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Обратная связь

Fill in the each gap with the one word which best fits each space (47-50).




Once there was a rich man who fell seriously ill. He sold all his belongings just to cure his illness. After he became healthy, he realized that he had nothing left. He had difficulties feeding himself, but he thought that in no time things would be back to normal again, he would be rich again.


He waited (47) ............................. a long, long time but nothing happened. His life was dreadful and so he decided that if he took his own life, it would be over. So he did.

While on his way to hell, he met two angels (48) .............................. were
carrying a heavy load. He asked them where they were going.  
After their long explanations, this man realized that the two angels were
coming to (49) .................................... . The heavy load they were carrying

was a bag full of money. But since he was no longer alive, he wouldn't be able to receive (50) ....................................... .





51.You successfully entered the university yesterday.


On a separate sheet of paper write a note (100-120 words) to your friends announcing this news and invite them to a party you plan to give.


In your note you should:


say when the party will be given;

give directions to the party;

tell your friends what to bring.

Write your note in the appropriate style and format.










Read the texts below. Match choices (A-H) to (1-5).


There are three choices you do not need to use.


Write your answers on the separate answer sheet.





Full Day


Sail with us to the magical Blue Lagoon and enjoy the crystal clear waters in a wonderful day out at sea. We start off towards the north of Malta where this excursion will take us past landmarks such as the bays of St Julian's, St Andrews and St Paul's where we can see the islands where the shipwreck of St Paul took place in 60 A.D.



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