wanted to buy a new car.

He promised to come early.

I decided to go by taxi.

She forgot to post her letter.

2. Verb + -ing

She enjoyed playing tennis.

I like cooking, but I don’t like washing up.

Everybody loves getting letters.

He finished reading his book.

3. Verb + -ing or infinitive (+ to) with no change in meaning.

It began to rain/ raining.

I started to learn/ learning English two years ago.

I continued to work/ working in the library.


Like doing and would like to do

Like doing (and love doing) express a general enjoyment.

Would like to do (and would love to do) express a preference now or at a specific time.

Look at the use of like (love) and would like (love) in the following sentences.


I like working as a teacher. (I am a teacher and I enjoy it.

I’d like to be a teacher. (When I grow up, I want to be a teacher.)

I love dancing. (This is one of my hobbies.)

Thank you. I’d love to dance. (We’re at a disco. I’m pleased that you asked me.


Verb patterns

verb + -ing

like love enjoy finish prefer finish     swimming cooking


verb + to + infinitive

agree choose decide expect forget help hope manage promise refuse try want would like/ love/ prefer     to go   to work



Help can be used without to:

He helped do the shopping.


*Have for obligation is followed by to + infinitive.

I have to go now. Goodbye.


*Notice the expression take + a time + to + infinitive.

It takes twenty minutes to get here.


*Used to for past habits is followed by the infinitive.

People used to think the earth was flat.


verb + ing or to + infinitive


begin continue start   raining/ to rain working/ to work


verb + sb + to + infinitive

advise ask encourage expect help invite tell want   somebody       to go to study to come


verb + sb + infinitive (no to)

let make   somebody   go do


Modal auxiliary verbs

can could shall should might must will would     go arrive




a) Infinitive or –ing?

Put the verb in brackets in the right form, infinitive or -ing?

Sometimes both are possible.


e.g. I enjoy walking (walk) in the rain.

Would you like to have (have) something to eat?


1) I want ________ (see) a film on TV this evening.

2) I hope _______ (hear) from you soon. Best wishes, Peter.

3) When did you finish _______ (paint) the kitchen?

4) I began _______ (learn) English when I was seven.

5) Some people _______ (have) breakfast in bed, but I don’t.

6) Don’t forget _______ (post) my letter!

7) We’ve decided _______ (get) married in the spring.

8) When she saw how I was dressed, she started _______ (laugh).

9) What do you want _______ (do) tonight?

10) I’d like _______ (go) to the theatre.

11) I love _______ (listen) to live music.

12) I can’t see you on Saturday. I promised _______ (take) children to the circus.

13) She continued _______ (talk) during the whole meal.

b) Choosing the correct form.

Put a tick (۷) next to the correct form of the verb.



1) He agreed starting  the job as soon as possible.

to start 



2) I finished to read  the book and went to bed.




3) My teachers always expected me to do  well in exams.



to pay 

4) Let me paying  for the meal. You paid last time.




5) The dentist told me to be  more careful when I brush my teeth.



c) Infinitive or –ing?

Put the verb in brackets in the right form, infinitive (with or without to), or -ing?

Sometimes two forms are possible.


e.g. I enjoy walking (walk) in the rain.

Would you like to have (have) something to eat?

It started to rain/ raining (rain) while we were out.


1) My family is trying _______ (decide) where to go on holiday.

2) I’d like _______ (go) somewhere different for a change.

3) I enjoy _______ (visit) places I’ve never been to before.

4) But my children hate _______ (sightsee).

5) They prefer _______ (play) in a swimming pool all day.

6) They refuse _______ (go) out on trips if it’s too hot.

7) Last year we managed _______ (find) a holiday that suited everyone.

8) We decided _______ (rent) a house with a swimming pool.

9) A lady from a travel agency helped us _______ (choose) a nice house.

10) When we arrived, the people next door invited us _______ (have) dinner with them.

11) We began _______ (talk) about next year’s holiday two month ago.

12) Everyone hopes _______ (enjoy) themselves on holiday, but it isn’t always easy.

13) My wife and I are starting _______ (think) we should stay at home.





Задание 1. Ознакомьтесь со словами и словосочетаниями на стр. 269-270 (Записать в словарь в раздел Лексический минимум)


Active words and word combinations

National Health Service, the NHS – система здравоохранения в Великобритании

spectacles – очки

drug – лекарство, лекарственный препарат

dental care – стоматологическая помощь

to prefer – предпочитать

GP, general practitioner – врач общей практики

to apply – касаться, относиться, быть применимым

whether they want – (зд.) хотят ли они

inconvenient – неудобный, без удобств

full range (of medical service) – полный спектр (медицинской помощи)

therapeutic – лечебный

unified comprehensive health service – единая система оказания всесторонней

медицинской помощи

administrative and medical records systems – система управления и медицинской


to have access – иметь доступ

appointment – (зд.) назначение, предварительная договоренность

by appointment – по предварительной записи, договоренности




Упражнение 1. Прослушайте (прочитайте) и запомните следующие

словосочетания. Переведите предложения.

1. to pass an act through Parliament = утвердить законопроект в парламенте

The National Health Service Act was passed through Parliament in 1946.

2. to receive the Royal Assent = получить одобрение Королевы

The National Health Service Act received the Royal Assent in 1948.

3. the United Kingdom = The U.K. Соединенное Королевство Великобритании

The United Kingdom unites England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland.


Упражнение 2. Прослушайте и повторите за диктором (преподавателем)

следующие слова.

parliament comprehensive

finance practitioner

emergency invaluable


Упражнение 3. Прослушайте (прочитайте) и переведите следующие гнезда

слов, указав, какой частью речи являются эти слова

(обратите внимание на словообразовательные суффиксы).

to administer, administration, administrative

to provide, provision, provisional

to satisfy, satisfaction, satisfactory

to specialize, specialization, specialist, specialty

to consult, consultation, consultant


Упражнение 4. Определите, от каких глаголов образованы данные

существительные, и переведите их.

service, introduction, contribution, treatment, payment, prescription, appointment, reception, consultation, discussion


Упражнение 5. Прочтите и переведите текст.


Health Service in Great Britain

A delegation of Russian doctors went to Great Britain on a return visit. They were met by the British doctors who had been the guests of the Russian Medical Workers’ Union last year. The Russian doctors visited the Health Centre in Hampshire and some hospitals in London, Liverpool and Aberdeen. Now they are having a talk with their British colleagues on the health care system in Great Britain.

Dr. Sharova, head of the Russian delegation: Dear colleagues. During our stay in

Great Britain we visited many medical institutions. The doctors kindly acquainted us with their work. We were told that the National Health Service Act was passed through Parliament in 1946 and in 1948 this Act received the Royal Assent and was brought into operation. And what about Scotland and Ireland?

Dr. McDonald: Similar services operate in England, Wales, Scotland and Northern

Ireland. Further administrative changes were introduced by a number of other Health Service Act.

Dr. Kelly: I’d like to say that most medical treatment in our country is free, but

charges are made for drugs, spectacles and dental care. Free emergency medical treatment is given to any visitor from aboard who becomes ill while staying in our country. But those who come to England specifically for treatment must pay for it.

Dr. Nikitina: The National Health Service provides free medical care both in hospital and in the out-patient clinic. So you have no private patients in Great Britain, have you?

Dr. Sharland: Not quite so. People may use the NHS or they may go to doctors as private patients. In big cities there are some private hospitals which people may use. Many people who have enough money still prefer to be private patients because they think that they can in that way establish a closer relationship with the doctor or because they do not want to be put in a large room with other patients.


Dr. McDonald: I’d like to add that a patient in our country can choose between NHS or private treatment at any time. Moreover he can take some of his medical care through the NHS, and some privately. If a patient is dissatisfied with his NHS family doctor or dentist, he may change to another one. In fact, 97 per cent of the population use the NHS.

Dr. Kruglov: What is the role of the family doctor in the Health Service system?

Dr. Kelly: The role of the family doctor (General Practitioner) is very important. Not all patients need highly specialized attention and the GP does invaluable work by filtering off 90 per cent or so of the total medical work.

Dr. Sharova: You told us that if a patient is dissatisfied with his family doctor he may change to another one. And what about the doctors? Does this freedom of choice apply to them?

Dr. McDonald: Yes. This freedom of choice applies to doctors and dentists too. They can choose whether they want to join the NHS or not, and whether they will have NHS patients or private ones. In fact, the majority work in the NHS.

Dr. Kruglov: We visited the St. Thomas’ and St. Bartholomew’s Hospitals in London and noticed that they are small hospitals with about 200 beds. They are housed in inconvenient buildings. Can such small hospitals provide a full range of medical service?

Dr. McDonald: You see, we do have modern hospitals but half of the buildings are over 100 years old. 70 per cent of our hospitals are small, with only about 200 beds. Such hospitals are not economical and cannot provide a full range of service, which requires a district hospital of 800 beds or more. Now we have more than 150 health centres in the U.K. the first Scottish health centre was opened in Edinburgh in 1953. These health centres are an integral part of a unified comprehensive health service. Health centres provide all the special diagnostic and therapeutic services which family doctors may need, such as electrocardiography, X-ray, physiotherapy and good administrative and medical records systems. Family doctors work in close cooperation with the hospital doctors. Health centres are the basis of primary care.

Dr. Nikitina: Are there consultant services in such health centres?

Dr. Sharland: There are centres which provide consultant services in general medicine and surgery, ear-nose-throat diseases, obstetrics and gynaecology, ophthalmology, psychiatry and orthopaedics. All consultations in the centre are by appointment only. The patient is given a definite time at which to attend. This is recorded on a card for him. Each doctor decides for himself how many patients he can examine in one hour. We believe that the patient is the most important person in the health centre and that we should direct all our energy towards helping him as much as possible.

Dr. Sharova: Dear colleagues, thank you ever so much for the warm reception, for this interesting discussion and for the opportunity to get acquainted with the health service system in your country.



Упражнение 6. Прочтите вопросы, которые были затронуты в беседе

английских и русских врачей. Ответьте на эти вопросы, используя текст.


1) When was the National Health Service Act brought into operation?

2) Are there private patients in Great Britain?

3) Why do many people who have enough money prefer to be private patients?

4) What is the role of the family doctor in the National Service system?

5) What is the role of health centres in the health service system in Great Britain?

6) Are there consultant services in health centres?


Упражнение 7. Подтвердите следующие суждения. Используйте в ваших

высказываниях следующие словосочетания:


Yes, I agree that…; Yes, as far as know…; It is true that… .


1) The general practitioner services include the family doctor service, the dental

service, the pharmaceutical service, and the ophthalmic service.

2) The GPs do very important work, which consists in filtering off 90 per cent of

the total medical workload.

3) Health centres are institutions where various medical services, both preventive

and curative, are brought together.

4) The patients are the most important people in the health centre and the doctors

should direct all their energy towards helping them as much as possible.



Health Service in Great Britain (summary)


Health care in the United Kingdom is mostly free, except for drugs and dental care. Free emergency medical treatment is given to any visitor. There are both state and private hospitals with in-patient and out-patient departments. A patient can choose between NHS and private treatment, but the majority prefers NHS. The role of the general practitioner (family doctor) is very important, because 90 % of the patients get primary help and are filtered off by them.

Health centers are a part of comprehensive health service. They provide a full range of special diagnostic and therapeutic services only by appointments. Family doctors refer their patients to specialists and a definite time is given for the consultations.

The main scientific problems facing medicine now are heart diseases and cancer as they are the leading causes of suffering and death. Also much research is done on illnesses of aging, disabilities, mental illness, drug addiction and genetic problems.



Причастие (The Participle)

Причастие – неличная форма глагола, в которой сочетаются признаки прилагательного или наречия с признаками глагола. Причастие обозначает признак предмета, но, в отличие от прилагательного, признак, обозначаемый причастием, указывает на действие или состояние предмета (the written text), а не его качество (a difficult text).

В английском языке существует два вида причастий: Participle I – причастие настоящего времени, и Participle II – причастие прошедшего времени. Participle I может иметь простую и сложные (аналитические) формы. Participle II имеет только простую форму.

Причастие выполняет в предложении функции определения и обстоятельства.


Participle I


Indefinite ActivePassive

examining being examined

translating being translated



Perfect having examined having been examined

having translated having been translated



Participle II


Indefinite examined



Indefinite Participle выражает действие, одновременное с действием глагола-сказуемого.

Examining the patient he used the stethoscope.

Осматривая больного, он использовал стетоскоп.

The patient being examined was from ward 5.

Обследуемый больной был из палаты № 5.


Perfect Participle выражает действие, предшествующее действию глагола-сказуемого.

Having examined the patient Doctor N. prescribed him a new medicine.

После того, как врач осмотрел больного, он выписал ему новое лекарство.

Having been examined, the patient was immediately sent to the operating room.

После осмотра больного сразу отправили в операционную.



§ 20. Participle I в функции определения может находиться:

1) перед определяемым словом: a loving mother;

2) после определяемого слова: The teacher delivering lectures on anatomy is Professor B.

На русский язык Participle I в функции определения переводится причастием действительного залога с суффиксами -щий(ся), -вший(ся).

Participle I в функции обстоятельства стоит чаще всего в начале предложения и отвечает на вопросы: как?, когда?. Переводится на русский язык деепри

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