Пиши Дома Нужные Работы

Обратная связь

Exercise 2. Complete the Conditional Sentences Type I.


1) If Caroline and Sue (prepare) the salad, Phil (decorate) the house.

2) If Sue (cut) the onions for the salad, Caroline (peel) the mushrooms.

3) Jane( hover) the sitting room if Aaron and Tim (move) the furniture.

4) If Bob (tidy) up the kitchen, Anita (clean) the toilet.

5) Elaine (buy) the drinks if somebody (help) her carry the bottles.

6) If Alan and Rebecca (organize) the food, Mary and Conor (make) the sandwiches.

7) If Bob (look) after the barbecue, Sue (let) the guests in.

8) Frank (play) the DJ if the others (bring) along their CDs.

9) Alan (mix) the drinks if Jane (give) him some of her cocktail recipes.

10) If they all (do) their best, the party (be) great.

Exercise 3. Make a zero conditional sentence using the words.

For example:"water / boil / heat / to 100 degrees"

"Water boils if you heat it to 100 degrees."


1) Ice / float / you / drop / it / in water

2) you / not / eat / you / die

3) if / no / rain / the grass / not / grow

4) my daughter / eat / too much chocolate / she /get / sick

5) iron / rust / it / get / wet

6) If /I / go/ on/ a/ boat/ I/ always/ feel/ sick.

7) mother/ His/ gets/ late /annoyed /he / be/ if

8) If/ know/a I in /my /dictionary/I / not / word/ look

9) They /football /if / not / have /any /homework /play/they

Exercise 4. Make the first conditional

1) If I _____ (go) out tonight, I _____ (go) to the cinema

2) 2) If you ______ (get) back late, I _____ (be) angry...

3) If we _____ (not/see) each other tomorrow, we _____ (see)each other next week...

4) If he _____ (come) , I _____ (be) surprised...

5) If we ______ (wait) here, we ______ (be) late...

6) If we _______ (go) on holiday this summer, we (go) to Spain...

7) If the weather (not/improve) , we (not/have) a picnic...

8) They (go) to the party if they (be) invited...

9) If I (not/go) to bed early, I (be) tired tomorrow...

10) If we (eat) all this cake, we (feel) sick …

Условное наклонение

По степени вероятности условные предложения делится на три типа.

Условные предложения первого типа выражают реальные условия в прошедшем, настоящем и будущем времени для реальных событий или фактов, о которых говорится в главном предложении:

We signed contacts if they gave us a good discount. Мы подписывали контракты,если нам давали выгодные скидки.

We sign contracts if they give us a good discount. Мы подписываем контракты, если нам дают

выгодные скидки.

We shall sign contracts if they give us a good discount. Мы будем подписывать контракты, если нам будут давать выгодные скидки.

Запомните: В придаточном предложении, выражающим действие в будущем и связанном с главными союзами “if” , “when” и др., употребляется форма настоящего времени.


Put inwhenorif.


1.Don’t worry______I’m late tonight.

2. Tom might phone while I’m out this evening._____he does, can you take a message.

3.I’m going to Rome next week. ______I’m there, I hope to visit a friend of mine.

4.I think Jill will get the job,I’ll be very surprised_____she doesn’t get it.

5.I’m going shopping. ____you want anything, I can get it for you.

6.I’m going away for a few days. I’ll phone you ____I get back.

7.I want you to come to the party but ____you don’t to come, that’s all right.

8.We can eat at home or,____you prefer, we can go to a restaurant.

9.We’ll go out____it stops raining.

10.____they don’t come soon, I’m not going to wait.


2.Условные предложения второго типа выражают нереальные или маловероятные события, относящиеся к настоящему или будущему времени.

We should sign contracts if they gave us a good discount. Мы бы подписывали контракты, если бы нам давали выгодные скидки.( То есть допускается, что контракты еще могут быть подписаны).

В главном предложении употребляется вспомогательные глаголы should или would(в американском варианте только would) c инфинитивом смыслового глагола. Глагол to be в условных предложениях, выражающих нереальные действия , употребляется в единственной форме were.

If I were you I would invite the businessmen to a restaurant.


Translate the following sentences and mind the grammar:

1 If you were in my position,what would you do?

2.If I were you , I wouldn’t buy that coat.

3. If I were rich, I would have a yacht.

4.If I were you, I wouldn’t wait. I would go now.`

5. If you didn’t live so far away, we’d visit you more often.

6.If he spoke more clearly, people would understand him.

7.If the book wasn’t so expensive, I’d buy it.

8.If I knew his number, I would phone him.

9.We would need a car if we lived in the country.

10.You could get a job more easily if you could speak a foreign language.

Условные предложения третьего типа выражают нереализованные условия для действий в главном предложении, поскольку они к прошедшему и поэтому не могут осуществится.

We should have signed the contract if they had given us a good discount.

Мы бы подписали контракт, если бы нам дали скидку.(Нереализованное условие и нереализованное следствие).

В главном предложении употребляется вспомогательные глаголы should или would c перфектным инфинитивом, а в подчиненном- форма Past Perfect.

В дополнительных придаточных предложениях с главным I wish употребляется:

Past Indefinite для выражения действия, одновременно с действием главного предложения.

I wish he were with us. Жаль, что он не с нами. Либо: Как мне хотелось , чтобы он был с нами.

I wish I knew it. Жаль, что я не знаю об этом. Либо: Как бы мне хотелось это знать.

2.Past Perfect для выражения действия, предшествующего действию главного предложения.

I wish he had stayed at home. Жаль, что он не остался дома.



Write sentences beginning I wish:

1I don’t have a key(and I need one). I wish_____.

2I don’t know many people (and I’m lonely).________

3.Ann isn’t here (and I need to see her).________

4.It’s cold (and I hate cold weather).________

5.I live in a big city(and I don’t like it).________

6.I can’t go to the party(and I’d like to).________

7.I have to work tomorrow(but I’d like to stay in bed)._______

8.I don’t know anything about cars(and my car has just broken down)._______________________

9.I’m not lying on a beautiful sunny beach (and that’s a pity).________

10. I don’t know French well (and I need to learn it)._________

Reported Speech

Прямая и косвенная речь

Существует два способа передачи говорящего : прямой и косвенный.

После слов, которые вводят прямую речь, ставится запятая или двоеточие, а прямая речь заключается в кавычки.

I.При передаче прямой речи в косвенной необходимо соблюдать правила согласования времен и производить все требующиеся по смыслу замены личных и притяжательных местоимений и вспомогательных глаголов.

He said, “ We are going back to our country.” Он сказал: « Мы возвращаемся на родину»

He said that they were going back to their country.Он сказал, что они возвращаются на родину.

He says, “I shall come” он говорит: «Я приду».

He says that he will come.Он говорит, что (он ) придет.

Кроме того, при передаче прямой речи в косвенной происходят следующие изменения:

1. При переводе повествовательного предложения из прямой в косвенную глагол to say как сказуемое главного предложения при наличии косвенного дополнения заменяется соответствующей формой глагола to tellили употребляется без дополнения. указывающего на лицо:

Direct speech:He said to me, “ The novel is very interesting.”

Reported speech: He told me that the novel was interesting. Или: He saidthat the novel was interesting

2.Личные и притяжательные местоимения придаточного предложения соответственно смыслу могут меняться:

He said, “ I was ill last summer”

He said (that) he had been il last summer.

Direct speech: She repeated, “ I work in a textile mill.”

Reported speech: She repeated (that) she worked in a textile mill.

3.Ряд слов, обозначающих время действия или место действия, близкое к говорящему, при переводе из прямой речи в косвенную меняется на слова, обозначающие время или место действия более отдаленное:





Direct speech Reported speech
This/these That/those
Here There
Now Then
Tonight ,today, this week/month/year That night, that day, that week/month/year
Now that Since
Tomorrow, next week/month/ The day after, the following day, the next week/month/year
Yesterday, last night/week/month/year The day before, the previous night/week, month/year
Two days/months/years etc.,ago Two days/ months/years etc.,before


4.если глагол в главном предложении стоит в одном из прошедших времен (Simple Present, Past Continuous, Past Perfect), то время глагола прямой речи меняется в соответствии с правилами согласования времен:


Direct speech Reported speech
Present SimpleShe said: “ There is a message for him” Past Simple She said (that) there was is a message for him
Present Continuous She said: “I`m speaking to Joe.” Past Continuous She said that she was speaking to Joe.”
Present PerfectLeo said :“ You have been to Novgorod, so you can give me Ann`s address. ” Past PerfectLeo said that as I had been been to Novgorod, I could give him Ann`s address.
Past SimpleHe said: “I was at the theatre last night” Past Perfect He said (that) he had been at the theatre the t night before
FutureShe explained: “ We shall go on an excursion tomorrow” Conditional She explained (that) they would go on an excursion the following day



При переводе из прямой речи в косвенную глагол-сказуемое придаточного предложения сохраняется без изменений:

-если глагол-сказуемое главного предложения употребляется в настоящем или будущем времени:


Direct speech Reported speech
He`ll say, “ I`ll order a pizza for dinner” He`ll say (that) he`ll order a pizza for dinner
He says, “I can do it” He says (that) he can do it


5.При переводе из прямой речи в косвенную модальные глаголы –would, could, should,ought to, used to mustn`t , had better не изменяются.


He said to her, “ You should send him a book”.


He said, (that) she should send him a book.

6.Наречия да и нет ( yes no ) в косвенной речи передаются глаголами:

Yes передается глаголами: agree, answer in the affirmative, consent

He said, “ Yes, I shall give this book to you”

He agreed ( consented) to give that book to me.

No передается глаголами: refuse, answer in the negative

“ No, I have no time,she said.

She answered in the negative.

II.При переводе повелительных предложений из прямой речи в косвенную производятся следующие изменения:


Tell, ask, command, order, request + to-infinitive


Tell, ask, command, order, request + not to-infinitive


При передаче просьбы или приказания в косвенной речи употребляется простое предложение с инфинитивной конструкцией после глаголов tell, ask, command,order, beg, request и т.д.


Direct speech Reported speech
1.Mother shouted, “ Come here at once” 1.Motherordered me to come to her at once
2. She said, “ Give me a spoon and a fork “ 2. She asked me to give her a spoon and a fork.
3.The secretary said, “ Please, pass me the paper” 3. The secretary requested to pass her the paper.
4 .The teacher said to me, “ Put the book on the table.” 4. The teacher told me to put the book on the table.”


Личные, указательные и притяжательные местоимения и наречия времени и места заменяются по смыслу.


III. При передаче вопроса в косвенной речи употребляется прямой порядок слов. А не инверсия.

Специальный вопрос в косвенной речи присоединяется к главному предложению с помощью какого- нибудь соединительного местоимения, или наречия ( what, which, who, when, where, why )



Direct speech Reported speech
She asked us, “ Where will they go tomorrow?” She asked us where they would go the following day ?”
The boy said, “ Which way has my brother gone?” The boy asked which way his brother had gone


Общие и альтернативные вопросы в косвенной речи присоединяются к главному предложению с помощью союзов whether, if, которые равны по значению русской частице ли.



Direct speech Reported speech
He asked me, “ Do you read English?” He asked me whether I read English or not
I asked them, “Did you see him last evening ?” I asked them if they had seen him the previous evening.



Тестовые задания № 3 , № 4


Тест №3

1 –вариант


a) do/get up b) do/gets up c) does/gets up d) does/get up e) not/get up

2. She always …to bed very early.

a) go b) goes c) shall go d) will go e) wents

3. Tom…at the University last year.

a) doesn’t study b) don’t study c) studies d) didn’t study e) didn’t studies

4. Murat… a sport club to play tennis twice a week.

a) to attend b) attends c) attend d) not attend e) isn’t attend. 5. Mr. Smith …abroad last Monday, …he?

a) go/don’t b) went/didn’t c) went/did d)went/doesn’te) went/don’t. 6. It usually… us about a quarter of an hour to get to the University.

a) to take b) take c) takes d) will take e) shall take 7. Paul… in Manchester until he was sixteen.

a) live b) lives c) shall live d) will live e) lived 8. What… you… yesterday?

a) are/do b) do/do c) will/do d) did/do e) did/doing

9. …Mr. Brown… part in the conference next week?

a) do/take b) does/take c) is/take d) shall/take e) will/take

10. Mary watched this programme on TV yesterday, …she?

a)is b) isn’t c) does d) doesn’t e) didn’t 11. Phone me as soon as you… .

a) will arrive b) shall arrive c) arrive d) arrived e) arrives. 12. When… you usually go to the cinema?

13. I… finish this work today. I am tired.

a) mustn’t b) can’t c) may not d) needn’t e) am not allowed to

14 . The students… not miss classes.

a) shall b) might c) have d) can e) must

15. Students … be attentive in class.

a) may b) need c) must d) can e) may not

16. Which of you … answer this questions?

a) can b) need c) must d) may e) should

17. I am sorry, I … help you now.

a) couldn’t b) can’t c) may not d) mustn’t e) must

18. … you help me with my English?

a) must b) need c) should d) can e) may

19. First spring flowers appeared in the fields.

a) does b) do c) did d) is e) are. 20. Don’t drink coffee before you go to bed.

a) don’t sleep b) aren’t sleep c) didn’t sleep d) will not sleep e) shall not sleep

21. I like animals.

a) does b) do c) is d) was e) were

22. Who speaks English in your family? I… .

a) am b) do c) was d) have e) shall

23. Mary knows two languages,

a) does b) did c) is d) do e) has

24. We… graduate from the University in four years.

a) are b) were c) shall d) have e) was

25. It … the whole day yesterday.

a) is raining b) were raining c) was raining d) rain e) rains

26. We … working from 3 till 5 o’clock yesterday.

a) are b) will be c) was d) were e) shall

27. I was … tennis at 3 o’clock yesterday.

a) play b) played c) plays d) have played e) playing

28. I … at my report in the evening tomorrow.

a) work b) shall be working c) works d) am worked e) is worked

29. Our country… in the South of the Commonwealth.

a) situate b) situates c) is situated d) situated e) was situated

30. Her blouse… of silk.

a) is made b) makes c) made d) were made e) making

2 вариант

1. I…standing. I… sitting.

a) am/am b) am/am not c) not am/am d) am/not am е) am not/not

2.They…French now, …they?

а) is/isn’t b) are speaking/are c) are speaking/is d) aren’t speaking/are e) isn’t speaking/are

3. Students… have good knowledge of a computer.

a) may b) must c) can d) should e) need

4. Students… do their best to acquire necessary knowledge.

a) must b) can c) have to d) has to e) haven’t to

5. They… have a broad outlook.

a) have to b) ought to c) can d) must e) may

6. …you pass me the salt, please?

a) had to b) should c) can d) must e) may

7. My parents are old. I… help them.

a) could b) be able c) must d) should e) have to

8. We are to meet at the bus stop at 11.30. I… hurry up.

a) had to b) may c) can d) be able e) must

9. I don’t… to get up early, I am on holiday.

a) must b) may c) have to d) should e) can

10. She …type very well.

a) need b) may c) might d) have to e) can

11. …I smoke here? I am afraid not.

a) must b) have to c) need d) could e) may

12. Somebody will… meet her.

a) ought to b) have to c) need d) be allowed e) must

13. I… finish this work today. I am tired.

a) mustn’t b) can’t c) may not d) needn’t e) am not allowed to

14 . The students… not miss classes.

a) shall b) might c) have d) can e) must

15. Students … be attentive in class.

a) may b) need c) must d) can e) may not

16. Which of you … answer this questions?

a) can b) need c) must d) may e) should

17. I am sorry, I … help you now.

a) couldn’t b) can’t c) may not d) mustn’t e) must

18. … you help me with my English?

a) must b) need c) should d) can e) may

19. We … hurry home.

a) can b) need c) should d) may e) must

20. You … rewrite the test.

a) needn’t b) can’t c) may not d) need e) may

21. He … come here today.

a) can b) must c) could d) have to e) had to

22. … I ask you a question?

a) need b) have c) may d) has to e) could

23. He … us a nice story.

a) is telling b) tell c) have told d) tells e) was told

24. The teacher … a sentence on the blackboard.

a) write b) is writing c) writes d) have written e) written

25. It … the whole day yesterday.

a) is raining b) were raining c) was raining d) rain e) rains

26. We … working from 3 till 5 o’clock yesterday.

a) are b) will be c) was d) were e) shall

27. I was … tennis at 3 o’clock yesterday.

a) play b) played c) plays d) have played e) playing

28. I … at my report in the evening tomorrow.

a) work b) shall be working c) works d) am worked e) is worked

29. The children … bathing in the river the whole day.

a) is b) will be c) shall d) have e) must

30. They will be … in the garden while I am preparing dinner.

a) work b) worked c) working d) have worked e) works

3 вариант

1. English… spoken in many countries.

a) were b) shall be c) are d) is e) have

2. We… never been to London.

a) are b) were c) have d) has e) do

3.Many new houses… built in our city last year.

a) are b) was c) were d) has e) had

4. His parents were worried because they … from him for a long time.

a) hadn’t heard b) don’t hear c) haven’t heard d) hasn’t heard e) didn’t hear

5. The letter… send tomorrow.

a) is b) was c) will d) will be e) has

6. He… her for three months.

a) haven’t seen b) saw c) hasn’t seen d) have seen e) has seen

7. He… her for three months.

a) saw b) has seen c) have seen d) haven’t seen e) hasn’t seen

8. Many books… every year.

a) are publishing b) are published c) publish d) was publishede) published 9.. Mr. Brown… a new car this week.

a) have bought b) to buy c) has bought d) was buying e) were buying 10. I… a newspaper today.

a) don’t read b) was read c) will reading d) haven’t read e) doesn’t read

11. Oat… in most part of Great Britain.

a) are grown b) is grown c) is growing d) grows e) grown. 12. Mr. Brown… a new car this week.

a) have bought b) to buy c) has bought d) was buying e) were buying 13. Many new films… on this channel.

a) showed b) is shown c) show d) shown e) are shown 14. These flowers… three times a week.

a) are watered b) are watering c) is watering d) is watered e) water

15. I… my work yet.

a) don’t finish b) haven’t finished c) doesn’t finished d) am not finishe) didn’t finish 16. The exercises… by him yesterday.

a) is done b) do c) are done d) done e) were done

17. I… the news last week.

a) was told b) told c) telling d) to tell e) is told 18. The problem… tomorrow.

a) are discussed b) am discussed c) will be discussed d) is discussed e) was discussed


19. The price problem… by them yesterday/

a) settled b) settle c) were settled d) is settled e) was settled 20. The work… done soon.

a) is b) was c) were d) will be e) will 21. A new film… tomorrow.

a) was showing b) shown c) are shown d) was shown e) will be shown

22. Westminster Abbey …in the 11th century.

a) is founding b) was founded c) will be founded d) founds e) founded

23. The examination… by him yesterday.

a) were passed b) was passed c) passed d) will pass e) pass

24. Some experiments… made next month.

a) was b) is c) are d) were e) will be 25. What kind of center…Aktobe…for many years?

a) have been b) has been c) is been d) was been e) will been 26. The text …translated tomorrow.

a) is b) will be c) was d) have e) shall be

27. I… read the book while you are away.

a) was b) am c) are d) is e) shall

28. I…born in Kazakhstan.

a) am b) is c) were d) was e) have

29. Our country… in the South of the Commonwealth.

a) situate b) situates c) is situated d) situated e) was situated

30. Her blouse… of silk.

a) is made b) makes c) made d) were made e) making





1. When I… busy, my mother …shopping herself.

a) are/go b) am/goes c) am/went d) is/goes e) am/go 2. If they…free time, they… to the Art Gallery next Sunday.

a) will have/will go b) will have/go c) have/will go d) has/will goe) will has/goes

3. When mother… we… dinner.

a) will come/will have b) will come/shall have c) come/will have d) comes/shall havee)comes/have

4. The children… ski if it… .

a) will/will snow b) will/shall snow c) will/snow d) will/snowse) shall/snows

5. Sam… his work before the manager… .

a) finish/come b)will finish/will come c)finishes/come d)will finish/comes e) finish/will come.

6. While you are doing morning exercises I… a shower.

a) take b) am taking c) shall take d) took e) will take

7. Jill likes to listen to music while she… .

a) to eat b) eats c) eating d) is eating e) was eating

8 . …does his working day begin?

a) where b) what c) when d) why e) how many

9. … does he go after classes?

a) why b) when c) what d) where e) how

10. When I was a child I… to be a doctor.

a) want b) wants c) wanted d) shall want e) will want

11. The doctor said that I… at home for some days.

a) would stay b) should stay c) will stay d) shall stay e) stay 12 When I was younger I… sing quite well.

a) were able to b) could c) have to d) should e) would . 13. … is the official name of Great Britain?

a) when b) how c) why d) what e) where

14. …do the British Isles lie?

a) when b) where c) what d) how e) why

15. If there is a good film on TV I… it.

a) watch b) will be watching c) shall watch d) watched e) watches

16. I’ll tell Ann all the news when I… her.

a) saw b) see c) shall see d) am going to see e) sees 17. As soon as the lesson… I’ll go home.

a) ends b) end c) will end d) shall end e) ended

18 … is the country called “Albion”?

a) how b) what c) why d) when e) where 19 . …is Aktobe translated from Kazakh?

a) how b) what c) why d) when e) where

20…. Is our region situated?

a) When b) what c) why d) where e) who 21. I knew that he… at a factory.

a) would work b) have worked c) were working d) work e) has work

22. Before you… the city you should visit the exhibition.

a) will leave b) leave c) left d) leaves e) will leaves 23. I… read the book while you are away.

a) was b) am c) are d) is e) shall 24. … are the main branches of industry?

a) what b) when c) where d) how e) why

25. He does not know … his sister comes home.

a) where b) when c) who d) what e) how

26. I’ll read the book … you are away.

a) what b) where c) while d) after e) as

27. The place … I was born is a big city now.

a) which b) when c) what d) where e) how

28. … are you going to take your exam?

a) which b) what c) who d) how much e) when

29. … do you intend to spend your holiday?

a) where b) what c) why d) how much e) how many

30. … will you be free?

a) where b) what c) when d) who e) how


2 вариант

1. Tom has got… money in his pocket, but he has got … money in the bank.

a) not/no b) no/any c) some/any d) no/some e) some/some

2. Would you like to listen to…music?

a) any b) some c) no d) a e) not any

3. Is there… cold meat in the fridge? No, there is…cold meat, but there is …cheese there.

a) some/any/some b) any/some/some c) any/no/some d) any/not/somee) no/some/any

4. Why are there so… children in the yard. It is very late.

a) much b) little c) a little d) more e) many

5. How… water is there in the tea-pot?

a) much b) many c) any d) some e) few

6. Describe the situation in… words.

a) much b) many c) little d) a few e) few

7. Don’t make so…noise. The child is speaking.

a) a lot of b) many c) much d) little e) few

8. I can see… at the window. Who is that?

a) something b) anything c) somebody d) anybody e) everybody

9. There is…in the box. It is empty.

a) something b) anything c) nothing d) everything e) somebody

10. Are you going to do…today?

a) something b) anything c) some d) any e) no.

11. …8.30 a.m. I get…my work…bus.

a) by/at/at b) to/to/by c) at/at/to d) at/to/by e) at/by/by

12. …week days we usually have lunch at the canteen.

a) in b) at c) on d) by e) after

13. Mary walks to…bus-stop.

a) near b) nearest c) more near d) nearer e) the nearest

14. I like to read… before going to bed.

a) anything b) some c) something d) not anything e) not something

15 . Students… become teachers, economists and engineers in future.

a) is b) are c) were d) will e) has.

16. The capital of Scotland is… Edinburgh.

a) the b) a c) an d) – e) on.

17. Buckingham Palace is in… West End.

a) a b) – c) the d) an e) at

18. I like… coffee.

a) a b) an c) the d) – e) at

19. How …cheese should I buy?

a) few b) some c) a lot of d) much e) many

20. How… countries have you visited?

a) few b) much c) many d) any e) little.

21. We enjoyed the concert very… .

a) a few b) few c) more d) much e) many.

22. She went to the library after classes.

a) does b) will c) did d) do e) was.

23. We’ll be late, if you don’t drive a bit… .

a) more fast b) fastest c) fast d) faster e) fastly.

24. Who are they traveling…?

a) about b) at c) for d) to e) with

25. Tomorrow she… in our town.

a) be b) shall be c) is d) will be e) is being

26. …Aktobe is a cultural center.

a) a b) an c) the d) in e) –.

27. Almaty is… than Aktobe.

a) large b) as large as c) larger d) more large e) largest

28. …official language in Kazakhstan is Kazakh.

a) an b) the c) – d) a e) on

29. Find the antonym: Day - …

a) night, b) midday, c) week, d) month, e)year

30. К парламенту, какой страны относится: ThehouseofCommons

a)England b)Spain c)Kazakhstan d)Canadaе)USA


3 вариант


1. Find the right answer: What is the capital of the USA?

a) Washington, b) New York, c)Manila, d) Kokshetau e)Chicago.

2. Choose the noun in a possessive case: Everybody knows this ….. books.

a) author’s, b)author, c)authors, d)authorses, e)authors’.

3. Choose the article if it is necessary: At … dinner everybody was silent.

a) ----, b)an, c)these, d) some, e) any.

4. Complete the sentence: We ….. the room when they came to see us.

a) were cleaning, b) was cleaning, c) cleaned, d)had cleaning, e)did cleaned

5. Choose the correct variant: The monument ….. away.

a) is taken, b) is taking, c) took, d)has been taken, e)taken

6. For the situation write a sentence with a modal verb: Lis needs a change.

a) She should to go away for a few days b)She will go away for a few days

c)She should goes away for a few days d)She is going away for a few days

e)She should will go for a few days

7. Choose the right pronoun: That woman is … sister.

a) my b) he, c)you, d) she, e) they.

8. Choose the right variant. Date: September 30?

a) The thirtieth of September b) The thirteen of September c) Thirty of September d) Thirty September e) September thirteen.

9. Choose the right variant: The phone is ….. the computer.

a) next to, b)from, c)in, d) for, e)to.

10. Choose the right variant: My car is … than yours.

a) faster, b)fastest, c)most fastest, d)much fast, e)very fast.

11. Fill in the suitable adverb in the sentence. I ….. sleep with my windows open.

a) always, b)more, c)many, d)much, e) a let.

12. Choose the correct variant: “I need the money to visit my parents” he’ll say.

a) He’ll say he needs the money to visit his parents,

b) He’ll say he need money to visit his parents,

c)He’ll say he will need the money to visit his parents,

d)He’ll say I need the money to visit his parents,

e) He’ll say he need the money to visit his parents.

13. Choose the correct variant: This is the story….. was written by Chekhov.

a) which, b)who, c) whom, d)where, e)when.

14. Choose the correct item: Astana is the great educational centre in the Republic, there are many… and… there:

a) universities, colleges b)colleges, shops c) buildings, shops d)universities, buildingse)universities, shops.

15. Choose the right variant: There are many ….. in the zoo.

a) Deer, b)deer’s, c)a deer, d)deers, e)deers’.

16. Choose the right variant: Which team … the game?

a) Did it win, b) Won it, c)Do it win, d)Won, e)Did they win.

17. Complete the sentence using the passive voice. Please pack these things very carefully. I don’t want them to ….

a) get damaged, b) damaged, c) damages, d) damage, e) have been damaged.

18.Choose the right variant : The Wilsons are having … party on Saturday.

a) Children`, b) a child, c)Children, d)Child, e)The children.

19.Complete the sentence: Please, clean … blackboard.

a) The , b)A, c)This, d)An e)Some.

20.Find the right variant: … your father at work yesterday?

a) Was, b)Be, c) Is, d)Are, e)Were.

21.Choose the right answer. My watch is … minutes fast:

a) five, b)the fifty, c)the five, d) fives, e)fifth.

22.Choose the right equivalent of :50 Kg.

a) fifty kg, b)fifty hundred kg, c) five kg d) five hundred kg, e) fifteen kg.

23.Choose the correct answer. My father is 3 years … than my mother.

a)older, b)old, c) oldest, d) most old, e) more old.

24.Choose the right variant: People in Kazakhstan celebrate … on March 22.

a) Nauryz b) Independence Day c)Longest day of the years d) Republic Day e)Constitution Day.

25.Find the right variant: Australia is an ….

a) island continent, b) town, c)peninsula, d)district, e) City.

26.Choose the right answer:

It was a new house … roof was red , … door was brown.

a) The \ The b)A\ An c)This \ That d)The \ An e)An \ A

27. Choose the best alternative. He … the strong impression was watching him.

a)get b)have c)need d)took e)had

28.Find the right variant: I … you for ages.

a) Haven’t seen b) Didn’t see c) Saw d)Has seen e)Had seed

29.Choose the correct variant. The chair … .

a) has been movedb) was being moved c)have moved d)was be moving e) have been moved

30.Choose the correct answer. It is … known that Berlin is a city divided between East and West.

a) well b) The bestc) quite d)best e)rather


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