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X. Look through the text. Define its subject. Entitle the text.

1. This is the newest of our already extensive Laser collection. The « Mars™ » Series was created purposely for the beginner. From 200mW up to 500mW, this thin 532nm Laser beam will amaze you, every time you turn it on. Its thin green beam can paint targets hundreds of feet away!

2. Made of sturdy extruded aircraft aluminium, this Laser is made tough. At a weight of only 190 grams, it is a very light Laser Wand. The more powerful is the Laser, the more visible is its beam. Being totally focusable, it can be used in expedition trip, and serve as a designator beacon in case of emergencies. At night, its beam will be visible to the search and rescue team miles and miles away.

3. It comes complete with its battery charger, a pair of red goggles and its aluminium carrying case, making an excellent gift idea!

4. However, since the UPS 747 Airplane crash on Sept. 3rd 2010, we are no longer allowed to ship batteries overseas. Therefore, Batteries are NOT included.

5. Made from Military Specification Aircraft Aluminium, this Laser Pointer is made to last years and years through heavy duty service. Its beam is able to focus from a few inches, for super hot burning applications, to infinity, for long range rescue applications.


XI. Say which of the statements below are true. Correct the false ones.

1. The « Mars™ » Series was created purposely for the advanced user.

2. The Laser can be used in expedition trip, and serve as a designator beacon in case of emergencies.

3. The more powerful is the laser, the more visible is its beam.

4. It comes complete with its battery charger only.

5. Since 2010, we are no longer allowed to ship batteries overseas.

6. The Laser Pointer is made from Military Specification Aircraft Silicon.

XII. Translate passage 2 into Russian.

XIII .Read the text. Choose the most suitable title.

1. Laser and its characteristics.

2. Laser and its application.

3. Laser and its structure.


1. Lasers are not a new technology. Indeed they have been with us for over 40 years and they were first theorised by Albert Einstein in 1917.Since then lasers have spread into numerous industries. Today lasers are widely used in medicine, industry, communications and scientific research in a myriad of ways. In the medical field doctors use them to perform bloodless surgery, to correct short-sight and to treat many dermatological conditions. In everyday life lasers are found at the checkout till of most supermarkets and in numerous household products including DVD players, and personal computers while via fibre optic cables lasers have become the cornerstone of modern telephone lines, cable TV and internet connections.

2. Although the medium can be a solid, liquid or gas, today most lasers use a solid medium which takes the form of a cylindrical laser crystal. This medium is then 'pumped' from an energy source to excite the atoms in the medium. Typically, this is done using very intense flashes of light or electrical charges. Atoms are the building blocks of everything around us but they are also in continuous motion – vibrating and rotating, even in solid objects like chairs or tables! They can also be in different stages of being excited. Consequently, if we apply a lot of energy to an atom we can make it more excited. For a laser to work efficiently we have to ensure that a large number of atoms reach an excited state.

XIV. Answer the questions below:

1. Are Lasers a new technology?

2. When were lasers first theorised?

3. Where are lasers widely used in?

4. Where can you find lasers in everyday life?

5. What medium do most lasers use today?


XV. Translate passage 2 into Russian.

Итоговый тест

I. Подберите слово близкое по значению данному

1. apply
  a) discover b) operate c) use d) invent
2. enhance
  a) broaden b) increase c) spread d) decrease
3. respond
  a) retell b) reply c) cause d) conclude
4. emerge
  a) affect b) access c) interact d) appear


II. Заполните пропуски в тексте подходящим по смыслу словом.

a)displays b) provided c) converts d) accessed e) combines f) referred to


World Wide Web (WWW), computer-based network of information resources that (5) ___ text and multimedia. The information on the World Wide Web can be (6) ___ and searched through the Internet, a global computer network. The World Wide Web is often (7) ___ simply as «the Web».

The Web started to become a popular resource after 1993 when the first widely distributed browser (8) ___ a convenient way to access a variety of information on the Internet.


III. Поставьте слово, данное в скобках, в нужную форму.

9.I don’t (belief) computers can think better than we do.

10.Everyone have to use their identification number to (active) the computer.

11.Soon the British developed a computer with vacuum tubes and used it to (code) German messages.

12.I (advice) to use new methods in their experimental work.


IV. Выберите русский эквивалент для английской конструкции.

13.the research did lead to a) исследование привело к
14.the research has to lead to b) исследование вело к
15.the aim of the research is to lead to c) исследование должно привести к
16.the research have led to d) исследование действительно привело к
  e) целью исследования является привести к

V. Каждому из предложений в левой колонке подберите соответствующий элемент из правой колонки.

17. Now they could ___ messages in any place any time. 18. The task of the microprocessor is ___ data in the form of strings of binary digits. 19. The letter being sent by air mail will ___ in a few days. a) received b) receive c) have received d) be received e) to receive
20. In teleprinting, the message is ___ in the form of typed words on a paper form.

VI. Заполните пропуски в тексте.

The maser (21) ___ on the same principle as the laser except that the wavelengths generated are much longer. Masers (22) ___ revolutionary advance possible in a number of different fields. They (23) ___ up to 1000 times more sensitive than any other type of amplifiers. Because of the very constant frequency with which masers (24) ___ to oscillate they can be used as master controls for atomic clocks of unbelievable accuracy.


a) have made c) must make e) can be made
b) are d) is operated f) is


VII. Прочитайте текст. Затем изучите утверждения после текста и отметьте: R (right), если утверждение верное; F (false), если утверждение неверное; N (no information), если в тексте об этом не говорится.

Our current «age of technology» is the result of many brilliant inventions and discoveries, but it is our ability to transmit information, and the media we use to do it, that is perhaps most responsible for its evolution. Progressing from the copper wire of a century ago to today’s fiber optic cable, our increasing ability to transmit more information, more quickly and over longer distances has expanded the boundaries of our technological development in all areas. Today’s low-loss glass fiber optic cable offers almost unlimited bandwidth and unique advantages over all previously developed transmission media. The basic point-to-point fiber optic transmission system consists of three basic elements: the optical transmitter, the fiber optic cable and the optical receiver.

25. Today’s low-loss glass fiber optic cable offers unique advantages over all transmission media.

26. Fiber optic cable is similar to electrical cable in its construction.

27. The basic point-to-point fiber optic transmission system consists of three basic elements: the optical transmitter, the copper wire and the optical receiver.

28. Many brilliant inventions and discoveries are most responsible for the evolution.

Модуль 2

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