Sacrifices habitants fighting surrounding liberator founded reputation slavery confronted palace Into Egypt
Alexander set his next goal as Egypt. He bypassed Jerusalem. He and his navy (1)_________the well fortified Phoenician city of Gaza, which, for Alexander was the gateway to Egypt. At Gaza, as at Tyre, the (2)_________ was bitter. It lasted two months. Gaza's defenders fought to the last man. Alexander sold its women and children into (3)_________, and he repopulated the city by allowing the settlement there of people from the (4)_________area.
While supplied by his navy, Alexander and his army marched across the Sinai desert into Egypt, and Alexander's (5)________preceded him. Happy to see the end of Persian rule, Egyptians welcomed him as a (6)________. They had little choice, for they no longer had the cohesion nor an army that could resist him. Egypt's priesthood hailed Alexander as pharaoh - as a king of kings. Like the pharaohs, he was hailed as a god. He became the guest of Egypt's king, staying at the king's (7)_________ in Memphis. And in Memphis, Alexander made (8)_________to Egypt's gods, including the bull god Apis.
Early in the year 331, Alexander sailed down the Nile, and he found a place he thought perfect for a city. There he (9)_________Alexandria, soon to be Egypt's new capital - a city that would be populated by people from neighboring villages and towns and by Macedonian, Greek and Balkan (10)_________ were to be subject to royal edicts but otherwise self-governing, with an assembly and a city council.
2. Match the words with definitions:
1. to bypass
| a. a place where people live
| 2. gateway
| b. to go before in time or order
| 3. settlement
| c. to travel on water in a ship
| 4. to supply
| d. to avoid the centre of a town or a city by using a road that does round it
| 5. desert
| e. to oppose
| 6. to precede
| f. to bring under one’s control
| 7. to resist
| g. a place through which one must go to reach somewhere else
| 8. to sail
| h. land with few plants and no water and dry weather
| 9. neighboring
| i. to provide with something
| 10. to subject
| j. situated or living next to somebody or something
| 3. Are these statements TRUE or FALSE. Correct the false statements:
1. Alexander managed to gain Gaza easily.
2. Gaza was populated by the people from the neighboring places
3. Alexander set Egyptians free from Persians.
4. Alexander founded a new capital of Egypt.
5. The citizens in Alexandria were not allowed to have their own organs of governing.
Variant 2
1. Complete the text with the following words:
Conqueror manifestation reinforced glory supply divinity holy endured rescued pharaons
Affirmation of Alexander's Birth Having Been Divine
Concerned about his(1)_________ and his relationship with the gods, Alexander and a small party with camels crossed the Egyptian desert to an oasis and(2) __________ place called Siwah. There a sun god called Amon-Ra, the father of the (3)__________, was believed to dwell. It was common among Greeks to see their own gods in foreign deities, and for some time Greeks and Macedonians had visualized Amon-Ra as another (4)___________ of Zeus. Alexander and his party traveled in the coolness of twilight and night, and their journey became biblical in its telling. They (5)________ a sandstorm. They crossed an area infested with snakes and became lost, and their water (6)_________ was just about finished. Alexander's historian, Callisthenes, was to claim that they were (7)__________ by gods: two crows that flew in front of them to show hem the way. According to another account they were led by gods in the form of two talking snakes.
At Siwah, Alexander was welcomed by the local high priest as a great (8)_________ and as the son of Amon-Ra. Alexander welcomed this proclamation of his (9)_________. It was Macedonian and Greek tradition that a hero might be the son of a god and yet human,. Many in the world believed that the success and power of a conqueror was derived from his divinity. And when news of Alexander at Siwah reached Alexander's mother, Olympia, it (10)__________ her view that Alexander's birth had been divine
2. Match the words with definitions:
1. concerned
| a. a group of people working or travelling together
| 2. desert
| b. to live as an inhabitant at a place
| 3. to dwell
| c. to live in persistently and large number
| 4. deity
| d. to announce
| 5. party
| e. barren land with very little water and vegetation
| 6. to infest
| f. a person who performs religious ceremonies
| 7. supply
| g. to state or declare as a fact
| 8. to claim
| h. god or goddess
| 9. priest
| i. worried, troubled
| 10. to proclaim
| j. amount of something that is available to use
3. Are these statements TRUE or FALSE. Correct the false statements:
1. Alexander and his party faced a lot of difficulties and hardships on their way to Siwah.
2. They went to Siwah to establish their own gods.
3. The people of Siwah helped them in their journey.
4. The priests in Siwah proved that Alexander was a son of god.
5. Olympia was surprised to hear the news about divinity of her son.
Variant 3
1. Complete the text with the following words:
Army clashed pursuit destroying governor men troop displayed advantages pushed
Alexander, King of the Persians
In early 331, Alexander returned to his (1)________ of Darius. He marched with his army toward Babylon, where Darius had been organizing a force for a showdown against him.
On October 1, Darius and his army of a million (2)__________ arrived on a wide plain along the Royal Road, by a town called Gaugamela, and the two armies (3)_________. Commanding his army from his chariot, Darius was slow in correcting weaknesses that developed in (4)_________ positions, and he was slow in taking (5)________ of weaknesses that had developed in the position of Alexander's (6)_________. Darius had failed to delegate enough command to subordinates. When he saw Alexander's army over-powering his army, he fled with his retinue, the second time that he deserted men who ere dying for him. And Darius' poorly led army was massacred.
Leaving behind his chariot, bow and a substantial hoard of coins as a prize for Alexander, Darius fled to Arbela, without (7)__________ river bridges behind him. There he was joined by Bactrian cavalrymen, 2,000 loyal Greek mercenaries and a few of his surviving Royal Guards. From Arbela they (8)__________ east through the Zagros Mountains and then south, dropping down to Ecbatana where Darius hoped to gather and re-organize his army.
Alexander marched southward unimpeded to Babylon. The Persian (9)_________of Babylon surrendered the city to him, and with his army Alexander entered the city in triumph. The local priesthood made a show of welcoming Alexander, and Alexander in turn (10) _________ his respects.
2. Match the words with definitions:
1. showdown
| a. a large flat area of land
| 2. plain
| b. to escape from a dangerous situation or place very quickly
| 3. chariot
| c. a soldier who fights for any army that will pay him;
| 4. troops
| d. to stop resisting an enemy; to give up
| 5. to overpower
| e. to defeat someone in a fight
| 6. to flee (fled)
| f. not interrupted or delayed
| 7. massacre
| g. a vehicle with two wheels and no roof pulled by horses;
| 8. mercenary
| h. soldiers especially in large numbers
| 9. unimpeded
| i. a big fight that finally proved who is the best;
| 10. to surrender
| j. a killing of a lot of people; serious defeat
3. Are these statements TRUE or FALSE. Correct the false statements:
1. Darius didn’t expect Alexander to fight with him.
2. Darius failed to take all the advantages during the battle.
3. Darius escaped from the place of the battle.
4. Further Alexander’s march was connected with great difficulties.
5. Alexander treated the people of Babylon in a polite and kind way.
Part 2