Пиши Дома Нужные Работы

Обратная связь

We often speak about her. — She is often spoken about.

Aktobe Regional State University

Named after K.Zhubanov

The Practical Course of English

Part 2


Специальность _____________________

Курс _______________________________

Академическая группа_______________

Студент ____________________________

Преподаватель ______________________


Дисциплина АНГЛИЙСКИЙ ЯЗЫК ( _ кредитов )

(1 семестр)

место проведения занятий ауд. время дни недели преподаватель конт. тел email

Время СРСП


Обучение английскому языку в вузе представляет собой самостоятельный и законченный курс и ориентировано на достижение стандарта общеевропейской компетенции по иностранным языкам, принятого в документе «Современные языки: изучение, обучение, оценка. Общеевропейские компетенции», одобренного Советом Европы в апреле 1997 года.

Силлабус английского языка разработан на основе рабочей программы в соответствии с требованиями Типовой учебной программы цикла общеобразовательных дисциплин «Иностранный язык» (Алматы, 2005).Структура курса предусматривает согласно ГОСО Республики Казахстан для всех специальностей естественно-гуманитарных профилей 6 кредитов.

Обучение английскому языку осуществляется по Варианту А («продолжающие»).



- обучение практическому владению разговорно-бытовой речью и языком специальностидля активного применения иностранного языка, как в повседневном, так и в профессиональном общении.

- обучение объёму языковых знаний, предусмотренных программой, приобщение к знаниям и информации профессионального, этнокультурного и общечеловеческого характера


Перед изучением курса английского языка студент должен знать алфавит, основные правила чтения, основные грамматические правила; должен уметь работать со словарем, уметь рассказать о себе и семье.


После окончания курса студент должен знать:

- фонетика: основные правила чтения и произнесения букв,алфавита и буквосочетаний в речевом потоке;

- орфография: написание букв и буквосочетаний, в соответствующих определенным звукам, орфографические соответствия наиболее частотным лексико-грамматическим признакам базового языка;

- лексика: словообразовательные модели, контекстуальные значения многозначных слов, термины и лексические конструкции подъязыка, соответствующего профилю изучаемой специальности.

- грамматика: наиболее частотные специфические грамматические явления базового и естественно-гуманитарного и технического подъязыков.


После окончания курса студент должен уметь:

- чтение: читать тексты со словарем и без словаря, находить заданную информацию, помнить содержание прочитанного;

- письмо: заполнить бланк, написать небольшое письмо личного или делового характера;

- перевод: переводить тексты с иностранного языка на родной с использованием словаря в соответствии с нормами языка перевода;

- аудирование: понимать высказывания на иностранном языке;

- говорение: излагать свои мысли и высказываться на иностранном языке соответственно речевым нормам языка, задавать вопросы и отвечать на них, поддерживать беседу на иностранном языке в объеме изученной тематики, адекватно употребляя коммуникационные реплики, пересказывать содержание прочитанного, услышанного.

(Согласно Общеевропейским компетенциям владения иностранным языком уровни В1-В2)


Курс английского языка будет преподаваться с опорой на методику коммуникативно-ориентированного обучения иноязычной культуре (Е.И.Пассов).

Обучение иностранному языку будет осуществляться на практических аудиторных занятиях. Студентам будет предложено изучить ряд тем. Каждая тема включает лексический минимум, грамматический материал (теория и практические задания), базовый текст с заданиями к нему.

На занятиях будут использованы словесные методы (презентация лексики, семантизация грамматики, беседа, инструктаж и др.), практические методы (упражнение, тренинг), наглядные методы(иллюстрирование, показ, предъявление материала), частично-поисковый метод и др.

К каждому занятию студент должен готовиться, используя материалы практикума по английскому языку, предложенного преподавателем. В практикум включены практический курс английского языка, краткий грамматический справочник с тренинговыми упражнениями, сборники текстов и заданий для самостоятельной работы и для подготовки к текущему и промежуточному контролю.

Посещение занятий, ведение записей и выполнение заданий, предусмотренных программой, обязательны для каждого студента. Если студенту что-либо не понятно, то ему следует обратиться за разъяснениями к преподавателю.

Сдача индивидуальных заданий осуществляется на СРСП.


Текущая оценка: в течение курса в качестве оценочной стратегии будут использоваться следующие методы оценки: письменные контрольные работы, домашние задания (письменные задания, пересказ и т.д.), устный опрос, тестовые задания, реферат, презнтация и т.п.

Рубежный контроль: контрольная работа содержит задания по изученным разделам программы курса и включает практические задания.

Аудиторная работа:ведение записей, выполнение устных и письменных заданий (упражнения лексического и грамматического характера, работа с текстом)

Индивидуальная самостоятельная работа: учитывается индивидуальное выполнение заданий на семинарах, домашних заданий, творческих заданий по темам курса, выполнение рефератов, использование научных источников, анализ ситуаций, газетных сообщений.

Домашние задания: домашние задания обязательны для выполнения и принимаются на СРСП для всех групп по расписанию. За домашние задания, сданные после установленного срока, снижаются баллы.

Контрольные работы:содержат дополнительный материал по изученным темам и служат не только контролю знаний, но и обобщению пройденного материала.

Задания творческого характера: задаются по определенной теме и являются небольшой творческой работой. Под заданиями творческого характера подразумеваются рефераты преимущественно страноведческого характера как на родном языке, так и на английском, презентации, альбомы, буклеты, схемы и таблицы, иллюстрирующие лексико-грамматическое содержание тем и др.После установленного срока работа не принимается и не оценивается.

Рубежные контрольные тесты: тесты, содержащие 10 и более заданий, по пройденному материалу. Тесты проводятся два раза в семестр по графику на 7 и 15 неделе.

Итоговый экзамен: итоговый экзамен проводится в конце семестра. Дата экзамена будет представлена расписанием деканата. Экзамен будет проводиться в форме тестирования (компьютерного или бланочного). Тесты включают задания по всем разделам программы курса. На экзамене запрещено пользоваться конспектами лекций, книгами, любыми записями. Каких-либо дополнительных заданий для повышения оценки, если она будет низкой, не будет. Студент, не соблюдающий политику проведения экзамена, будет отстранен от сдачи экзамена и считаться не сдавшим экзамен.

Заключительная оценка: в конце семестра студенты сдают экзамены по дисциплинам, оценивающимся в 100 баллов (40 %).




№ № Вид контроля Итого баллов
Посещение * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *  
Домашние задания * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *  
Практические задания в аудиторное время * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *  
Выполнение заданий творческого характера           *           *        
Тест             *           *      
Контрольная работа         *               *      
Самостоятельная работа           *                 *  
Рубежный контроль             *             *    
Промежуточный контроль (экзамен)                               *


оценка коэффициент %
А 4,0 95-100%
А- 3,67 90-94%
В+ 3,33 85-89%
В 3,0 80-84%
В- 2,67 75-79%
С+ 2,33 70-74%
С 2,00 65-69%
С- 1,67 60-64%
Д+ 1,33 55-59%
Д 1,0 50-54%
F 0-49%


Студенты обязаны посещать все занятия и приходить в аудиторию вовремя. Посещение будет проверяться в течение семестра. Освоение пропущенного материала является обязанностью студента.

Студенты своим несоответствующим поведением не должны мешать преподавателю вести занятие или другим студентам усваивать учебную программу. Любое поведение, которое мешает выполнению нормальных академических функций, считается неуместным. Примером могут служить: постоянное выражение несогласия, постоянное прерывание других студентов, устные высказывания и другие, которые отвлекает аудиторию от предмета, запугивания, физические угрозы, изнуряющее поведение, использование портативных телефонов, персональные оскорбления, отказ выполнять задания курса.

· На занятия студенты должны являться вовремя. В случае опоздания студента более чем на 10 минут, преподаватель имеет право не допускать его к занятию.

· Сотовые телефоны и другие электронные устройства, которые отвлекают и создают помехи в работе аудиторий, должны быть выключены при входе в аудиторию.

· Некоторые материалы для чтения будут даваться в ходе практических занятий. Дополнительно студенты, как ожидается, будут использовать книги из библиотечного фонда.



Неделя Темы
Актобе. Астана.Города.
Казахстан. Астана. Города.
Великобритания.Географическое расположение страны.
Великобритания. Традиции и обычаи.
Великобритания. О флаге, о культуре, о народе.
Лондон. Города.
Лондон. Города.
Лондон. Города.
Университет. Моя будущая профессия.

Программа 2экзамена

Перечень вопросов
Личные местоимения
Притяжательные местоимения
Спряжение глагола «быть» в настоящем времени.
Спряжение глагола «быть» в прошедшем времени.
Спряжение глагола «быть» в будущем времени.
Множественное число существительных
Спряжение глагола «иметь, владеть» в настоящем времени.
Спряжение глагола «иметь, владеть» в прошедшем времени.
Спряжение глагола «иметь, владеть» в будущем времени.
«Perfect » в настоящем времени
«Perfect » в прошедшем времени
«Perfect » в будущем времени
Лексика по теме «Казахстан»
«Perfect Continuous» в настоящем времени
«Perfect Continuous» в прошедшем времени
«Perfect Continuous» в будущем времени
Структура «There +to be» в настоящем времени.
Структура «There +to be» в прошедшем времени.
Структура «There +to be» в будущем времени.
Лексическое содержание темы «Актобе»
Количественные числительные
Порядковые числительные
«Present Indefinite» в страдательном залоге
«Past Indefinite» в страдательном залоге
«Future Indefinite» в страдательном залоге
Времена «Continuous» в страдательном залоге
Лексическое содержание темы «Великобритания»
Неопределенный артикль «а»
Неопределенный артикль «аn»
Определенный артикль «the»
Употребления определенного артикля с собственными именами
Употребления определенного артикля с географическими названиями
«Present Perfect » в страдательном залоге
«Past Perfect » в страдательном залоге
«Future Perfect » в страдательном залоге
Лексическое содержание темы «Города Великобритании»
Participle I
Participle II
Условные предложения I типа
Условные предложения II типа
Сложноподчиненые предложения
Типы придаточных предложений
Лексика по теме «Отдых. Путешествие».
Прямая и косвенная речь
Вопросы в косвенной речи
Повелительное наклонение в косвенной речи
Лексика по теме «Обучение в вузе».
Модальный глагол“can”
Модальный глагол “may”
Модальный глагол “ must”
Модальный глагол“ need”
Эквивалент модального глагола “ to be able to”
Эквивалент модального глагола “ to be allowed to”
Эквивалент модального глагола “ to have to”
Эквивалент модального глагола“ to be to”
Эквивалент модального глагола“ should”
Времена глагола в активном залоге. Повторение
Времена глагола в пасивном залоге. Повторение
Вопросы страноведения


Exercise 1.Write your first association about Aktobe city:


Exercise 2.Learn the following active vocabulary:

anniversary - жылдық мереке

art - өнер

population - ел,халық

enterprise - кәсіпкерлік

unique - бірегей

passenger - жолаушы

industrial - өнеркәсіпті

mosque - мешіт

pilot - ұшқыш

microdistrict - шағын аудан

products - бұйым

residential - тұрғын

service - қызмет ету(көрсету)

deposit - кен орны

institution - оқу орны

regional - жергілікті

church - шіркеу

important - маңызды

plant – завод

factory – фабрика

agriculture – ауыл-шаруашылығы

national cuisine –ұлттық кухня

entertainment- көңіл-көтергіш

Exercise 3.Write the transcription of these words and read them.

Model:traffic [‘tæfik]












Exercise 4.Put the right letter.

Model:se…vice- service.

A… iversary, co… unications, instituti…n, resi…ential, mon…ments, mi…rodistrict, muse…m, co… ege , re…ional, educa…ional.


Exercise 5.Read and translate the text.


Aktobe was founded in 1869. The name "Aktobe" comes from Kazakh "ақ" (white) and "төбе" (hill). Aktobe is situated on the river Ilek. It is an administrative centre of Aktobe Oblast. Aktobe is one of the largest cultural and business centre in Kazakhstan. Its population is about 380 400 people. Its territory is 235.000 sq.km.

Aktobe city is an important industrial center of the region and Kazakhstan now. There are some big plants here and some smaller factories. The largest enterprises are: “Aktobemunaigas”, the Bread baking works, many of today's fastest-growing industries in Aktobe are related to food production (such as the company "Ramazan"), construction ("Dastan").

The Aktobe Chrome Alloys Plant uses the chromites of the unique deposit in Chromtau. Agriculture and ranching play a large role in Aktobe province's economy and in rural employment. Beef, mutton and dairy products are the main products in this area.

Aktobe is a host to a number of state and private institutions of higher learning, including Zhubanov Regional State University and the West Kazakhstan Medical Academy. The military of Kazakhstan also maintains a pilot school in the city. During the SovietEra many pilots were trained there. Aktobe art school is one of the most respected institutions which work together with UNESCO.

The main gates of this town are the Railway Station, two Bus Stations “Sapar ” and “Express”. The airport of aktobe has a status of International. Four museums, T.Akhtanov Drama theater, regional philharmonic society, children’s puppet theater “Alakai” and Aktobe regional planetarium are located in this city. There are the following parks: A.S.Pushkin retro-park, Central recreation park named after Abai (micro district № 11) as well as a lot of alleys, public gardens and boulevards.In 2009 (by 140th anniversary of Aktobe city) a new Water-Green boulevard was constructed, it was named «Unity and Agreement» boulevard and has an amphitheatre, a monument “Shanyrak” and 2 fountains. The boulevard itself links the central mosque “Nurgasyr” - the largest in the city and St.Nickolas cathedral built in 2008.There are 3 mosques (Aktobe regional central mosque, Central mosque of the city of Aktobe, mosque “Nurdaulet”) in the city.

The climate is sharp-continental. It’s hot in summer and frosty in winter.

There are a lot of restaurants and cafes of national cuisine - Kazakh, Russian, Armenian, Korean, Chinese, Spanish, Italian, Turkish and others. Also there are night clubs and entertainment complexes in Aktobe city. I love my native town very much.


Exercise 6.After reading the text, fulfill the table:

I know I’d like to know I have known

Exercise 7.Answer the following questions:

  1. How old is Aktobe?
  2. What is the population of our town?
  3. Where is it situated?
  4. What are the largest enterprises?
  5. What can you say about the communication in our town?
  6. Is Aktobe really a large town in Kazakhstan?
  7. What places of interest can you name?
  8. Do you like this town? Why?
  9. Where are you from?
  10. What is the future of our town? Express your own thoughts.


Exercise 8.Complete the sentences.

1. Not long ago it celebrated … .

2. Today Aktobe is an important … centre.

3 There are some big … here and some smaller … .

4 Aktobe is host to a number of … and … institutions of higher learning

5.Its … is about 300 000 people.

6. The largest … are: “Aktobemunaigas”, … .

7.Aktobe is one of the largest cities in … .

8. Beef, mutton, a dairy …. are major products in this area.

9. The military of Kazakhstan also maintains a … school in the city.

10. There are night … and … complexes in Aktobe city.


Exercise 9.Circle the correct alternative in each sentence.


0 My aunt lives in London, south of Thames / the Thames

1 He saw an accident when he was driving / drove home

2 I haven’t done my homework yet / already.

3 I need to have a bath / the bath first.

4 I didn’t see / haven’t seen my friend recently.

5 When my mother heard the news she was beginning / began to cry.

6 I won / have won three table - tennis tournaments when I was at school.

7 Fiona is very talented. She plays the piano / piano very well.

8 How many times have you traveled / did you travel by plane?

9 I don’t like going to a cinema / the cinema.

10 What did you do / were you doing when you got to school yesterday


Exercise 10.Write these sentences into the negative and interrogative form.

Model: I haven’t been writing a letter for my friend.

Have I been writing a letter for my friend?


1.Recently, I have been feeling really tired.2.She has been watching too much television lately.3.Have you been exercising lately? 4.Mary has been feeling a little depressed.5.Lisa has not been practicing her English. 6.What have you been doing? 7.They have been talking for the last hour.8.She has been working at that company for three years.9.What have you been doing for the last 30 minutes?10.James has been teaching at the university since June.


Exersice 11.Put the verbs in Present Perfect ContinuousTense:

Model:She has been writing a test for three hours.


1.You( wait) here for 2.Have you( wait) here for two hours?3.You (not wait)here for two hours. 4.You (wait) here for two hours.5.Have you ( wait ) here for two hours?6.You ( not wait) here for two hours .I ( live) here for 4 years. 8.You( learn) French for 2 months. 9.She( work) here since 14 February .10.He watch) television all day.


Exercise 12.Put the verbs in Past Perfect ContinuousTense:

Model: I (feel) really tired.- I had been feeling really tired.


1. We (sleep) for 12 hours when he woke us up.

2. They (wait) at the station for 90 minutes when the train finally arrived.

3. We (look for) her ring for two hours and then we found it in the bathroom.

4 .I (not / walk) for a long time, when it suddenly began to rain.

5 .How long (learn / she) English before she went to London?

6. Frank Sinatra caught the flu because he (sing ) in the rain too long.

7. He (drive) less than an hour when he ran out of petrol.

8. They were very tired in the evening because they (help) on the farm all day.

9. I (not / work) all day; so I wasn't tired and went to the disco at night.

10. They (cycle) all day so their legs were sore in the evening.



Exercise 13.Open the brackets using verbs in: Present Simple, Present Continuous, Present Perfect, Present Perfect Continuous.


1. He (to run) now. He (to run) for ten minutes without any rest. 2. What they (to do) now? — They (to work) in the reading-room. They (to work) there for already three hours. 3. Where he (to be) now? — He (to be) in the garden. He (to play) vol­ley-ball with his friends. They (to play) since break­fast time. 4. I (to live) in St. Petersburg. I (to live) in St. Petersburg since 1990. 5. She already (to do) her homework for two hours; but she (not yet to do) half of it. 6. I (to wait) for you since two o'clock. 7. What you (to do)? — I (to read). I (to read) for already two hours. I already (to read) sixty pages. 8. This man (to be) a writer. He (to write) books. He (to write) books since he was a young man. He al­ready (to write) eight books. 9. What you (to do) here since morning? 10. Lena is a very good girl. She always (to help) her mother about the house. Today she (to help) her mother since morning. They already (to wash) the floor and (to dust) the furni­ture. Now they (to cook) dinner together.


Exercise 14. Fill in the table with appropriate formulas of the Tense forms:

1)have/has V-ed, V-3;2)V-ed, V-2;3) have/has been V-ing; 4)V, V-s,es;5)shall/will have V-ed,V-3;6) have/has beenV-ing;7)had V-ed, V-3;8)shall/will V;9)was/were V-ing10) shall be /will be V-ing;11) shall/will have been V-ing;12) am/is/are V-ing.

Tense Simple Continuous Perfect Perfect Continuous


Exercise 15. Fill in the table with appropriate numbers of sentences:


1.The teacher is explaining new material now.2.I’ll have finished this work by the time you come tomorrow.3.By next July we shall have been living in Astana for two years. 4.We had studied hard before we took our exams.5.Tomorrow at ten o’clock in the morning my sister will be taking her exam in History.6.Mr. Brown has been working in his room since early morning. 7.It was snowing when I went out.8.My brother will graduated from the University in two years.9.I have written several letters to my friends this week.10.She had been waiting for her for a long time before he came.11. My uncle built a new house in the country last year. 12. The students take a test in English at the end of the term every year.


Tense Simple Continuous Perfect Perfect Continuous

Exercise 16.Open the brackets and put the verbs into the correct Tense form.

1.I (to wait) for you at the hotel at midday tomorrow.2.I (to finish) everything by the time you get back tomorrow.3.The students of our group (to pass) an exam in English today.4.What you (to do) yesterday at ten o’clock in the morning?5.We (to do) grammar exercises on tenses at this moment. 6.He (to read) already the newspaper for twenty minutes when his friend rang him up.7.My sister (to study) at the library every day.8.He (to write )an article for three hours.9.He (to come) from London two days ago.10.My father (to arrive) from Moscow in a week.11.When Mike entered the theatre he found that the play (to begin).12.Next year by the first of September I (to study) at the University for three years.


Exercise 17.Find the beginning of the sentences, translate them.


1. … cities in Kazakhstan.

2. … is an important industrial centre.

3. …. founded in 1869 as Aktyube (White Hill),

4. … uses the chromites of the unique deposit in Chromtau.

5. …regional philharmonic society, children’s puppet theater “Alakai” and Aktobe regional planetarium are located in the city.

6. … links the central mosque “Nurgasyr” - the largest in the city and St.Nickolas cathedral built in 2008.

7. … Aktobe regional central mosque, Central mosque of the city of Aktobe, mosque “Nurdaulet”), 3 Orthodox churches and a Catholic parish in the city.

8. … is one of the most respected institutions which work together with UNESCO

9. …" comes from Kazakh "ақ" (white) and "төбе" (hill);

10. … is about 300 000 people.


Exercise 18.True or False.


-Aktobe is an industrial town in Kazakhstan with more than a century history.

-The population of our native town is more than a million people.

-There are some not very important to the country factories and plants.

-The largest enterprises are “Aktobemunaigas”, “AZF”, “AZChS” have no productive ability nowadays.

-Chrome Alloys Plant doesn’t belong to the Aktobe oblast; it is far from this town.

-This town is very small, and it will take you only half an hour to cross the town from North of it to South.

-There are too many microdistricts and there is a school, a hospital and a children garden in every microdistrict.

-There are no educational establishments in this town.

-There are no cultural centres in this town, where people have a good rest.

Exercise 19.Speak on the topic “My native town”.

“The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.”

Exercise 1.Write your first association about The UK:

The UK

Exercise 2.Learn the following active vocabulary:


tobesituated- орналасу

island - арал

urban - қалалық тұрғын

surface - жердің беті

producer - өндіруші

plain - жазық, тегіс

vast - кең, енді

navigation - кеме қатынасы

machinery - машина құрылысы

electronics - электроника

textile - тоқыма мата

to vary - өзгеру

aircraft - авиация

to rule - басқару

to occupy - орын алу

total - жалпы

influence – әсер ету

mild - дымқыл

to develop - даму

equipment - жабдық

education - білім

government- үкімет


Exercise 3.Read and translate the text:


“The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.”


The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is situated on the British Isles. British Isles consist of two large islands, Great Britain and Ireland, and five thousand small islands .Their total area is over 244,000 square kilometers, it takes the 75th place among other counties in the world.

The United Kingdom is made up of four parts: England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. Their capitals are London, Cardiff, Edinburgh and Belfast. The capital of the UK is London. England, Wales and Scotland occupy the territory of Great Britain. Northern Ireland is situated in the northern part of Ireland.

The population is 60 million. About 80% of the population is urban. Great Britain is separated from the continent by the English Channel (La-Mansh) which is 34 km. wide in its narrowest point. The countryis also washed by the North Sea, the Irish Sea and the Atlantic Ocean.

The surface of Great Britain varies greatly. The northern and western parts of the country is mountainous and is called the Highlands. All the rest (south, east and centre) is a vast plain which is called the Lowlands. The mountains are not very high. Ben Nevis in Scotland is the highest mountain, but it is only 1343 meters high .Therivers are not long. The Severn is the longest river, while the Thames is the deepest and the most important one. There are many beautiful lakes in the mountainous part of the country.

The mountains, the Atlantic Ocean and the warm waters of the Gulf Stream influence the climate of Great Britain. It is mild the whole year round.

Great Britain is highly developed industrial country. It is known as one of the world’s largest producers and exporters of iron and steel products, machinery and electronics, chemicals and textile, aircraft and navigation equipment. One of the chief industries of the country is shipbuilding.

Great Britain is a country with old cultural traditions and customs. The most famous educational centers are Oxford and Cambridge universities. They are considered to be the educational centers of Europe. The education is not free, it is very expensive.

The United Kingdom is a monarchy and the queen is the head of the state. But in practice it is ruled by the elected government with a Prime Minister at the head. The British Parliament consists of two chambers: the House of Lords and the House of Commons. It sits in the house of Parliament in Westminster.

There are three main political parties in Great Britain: the Labour, the Conservative and the Liberal parties. There’s no written constitution in Great Britain only precedents and traditions.

Exercise 4.After reading the text, fulfill the table:

I know I’d like to know I have known

Exercise 5.Answer the questions:


1.What is the official name of Great Britain?

2.Where is the U.K. situated?

3.What parts does it made up?

4.What is the territory and the population of the United Kingdom? 5.What is the surface of the country?

6.Why is the climate of the British Isles milder than of the Continent?

7. What goods does the British industry produce?

8.Are there any big educational establishments?

9. How many chambers does the British Parliament consist of? What are they?

10.What are the main political parties in Great Britain?

Exercise 6. Additional reading:

What do you know about the flag:

The flag of the United Kingdom, known as the Union Jack, is made up of three crosses. The upright red cross is the cross of St. George, the patron saint of England. The white diagonal cross is the cross of St. Andrew, the patron saint of Scotland. The red diagonal cross is the cross of St. Patrick, the saint of Ireland

What do you know about the symbols and national emblems:

The mild climate of Great Britain is good for plants and flowers. Some of them have become symbols in the U.K. Probably you know that the poppy is the symbol of peace, the red rose is the national emblem of England, the thistle is the national emblem of Scotland and the Edinburgh International festival. The daffodils and the leek are the emblems of Wales, the shamrock(a kind of clever) is the emblem of Ireland.

What do you know about the national musical instruments of the Scots:

The bagpipe was known to the ancient civilization of the Near East. It was probably introduced into Britain by the Romans. Bagpipes have been used in most European countries. It is also native to India and China. In Scotland the bagpipes is first record in the 16th century during the reign of Lames1, who was a very good player, and probably did much to make it popular. For long it has been considered a national Scottish instrument.

Exercise 7.Fulfill the table:


Countries: Great Britain Kazakhstan
Political system:    
The highest mountain:(m)    

Exercise8.Open the brackets using the verb into Present, Past or Future Simple Passive.


1. This bone (to give) to my dog tomorrow. 2. We (to invite) to a concert last Saturday. 3. My question (to an­swer) yesterday. 4. Hockey (to play) in winter. 5. Mushrooms (to gather) in autumn. 6. Many houses (to burn) during the Great Fire of London. 7. His new book (to finish) next year. 8. Flowers (to sell) in shops and in the streets. 9. St. Peters­burg (to found) in 1703.

10. The trees (to water) in the evening.


Exercise 9.Complete each sentences using Passive Voice, paying attention to the preposition.

We often speak about her. — She is often spoken about.

1. We thought about our friend all the time. 2. The doctor will operate on him in a week. 3. The teacher sent for the pupil’s parents. 4. They looked for the newspaper everywhere. 5. Nobody slept in the bed. 6. The neighbour asked for the telegram. 7. Everybody listened to the lecturer with great attention. 8. The senior students laughed at the freshman. 9. The group spoke to the headmistress yesterday. 10. The young mothers looked after their babies with great care.


Exercise 10.Complete these sentences with the Passive Voice of the verb in brackets.

1. I bought potatoes yesterday. 2. We shall bring the books tomorrow. 3. They are repairing the clock now. 4. They sell milk in this shop. 5. I have trans­lated the whole text. 6. They broke the window last week. 7. When I came home, they had eaten the sweets. 8. We shall do the work in the evening. 9. He wrote this book in the 19th century. 10. They were playing tennis from four till five.


Exercise 11.Answer the questions using the model.

Where will he be sent to?

He will be sent to Canada.

1. Where is Russian spoken? (Russia)

2. Where was Latin spoken? (Rome)

3. Where is German spoken? (Germany)

4. When will the visas be given? (next month)

5. When was his stay extended? (yesterday)

6. When were the passengers disembarked? (at 2 o`clock)

7. Where are the things declared? (at the customs)

8. Where are the personal things contained? (in the suit-case)

9. Where was Latin spoken? (Rome)

10. Where is Kazakh spoken? (Kazakhstan)


Exercise12.Open the brackets using the verb into Passive Voice.


1. At the last competition the first prize (to win) by our team. 2. The question (to settle) as soon as they arrived. 3. Your report must (to divide) into two chapters. 4. Soon he (to send) to a sanatorium. 5. The book (to discuss) at the next conference. 6. The composition must (to hand) in on Wednes­day. 7. Yesterday he (to tell) to prepare a speech. 8. The article (to publish) last week, if I am not mistaken. 9. The lectures (to attend) by all of us. 10. A taxi (to call) fifteen minutes ago, so we are expecting it any moment.

Exercise 13.Complete the questions and ask your partner. Some answers are given in brackets.

Model: When\ Hamlet\write? (1601). -When wasHamlet written?

- It was written in 1601.

1. When\ Hamlet\write? (1601).

2. Where\Kennedy\shoot? (Dallas).

3. Where\ Russia\ speak? (Russia)

4. When\the telephone\invent? (1905)

5. When\the first cigarettes\produce? (18th century)

6. Where\oranges\grow?

7. Where\the Crown Jeweis\ keep? (The Tower of London).

8. Where\ the first photograph\take? (France)

9. Where in our country\the most rice\grow? (Kzyl Orda)

10. When\the telephone\invent? (1905)


Exercise 14.Complete these sentences with the Passive Voice of the verb in brackets.


1. The students greeted the famous lecturer warmly. 2. They have recently built a huge plant, in the town of N. 3. We must finish the work by tomorrow. 4. When I fell ill, my mother sent for the doctor. 5. They looked for the girl everywhere. 6. They did not listen to the boy. 7. She looks after the patients well. 8. They asked for our address. 9. He will give my brother English lessons. 10. His friend told him everything.


Exercise 15.Make each sentences negative and interrogative.


1. We asked him about his holidays. 2. They have already discussed the novel. 3. He gave his patient some good advice. 4. She showed him the way to the metro station. 5. He will introduce me to his friends. 6. They are building a bridge over the river. 7. Mary has told me the news. 8. We were look­ing at the man with great surprise. 9. You will speak about the film at the lesson. 10. The head­mistress sent for the pupil’s parents.

Exercise 16.Complete the sentences using Passive Voice.

1. We received this letter after his departure. 2. Have dogs ever attacked you? 3. Bees gather honey from flowers. 4. The storm drove the ship against a rock. 5. Who discovered the circulation of blood? 6. They are selling delicious fruit ice cream there now. 7. The old man showed us the way out of the wood. 8. They offered her some interesting work. 9. The doctor prescribed her new medicine. 10. They often speak about him.


Exercise 17.Rewrite each sentence using Passive Voice.

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