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XXIII. Match each word English or word combination with the correct Russian equivalent.

subscriber широкополосный
(telephone) exchange метод, способ
broadband замещать, перемещать
technique абонент
deliver характеристика, работа
performance доставлять
displace телефонная станция
maintain полоса пропускания
bandwidth обрабатывать, управлять
handle обслуживать; содержать в исправности

XXIV. In the text of task XXV find the word derived from the verb the place. Give other derivatives of this verb and give their Russian equivalents.

XXV. Read the text and answer the question: What digital-based services are mentioned in the text?


Broadband service

1. For most of the last 100 years the connection between the subscribers and their telephone exchange was copper twisted pair buried in the pavement or distributed overhead on poles. The bandwidth that copper provided was some 3kHz, limited by analog techniques. Thus, in the early 1990s, companies began to invest in alternative connections to the home to deliver digital-based services.

2.ISDN (Integrated Services Digital Network). As you have seen the modem was a big breakthrough in computer communications converting digital information into an analog signal to travel through the public phone network. Yet, modems have a maximum speed of 56 Kbps and are limited by the quality of the analog connection. ISDN allows multiple digital channels to be operated simultaneously through the same regular copper-wire telephone lines (POTS) used for analog lines. Since the system is digital, it permits a much higher data transfer rate. Most recently, ISDN has largely been displaced by faster, less expensive, and easier to set up and maintain broadband services: DSL and cable modem.

3.DSL is a catchall name for all types of Digital Subscriber Lines that exploit unused spectrum capacity of copper telephone lines: new wiring is not necessarily required. DSLs use a special modem which is supplied by the company that offers DSL. The two types used mainly are: asymmetric (ADSL), for residential hookup, and symmetric (SDSL) for small businesses. DSLs allow the user to use the phone and fax lines while being connected to the Internet (except for SDSL) and to leave his Internet connection open 24 hours a day. As with ISDN, this connection works better when the user is closer to the provider’s central office.

4.Cable modem. A cable modem operates over cable TV lines, which provide greater bandwidth than POTS lines. Unlike the cable TV infrastructure, which broadcasts TV signals in just one direction (from the cable TV company to people’s homes), cable modems handle two-way transmission. For many home users, cable offers a fast, always-on Internet access at an affordable price. It has a number of disadvantages, too. Not all homes are yet wired for cable TV; since a user has to share bandwidth with other users, as with DSL, performance and speed will degrade the greater the number of subscribers in a given area.

XXVI. Complete the table using the information from the text.

Digital-Based Services Advantages Disadvantages Peculiarities
1. high data transfer rate    
b) SDSL      
3.     uses cable TV lines

XXVII. Using the table give a short summary of the text.

XXVIII. Translate passage 2 into Russian.

Бессоюзное подчинение

Conjunctionless Subordination

Определительное бессоюзное предложение

главное предложение (C+CК) придаточное предложение (C+CК) .


Fiber-optic cables use repeaters to avoid losing the light signals (which/that) they carry. Волоконно-оптические кабели используют ретрансляторы, чтобы избежать потери световых сигналов, которые они передают.


С1 (субъект или его группа) главного предложения С2 (субъект или его группа) придаточного определительного СК2 сказуемое придаточного определительного СК1 сказуемое главного предложения


  The software (that/which) you are using is developed by Microsoft. Программа, которую ты используешь, написана Microsoft.  
главное предложение (C+CК) придаточное предложение (C+CК) предлог1    

1Перед союзным словом может стоять предлог. Если союзное слово опускается, предлог выносится в конец придаточного предложения.

This is a problem (which) we will spend much time on. Это проблема, на которую мы потратим много времени.

Условное бессоюзное предложение


Should (could, were, had) С (субъект или его группа) продолжение придаточного предложения главное предложение .


a) Shouldhe come, we’ll discuss this problem. (If he should come we …) Если он придёт, мы обсудим эту проблему.  
b) Had they the necessary material they would finish the work in time. (Provided they had … they …) Если бы (при условии что) у них был весь необходимый материал, они закончили бы работу вовремя.

Дополнительное бессоюзное предложение

Главное предложение (C+CК) придаточное предложение (C+CК)   .


We are sure (that) it is possible to change the conditions. Мы уверены, что возможно изменить условия.

I. In each complex sentence name define the type of a conjunctionless complex sentence.

1. Analyst Neil Strother said TV phones could find audiences among mass-transit users and young consumers with the time to watch programming on their handsets. 2. Should confidential information about a business’ customers or finances or new product line fall into the hands of a competitor, such a breach of security could lead to lost business, law suits or even bankruptcy of the business. 3. Medium assurance suggests it can protect less valuable information, such as income tax information. 4. Most PCs are held back not by the speed of their main processor, but by the time it takes to move data in and out of memory. 5. Krenik said advances in display technology will help spur adoption as color screens become more suitable for TV-quality images. 6. A distribution is a complete operating system kit with the utilities and applications you need to make it do useful things.


II. Find the sentences with conjunctionless subordination. Give their Russian equivalents.

1. Every effort is made to integrate as many electronic and logic components as possible within the chip and thus reduce external connections. 2. The first unit records the time each vehicle passes the speed trap and identifies each vehicle by its number plates. 3. With hundreds of thousands of international sites each providing thousands of pieces of data, it is easy to imagine the mass of raw data available to users. 4. Should a large amount of data be processed it may be advisable to read it from a data file. 5. The desks they will use will have multiple flat screen voice interfaces, computer programs with human-like personalities and 3Dsound positioning. 6. Were one electron removed, a net positive charge would be left. 7 Aaron J. Hand, managing editor of Semiconductor International magazine, said the new manufacturing technique would still require chipmakers to make some changes to their fabrication plants and buy new tools. 8. A bulk material should have constant physical properties regardless of its size, but at the nano-scale this is often not the case.


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