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Text D Elections in Great Britain

Task:read the text and give your understanding of the underlined parts of the sentences.

For parliamentary elections Great Britain is divided into 650 electoral districts, called constituencies, of approximately equal population. Each constituency is a geographical area: the voters living within the area select one person to serve as a member of the House of Commons. The average number of electors in each constituency in England is about 70.000; in other parts of Britain the average numbers are slightly lower.

The simple majority system of voting is used in parliamentary elections in Britain. This means that the candidate with the largest number of votes in each constituency is elected, although he or she may not necessarily have received more than half of the votes cast.

Any British subject aged 21 or over can be nominated as a candidate for any seat on payment of a deposit: the sum of 500 pounds must be deposited on behalf of each candidate, candidates who receive less than 5 per cent of the votes cast in the election lose this deposit. Peers, clergymen, lunatics and felons in prison are disqualified from sitting in the House of Commons. Practically no person can stand any chance of being elected except under the name of a party, and a little chance except as a candidate backed by either the Labour or the Conservative Party. In every constituency each of these two parties has a local organization, whose first task is to choose the candidate, and which then helps him to conduct his local campaign. However smaller political parties and groups also put forward candidates, and individuals without party support also stand.

All British citizens of the age of 18 or over are entitled to vote at local elections in the area in which they are registered as electors.

The franchise (right to vote) became universal for men by stages in the nineteenth century. Women suffrage came in two stages (1918 and 1928). Voting is not compulsory, but in the autumn of each year every householder is obliged by law to enter on the register of electors the name of every resident who is entitled to vote. On average about 75 per cent of the electorate vote.

For the purposes of voting, each constituency is divided into a number of polling districts. In each there is a polling station: many types of buildings, including schools, are used. The official expenses of parliamentary elections are paid by Government.


Ex. 1.Discussion points.

1. Compare the UK electoral system with some other electoral system that you know well. What are the main similarities and differences? What are the strongest and weakest points of each system in your opinion?

2. Imagine what an ideal democratic electoral system would be like? In what way does it differ from the UK system and the system in your country?

3. What are the main disadvantages of the UK electoral system and the electoral system in your country? What advantages does each system have? Suggest possible changes in each system.

4. Do members of parliament /deputies in your country (like MPs in Britain) always "follow the party line" in Parliament, or are they free to vote independently of their political party? What advantages and disadvantages do you see in each case?


Text E Prime Minister

Task:read the text and insert a suitable verb from the box

to win to belong to nominate to meet
to preside to inform to include to reconstruct

Unlike heads of Government in some countries, the Prime Minister is not directly elected by voters, although he or she is an elected Member of Parliament – an MP. Prime Minister is the leader of that party which ______ the General Election or which has the support of a majority of the members of the House of Commons. He _______ members of the Government, forms the Cabinet. In Britain he (or she) is a virtual ruler of the country. The Prime Minister and the Cabinet govern Britain collectively. The decisive role in the Cabinet _______ to the Prime Minister. His position in the Cabinet is described as “primus inter pares”1. The Prime Minister _______ the Queen of the general business of the Government, _______ over the meetings of the Cabinet and is responsible for the allocation of functions among ministers. The Prime Minister's other responsibilities ______ recommending to the Queen a number of important appointments.

The official residence of the British Prime Minister is 10 Downing Street. This is the place where the Cabinet of Ministers ________ to discuss all government issues. “Number 10” has been the official residence of the Prime Minister since the 1720s. It was _______ between 1960 and 1963.


1. “primus inter pares” (Lat.) – первый среди равных


Dialogue 1. At the Exam

Task: read the dialogue and reproduce it a) abridged, b) in the form of a monologue.

Professor: You know, the most important of the Queen’s Ministers is the Prime Minister. In his relation to the other Ministers he has been described by one well-known authority as being like the sun among the planets. Can you explain why?

Student: Well, as far as I remember, the Prime Minister is the Queen’s chief adviser. His opinions shape the policy of the Government. Besides he is the leader of the largest party.

Professor: Do you know the official title of the Prime Minister?

Student: No, I’m sorry, I don’t.

Professor: It is “Prime Minister and First Lord of the Treasury”. The Treasury is the department of the Government. It handles the nation’s money. This fact, as you can see, proves that modern Premiers hold great power. And do you know who performs the real work of the treasury?

Student: If I’m not mistaken, it’s the Chancellor of the Exchequer.

Professor: You are right. It is known that after a General Election the Queen asks the leader of the largest political party to form a Government and a Cabinet. Is there any rule deciding which departments should be represented in the Cabinet?

Student:I am sure, there isn’t any rule. But usually the Prime Minister includes in his cabinet the Chancellor of the Exchequer and the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs. It’s important to mention that all ministerial appointments are made by the Prime Minister. He might appoint, dismiss and transfer to another Department. This shows how powerful he is.

Professor: Do you want to say that he doesn’t need anybody’s approval?

Student: No, I don’t mean that. Before making his appointments the Prime Minister takes a list to the Queen and seeks her approval. The Queen may make suggestions.

Professor: Tell me, who can dissolve Parliament?

Student: As I see it, the Prime Minister can only advise the Queen to do it and she can accept advise only from him.

Professor: And the last question: what is the most important feature of the British form of government?

Student: Let me think… Well, I believe it’s responsibility. All Ministers are responsible to Parliament, to the elected representatives of the ordinary people.

Professor: Very good. You know the subject. I am quite satisfied with your answer.


Ex. 1. How is the following expressed in the dialogue?

1. power or right to control and command

2. that which a person thinks about something

3. to influence and determine the course

4. to deal with, control

5. a principle or order which guides behaviour

6. choosing of someone for a position, job

7. to sent away (from employment)

8. to move officially from one place, job to another

9. official permission

10. to end or break up


Ex. 2. Study the dialogue and continue the list of expressions giving an opinion.

I feel…

In my opinion, …

From my point of view, …


Ex. 3. Present the information from the dialogue using the following words and word combinations.

Chief adviser, to shape the policy, leader of the party, official title, to handle the nation’s money, to hold power, ministerial appointment, to dismiss, to transfer, to seek smb’s approval, to make a suggestion, to dissolve, to accept smb’s advice, responsibility, elected representatives.


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