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Your teacher will suggest the Verbal Context of Ex. 8. You in turn reply to it, using High Falls. The drill will continue until every student has participated. Keep the exercise moving on rapidly.

14. Read the sentences taking into consideration the suggestions in brackets. Observe the changes in sentence stress:

Hockey is one of the most popular games in winter. (Not football.) [Not in summer.)

Football is the most popular game in England. (Not tennis.) (Not in India.)

Cars are driven on the left side of the road in London. (Not on the right side.) (Not in Moscow.)

In the middle of Trafalgar Square stands Nelson's monument. (Not in the middle of Piccadilly Circus.) (Not a statue of Cromwell.)

Breakfast is generally a big meal in England. (Not supper.) (Not on the Continent.)

Colleges of Education in Great Britain don't confer diplomas on their graduates. (But award certificates.) (Not technical colleges.)

Our terminal examinations are held at the end of each term. (Not final exams.) (Not every other term.)

15. Read the following sentences expressing the attitudes suggested in brackets. Use them In conversational situations of your own;

(detached, phlegmatic, reserved)

Shall I ask him about it again?

Can you translate a few sentences?

Well, will you come and see her tomorrow?

Could we meet on Wednesday, then?

May we all know what's amusing you?

Do you think so?

Will you tell her about it frankly?

(lively, interested, somewhat unpleasantly surprised)

Well when can you spare the time?

What's that got to do with you?

What makes you so sure?

Why not ask him about it?

How did you make that?

(wondering, mildly puzzled)

How old is she? Who's he gone to see? How much do you make it? How often must he take it? How long do you want to keep it? Which is my car? Where did I find them?


You don't like it. You want it back. He's definitely going. He won't be able to help. You've got enough money.


When will that be? What do you want it for? How old did you say? What is the crowd looking at? When did I see him? How much did I give for it? How many did you say? Before when?

16. The teacher will suggest a Verbal Context You in turn reply to it in the form of statements and questions, expressing personal concern or interest:

What do you think of the houses in Michurinski Avenue?

What are your general impressions of Moscow?

What else was it that you especially liked in Moscow?

Now what do you want?

Why didn't you meet me at the station?

What was her sister like?

How did Judy get on with the girls?

I'd love going to the cinema.

You haven't left your book here.

Mary said she intended to come back.

How many books do you want?

Do let's buy this dress, Mum!

The last bus has gone.

Have you heard about Mary?

17. Read the story "A Friend in Need" by S. Maugham (see p. 104). The sentences from the text given below are not true to fact. One of the students will read a sentence, another win correct him, using Intonation Patterns VI or VII.

Mr. Burton's namesake was an unpleasant-looking man.

He was old; his face was worn and wrinkled and he was always poorly dressed.

He worked hard to earn his living.

Once he came to Mr. Burton's office to help him with his work.

He told Mr. Burton he was getting on in life.

He offered Mr. Burton a good job.

Mr. Burton's namesake didn't accept the cruel terms he was offered.

He was a poor swimmer and he couldn't manage the currents round the beacon.

Mr. Burton was sure that his namesake would succeed in covering the distance.

Mr. Burton's namesake regarded Mr. Burton's offer as an easy and worthy job.

The young man came to the creek of Tarumi on time.

So Mr. Burton proved himself a real friend.

It's rather a funny story on the whole.

Make statements to be corrected according to the model above. The drill will continue until every student has participated. Keep the exercise moving on rapidly.

This exercise is meant to develop your ability to bear the intonation and reproduce it in proper speech situations.

a) listen to the dialogue "Sports and Games Popular in England", sentence by sentence. Write it down. Mark the stresses and tunes. Practise the dialogue.

B) Record your reading of the dialogue. Play the recording back immediately for the teacher and your fellow-students to detect your possible errors in pronunciation. Practise the dialogue for test reading and memorize it.

C) Pick out of the dialogue sentences containing compound tunes and the logical stress.

d) Make up conversational situations about sport, using the following phrases:

What would you say were Oh, yes, any amount.

the most popular...? You should join if you're

Well, I suppose.... keen on....

What about...? I think I shall if I get the

I should say that.... chance....

Then there are, of course.... By the way....

I've been told that.... Well, I do, but...

Is there any... to be had near...?

Make up a dialogue of your own, using phrases from the dialogue above.

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