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IV. Choose the sentences in which the words in bold type are pronouns. Give the Russian equivalents of these sentences.

1. a) Unauthorized alteration of information may occur both within a system and over the network. b) The printer moves bi-directionally both ways from left to right and then right to left.

2. a) Some computer programs display what are called icons on the computer screen. b) Multimedia applications usually require more computer memory and processing power than the same information represented by text alone.

3. a) Small and mid-size firms that outgrow a few PCs and the physical sharing of disks often upgrade to LANs in order to facilitate collaboration and the sharing of business tools. b)Few scientists supported this theory.

4. a) The IT company is so secretive that little is known about its internal design process. b) Lately the researcher has made a little progress in his investigation.

5. a) The intensity of a laser can be changed to encode very complex signals. b) You have made the very same mistake again in your calculations.

6. a) Many robot applications are for tasks that are either dangerous or unpleasant for human beings. b) Either technique can be used in this experiment.

7. a) Neither of the possible ways is simple. b) Under ordinary conditions there is neither perfect conductor nor perfect insulator.

Функции и значения местоимения it

1. Личное местоимение в функции субъекта (подлежащего) при сказуемом в ед.ч. или в функции объекта (дополнения) = он, она, оно; его, ее. The telephone network is reliable because it uses its own wire system. The fiber-optic receiver performs the actual reception of the optical signal and converts it into electrical pulses. 2. Указательное местоимение в функции субъекта (подлежащего) при сказуемом в ед.ч. = это. It is an efficient means of interaction. 3. В функции субъекта (формального подлежащего) в безличных предложениях = не переводится. It is difficult to imagine modern life without the Internet. 4. В функции объекта (формального дополнения) после глаголов find, make, think + прилагательное = не переводится. Radio electronics has made it possible to test various equipment. 5. В функции коррелята (вводного слова) в предложениях с эмфатической конструкцией it is (was) … that (who) = именно, только. It waselectronics that produced radar.

V.Define the functions and meanings of the pronoun it. Give the Russian equivalents of the following sentences.

1. By reducing cognitive load you make iteasier for visitors to grasp the idea behind the system. 2. It is not reasonable to force users to enter an email address just to test the feature of the service. 3. Content is more important than a design which supports it. 4. In a wireless environment it is possible to prevent the attacker from gaining valuable information. 5. A well-scannable layout gives the content a dominating position it deserves. 6. Optimizing is hard and it takes a long time. 7. It is a fundamental principle of successful user interface design. 8. Such studies would make it possible to predict the characteristics of single-electron devices at the design stage.

Функции и значения one

1. One + существительное - числительное = один, одна, одно. There is only one solution of the problem. 2. В функции субъекта (формального подлежащего) при сказуемом с модальным глаголом в неопределенно-личных предложениях = не переводится. One should pay attention to data security. 3. Слово-заместитель (one/ones) вышеупомянутого существительного. Переводится существительным, которое заменяет, или совсем не переводится. В этом случае перед one/ones стоит артикль the:the one = тот, та, то ; the ones = те. This method is the one which can be relied on.

VI. Define the functions and meanings of one. Give theRussian equivalents of the following sentences.

1. The serving network is the one that is currently providing service in the area where the user has roamed. 2. This is one of the reasons why a user-friendly print-version of web pages is essential for good user experience. 3. Users don’t scan a web-page in a linear fashion, going sequentially from one site section to another one. 4. In nearlyevery paragraph, there is one idea that is more important than all the others. 5. The last experiments gave us much better results than did the previous ones. 6. Laser is one of the most sophisticated inventions of man. 7. One doesn’t have to prepare a new program each time you set a new function to a microprocessor-equipped robot.


VII. Give the Russian equivalents of the following nouns, paying attention to the meanings of the words from which they are derived.

Interactivity (interact – взаимодействовать), encoder (encode – кодировать), compression (compress – сжимать), innovation (innovate – вводить новшества, менять), conversion (convert – преобразовывать), expansion (expand – расширять), conduction (conduct – проводить).

VIII. Arrange in pairsthe words with similar meaning.

Encode, demand, transmit, obvious, vast, provide, evident, encrypt, link, conduct, send, carry out, require, wide, supply, connect.


IX. In the text of task X find the word derived from the verb to connect. Name other derivatives of this verb.

X. Look through the text and find the answer to the question: What does Internet radio provide users with?

1. Internet radio is the latest technological innovation in radio broadcasting. Until the 21st century the only way to obtain radio broadcasts over the Internet was through your PC. That will soon change, as wireless connectivity will feed Internet broadcasts to car radios, PDAs and cell phones. The next generation of wireless devices will greatly expand the reach and convenience of Internet radio.

2. Internet radio has obvious advantages. The potential for Internet radio is as vast as cyberspace itself.

3. In comparison to traditional radio, Internet radio is not limited to audio. An Internet radio broadcast can be accompanied by photos or graphics, text and links, as well as interactivity, such as message boards and chat rooms. With Internet radio, you could conduct training or education and provide links to documents and payment options. You could also have interactivity with the trainer or educator.

4. Internet radio programming offers a wide spectrum of broadcast genres, particularly in music. Internet radio offers the opportunity to expand the types of available programming.

5. Getting audio over the Internet is pretty simple:

- The audio enters the Internet broadcaster’s encoding computer through a sound card.

- The encoder system translates the audio from the sound card into streaming format. - The encoder samples the incoming audio and compresses the information so it can be sent over the Internet.

- The compressed audio is sent to the server, which has a high bandwidth connection to the Internet.

- The server sends the audio data stream over the Internet to the player software or plug-in on the listener’s computer. The plug-in translates the audio data stream from the server into the sound heard by the listener.


XI. Define the functions of the constituent elements of the first and the last sentences of passage 1.


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