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I. In each line find Complex Subject (meaning) «сообщается, что кто-то делает (сделал, делалось, было сделано)» (example 1) or «кажется, что кто-то делает (делалось, было сделано)» (example 2).

1. The x is xed to 1; The xs are xed to be 2ing; The xs were xed to have 3ed; The x is xed to have been 4ed; The x xs the x to 5.

2. The x xs to 6; The x xs to be 7ing; The x is xly to be 8ed; The xs x the x to 9; The x is xed to 10.

3. The xs are xed to be 11ing; The xs were xed to have 12ed; The x is xed to have been 13ed; The x xs to 14; The x xs the x to 15.

4. The x is xed to 16; The xs are xed to be 17ing; The xs x the x to 18; The x xs to be 19ing; The x is xly to be 20ed

5. The x xs the x to 21; The xs were xed to have 22ed; The x is xed to have been 23ed; The x xs to 24; The x xs to be 25ing.

6. The xs are xed to be 26ing; The xs x the x to 27; The x xs to 28; The xs were xed to have 29ed; The x is xed to have been 30ed

7. The x xs to be 31ing; The x is xly to be 32ed; The x xs the x to 33; The x is xed to 34; The xs are xed to be 35ing.

II. Define the similarities and differences of these forms.

X seems to 1, X appears to have been 2ed, X says to 3, X proved to 4, Xs were expected to 5, Xs are believed to have been 6ed, X is likely to be 7ing, Xs are likely to 8, X is reported to be 9ing, X is said to 10, X is reported to be 11ed, Xs seem to 12, X reports to 13, Xs know 14ing, X is reported to 15.


III. Give the Russian equivalent of the following parts of sentences. Pay attention to the form of the infinitive in the active/passive voice.

They are said to fix, she seems to explain, the computer seems to be used, the results are thought to be, the report proved to be,he is said to be testing, the scientist is known to be, his decision seemed to be right, the bug turned out to have been fixed.

IV. Define the similarities and differences of the forms in bold.

1. The results of the software testing were proved to be right. 2. The theory was provedyears after by another scientist. 3. This solution appears to be optimal in the given circumstances. 4. The delegation appeared at the doorway as soon as the conference began. 5. The team seems to have received a positive feedback from the software consultant. 6. After having completed the task successfully, the software developers seemed to be content with the results. 7. The beta-testing is supposed to be conducted by the selected candidates. 8. «I suppose we can continue fulfilling the targeted aims after the chip’s development is completed», said the professor. 9. They participated in the medical technologies conference where they happened to initiate a fruitful partnership. 10. The worldwide introduction of the new chip happened very rapidly.

V. Find the sentences with Complex Subject. Define the sequence of their translation.

1. The research proved to be a success and contributed to further discoveries in the area. 2. It is expected that the experiment will be over soon as soon as the defined goals are achieved. 3. The new IT invention is considered to be applied in some days. 4. He is considered to be the best candidate to the post. 5. They appear to participate in the experiment aimed at the verification of the previously obtained results. 6. They happened to experience certain difficulties in work. 7. This book is sure to be in demand among the target scientific audience. 8. The conference was reported to take place in July this year. 9. The test is supposed to be the final one in the research conducted by the University group. 10. The plan appeared to increase the production of TV-sets. 11. The chip’s architecture is said to be highly parallel.


VI. Compare the form and meaning of the infinitives. Give the Russian equivalents of the following sentences.

1. They seem to have been given a positive feedback on their project research design. 2. They appear to have been discussing the issues since 2 o’clock. 3. The team was expected to complete the task by the end of the quarter. 4. He is said to have worked at this laboratory. 5. The output proved to have increased. 6. The output is likely to increase and contribute to the project overall efficiency. 7. He is said to be testing a new device. 8. He is said to have tested a new device for electronic industry. 9. He is reported to have grown a new type of crystal. 10. He is reported to be growing a new type of crystal.


VII. Give the Russian equivalents of the following sentences.

1. The delegation is informed to have already arrived. 2. The experiment is said to have been conducted. 3. The answer is unlikely to please you. 4. The invention is believed to dramatically change the role of the traditional newscaster. 5. The number of mobile connections in Europe is believed to reach 90 million by the year 2015. 6. The new manufacturing technique is said to require chipmakers. 7. The technique’s success turns out to be costly. 8. A new chip is considered to render complex graphics in real time. 9. He seems to be soldering now. 10. For the last few decades the research area seems to have been studied thoroughly.

Признаки распознавания объектного инфинитивного оборота

(сложного дополнения/Complex Object)

С СК3 О1 to x2


С – субъект, подлежащее, СК – сказуемое, О – объект, дополнение

1Позицию 3 занимает существительное или местоимение в объектном падеже me, us, you, him, her, it, them.

2После глаголов to see «видеть», to hear «слышать», to feel «чувствовать», to observe, to watch «наблюдать», to notice «замечать», to make «заставлять», to let «пусть» инфинитив употребляется без частицы to.

His supervisor wanted him to take part in the conference. – Его руководитель хотел, чтобы он принял участие в конференции.

3Позицию 2 занимают следующие глаголы:

to allow разрешить
to assume предполагать, допускать
to believe полагать
to cause заставлять, вызывать
to command приказывать
to consider считать
to demand требовать
to enable давать возможность
to expect ожидать, полагать
should/would like хотелось бы
to make заставлять, вызывать
to permit разрешать
to prove доказывать, оказываться
to request просить
to require требовать
to suppose полагать
to wish желать

I. In each line find Complex Object meaning «кто-то хочет (хотел), чтобы кто-то сделал что-то».

a) The x xs the x to 1; The x xed the x to 2; The x xs to 3 the x; The xs x the x to 4; The x xs the x 5.

b) The x xed the x to 6; The xs x to 7 the x; The x xs the x to 8; The xs x the x to 9; The x xs the x 10.

c) The x xs the x to 11; The x xed the x to 12; The x xed to 13 the x; The xs x the x to 14; The x xs the x 15.

d) The x xed the x to 16; The xs x to 17 the x; The x xs the x to 18; The xs x the x to 19; The x xs the x 20.

e) The x xed to 21 the xs; The x xs the x to 22; The xs x the x to 23; The x xed the x to 24; The x xs the x 25.

f) The x xed the x to 26; The xs xed to 27 the xs; The x xs the x to 28; The xs x the x to 29; The x xs the x 30.

g) The x xs to 31 the x; The x xed the x to 32; The x xs the x 33; The x xs the x to 34; The xs x the x to 35.

II. Mark the Objective infinitive constructions (Complex Object) in each line:

X wants me to 1, Xs suppose her to 2, Xs are supposed to 3, X likes him to 4, to 5 X supposes him, X is likely to 6, X allows her to 7, X considers him to 8, X made them 9, X saw him 10, X believes us to 11, X is known to 12, X was announced to 13, X thinks him to 14, X wishes them to 15.

III. Define the similarities and differences of the forms in bold. Give their Russian equivalents.

1. We know the scientist to investigate this problem thoroughly. 2. We did not know that he was responsible for this experiment. 3. She heard that he mentioned the problem several times. 4. She heard him enjoy making reports at scientific conferences. 5. Nowadays we see that scientists change fields of research. 6. The research team saw the device begin to operate. 7. We feltthis suggestion be wrong. 8. I felt that the results were satisfactory. 9. We thought him to be talkingto an employer. 10. We thought that they were working at the University. 11. We knew them to be working on the project.

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