Обратная связь
For the second segment concerning high income takers, second segment, there were only four persons. Table 1.16 The gender of the second segment.
| Men
| Women
| gender
| Table 1.17 The age of the second segment
| 15-20
| 20-25
| 25-30
| 35-40
| Age
| Table 1.18 The money spent on food per week, for the second segment
| Per week
| 1500-2000
| 2000-5000
| more than 5000
| Foodmoney
| Table 1.19 If the second segment lives close or far away from the campus in Taganrog.
| close
| far away
| Live
| Table 1.20 The biggest problem for washing, for the second segment
| Find time
| free equipment
| Boring
| Problem
| Table 1.21 The way of washing today, for the second segment
| By Hand
| Half-automat
| Machine
| Hand+machine
| Washing today
| Table 1.22 How often the second segment washes.
| More 2 times/W
| 2 times/W
| 1 time/W
| How often
Table 1.23 What time during the day the second segment prefers to do the laundry.
| 1-7
| 7-9
| 9-11
| 11-13
| 13-15
| 15-17
| 17-19
| 19-21
| 21-23
| Time
Table 1.24 Washing habits for the second segment.
| yes
| no
| Sort by colour
| Sort by temperature
| Table 1.25 The following table describes the interest the person has for different service at “Stiralka”, conditioned that they are interested of the service. Each service can be graded between 1 and 5. In the column “Grade” to the right, the average grade of interest is presented. The column to the very right, named Interest, describes the average interest costumers have for the service. This is calculated by the formula: ((Number of 5s)*1 + (Number of 4s)*0,75 + (Number of 3s)*0,5 + (Number of 2s)*0,25)/4
| Grade
| Interest
| Service is comfortable
| 3,8
| 0,69
| Service is wanted
| 3,3
| 0,56
| Dryer
| 3,0
| 0,50
| Bring detergent
| 3,5
| 0,63
| Wait in store
| 2,3
| 0,31
| Iron
| 3,5
| 0,63
| Wash by hand
| 1,0
| 0,00
| Change clothes
| 3,5
| 0,63
| Full service
| 5,0
| 1,00
| Table 1.26 Prices people in the second segment are willing to pay.
| 0-50
| 50-100
| 100-150
| 150-200
| more
| Price for full service, per Kg
| | | | | | | | | |
Appendix 2
The prices were established with the knowledge from the questionnaire and the logic described in chapter 3.7.3 Prices. Variable costs, for water, electricity etc, has been calculated as 20 % of the second price. With help from the questionnaire the information to establish a customer’s likelihood to use the different services were taken from the questionnaire. For example many people would consider leaving the store instead of waiting in there for the laundry to be finished. There for the services by the staff taking out clothes from the machines will be popular. Many wanted to bring their own the detergent and expected sales for detergent in the store will be considered low. See Table 2 below.
With this logic a formula of the type: I = P1*x1+p2*x2…. = x(p1*c1+p2*c2…) was created. Where I is the income, P is price, c is chance of buying and x is the variable. Out of the table 6.1.2 formulas for the initial and the original income can be easily created. X is the number of customers. Iinitial = 307,22x Ioriginal = 343,22x
The formula for the variable cost was made out of the same logic as the income graphs. X is the number of customers. Cvariable = 49,14x
Fixed costs are personnel’s salaries, rent for facility, regular marketing expenses, etc. They are estimated to be 80 000 RUB each month. The formula for total costs will be:
Ctotal = 80 000 + 49,14x
These formulas can be put together into the Break-even graph shown in chapter 4.1 Break-even Analysis.
Table 2 The knowledge of the price of the service, chance of using the service and an approximate variable cost is determined. The income and cost for each costumer could be estimated.
| Initial Price
| Second Price
| Variable cost
| Chance of using service for each costumer
| Initial Income/
| Second income/ customer
| Variable cost/
| Self-service
| Formula E*B
| Formula E*C
| E*B
| Washing Longrun Rush hour
| 0,2
| 3,2
| Washing Shortrun Rush hour
| 0,2
| 2,4
| Drying Longrun Rush hour
| 0,2
| 1,6
| Drying Shortrun Rush hour
| 0,2
| 1,2
| Washing Longrun Low hour
| 0,3
| 3,6
| Washing Shortrun Low hour
| 0,3
| 2,4
| Drying Longrun Low hour
| 0,3
| 1,8
| Drying Shortrun Low hour
| 0,3
| 1,2
| Ironing
| 0,1
| 0,4
| Hand wash
| 0,03
| 0,3
| 0,3
| 0,06
| Detergent 50 ml
| 1,2
| 0,01
| 0,06
| 0,06
| 0,01
| Conditioner 40 ml
| 1,2
| 0,01
| 0,06
| 0,06
| 0,01
| Detergent+conditioner
| 0,03
| 0,3
| 0,3
| 0,06
| Half-service
| Sum SS
| 59,72
| 89,72
| 17,94
| Switch from washing to drying machine
| 0,6
| 7,2
| Take out clothes from machine
| 0,6
| 1,2
| Store clothes
| 0,6
| 2,4
| Hand wash
| 0,01
| 0,2
| Ironing: Sheets & others
| 0,01
| 0,5
| 0,5
| 0,1
| Ironing: Avarage
| 0,01
| 0,5
| 0,5
| 0,1
| Ironing: Shirts
| 0,01
| 0,5
| 0,5
| 0,1
| Mangle
| 0,1
| 0,4
| Full-Service
| Sum HS
| 52,5
| 58,5
| 11,7
| Sheets & Towels Regular
| 0,1
| 1,5
| Average clothes Regular
| 0,1
| 1,5
| Shirts Regular
| 0,1
| Sheets & Towels Express
| 0,05
| 12,5
| 12,5
| 1,25
| Average clothes Express
| 0,05
| 12,5
| 12,5
| 1,25
| Shirts Express
| 0,05
| 1,5
| Sheets & Towels Low
| 0,3
| Average clothes Low
| 0,3
| Shirts Low
| 0,3
| 4,5
| Sum FS
| 19,5
| Sum All
| 307,22
| 343,22
| 49,14