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Технология ATM и протокол IP поверх ATM

1. A Framework for IPv6 over ATM — Schulter P. aft-schulter-ipv6atm-frame-work-Ol.txt, 1996.

2. ATM Forum LAN Emulation over ATM Version 1.0 Addendum, 1996.

3. ATM User-Network Interface (UNI) Specification Version 3.1 - ATM Forum 10. ATM Forum - Baseline Text for MPOA Draft ATM Forum/95-0824r6, 1995.

4. Cells In Frames Version 1.0: Specification, Analysis and Discussion — Brim S. W., Cogger R., Hill G., Kumar S., Roberts L., YangJ., 1996.

5. Classical IP and ARP over ATM - Laubach, M. RFC 1577, 1994.

6. Integrated Services in the Internet Architecture: An Overview — Braden R., Clark D., Shenker S. RFC 1633, 1994.

7. Internet Protocol, Version 6 (IPv6), Specification - Deering S., Hinden R. RFC 1883, 1996.

8. IP over ATM: A Framework Document - Cole R., Shur D., Villamizar C. RFC 1932, 1996.

9. IPv6 Neighbor Discovery over ATM — Armitage A. aft-ietf-ipatm-ipv6nd-02, 1996.

10. LAN Emulation over ATM Version 2 - Draft ATM Forum/95-1082R2, 1996.

11. Multiprotocol Encapsulation over ATM Adaptation Layer 5 — Heinanen J. RFC 1483, 1994.

12. NBMA Address Resolution Protocol (NARP) - Heinanen J. RFC 1735, 1994.

13. NBMA Next Hop Resolution Protocol (NHRP) - Katz D., Piscetello D., Cole В., Luciano J. V. draft-ietf-rolc-nhrp-07.txt.

14. Private Network-Network Interfaces Specification Version 1.00 — Draft ATM Forum/94-0471R7, 1996.

15. Resource Reservation Protocol (RSVP), Version 1 Functional Specification — Braden R., Zhang L., Berson S., Herzog S., Jamin S. aft-ietf-rsvp-spec-lO.txt, 1996.

16. Server Synchronization Protocol (SCSP) - NBMA - Armitage G., Halpem J., Luciani J. V. aft-luciani-rolc-scsp-02.txt, 1996.

17. Support for Multicast over UNI 3.0/3.1 based ATM Networks — Armitage G. aft-ietf-ipatm-ipmc-12.txt, 1996.

18. The Rate-Based Flow Control Framework for the ABR ATM Service - Bonomi F., Fendick K. W. IEEE Network March/April 1995.

19. Transmission of IP Datagrams over the SMDS Service — Lawrence J., Piscitello D. RFC 1209, 1991.

Технология качества обслуживания

1. http://www.ietf.org/intemet-drafts/draft-ietf-diffserv-arch-01 .txt

2. http://www.ietf.org/internet-drafts/draft-ietf-diffserv-framework-00.txt

3. http://www.ietf.org/intemet-drafts/draft-ietf-diffserv-header-02.txt

4. http://www.ietf.org/internet-drafts/draft-ietf-diffserv-phb-ef-00.txt

5. http://www.ietf.org/internet-drafts/draft-ietf-diffserv-rsvp-00.txt

6. http://www.ietf.org/intemet-drafts/draft-nichols-dsopdef-00.txt

7. RFC 1349, Type of Service in the Internet Protocol Suite

8. RFC 1633, Integrated Services in the Internet Architecture: an Overview

9. RFC 2205, Resource ReSerVation Protocol (RSVP) - Version 1 Functional Specification

10. RFC 2206, RSVP Management Information Base using SMIv2

11. RFC 2207, RSVP Extensions for IPSEC Data Flows

12. RFC 2208, Resource ReSerVation Protocol (RSVP) - Version 1 Applicability Statement

13. RFC 2209, Resource ReSerVation Protocol (RSVP) - Version 1 Message Pro­cessing Rules

14. RFC 2210, The Use of RSVP with IETF Integrated Services

Система IP-адресаиии

1. RFC 1009, R. Braden, J. Postel, «Requirements for Internet gateways», 06/01/1987

2. RFC 1338, V. Fuller, Т. Li, К. Varadhan, J. Yu, «Supernetting: an Address As­signment and Aggregation Strategy», 06/26/1992

3. RFC 1466, E. Gerich, «Guidelines for Management of IP Address Space», 05/26/1993

4. RFC 1517, R. Hinden, «Applicability Statement for the Implementation of Clas­sless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR)», 09/24/1993

5. RFC 1518, Y. Rekhter, T. Li, «An Architecture for IP Address Allocation with CIDR», 09/24/1993

6. RFC 1519, V. Fuller, T. Li, J. Yu, K. Varadhan, «Classless Inter-Domain Rou­ting (CIDR): an Address Assignment and Aggregation Strategy», 09/24/1993

7. RFC 1520, Y. Rekhter, C. Topolcic, «Exchanging Routing Information Across Provider Boundaries in the CIDR Environment», 09/24/1993

8. RFC 1812, F. Baker, «Requirements for IP Version 4 Routers», 06/22/1995

9. RFC 1900, В. Carpenter, Y. Rekhter, «Renumbering Needs Work», 02/28/1996

10. RFC 1916, H. Berkowitz, P. Ferguson, W. Leiand, P. Nesser, «Enterprise Re­numbering: Experience and Information Solicitation», 02/28/1996

11. RFC 1917, P. Nesser, «An Appeal to the Internet Community to Return Unused IP Network (Prefixes) to the IANA», 02/29/1996

12. RFC 1918, Y. Rekhter, R. Moskowitz, D. Karrenberg, G. de Groot, E. Lear «Address Allocation for Private Internets»

13. RFC 950, J. Mogul, J. Postel, «Internet standard subnetting procedure», 08/01/1985


1. Christian Huitema, Routing in the Internet, Prentice Hall Inc. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, 1995.

2. Douglas E. Comer, Internetworking with TCP/IP: Volume 1 — Principles, Pro­tocols, and Architecture, Second Edition, Prentice Hall Inc. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey 1991.

3. Gary Wright and Richard W. Stevens. TCP/IP Illustrated: Volume 2 -The Implementation, Addison Wesley Publishing Company, Reading MA, 1995.

4. Lenhard, P., Dbiutton, H. J. R. High-speed Networking Technology: An Intro­ductory Survey, Prentice Hall, 1995.

5. Richard W. Stevens, TCP/IP Illustrated: Volume 1 - The Protocols, Addison Wesley Publishing Company, Reading MA, 1994.

Некоторые ресурсы Internet

IETF — http://www.ietf.org, http://www.ietf.org/internet-drafts Request for Comments (RFC) — http://www.rfc-editor.org/ Форум ATM — http://www.atmforum.com/


Алфавитный указатель


%, обозначение, 132

l000Base, 109, 124, 632

l00BaseVG, 46

l00VG-AnyLan, 46,111,527

DPP, 47

кабели, 46

расстояния, 46

lOBase, 37, 123, 632

ЗЗ.бКбит/с, ограничение, 17

3Com, 95, 132, 141, 495

FastIP, 521,541

коммутаторы, 541

маршрутизаторы, 245

6bone, 384

80/20, правило, 516

802.1, 116

802.2, 38

802.3, 38, 116

802.3u, 44

802.4, 116

802.5, 47, 116

802.6, 116


AAL, 305, 349, 633

сигнализации, 328

типы, 349

AAL PDU, 451,560

AAL SAR, 486

ABR, 98,437, 439, 452, 633

EFCI, 443

ER, 444

Flow Control, 434

очереди, 449

параметры, 444

Access Technology License Server, 584

Acknowledgement (ACK), 633

Adaptive Information Dispersal Algorithm, 228

ADD PARTY, сообщения, 342

Address assignment/registration, 360

Address Resolution Protocol, 178, 201, 532

Admission control, 411

AED 512 Emulation Service, 582

AESA, 54,357-358

af-xxx, 627

AFI, поле, 358-359

AF-MPOA-0087.000, 498

AFS.Kerberos, 590

Aggregate Route-base IP Switching, 514

АН, 201

AIDA, 228

AL, 353

alias, 578-579

Alignment, 353

Allowed Cell Rate, 445

American National Standard Institute, 622


ANSI, 28,110,358,622

и ISO,, 622

комитеты, 30

ANSI Fibre Channel, 50

ANSI T1.624, 110

ANSI Z39.50, 584

Anycast, адреса, 389

AppleTalk, 157, 462, 633

Application Communication Interface, 583

Application gateway, 639

Application Layer, 103, 633

Application-level gateway, 162

Architecture for IP Address Allocation with

CIDR, 201

ArcNet, 111,633

Area Border Routers, 268

ARIS, 514

ARP, 119,201,532,633

over ATM, 460

для ATM, 460

запросы, 178

и IPv6, 386

поля, 179

сообщения, 179

схема работы, 180

таблица, 179

формат, 179

ARPANET, 165,248,633

ASBR, 268

Ascend, 522

Communications, 624

ASIC, 141

Assigned Numbers, 573

Asynchronous Transfer Mode, ATM, 300, 628

Asynchronous Transmission, 633

ATM, 20,53,57,59,110,300

IMA, 325

IP поверх ATM, 457

MTU, 460

PDH u SDH, 26

QoS, 87

адаптация, уровень, 116

адаптеры, 127, 304

адреса, 356, 360, 374

владельцы, 359

конечных систем, 357

назначение, 357

регистрация, 360-361

формат, 357

адресация, 356, 378

особенности, 356

безопасность, 326

высшие уровни, 307

глобальные сети, 312

групповая передача, 463

достоинства, 99

закрытие соединений, 328

защита информации, 327

и коммутация третьего уровня, 539

и локальные сети, 371

и телефония, 630

инверсные мультиплексоры, 325

интеграция, 522

с ЛВС, 20

интерфейсы, 312,320

кадры, 309

канальный уровень, 111, 113

качество обслуживания, 96, 304

классы качества обслуживания, 97

коммутаторы, 304, 362, 365, 382

локальной сети, 79

маршрутизация, 372

коммутация, 136, 337

компоненты, 303, 320

магистраль, 21, 59

магистральные коммутаторы, 79

маршрутизация, 230, 372

маршруты, определение, 372

модель, 167, 305

мультиплексирование, 323

основы, 20,300

отличие от модели OSI, 305, 311

отличия, 482

пакетное видео, 562

перспективы, 21

плоская модель, 308

плоскости, 326

поверх SONET/SDH, 76

подуровни, 110

примеры использования, 81

проблемы, 456

провайдеры, 360

пропускная способность, 312

протоколы маршрутизации, 99

сетевой уровень, 116

сигнализация, 304, 327, 339

соединения, 339, 431

составляющие физического уровня, 312

трехмерная модель, 307

управление трафиком, 431

уровни, 110, 305,310

адаптации, 56, 305

установление соединений, 328, 376

эффективность, 301

ячейки, 38,303,342-343

ATM Adaptation Layer, 305, 633

ATM End System Addresses, 357

ATM Forum, 522,634

Security Working Group, 326

Traffic Management 4.0, 432

ATM Names Service, 629

ATM Public Network Service, 627

ATM Systems, 624

ATM/LAN, коммутаторы 482

ATM_NAK, сообщение, 461

ATMARP, 392,461

запросы, 462

ответы, 462

сообщение, 462

ATMARP_NAK, ответы, 462

Attach Unit Interface, 634

Attached Resourse Computer Net, 633

Attachment Unit Interface, 123

Audio News Multicast, 581

Audio/Visual Multimedia Services, 629

AUI, 123,634

Authentication, 391, 581

Scheme, 576

Service, 576

Authority and Format Indicator, 358

Auto-Negotiation, 634

Autonomous Spanning Tree, 152

Autonomous System, 238, 634, 645

Boundary Router, 268

Available Bit Rate, 98, 437, 439, 633

А-порты, 31


ВА, 426

Backbone, 640

network, 634

Background File Transfer Program, 582

Backup Designated Router, 269, 290

Backward Resource Management, 443

Barrel-коннекторы, 123

Basic Rate Interface, 634

Bay Networks, 92,95,536

Bayonet, 634

BDR, 269,290

Beginning of Message, 354

Beginning Tag, 353

Behavior Aggregate Classifiers, 426

Bell Atlantic, 624

Bellcore, 357,624

BER, 560

Berkeley (BSD), 584

Best effort, 452

BFR, 535

BGP, 233,277,575

метрики, 277

протоколы, 276

B-ICI, интерфейс, 323, 627

Big Fast Router, 535

B-ISDN, 19,301

Bit Error Rate, 560

Bit TDM, 647

BN, поле, 445

BNC, 123

BNC-T, 37

BOM, 354

ВООТР, 574

Bootstrap Protocol, 574

Border Gateway Protocol, 233, 575, 583

BPDU, 146

BRI, 25,116, 634

Bridge, 128,634

Protocol Data Unit, 145

Bridging table, 635

British Naval Connector, 123

Britton-Lee IDM, 582

BRM, 443

Broadband Integrated Services Digital Network, 634

Broadband Inter-Carrier Interface, 323

Broadband ISDN, 19

Broadcast and Unknown Server, 483, 635

Broadcast storm, 635

Broadcast, адресация, 170, 195

Broadcasting, 132

with Subnets, 201

Btag, 353

Buffer Allocation Size, 353

Bulk Data Transfer Protocol, 576

Bulk Table Retrieval with the SNMP, 576

BUS, 483,635

сервера, 487,492

Bus network, 635

Byte, 635

В-каналы, 25

В-порты, 31


САС, 98, 434, 440, 559, 635

CALL PROCEEDING, сообщение, 340

Carrier Sense Multiple Access/Collision Detection, 34, 636

Cascade, 543

CBDS, 29

CBQ, 92

CBR, 98,452,635

CBT, 283,292

CCITT, 22, 28, 110, 622, 648

CCR, поле, 445

CDDI, 34

CDV, 97,435

Cell Delay Variation, 97

Cell Loss

Priority, 647

поле, 347

Rate, 560

Ratio, 97, 435

Cell Switch Router, 539

Cell Transfer Delay, 96

Cell Delay Variation, 435

Cells, 303

Cell-Transfer Delay, 435

Certificate Distribution Center, 584


CGMP, 294

Character Generator Protocol, 201, 573

Character TDM, 647

CHARGEN, 201,573

Chat, 585

Chcmd, 585

Cheapernet, 635

Checksum, 205


бит, 444

поле, 445

CIDR, 201,263,294,635

Circuit Emulation Service, 628, 630

Class-Based Queuing, 92

Classical IP, 355, 457, 460

Classifier, 426

Classless Inter-Domain Routing, 201, 294, 635

Clearcase, 585

CLNS, 106

CLOCK, 577

CLOSED, состояние, 208

CLOSE-WAIT, состояние, 208

CLOSING, состояние, 208

CLR, 97,435,560

поле, 347

ClusterControlVC, 466

CMIP, 583,627

СМОТ, 575

CNM, 627

codec, 551


Detection, 35, 636

domain, 635

Commercial Building Wiring

Standart, 121


Intermediate Format, 550

Trace Facility, 580

Compressing TCP/IP Headers, 201, 575

Concise-MIB, 575

Congestion Avoidance, 201, 395

CONNECT, сообщения, 340

Connection Admission Control, 98, 434, 635

Connectionless Network Service, 106

Connection-Oriented Network Service, 106

CONS, 106

Constant Bit Rate, 98, 635


Content Type Header Field, 573

Controlled Load Service, 413

Convention for Denning Traps

for use with SNMP, 576

Convergence Sublayer, 116, 309, 349, 636


Copper Distributed Data Interface, 34

Core-Based Tree, 279, 283

CPCS, 349,636

CPI, 353, 355

crankback, 381

CRC, 352

CRC-10, поле, 445

CREN, 640


Cross Net Debugger, 577

Crosstalk, 121

CS, 116,349,636

CS PDU, 351-352,355

CSI, 352

CSMA/CD, 633,636

CSR, 539

CTD, 96,435

Current Cell Rate, 445

Curry, 588

Customer Network Management, 627

Cut-through Switching, 140

CWND, переменная, 398


DA, поле, 48

DAS, 126,576

Data Country Code, 358

Data exchange Interface, 323, 627, 637

Data Link Connection Identifier, 23

Data Link Layer, 103,635-636

Data Offset, 205

Database Description Packet, 271

Datagram Too Big, сообщение, 390

Data-Link Connection Identifier, 54

Data-Link Layer, 196

Dataphone Digital Service, 18

Daytime Protocol, 201, 573

DAYTIME, 201,573


DCC AESA, 357-358

DCNET Time Server Protocol, 577

DDN, 170

DDP, пакеты, 271

DDS, 18

Dead Gateway Detection, 200

Dead, интервал, 270

DEC, 144, 156

DEC LAT, 536

Decimal-Point Notation, 193

DECNet, 42

Default Metric, 255

Default Router, 232

Defense Data Network, 170

Delayed Acknowledgments, 200

Demand Priority Protocol, 47

Demon, 585

Dense Mode, 291

DES-CBC Transform, 201


Port, 148

Router, 269,290,637

Transit List, 380

Destination, 291, 391

Device Control Protocol, 581

DF, бит, 174

DFA, 637

DHCP, 201,580

Differentiated Services, 410, 422

CodePoint, 424

Digest Message Format for Mail, 576

Digital Equipment Corporation, 144, 518

Digital Service Unit, 323, 637

Digital Signal level 3, 637

Digital Stream, 26

Digital Tool Works, 587

DIR, поле, 445

Directory Assistance Service, 576

Directory Location Service, 584

Monitor, 584

Discard Protocol, 201, 573

DISCARD, 201,573

Display Support Protocol, 579, 585

Distance Vector

Algorithm, 248

Multicast Routing Protocol, 285

Distributed Update Algorithm, 275

DIXIE Protocol Specification, 581

DIX-разъемы, 123

DLCI, 54


DNS, 169,201

DNSIX, 581

DNS-RR, 576


Domain Name Server, 580

Domain Name System, 201, 573

Domain Specific Part, 358

Dominant Router, 286

DPP, 47

DQD, ячейки, 343

DQDB, 29

DR, 269,286,290,637

DROP PARTY, сообщения, 342

DS, 26,410,422

DSx, 119,568

DS-3, 637

DS3, каналы, 18

DSAP, поле, 41

DSCP, 424-425

DSP, 358

DSU, 323,637

DTL, 380

Dual Attached Station, 31

DUAL, алгоритм, 275

DVMRP, 279,285,289

DXI, 323,637

Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol, 201

D-каналы, 25


E.164, 53-54,360

Ex, 65, 111, 637

Early Packet Discard, 451, 638

Echo for ISO-8473, 575

Echo Protocol, 201, 573

ECHO, 201,573

EF, 425

EFCI, 437,439,443,637

EGP, протоколы, 233, 277, 573, 637


EIA, 622

EIA/TIA 568, 121

EIGRP, 158

EISA, 126-127

Electronic Industry Association, 622

Encapsulating Bridges, 130

Encoding Header Field for Mail, 576

End of Extensions, 474

End of Message, 354

End System Identifier, 358, 374

End Tag, 353

Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing

Protocol, 275

Enterprise network, 638

EOM, 354

EPD, 451,638

Ephemeral Ports, 189

ER, 437,439,443

ESI, 374

ESP, 201

DES-CBC Transform, 201

Etag, 353

Ethernet, 108

802.X, 38


II, 38,638

SNAP, 38

Type II, 38

адаптеры, 125

адреса, групповые, 196

виртуальные пути, 515

витая пара, 36

и ATM, 331,476

и Fast Ethernet, 108

и шины, 44

и ячейки ATM, 481

кабели, 36

кадры, 38,57,343

коммутаторы в рабочих группах, 79

коммутируемый, 59

основы, 34

примеры использования, 81

пропускная способность, 37

развитие, 42

разновидности, 37, 42

расстояния, 37

среда передачи, 42

толстый, 122

тонкий, 122

топология, 37

уровни, 108

число устройств, 37

Exchange, протокол, 270-271

Expedited Forwarding, 425

Explicit Forward Congestion Indication, 437, 439, 443, 637

Explicit Rate, 437, 439, 443

Control, 392,406

Explorer Frame, 129

Exterior Gateway Protocol, 176, 233, 238, 573, 637

Exterior Policy, 255


F5.0AM, 346

Fair Queuing, 405

FANP, 540

Fast Ethernet, 44,57,69,90,535

FastIP, 541

Fatmen Server, 585

Fault Isolation and Recovery, 201

PCS, поле, 48

FDDI, 30, 57, 109, 638

FEA, 44

FF, 421

Fiber Distributed Data Interface, 29, 638

FIFO, очереди, 92, 404


Access Protocol, 575

Transfer Protocol, 169, 201, 573, 638

Finger Protocol, 574

Firewall, 162

Fixed Round-Trip Time, 445

Fixed-Filter, 421

Flags, 146

Flexible License Manager, 586

Flooding, 279,282,376

Flow, 539

Attribute Notification Protocol, 540

Label, поле, 513

Fluid model, 416

Fore Systems, 127, 369, 625

Foreign Address, 377

Format of Electronic Mail

Messages, 573


Delay, 147

Resource Management, 443

Foundry Networks, 535

FRAD, 23,74,638

Fragment-Free Switching, 140

Frame, 111

Discard, 434

Relay, 22, 53, 69, 95, 119, 522, 638

UNI, 629

User-to-Network Interface, 322

frf.x, 522

From-Gateway, поле, 287

FRTT, 445

FTP, 118-119, 169, 198, 201, 573, 638

Full Booking, 635

Full CIF, 550

Full Duplex, 639

FUNI 2.0, 629

интерфейс, 322, 523

FYI on the X Window System, 576


G.x, 639

G.804 ITU, 319

Garbage-Collection, 251

Gateway, 162

Access Control Protocol, 584

Requirements, 573

Gateway-Gateway Protocol, 577

GCAC, 380

Generic Call Admission Control, 380

Generic Flow Control, поле, 345

Genesis Point-to-Point Trans Net, 581


GFC.none, 345,347

GGP, 577

Gigabit Ethernet, 44, 50, 57, 90, 109, 526

Media Independent Interface, 50

Gigabit Media Independent Interface, 109

Gigabit Switch Router, 536

Global, адреса, 388

GMII, 50, 109

Gopher, 580

Graft, 286


Graphics Protocol, 577

Groper, 644

Group ID, 373

Group Multicast Protocol, 294

Group-Membership LSA, 290

Group-Source Leave, 279

Group-Specific Query, 279

GSL, 279

GSO, 279

GSS X License Verification, 582

Guaranteed Service, 413


H.x, 563,639

HDLC, 119,201,213,638

Header Error Control, поле, 347

НЕС, поле, 347

Hello, протокол, 270, 374, 637

HEMS, 577,582

High Level Entity Management

Protocol, 577

High Order Domain Specific Part, 358

Hign-Level Data Link Control, 638

Hitachi, 625

HMAC, 201

HMP, 577

HMQ, 279,286

HMR, сообщение, 278

HO-DSP.none, 358

Hold Down, 274, 251

Hold-Down, состояние, 254

Hop Count, 233

Hop-by-Hop Option, 391

Host Membership, 278

Host Monitoring Protocol, 577

Host Name Server, 579

Host Requirement, 573

HOSTNAME Protocol, 575

HOSTS2 Name Server, 580

HTTP, 198,580

Hybrid Mode, 33



I.x, 432,441

IAB, 166,572,623

IANA, 189,578

IBM, 129,312,543,625

ARIS, 514

MSS, 546

System Resource Controller, 584

Type1, 34

интеграция, 515

ICDA ESA, 357,359

ICD 359

ICMP, 201, 218, 390, 573, 640

ICR, 445

ID коммутатора, поле, 146

ID, поле, 445

ID порта, поле, 147

ID протокола, поле, 146

IDI.none, 358-359

Idle Cells, 347

IDP, 358

IEEE 802, 144,642

IEEE 802.10, 521

IEEE 802.12, 48

IEEE 802.12, комитет, 46

IEEE 802.1d, 144

IEEE 802.1H, 142

IEEE 802.1p, 95, 541

IEEE 802.1Q, 95, 541

IEEE 802.2

LLC, 119

IEEE 802.2, 116

IEEE 802.3, 48,638,640

IEEE 802.31, 108

IEEE 802.3z, 50

IEEE 802.5, 48,622

IEEE 802.6, 29, 111,320,460

IEEE, 40, 112, 622

IEN-116, 577

IEN-158, 577

IEN-90, 577

IETF, 199,470,645

IFMP, 540

IGMP, 170, 201, 278, 463, 573

IGP, 238,291,634,640


метрики, 273

протокол, 272

IISP, 640

ILMI, 348,361,627,640

IMA, 325

IMAPx, 576

IMP Logical Address Maintenance, 580

InATMARP, 461-462

in-band передача, 22

Industrial System Architecture, 125

INGRES-NET Service, 582

Initial Cell Rate, 445

Initial Domain, 358

Initial Sequence Number, 205

InPort, 288

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 112, 622

Integrated Local Management Interface, 627

Integrated PNNI, 303,382

Integrated Services, 410, 422

IDigital Network, 24, 641

Interactive Mail Access Protocol, 576, 584

inter-area, 268

Intergraph, 583

Interim Interswitch Protocol, 382

Interim Inter-Switch Signaling Protocol, 629,640

Interim Local Management Interface, 361, 640

Interim Mail Access Protocol, 582

Interior Gateway Protocol, 238, 640

Interior Gateway Routing Protocol, 176, 272

Interior Policy, 255

Intermedia Communications, 434

Intermediate System, 640

International Code Designator, 359

International Organization of Standardization, 103, 622

International Telecommunications Union, 622

Internet, 164, 409, 640

магистральные маршрутизаторы, 294

маршрутизаторы, 229

организации, 623

расширение, 294

Internet Activities Board, 166, 572, 623

Internet Assigned Numbers Authority, 189

Internet Control Message Protocol, 176, 180, 201, 573, 640

Internet Group Management Protocol, 170, 201

Internet Group Multicast Protocol, 573

Internet Message Protocol, 577

Internet Network Information Center, 170

Internet Packet Exchange, 641

Internet Protocol, 171, 201, 573, 640

on FDDI Networks, 574

Suite, 646

Internet Relay Chat Protocol, 584

Internet Reliable Transaction Protocol, 576

Internet Service Provider, 641

Internet Standard Subnetting Procedure, 201

Internetworking function, 522, 568

Internetworking Over ATM, 458

InterNIC, 170,387

Interoperability, 629

Interoperation Between DHCP andBOOTP, 201


ARP, 461

ATM, 629

Multiplexing for ATM, 325

Invocation Information, 413

ION, 458 IP, 53, 115, 168, 201, 573, 640

v6, 384

адреса, 115

адресация, 62, 190

в кадрах SONET, 480

дейтаграммы, 38, 476

заголовок, 171, 184

и TCP, 198,218

и канальный уровень, 196

и сетевой уровень, 196

и физические адреса, 178

инкапсуляция, 176

кадры, 173

класса В, 592

класса С, 595

классы, 294

коммутация, 456, 539

маршрутизаторы, 536

маршрутизация, 229-230

поверх ATM, 457

подсети, 461

поля, 171

стандарт, 191

трафик, эффективность, 477

фрагментация, 460

фрагменты, 173

эффективность, 477

IP address, 641

IP Authentication Header, 201

IP Authentication using Keyed MD5, 201

Keyed SHA, 201

IP Authentication with Replay Prevention, 201

IP Broadcast Datagrams, 201, 573

with Subnets, 573

IP Datagram, 641

over the SMDS Service, 575

IP Distance Vector Multicast Routing, 576

IP Encapsulating Security Payload, 201

IP over ARCNET, 201

Ethernet, 201

FDDI, 201

Token Ring, 201

IP Subnet Extension, 573

IP Switching, 539




IP-FDDI, 574

IP-MTU, 575

I-PNNI, 303,382

IP-over-ATM, 641

IP-SLIP, 201

IP-SMDS, 575

Ipsilon, 539-540


compatible, адреса, 389

и IPv6, адреса, 389

IPv6, 384,513


стек, 385

узлы, 385

IPX, 40, 115, 119, 584

IPX/SPX, 248,641

IPXCP, 201

IP-адреса, 169, 191

групповые, 196

диапазоны, 193

зарезервированные, 193

количество, 192

модель OSI, 191

определение, 245

поле, 257

сетевой уровень, 191

уровни, 190

устройств, 190

IP-дейтаграммы, 171

IP-заголовок, поле, 184

IP-маршрутизаторы, 230

и коммутаторы ATM, 382

IP-маршрутизация, 265

IP-передача, широковещательная, 194

IRS, 209

IRTP, 576

IS, 410,422

ISA, 124-126

ISDN, 24,119,641

ISI Graphics Language, 580

ISI-memo, 576

IS-IS, 158,233,244,575

ISN, 205

ISO, 103,358,622,643

3166, 358

Transport Service on top of the TCP, 574

ISO/OSI Model, 641

ISO-IP, 582

ISO-IPO, 582


ISP, 641

ISS, 209

ITU, 26, 110, 441, 622

ITU-T, 639,645

ITU-TSS, 648

IEEE 802.3, 622



JPEG, 553

JTC 1/SC 25/WG 3, комитет, 122


Kalpana, 136

Kerberos, 581,586

Keyed Hashing for Message Authentication, 201

KIS Protocol, 583

KNET/VM Command/Message Protocol, 583

Krcmd, 585


L, поле, 48

L3_PDU, 29

label swapping, 335, 512

LAG, 476

LAN, 14,641

LAN Emulation, 20, 293, 303, 481, 627, 642

Address Resolution Protocol, 490

Client Management Specification, 627

Client, 483,642

Configuration Server, 483, 642

over ATM 1.0, 627

Server, 483,642

User Networks Interface, 482

LANE, 20, 303, 312, 457, 481, 484, 642

LANE 1.0, 482

LANE 2.0, 497

LANE Network-Network Interface, 497

LANE Servers Management Specification, 627

LANE User Network Interface, 497

LAP-B, 113, 116

LAP-D, 113

LAP-F, 116

LAST-ACK, состояние, 208

LAT, 156

Layer 0, 644

LCC, 116

LCID, 336

LCN, 54

LDP, 576

LEARP, 490

Leaky Bucket, 441

Leave Group, сообщение, 279

LEC, 483,502,642

LECID, 490

LEGS, 483,642

Legent Corporation, 585

Length Indicator, 353

LES, 483,642

Level x, протокол, 289

LGN, 378

LI, 353,355

Line Printer Daemon Protocol, 201, 576

LINK, 585,635

Link State, 643

Advertisement, 637

Database, 289

Link-Local, адреса, 388


Advertisement, 265, 290

Database, 265

US, 460,467

LISTEN, состояние, 208

LLC, 47, 112, 642

поле, 459

LLC/SNAP, 458,477

LNNI, 497

Loader Debugger Protocol, 576

Local Area Network, 14, 641

Local Area Transport, 156

Local group, 642

Local Routing Process, 585

Location Service, 582

Locus PC-Interface

Connection Server, 582

Net Map Server, 582

Logical Address Group, 476

Logical Channel Number, 54

Logical Group Node, 378

Logical IP Subnet, 460

Logical Link Control, 47, 112, 459, 642

Logical MIB, 627

Longest Match, 262

Loopback, 194

Lotus Notes, 587

LPDP, 576

LSA, сообщения, 265

Lucent Technologies, 518, 569, 625

LUNI, 482,497


М4 Interface Requirements, 627

M4NEView, 628

М4 Network View, 628

М4 Public Network view, 628

MAC, 45, 109, 112, 642

адрес, 112

таблица, 130

Mail Privacy, 574

MAIL 573

Mailbox Name Nameserver, 581

MAILQ, 583

MAN, 14,69,74

Management Information Base, 573

Management Utility, 578

Manchester-II, 642

Mapping between X.400(84) and RFC-822, 575

X.400(88) and RFC-822, 576

Mapping full 822 to Restricted 822, 576

Marker, 426 MARS, 465

сообщения, 467

MAU, 642

Maximum Age, 147

Maximum Burst Size, 437, 439

Maximum Segment Size, 200

Maximum Transmission Unit, 173, 643

MBONE, 285

МСА, 126

McIDAS Data Transmission Protocol, 581

MCR, 445

MCS, 464

MCU, 550

MD4, 576

MD4 Message Digest Algorithm, 576

Media Access Control, 44, 642

Media Access Layer, 112

Media Independent Interface, 109

Medium Access Control, 47

Medium Attached Unit, 642

Message, 118

Age, 147

Posting Protocol, 576

Processing Module, 579

Send Protocol, 576, 579

Transfer Part, 25

Type, 146

Metagram Relay, 581

Meter, 426

Metric, 288

Metropolitan Area Network, 14

MF, 426

MIB, 573,628

MIB-II, 201,574

Micro Focus Cobol, 581

Microsoft, 198, 553

SMS, 542

TCP/IP, 199

Windows 2000, 199,208

Windows Internet Name Service, 587

Windows NT, 201,237,648

расширения TCP, 199

MID, 354


Minimum Cell Rate, 437, 439, 445

MIT Dover Spooler, 581

MIT ML Device, 580

Modem, 642

Modulator-Demodulator, 642

MOSPF, 279,463

Motion-JPEG, 553

Motorola, 625

MPC, 500

MPEG, 552

MPEG-x, 302,552

MPLS, 515

MPM FLAGS Protocol, 579

MPM, 577,579

MPOA, 303,334,457,498,642

и LANE, 503

hnhrp, 510

MPP, 576

MPS, 500

MSG Authentication, 579


MSP, 576

MSS, 200,546

MTP, 25

MTU, 173, 200, 390, 560, 643

path discovery process, 390

SMDS, 460

и пропускная способность, 478

Multiaccess, 640

Multicast Address Resolution Server, 465

Backbone, 285

Group, 288

Server, 464

адреса, 389

Multi-field Classifiers, 426

Multiplexer, 643

Multiplexing Identifier, 354

Multiplexing Protocol, 577

Multiplexing VC, 459

Multipoint Control Unit, 550

Multiprotocol Encapsulation over ATM Adaptation Layer 5, 458

Label Switching, 515

Over ATM, 303,498,546

Switched Services, 546

MultiProtocol-over-ATM, 642

MUX, 577,643


Nagle Algorithm, 201

Nagle, алгоритм, 201


NAMP, 583

NANP, 357

Native Address, 377

Native ATM Services, 629

NBMA, 269

сети, 460, 471

NBMA ID Subnetwork, 474

NCP, 118-119

Neighbor Discovery, 392

Neighboring Routers, 643

NET, 303

NetBEUI, 119

NetBIOS, 119, 156, 457, 573

Name Query, 532

Service Protocols, 201


NetBuilder II, маршрутизаторы, 245, 255

NETED, 577

NetFlow, 543

NetGW, 586

Netix Message Posting Protocol, 584


Netscape, 583

NETscout ControlProtocol, 586

NetWare, 118,643

Network-to-Network Interface, 20, 643

New DNS RR Definitions, 576

Newbridge, 303

Newdate, 585

NewS, 582

New-who, 585

Next Hop Client, 471

Next Hop Resolution

Protocol, 69, 470

Reply, 473

Request, 473

Next Hop Server, 471

Next-Hop Gateway, поле, 287

NextStep Window Server, 583

NFILE, 575

NFS, 118-119,460

NHC, 471

NHRP, 69,392,470,502

Authentication, 474

Error Indication, 473

QoS Extension, 474

Registration Reply, 473

Registration Request, 473

NHS, 471

N1, поле, 445

NIC, 170,643

NIC Host Name Server, 581

NIC-24308, 577


NLSP, 158

NNI, 20,322,643

NNTP, 575

Node ID, 373

Nokia, 518

Non-Broadcast Multiple Access

Networks, 269, 460

Non-Real-Time Variable Bit Rate, 98

Non-Return to Zero, 643

North American Numbering Plan, 357

Northern Telecom, 626

Novell, 117-118, 158

ManageWise, 542

Netware, 40, 641

NPC, 434,442

Nqs, 586

Nrm, 445

nrtVBR, 98,452,647

служба, 438

NRZ, 643


NSLP, 291

NSS-Routing, 583

NSW User System FE, 579

NTP, 573,582

Null encapsulation, 459

Numbering Plan, 357

NVP-II, 576

N-тип, разъем, 123


ОАМ, 313,346

ОС, 314

ОС-1, 28

ОС-12, 303

ОС-3, 65,74,303,314

OCBinder, 583

OCServer, 583

ODA, 576

Office Document Architecture, 576


One-Armed Router, 516

Open Shortest Path Firat, 176, 264,643

Protocol, 233

Routing, 575

Open System Interconnection, 103, 643

Operation And Maintenance, 313

Operations Administration and Maintenance, 346

Optical Bypass Switch, 32

Optical Carrier, 28, 314

Options, 206

Oracle, 580, 588

Organizationally Unique Identifier, 459

OSI, 103,643

IP-адреса, 191

и LANE, 484

и маршрутизаторы, 159

и мосты, 134

и приложения, 106

и реализация, 105

и стандартизация, 103

модель, 103, 167, 196

отличие от модели ATM, 305, 311

уровни, 103-104, 116, 167

OSI Internet Management MIB-II, 575

OSI Model, 643

OSPF, 158,233,244, 266, 291, 575, 643

OSU Network Monitoring System, 584

OUI, поле, 459

OutPorts, 288

overbooking, 635


Packet classifier, 411

Packet Data Networks, 648

Packet internet groper, 644

Packet scheduler, 410

Packet Switching, 643

Packet Video Protocol, 576

packet-filtering firewall, 162

PAD, 352

Padding, 206

Partial Packet Discard, 644

Password Generator Protocol, 582

PATH, 317,319

сообщения, 93

Path Maximum Transmission Unit, 200

Path MTU Discovery, 201, 575

PathTear, сообщение, 420

payload, 345

Payload Type, поле, 346

PCI, 124-126

PCMail Server, 583

Pcmail Transport Protocol, 575


PCR, 445

PDH, 18,26,319

PDN, 648

PDU, 84,204,637-638,644

Peak Cell Rate, 437, 439, 445

Peer Group Leader, 380

Perf Analysis Workbench, 585

Per-Hop Behavior, 424

Peripheral Component Interconnect, 125

Permanent Virtual Circuit, 332, 644

PHB, 424,430

Phone, 586

PHY, 109-110,116

Physical Layer, 103,628

Convergence Procedure, 320

Convergence Protocol, 111

Device, 109

Physical Media, 644

Dependent, 110

Independent, 110

Physical Medium, 110

Medium Dependent, 126, 644

Medium Independent, 644

Physical Medium-Dependent Layer, 32

PICS, 629

PictureTel, 563

PID, поле, 459

PIM, 279,291,463

ping, 162, 182, 200, 644

Plan 9 file service, 585

Plastic Optical Fiber, 629

PLCP, 111,320

Plesiochronous Digital Hierarchy, 26

PLP, 116

Plus Five's MUMPS, 583

PM, 110

PMD, 110, 116, 644

PMI, 644

PMTU, 200

PMTU Discovery, 200

P-NNI, 629

PNNI, 99, 230, 303, 322, 373, 380, 644

POF, 629

Point to Point Protocol, 201, 574

Poison Reverse, 251, 274

Poison/No Poison, 255

policy control, 411, 418

POP, 577

POP2, 577

РОРЗ, 575

Port ID, 147

ports cost, 147

Post Office Protocol, 581

Version 2, 577

Version 3, 575

PowerIP, 521

PPD, 644

PPP, 69,113, 119, 201, 574

Authentication Protocols, 201

High-level Data Link Control Framing, 201

Initial Configuration Options, 575

Internet Protocol Control Protocol, 201

Internetwork Packet Exchange Control Protocol, 201


Pr, параметр, 288

Presentation Layer, 103

primary ring, FDDI, 31

Priority Control, 434

PriorityFrame, 522

Private Network-to-Network Interface, 322, 373, 644



PROFILE Naming System, 582

Prominet Corporation, 518

Prospero, 584

Protocol Control Information, 644

Protocol Data Unit, 84, 204, 638, 644

Protocol Identifier, 146, 459

Protocol-Independent Multicast, 291

Proxy FastIP, 543

Prune, 283

РSН,флаг, 206,220

РТ, поле, 346

Public NNI, 322

Public UNI, 322

Push, флаг, 206

PVC, 53,332,637,644

PVP, 576



Q 933, 116

QL, поле, 445

QoS, 72,80,86,409,644

Quality of Service, 72, 86, 644

Quarter CIF, 551

Queued File Transport, 583

QUOTE, 201,573,579

Quote of the Day Protocol, 201, 573


RA, поле, 445

Radio Free Ethernet, 590

RAID, 588

raid-am, 588

Random Early Detection, 92, 405

RARP, 538

Rate Decrease Factor, 445

Increase Factor, 445

RATP, 577

RCV.NXT, 209

RCV.UP, 209

RCV.WND, 209

RDF, 445

RDP, 576

Readnews, 585

Real Time Transport Control Protocol, 550

Protocol, 645

Transport Control Protocol, 566, 645

Transport Protocol, 190, 566

Variable Bit Rate, 98

RealVideo, 553

Receive Policy, 255

RECEIVE, команда, 207

RED, 92,405

Reed-Solomon, алгоритм, 560

Reglon-ID, 289

RELEASE COMPLETE, сообщение, 341

RELEASE, сообщение, 341

Reliable Asynchronous Transfer Protocol, 577

Reliable Data Protocol, 576

Remote-KIS, 583

Rendezvous Point, 292

Repeater, 634

Request For Comments, 166, 645

Requirements for

Internet Gateways, 201

Point-to-Point Protocol, 201

Reservation Style, 420

RESV, сообщения, 93, 418

RESVErr, сообщение, 418

ResvTear, сообщение, 420

Retransmission Time Out, 225

Reverse ARP, 538

Reverse Path Broadcasting, 279-280

Reverse Path Multicasting, 279, 282

RFC, 166,572,645

RG-58, 122

RI, поле, 48

RIF, 445

RIP, 233,258, 291, 574, 645

RIP IP, 157

RIP IPX, 157

RIP-1 IP, 259

RIP-2 IP, 259

RIPE, 387

RJ-11, 123

RJ-45, 121

RJ-8, 123

RJE, 577

RLP, 575

RMON, 142,645

Rmonitord, 585

RNDF.LR.S.T, 520

Rockwell Semiconductor Systems, 626 ROLC, 470

Root ID, 146

Root Path Cost, 146

Root ports, 148

Round Trip Time, 207,223

Router, 635 Alert, 391

ID, 645

Routing, 390 I

Nformation Field, 129

Protocol, 233, 248, 532, 574

Internet Protocol, 645

Over Large Clouds, 470

RP, концепция, 292

RPB, 280-281

RPC, 585

RPM, 282

RS-232, 622

Rspec, 413-414

RSVD, 583

RSVP, 51, 87, 92, 201, 403, 412, 416

RTCP, 550,645


RTMP, 157

RTO, 225,400

RTP, 190,550,639,645

RTT, 207,223,400

rtVBR, 98,452,560,647

служба, 437


SA, поле, 48

S-AAL, 328

SAP, 645

SARPDU, 351-352

SAR, 65, 116,349

SAS, 126

Satnet, 178

SC, 126,352

SCSP, 463

SDH, 18,26,314,568,645

SDLC, 119 SE, 421

Secondary Ring, PDDI, 31

Section OverHead, 28

Secure Socket Layer, 118

SecureFast Virtual Networing, 545

SecureFast Virtual Network Server,521

SecureFast VLAN, 521

Security Architecture for the Internet Protocol, 201

SEG.ACK, 210

SEG.LEN, 210

SEG.PRC, 210

SEG.SEQ, 210

SEG.UP, 210

SEG.WND, 210

Segment Type, 354

Segmentation and Reassemble, 309

Sublayer, 116

SEL, поле, 358

Selective Cell Discard, 434

Selector, 358

Self-clocking, 228

SEND, 583

команда, 206

Sequence Counter, 352

Sequence Number, 205, 351, 354

Number Protection, 351

Sequenced Packet Exchange, 641

Server Cache Synchronization Protocol, 463

Server map, 465

Server MPOA, 500

ServerControlVC, 466

Server-to-server, 590

Service Access Point, 645

Service Level Agreement, 80, 89, 434

Service Specific Connection-Oriented Protocol, 328

Service Specific Coordination Function, 328

Service Specific Part, 328

Service-Specific Convergence Sublayer, 349

Service Request Specification, 413

Session Layer, 103, 646

SETUP, сообщение, 340

SFTP, 575

SFVN, 545

SFVNS, 521

SGMP, 577,582


Shaper/Dropper, 427

Shaping, 442

Shared-Explicit, 421

Shielded Twisted Pair, 122, 312, 646

Signaling AAL, 328

Silly Window Syndrome, 201

Simple File Transfer Protocol, 575, 581

Simple Gateway Monitoring Protocol, 577

Simple Mail Transfer, 579

Protocol, 169, 573

Simple Network Management Protocol, 169, 201,573, 646

Single Attached Station, 31

Single Segment Message, 354

Single-mode fiber Physical medium-dependent layer, 33

Sirius Systems, 583

Site-Local, адреса, 388

SLA, 80,89,426,434

и трафик-контракт, 435

slide-in-микротрансивер, 128

SLIP, 113,201

slot, 324

Slow Start, 395

Algorithm, 201

Slow-start Threshold, 398


SMB, 118

SMC, 542

SMDS, 29, 53, 119, 637

MTU, 460

ячейки, 343

SMDS/CBDS, ячейки, 348


SMI, 573

Smoothed Round Trip Time, 225

SMT, 110, 116, 126

SMTP, 119, 169,573

SMUX, 584

SN, 351,354

поле, 445

SNA, 457

SNA Gateway Access Server, 581

SNA IBM, 406

SNAP, Ethernet, 38

snd.x, 209

SNMP, 142, 169, 201, 573, 583, 646




SNP, 351

SOH, 28

SONET, 28, 65, 110, 31,4, 646

и IP, 480


Source, 291

Quench, 218,403,406

Routing, 129, 230

Subnet, 288

поле, 287

Source-Rooted Trees, 280

Spanning Tree, 81, 142, 229, 279-280

Algorithm, 144

Protocol, 144

Sparse Mode, 291

Spider Remote Monitoring Protocol, 584

Split-Horizon, 251, 274

SPX, 117, 119, 584

SQL, 580

Service, 581

SQL-NET, 582

SRT, 280

SRTT, 225

SSAP, поле, 41

SSCF, 328

SSCOP, 53,328

SSCS, 349

SSL, 118

SSM, 354

SSP, 328

SSTHREST, переменная, 398

ST, 126,354

ST2, 549

STA, 144

Start-stop transmission, 633

Stateful inspection firewall, 162

Static Policy, 255

Station Management, 110, 126

Statistical Multiplexer, 646

Statistics Server, 577

Statistics Service, 582


Status, 288

STDM, 646

ST-II, 576

STM, 646

STM и STS, 111

STM-1, 111,314,569

STM-4, 111

Store-and-forward switching, 140

STP, 122, 144, 150, 646

StrataCom, 303

Stream Protocol, 549, 576

Structure of Management Information, 573

STS и STM, 111

STS-x, 28, 110,312

Subnet mask, 240, 288

SubNetwork Access Protocol, 38

Subquarter CIF, 551

Summary address, 377

Sun, 581

IPC server, 586

NFS, 589

Remote Procedure Call, 581

SUN-NFS, 575

SUN-RPC, 575

SUPDUP, 575,581

Protocol, 575

Supervisory Frame, 647

Survey Measurement, 585

Sustainable Cell Rate, 437, 439

SVC, 53, 116, 332, 646

Swift Remote Virtual File Protocol, 581

Switch ID, 146-147

Switched Multi-megabit Data Service, 29

Switched Multi-Megalit Data Service, 460, 637

Switched Virtual Circuit, 332, 646

Switching cut-through, 140

fragment-free, 140

store-and-forward, 140

SWS, 201

Symantec Norton Administrator, 542

SYN, 205


Data Hierarchy, 645

Digital Hierarchy, 26

Optical Network, 28, 646

Transmission, 646

Transport Signal, 28

SYN-RECEIVED, состояние, 208

SYN-SENT, состояние, 208

S-порты, 31


Т. 120, 639

T-l, 325

Tl, 65,646

T1/E1, 74

T-3, 325

ТЗ, 646

ТЗ/ЕЗ, 74

TACNews, 581


Tag Distribution Protocol, 513

Tag Information Database, 513

Tag Switching, 512

Router, 512

Tail Packet Discard, 452

Target Token Rotation Time, 33

TAXI, 303

FDDI, 312

TBE, 445

TC, 110

TCA, 427

TCB, 209

TCP, 119, 168, 198-199, 201, 573, 646

Boston, 228

буфер, 207

длина минимальная, 204

и ATM, 228

и IP, 198,218

и приложения, 206

назначение, 203

передача, 208

порт, 209, 277

примеры, 203

проблемы, 394

пропускная способность, 216

протокол, 198, 228

развитие, 228

расширения, 395

Microsoft, 199

реестр, 200

сегменты, 204

скорость потоков, 406

схема передачи, 204

формат, 204

заголовка, 203

TCP Alternate Checksum Option, 576

TCP Extensions for High Performance, 201

TCP Extensions for Long Delay Paths, 576

TCP Port Service Multiplexer, 578

TCP Receive Window Size Calculation, 200

TCP Retransmission Behavior, 201

TCP Selective Acknowledgment, 199

TCP Timestamps, 200

TCP Window Scaling, 200

TCP/IP, 164, 169, 640, 646

Microsoft, 199

RFC, 166

достоинства, 457

и ATM, 169

и Internet, 165

и IPX, 457

иерархия уровней, 169

модель, 187

преимущества, 165

прикладные протоколы, 169

протокол, 169

протоколы, 572

стандарты, 166

уровни, 167

уровни OSI, 167

ТСР-АСО, 576

TCP-LDP, 576

TDM, 324,646

TDP, 513

Teardown, 420

telnet, 169, 201, 573, 579, 647

Telnet Environment Option, 575

Gateway, 581

Linemode Option, 574

Protocol, 201,573

Terminators, 123

TFTP, 118,201,574

Thicknet, 122,632

Thinnet, 122, 632

Thinwire Protocol, 577


TIB, 513

TIME, 573

Time Division Multiplexer, 646

Time Server Protocol, 573

Time slot, 324

Time to Live, 172,278

Timeserver, 579, 585

Timeslot, 646

Timestamp, 207

TIME-WAIT, состояние, 208

TLV, поле, 503

Token, 647

bucket filter, 413

Ring, 31, 111, 119, 647

Rotation Timer, 33



Toshiba. 515,539-540

TPD, 452


TP-TCP, 574

Traffic conditioner, 426

Conditioning Agreement, 427

flow, 539

Shaping, 434

Specification, 413

Trailer, 353

Transient Buffer Exposure, 445

Translating bridges, 129

Transmission Control Block, 209

Protocol, 168, 176, 198, 201, 573, 646

Convergence, 110

of IP over Serial Lines, 201

IP Traffic over ARCNET Networks, 575

Transparent bridges, 129

Transport Layer, 103, 647

Triggered Update, 251,274

Trivial Authenticated Mail Protocol, 584

Trivial File Transfer, 580

Protocol, 201,574

TRPB, 282


маркеры, 33

таймеры, 33

Truncated Reverse Path Broadcasting, 279, 282

Tspec, 413-414

TSR, 512

TTL, 172, 288, 291

поле, 278


маркеры, 33

таймеры, 33

Type II, Ethernet, 38

Type-Length-Value, 503



UAAC Protocol, 582

UBR, 98,452,647

Udemon, 586

UDP, 168, 187, 201, 402, 573, 647

Unassigned Cells, 347

UNI, 20,303,360,647

3.0. 321,483

3.0/3.1, 98

3.1. 321,380,463,483

4.0, 96,321,380,463

Private, 322

Public, 322

Signaling 4.0, 629

версии, 366

интерфейсы, 321

ячейки, 345

Unify, 583

Unisys ARPs, 584

Unisys Audit SITP, 583

Unshielded Twisted Pair, 647

Unspecified Bit Rate, 98, 647

UPC, 434,560,647

UpStream, 291 URG, 206

флаг, 206

Urgent Pointer, 206

флаг, 206

Usage Parameter Control, 434, 647

Usenet, 582

User Datagram Protocol, 168,176,187, 201, 573,647

User Part, 25

User-Network Interface, 631

USERS, 573,578

User-to-Network Interface, 19, 321, 647

User-to-User, AAL5, 355

UTP, 647

Fast Ethernet, 122

UTP 4, 121

UTP 5, 121

UTPx, 121

UU, 355

Uucpd, 585


V.34, 639

Variable Bit Rate, 559,647

Variable Length Subnet Mask, 260

VBR, 559,647

VC, 334,648

VC OAM, ячейки, 348

VCC, 334,648

VCI, 334,648

VCL, 335

Versatile Message Transaction Protocol,576

Version 1 Functional Specification, RSVP, 201

Version 2 Internet Group Management

Protocol, 201

Version, 146

VESA Local Bus, 126

Vettcp, 580

VHS, 554

VIA Systems, 580

Virtual Channel, 334,648

Connection, 334, 648

Identifier, 334,346,648

Link, 335 Virtual Path, 648

Connection, 335, 648

Identifier, 334,346,648

Unk, 335

Virtual Private Network, 63

Virtual Source/Virtual Destination, 443

VLB, 126

VLSM, 260,265


VMEbus, 127

VMNET, 583

VMTP, 576

Voice and Telephone over ATM, 567, 568

Voice over IP, 567

VOIP, 567

Volume location database, 590

VP, 648

VP/VC, ячейки, 347-348

VPC, 335,648

VPI, 334,648


коммутация, 366

поля, 305

VPL, 335

VPN, 63

VS/VD, 443

VTOA, 567-568

to-the Desktop Specification, 567


WAN, 14,69,74,648

Weighted Fair Queuing, 92, 405

Westell, 626

WF, 421

WFQ, 92,405

Who Is, 579

Whoami, 585

Whols Protocol, 574

Wide Area Network, 14, 643

Wildcard-Filter, 421

Window, поле, 205

Window scale factor, 207

Windows NT, 118

WINS, 587

WinSock2.0, 100

Wire speed router, 535

World Wide Web, 580

WorldCom, 626


X Display Manager Control

Protocol, 583

X Window, 576

X.121, 54

X.25, 22, 53, 119, 213, 343, 648

X3T12, комитет, 30

ХЗТ9.5, комитет, 30

xdsxdm, 590

Xerox, 248,583,638

XFER, 580

XNET, 577


Authentication, 580

Clearinghouse, 580

Mail, 580

Time Protocol, 580

XTREE License Server, 587

Xyplex, 583


Zebra Server, 585



остовое дерево, 152

коммутаторы, 143

системы, 238, 276, 514

агрессивное поведение порта, 140


AAL1, уровень, 350

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