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Read and translate the text.

Федеральное агентство морского и речного транспорта Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего образования

Волжский государственный университет водного транспорта

Кафедра иностранных языков и конвенционной подготовки

Е.Е. Буслеева, Н.Л. Жемчужникова

Английский язык

Учебно-методическое пособие

для студентов 3 курса очной и заочной форм обучения

по специальности 180405 «Эксплуатация СЭУ» и

курсантов СПО по специальности 260205.51

УДК 811.111


Рецензент – ст. преподаватель М.А. Иванова


Буслеева Е.Е., Жемчужникова Н.Л.

Английский язык: учебно-методическое пособие для студентов 3 курса оч­ной и заочной форм обучения по специальности 180405 «Эксплуатация СЭУ» и курсантов СПО по специальности 260205.51 / Е.Е. Буслеева, Н.Л. Жемчужникова. — Н. Новгород: Изд-во ФГБОУ ВО «ВГУВТ», 2015. — 95 с.


Данное пособие предназначено для студентов 3 курса электромеханического факультета специальности 180405 «Эксплуатация СЭУ» и курсантов СПО по специальности 260205.51.

Цель пособия — развитие навыков различных видов речевой деятельности на профессиональном языковом материале.

Пособие включает в себя оригинальные тексты и диалоги по специальности, судовую техническую документацию и послетекстовые упражнения, направ­ленные на закрепление лексико-грамматического материала и развитие навыков профессионального общения. Пособие содержит тексты для дополнительного чтения и англо-русский словарь.



Работа рекомендована к изданию кафедрой иностранных языков и конвенционной подготовки (протокол № 6 от 21.04.2015 г.).


© ФГБОУ ВО «ВГУВТ», 2015



Unit 1. 5

Unit 2. 8

Unit 3. 12

Unit 4. 16

Unit 5. 19

Unit 6. 24

Unit 7. 27

Unit 8. 30

Unit 9. 32

Unit 10. 35


Self-Introduction - The Captain's Cabin. 40

The COC Room of the Tanker 42

Self-Introduction on a Passage. 44

Getting to Know the Ship - The Engine Room.. 46

Getting to Know the Ship - The Engine Control Room.. 48

Getting to Know the Ship - The Engine Store. 50

KYT - Tool Box Meeting in the Engine Control Room.. 52

A Meeting in the Engine Control Room.. 54

An Engine Problem.. 56

Taking Over at the Engine Room.. 57

Working Conditions. 60


General arrangement of the engine room.. 63

Main engine. 63

Shaft line and main engine mounting. 63

Main engine remote control system.. 64

Fuel system.. 65

Lub oil system.. 65


The Infinitive (инфинитив) 68

Complex Object (сложное дополнение) 70

Complex Subject (сложное подлежащее) 70

The Gerund (Герундий) 71

The Participle (Причастие) 73




Unit 1

1. Read and remember the words. Mind the pronunciation.

internal combustion engine двигатель внутреннего сгорания
to actuate приводить в действие
combustion сгорание
fuel oil жидкое топливо
to inject впрыскивать
cylinder цилиндр
cylinder head головка цилиндра
piston поршень
combustion chamber камера сгорания
connecting rod шатун
crankpin палец кривошипа
crank кривошип
crankshaft коленчатый вал
cam кулачок
gear шестерня
gear wheel зубчатое колесо
camshaft кулачковый (распределительный) вал
valve клапан
intake (inlet) valve впускной клапан
exhaust valve выхлопной клапан
crankcase картер
lubricating oil смазка, смазочное масло
four-stroke cycle engine четырехтактный двигатель
to support поддерживать
to carry нести
to move двигаться
to connect соединять
motion движение
crank mechanism кривошипно-шатунный механизм
rotating member вращающаяся деталь
to admit впускать
to discharge выпускать
exhaust gases выхлопные газы
to drive приводить в действие
to operate работать, приводить в действие
to drive приводить в движение
to fill наполнять
to compress сжимать
air воздух
to raise поднимать, повышать
to extend тянуться
bearing подшипник
power сила, мощность
to supply передавать, снабжать

2. Guess the meaning of the following international words, read and learn them.

Diesel engine, cycle, cylinder, temperature, to compress, to result, machi­nery, type, compression, impulse, pressure, expansion, to produce, mechani­cally-operated.

3. Read and translate the text.

Diesel Engine General Description

A diesel engine is an internal combustion engine actuated by the gases resulting from the combustion of the fuel oil injected into the engine cylinder.

An internal combustion engine has a cylinder, a piston, a crankcase, a connecting rod, a crankshaft, a camshaft and valves.

The piston moves in the cylinder up and down. The piston is connected to the crank mechanism which controls its motion. The crank mechanism consists of the connecting rod, the crank and the crankpin. The connecting rod connects the piston to the crankshaft. The crankshaft is the main rotating member of the engine.

The crankcase of the internal combustion engine supports the cylinder and the crankshaft. Lubricating oil is carried in the low part of the crankcase.

An internal combustion engine has mechanically-operated intake and exhaust valves. The intake valve is needed to admit air into the cylinder and the exhaust valve is needed to discharge exhaust gases out of the cylinder after they have done their work.

The camshaft is driven from the crankshaft by means of gear wheels. The camshaft has cams which are used to operate engine valves.

Diesel engines are divided into two types - a four-stroke cycle and a two- stroke cycle. With both types the cylinder is filled with air which is compressed by the piston. The rapid compression of the air raises its temperature. The fuel injected into the cylinder bums rapidly and the pressure exerted by its expansion produces the power impulse on the piston. The piston pushes on the connecting rod which connects the piston to the crank on the crankshaft. The force of the crank makes the crankshaft turn in its bearings. The rotating crankshaft supplies power to the machinery which is driven by the engine.

4. Match the following English and Russian words.

1. fuel oil 1. силовой импульс
2. connecting rod 2. зубчатое колесо
3. crank pin 3. клапан двигателя
4. gear wheel 4. двухтактный цикл
5. crank mechanism 5. отработанные газы
6. main rotating member 6. шатун
7. power impulse 7. кривошипно-шатунный механизм
8. two-stroke cycle 8. главная вращающаяся деталь
9. exhaust gases 9. жидкое топливо
10. engine valve 10. палец кривошипа


5. Give Russian equivalents.

To actuate, expansion, bearing, force, to supply, to drive, crankcase, cam­shaft, intake valve, combustion, to push, mechanically-operated crankshaft, to move, cam, to admit, lubricating oil.

6. Supply the missing prepositions.

1) Diesel engines are divided ……. two types.

2) The force ……. the crank makes the crankshaft turn.

3) The cylinder is filled ……. air.

4) The piston is connected ……. the crank mechanism.

5) The exhaust gases are discharged ……. the cylinder.

6) The piston pushes ……. the connecting rod.

7. Translate paying attention to participles.

1) The fuel injected into the cylinder …….

2) An internal combustion engine actuated by the gases …….

3) The gases resulting from the combustion …….

4) The rotating crankshaft …….

5) The pressure exerted by the expansion …….

6) Diesel engines are divide …….

7) The cylinder is filled …….

8) The camshaft is driven …….

9) Lubricating oil is carried …….

8. Give the summary of the text using the answers to the following questions.

1) What is a diesel engine?

2) What is an internal combustion engine actuated by?

3) What parts does an internal combustion engine have?

4) Does the piston move in the cylinder?

5) What is the piston connected to?

6) What does the crank mechanism consist of?

7) What connects the piston to the crankshaft?

8) What is the crankshaft?

9) What valves does an internal combustion engine have?

10) What does an intake valve do?

11) What operates engine valves?

12) What types are diesel engines divided into?

13) What supplies power to the machinery?

Unit 2

1. Read and remember the words. Mind the pronunciation.

single-acting простого действия
double-acting двойного действия
trunk-piston type тронковый тип
crosshead type крейцкопфный тип
opposed-piston с противоположно двигающи­мися поршнями
exhaust stroke выхлопной ХОД
suction (intake) stroke ход всасывания (впускной)
to draw втягивать
to reach достигать
compression stroke ход сжатия
sufficiently достаточно
to cause вызывать
spontaneous ignition самовоспламенение
combustion and expansion stroke ход горения и расширения
immediately мгновенно
to atomize распылять
to commence начинать
working stroke рабочий ход
to expel удалять
remainder остаток
to complete заканчивать
revolution оборот
travel ход
scavenging air продувочный воздух
to introduce вводить
series ряд
port отверстие, окно
to uncover открывать
dead centre мертвая точка
pure чистый
to require требовать

2. Read and translate the text.

Cycles of a Diesel Engine

Any internal combustion engine, regardless of principle it operates on, is said to have a four stroke cycle or a two stroke cycle. The engines of either type may be single or double acting, trunk-piston type, crosshead type or opposed- piston.

The four-stroke cycle consists of the suction or intake stroke, compression stroke, combustion and expansion stroke and exhaust stroke.

On the suction or intake stroke the piston moves down, the inlet valve is open and air is drawn from the atmosphere into the cylinder through a me­chanically operated inlet valve. At the end of the stroke the cylinder is filled with air. As the piston reaches the end of the intake stroke the inlet valve closes and the piston rises on the second or compression stroke.

On the compression stroke the air is compressed within the cylinder. As a result of this compression the temperature of the air rises. It is sufficiently high to cause spontaneous ignition of the fuel.

On the combustion and expansion stroke the fuel is injected into the cylin­der. Combustion immediately takes place when the fuel in a highly atomized form mixes with the compressed air. Expansion occurs throughout the remain­der of the stroke, this being the working stroke.

On the exhaust stroke the products of combustion in the cylinder are ex­pelled through the mechanically operated exhaust valve and the cycle of opera­tions recommences.

One complete cycle requires four strokes of the piston; the four strokes comprise two complete revolutions of the crankshaft.

In engines operating on the two-stroke principle the cycle of opera­tions is completed in two strokes of the piston or one revolution of the crankshaft.

The two-stroke cycle comprises the compression stroke and the working stroke when combustion and expansion take place.

On the compression stroke the air in the cylinder is compressed with the same resulting rise in temperature as in a four-stroke single-acting engine.

On the working stroke combustion occurs and expansion follows until the piston has moved about 85 per cent of its travel. Scavenging air is then introduced through a series of ports formed in the cylinder walls and uncovered by the piston. This air discharges the exhaust products through the exhaust ports also uncovered by the piston. The piston passes over the dead centre and commences its upward stroke, closing the exhaust ports when the cylinder is filled with pure air.

3. Arrange the following words in the pairs of synonyms.

1. intake stroke 1. to finish
2. inlet valve 2. working
3. to take place 3. mechanically-driven
4. the products of combustion 4. to begin
5. to discharge 5. to put into
6. to commence 6. suction stroke
7. mechanically-operated 7. exhaust gases
8. operating 8. intake valve
9. to complete 9. to occur
10. to introduce 10. to expel

4. Arrange the following words in the pairs of antonyms.

1. pure 1. low
2. to cover 2. to admit
3. to close 3. to stop
4. to discharge 4. to empty
5. to commence 5. empty
6. to fill 6. dirty
7. filled 7. to uncover
8. high 8. to open

5. Match the following English and Russian words.

1. single-acting engine 1. стенки цилиндра
2. to reach 2. продувочный воздух
3. sufficiently high 3. выхлопные окна
4. highly atomized 4. самовоспламенение
5. revolution of the crankshaft 5. остаток хода
6. scavenging air 6. достаточно высокая
7. upward stroke 7. двигатель простого действия
8. spontaneous ignition 8. в сильно распыленном виде
9. the remainder of the stroke 9. оборот коленвала
10. exhaust ports 10. ход вверх
11. cylinder walls 11. достигать

6. Give English equivalents.

Расширение, сгорание, впускной такт, сжатый воздух, выпускной такт, происходить, топливо, наполнять, требовать, ряд, удалять, вызывать, ход, заканчивать, мертвая точка, чистый.

7. Supply the missing English words.

1) (Впускной клапан) closes at the end of the (такт впуска).

2) The piston (открывать) the exhaust (окно).

3) On the (выхлопной ход) the products of combustion (удалять) out of the cylinder.

4) In engines (работающий) on the two-stroke principle (цикл операций) is completed in two strokes of the (поршень).

5) (Продувочный воздух) is introduced through а (ряд окон) formed in the cylinder walls.

6) The piston (проходить) over the dead centre and (начинать) its upward stroke.

8. Translate the sentences paying attention to Participle I and Parti­ciple II.

1) The fuel oil sprayed into the cylinder bums producing heat.

2) When testing a new engine they discovered some constructive defects.

3) When repaired the equipment was installed in the vessel.

4) Leaking fuel is collected in the drain pipes.

5) The piston moving upward on its compression stroke compresses the air drawn into the cylinder.

6) Returning on the fourth or exhaust stroke the piston pushes the remaining gas out of the cylinder.

Unit 3

1. Read and remember the words. Mind the pronunciation.

bedplate фундаментная рама
to ensure обеспечивать
surface поверхность
cast iron чугун
to support поддерживать
cylinder head головка цилиндра
jacket рубашка
to utilize использовать
bore внутренний диаметр отверстия
to circulate циркулировать
to conduct проводить, служить проводником
main bearings главные подшипники
resistant стойкий
to provide снабжать
entire весь, целый
to accommodate вмещать, помещать
cooling water охлаждающая вода
liner втулка
seat гнездо
shell вкладыш
consist (of) состоять (из)
cap крышка
to secure крепить, обеспечивать
frame рама, станина
set комплект, ряд

2. Read and translate the text.

Essential Parts of a Diesel Engine.

Major Fixed Parts

Bedplate. The bedplate of an engine is the part which holds the entire en­gine and upon which other parts are built. The bedplate has two important du­ties to perform. First, to carry frame of the engine upon which the cylin­ders are carried, and second, to carry the main bearings which support the crankshaft.

Frame. The frame is a cast iron structure resting on the planed upper surface of the bedplate and provided with openings at the top to receive the cylinders.

Cylinder. The cylinder consists of two separate parts, the outer part, being the stress carrying member, known as the jacket, while the inner part is a heat conducting member, known as the liner. The space between the two is utilized for circulating cooling water, to carry off the heat of combustion.

The cylinder must be strong enough to carry the stress produced by the gas pressure between the piston and the cylinder head.

Cylinder liner.The liner is a comparatively thin cylinder, flanged at the upper end and slightly thickened at its lower end. The boreiscarefully finished to ensure perfect roundness and uniform diameter.

Cylinder head. The cylinder head is one of the most important details of the engine as it is a heavily stressed and heat conducting member. It closes the top end of the cylinder and accommodates the valves.

Main bearings. The main bearings are accommodated in the seats of the bedplate. The principal details of a bearing are: a steel cap, upper and lower shells, a set of adjusting shims and screw-jacks to secure the caps and the shell to the bedplate. The babbit-lined shells are made of steel and consist of two halves.

3. Arrange the following words in the pairs of synonyms.

1. to use 1. main
2. to make 2. member
3. to shut 3. to utilize
4. top end 4. to close
5. part 5. upper end
6. whole 6. entire
7. principal 7. to produce
8. cap 8. cover

4. Match the following English and Russian phrases.

1. a stress carrying member 1. деталь, служащая проводником тепла
2. outer part 2. выполнять важные задачи
3. carefully finished 3. тщательно обработанный
4. perfect roundness 4. деталь, испытывающая напряжение, нагрузку
5. cooling water 5. внешняя часть
6. uniform diameter 6. залитые баббитом вкладыши
7. cast iron structure 7. охлаждающая вода
8. to perform important duties 8. одинаковый диаметр
9. inner part 9. чугунная конструкция
10. babbit-lined shells 10. идеально круглая форма
11. heat conducting member 11. внутренняя часть

5. Supply the missing prepositions.

1) The frame is provided ……. openings - the top to receive the cylinders.

2) The cylinder consists ……. two separate parts.

3) The space between the outer and the inner parts of the cylinder is utilized ……. circulating cooling water.

4) The cylinder carries the stress produced ……. the gas pressure.

5) The cylinder head closes the top end ……. the cylinder.

6) Babbit-lined shells are made ……. steel.

7) The main bearings are accommodated ……. the seats of the bedplate.

6. Translate the sentences paying attention to Participles.

1) When replacing oil carefully clean the tank.

2) Being equipped with a powerful engine, the ship attained the speed of 17 knots.

3) Having been tested, the engine was installed in the vessel.

4) The engine being remotely controlled from the bridge is very powerful.

5) Designed and equipped for operation on boiler oil, the engine has all cylinder liners chrome-hardened.

6) Having installed powerful dredging pumps, they increased the capacity of the dredger.

7) The engine being repaired by our mechanic will be put into operation in two weeks.

8) The piston having descended to the bottom of its stroke, the inlet valve closes.

7. Answer the questions.

1) What are the major fixed parts of a diesel engine?

2) What important duties does the bedplate of an engine have to perform?

3) What does the frame rest on?

4) What for is the frame provided with openings?

5) What parts does the cylinder consist of and how are they called?

6) What is the function of cooling water circulating in the space between these two parts?

7) Why must the cylinder be strong?

8) Why is the cylinder head one of the most important parts of the engine?

9) Where are the main bearings accommodated? What are the principal parts of a bearing?

Unit 4

Essential Parts of a Diesel Engine

Major Running Parts

1. Read and remember the words. Mind the pronunciation.

crankshaft коленчатый вал
piston поршень
connecting rod шатун
camshaft распределительный (кулачковый) вал
spray valve сопло распылителя
flywheel маховик
trunk piston тронковый поршень
crosshead piston крейцкопфный поршень
forging поковка
iron casting чугунная отливка
alloy сплав
compression ring компрессионное кольцо
oil control ring маслосъемное кольцо
lubricating oil смазочное масло
forced lubrication принудительная смазка
fuel injection pump топливный насос
spent (exhaust) gases выхлопные газы
rotation вращение
gear drive зубчатая передача

2. Read and translate the text.

Crankshaft. The crankshaft is the most important and largest moving part. It is either a steel forging or an iron casting. The crankshaft is supported in the bedplate by main bearings. The crankshaft supplies power to the machinery the engine drives.

Pistons. Pistons may be divided into trunk and crosshead types. The trunk piston is used for small and the crosshead type for large engines.

The piston is provided with compression and oil control rings. Piston rings should possess sufficient elasticity to press uniformly against the cylinder walls.

Connecting rod. The connecting rod is made of steel. It connects the piston to the crank on the crankshaft and transmits the force in either direction from the piston to the crank on the crankshaft. With engines using forced lubrication the connecting rods are usually bored hollow for-the passage of lubricating oil.

Camshaft.The camshaft supported in bearings is driven from the crank­shaft by means of a gear drive. The function of the camshaft is to operate the fuel injection pump and valves.

Valves. The spray valve introduces fuel into the cylinder.

The intake valve admits the air into the cylinder. The exhaust valve dis­charges the spent gases out of the cylinder.

Flywheel. The function of the flywheel is to keep the shaft turning during the intervals between impulses and to keep the speed of rotation regular.

3. Give Russian equivalents to the following words.

1. sufficient 1. поддерживать
2. to transmit 2. достаточный
3. to connect 3. приводить в действие
4. to operate 4. снабжать
5. to turn 5. упругость, эластичность
6. speed 6. вращать, поворачивать
7. hollow 7. скорость
8. to support 8. соединять
9. to supply 9. передавать
10. elasticity 10. полый

4. Form nouns from the following verbs.

To use, to direct, to compress, to combust, to resist, to transmit, to supply, to press, to cover, to lubricate, to pass.

5. Are these sentences true or false?

1) The intake valve discharges the spent gases out of the cylinder.

2) The piston is provided with compression and oil control rings.

3) The function of the camshaft is to introduce fuel into the cylinder.

4) With engines using forced lubrication the connecting rods are usually bored hollow for the passage of lubricating oil.

5) The crankshaft supplies power to the machinery the engine drives.

6) The piston is made of plastic.

7) The trunk piston is used for large engines.

8) The crankshaft is one of the most important fixed parts in a diesel engine.

6. Translate the sentences from Russian into English.

1) Коленчатый вал - это либо стальная поковка, либо чугунная отливка.

2) Поршни подразделяются на тронковые и крейцкопфные.

3) Поршень обычно изготавливается из специального сплава, стойкого к тепловым нагрузкам.

4) Поршень снабжен компрессионными и маслосъемными кольцами.

5) Выпускной клапан выводит выхлопные газы из цилиндра.

6) Функцией распределительного вала является приведение в действие топливного насоса и клапанов.

7. Translate the sentences paying attention to Participle I and Parti­ciple II.

1) Having been repaired in time, the engines operated well.

2) Having checked the engine adjustments and performance at the rated output, check its performance at maximum output.

3) The main engine having been installed, the ferry started for her trial trip.

4) Having examined the machinery, the engineers left the engine room.

5) The lubricating oil pumps have a capacity of 225 cub. m. one of them be­ing a standby.

6) Fresh-water cooling is used for the cylinder jackets, upper pistons being oil cooled.

7) On shop trials this engine developed 9845 bhp at 120 rpm, the mechani­cal efficiency being 82,5 percent.

8) The ship being equipped with powerful propulsion machinery, her speed is rather high.

9) For cooling water there are vertical centrifugal pumps, each having a ca­pacity of 570 m3/hr.

Unit 5

1. Read and translate the words.

medium-speed engine среднеоборотный двигатель
in-line рядный (о двигателе)
vee form V-образное расположение цилиндров
V-engine V-образный двигатель
main particulars основные характеристики
cylinder output мощность двигателя
b.m.e.p. - brake mean effective pressure среднетормозное эффективное давление
bar бар (единица измерения давления)
compression ratio степень сжатия
m/s - meters per secon метров в секунду (скорость поршня)
power range диапазон мощности
specific fuel consumption удельный расход топлива
scavenging system система продувки
loop петля
turbocharged с наддувом
to gain достигать
turbocharger турбонагнетатель
exhaust gas receiver выхлопной коллектор, коллектор вы­хлопных газов
volume объем
air duct воздушный канал, воздуховод
flow resistance гидродинамическое или аэродинами­ческое сопротивление
auxiliary вспомогательный
blower воздуходувка, нагнетатель
radial fan центробежный воздухонагнетатель
in series последовательно
to allow позволять
to increase increase увеличиваться, увеличивать, увели­чение
part load частичная нагрузка
acceleration увеличение скорости хода, приеми­стость (двигателя)
lube-oil pump масляный насос
monoblock pump моноблочный насос
to eliminate устранять
to secure закреплять
wear износ
heavy fuel тяжелое (дизельное) топливо
mean piston speed средняя скорость поршня
cam profile профиль кулачка

2. Guess the meaning of the following international words, read and learn them.

Hydraulic operation, in-line configuration, to control, vee form, constant pressure, to optimize, to design, aerodynamically designed, minimum resis­tance, hydraulically operated, balanced, corrosion, efficiency.

3. Read and translate the text.

Wichmann’s New WX 28

The WX 28 is a compact two-stroke engine having 400 hp/cy[1] and offering economical heavy fuel operation.

The new engine covers the 1,200 kW - 4,800 kW[2] (1,610 hp - 6,440 hp) range.

It has been designed for economy achieving specific fuel consumption as low as 188 g/kW[3] and for operation on poor quality[4] heavy fuels - 3,500 sec Red /@100 F°[5].

The WX 28 is a valveless, medium speed unit available in 4, 5 and 6 cylinder in­line configuration and 8, 10, 12 and 16 cylinders in V-form.

Main particulars are:

Bore 280 mm

Stroke 360 mm

Speed 600 rpm

Cylinder output 300 kW

B.m.e.p. 13,5 bar

Compression ratio 12 : 1

Mean piston speed 7.2 m/s

To reach low consumption figures - 188 g/kWh, a lot of attention was paid to the scavenging system and to the fuel injection system.

The engine is loop scavenged and constant-pressure turbocharged. To gain the high turbocharger efficiency necessary for minimum fuel consumption, the latest turbocharger technology has been employed along with an exhaust gas receiver of large volume.

To optimize scavenging, ports have been designed using advanced computer programs and all air ducts have been aerodynamically designed for minimum flow resistance.

The auxiliary blower is a hydraulically operated radial fan that operates in series with the turbocharger compressor. Hydraulic operation allows the blower speed to be controlled independently of the engine speed. That means that pressure increase over the blower can be optimized to give good part load, and the accelera­tion condition results. The hydraulic system used is a low pressure one using the engine’s lube oil and a lube oil pump.

Designed for 1,500 bar working pressure, the fuel injection system has monoblock injection pumps with short injection pipes and a cam profile giving only a 20° injection period.

The need to operate on heavy fuel under all power conditions[6] was a major factor in deciding the basic principle of the engine operation. With loop scavenging eliminating the need for exhaust valves, Wichmann considers it has secured the best basis for heavy fuel operation.

Bore cooling of the liner and cover with a balanced cooling water flow al­low the right temperature and temperature profile[7] to be achieved at all loads. This is particularly important in heavy fuel operation, where low temperature corrosion can cause catastrophic cylinder wear.

4. Match the following phrases.

1. balanced cooling water flow 1. петлевая продувка
2. fuel injection system 2. центробежный воздухонагнетатель
3. cylinder output 3. гидродинамическое (аэродинамическое) сопротивление
4. fuel consumption 4. компрессор турбонагнетателя
5. loop scavenging 5. гидравлический привод
6. exhaust gas receiver 6. повышенное давление
7. flow resistance 7. моноблочный впрыскивающий насос
8. radial fan 8. система впрыска топлива
9. turbocharger compressor 9. низкотемпературная коррозия
10. hydraulic operation 10. режимы мощности
11. pressure increase 11. выхлопной коллектор
12. monoblock injection pump 12. цилиндровая мощность
13. low temperature corrosion 13. потребление (расход) топлива
14. power conditions 14. сбалансированный поток охлаждающей жидкости

5. Give English equivalents.

Мощность двигателя, степень сжатия, система продувки, с наддувом, объем, вспомогательный, воздуходувка, нагрузка, увеличивать, устранять, закреплять, тяжелое топливо, позволять.

6. Find participles in the text and define their form and function.

7. Translate the sentences paying attention to participles and participle constructions.

1) The engine has a welded one-piece fabricated bedplate and a frame struc­ture.

2) The turbocharger fitted is of non-water-cooled type.

3) Built in vee form only, this engine is capable of developing 11700 bhp.

4) For harbour duties there is a diesel engine driving a 50-kVa alternator and an air compressor.

5) This class of engines is of the crosshead design with seven cylinders, the maximum continuous rating being 5300 bhp at 130 rpm.

6) The cooling system is open, the water being supplied from the water line or from pressure tank.

7) The injection pump having been tested, they installed it in the engine room.

8) The engine being of the latest design, its output is high.

8. Say if the sentences are true or false. Use the following phrases.

It’s right/It’s true. Правильно.
It’s wrong/It’s false. Неправильно.
Absolutely right. Совершенно правильно.
Exactly so. Точно так.
I am afraid you are mistaken. Боюсь, вы ошибаетесь.
I can hardly agree with you statement. Вряд ли смогу согласиться с вашим утверждением.


The WX 28 is a four-stroke engine.

This engine is available in vee form only.

It is designed for operation on heavy fuels.

A lot of attention was paid to the scavenging system.

To optimize scavenging, valves have been designed using advanced computer programs.

Hydraulic operation doesn’t allow the blower speed to be controlled.

Low temperature corrosion can cause cylinder wear.

9. Answer the questions

1) What type is Wichemann’s WX 28?

2) What cylinder configuration does it have?

3) What power range does the engine cover?

4) What fuel does the engine work on?

5) Is the fuel consumption of the engine high or low?

6) What was done to reach low consumption figures?

7) What scavenging does the engine have?

8) What has been designed to optimize scavenging?

9) What pumps does the fuel injection system have?

10) What is important in heavy fuel operation?

10. Give summary of the text using the questions from exercise 9 as a plan.

Unit 6

1. Read and remember the words.

dimensions размеры
to deliver an output развивать мощность
maximum continuous output максимальная длительная мощность
ship судно
propulsion приведение в движение, двигатель, энергетическая гребная установка
space пространство
valve cage кожух клапана
plasma coated с плазменным напылением
performance работа
overhaul ремонт, переборка (двигателя)
viscosity вязкость
scuffing образование задиров на поверхно­сти; образование царапин, (чрезмер­ное) истирание, износ, срабатывание
chromium plated хромированный
groove канавка


2. Guess the meaning of the following international words, read, and learn them.

Cruise, electric generation, fuel economy, operation, to indicate, adaptable, correct temperature, interval, combined, service.

3. Read and translate the text.

Service Experience with the Sulzer ZA 40S

Sulzer’s 980 bhp/суl medium speed is a well proven performer particularly successful in cruise ships

The engine has cylinder dimensions of 400 mm bore by 560 mm stroke and delivers a maximum continuous output of 980 bhp/cyl (720 kW/cyl) at 510 rpm for marine propulsion application (500 and 514 rpm for electricity generation applications). Economy ratings are also offered for applications optimized for fuel economy. Offered in six, eight or nine cylinders in line and 12, 14, 16 or 18 cylinders vee form, the power range covered is from 4,890 - 17,640 bhp (3,600 - 12,960 kW).

The ZA 40S’s features include the Sulzer rotating piston, fully bore-cooled combustion space components, high stroke/bore ratio, cylinder head without valve cages, Sulzer plasma-coated piston rings, load-dependent forced cylinder lubrication and adaptable turbocharging with single-pipe exhaust system. The performance of ZA40 engines with more than 25,000 hours operation indicates that two years or more of continuous operation between overhauls is achievable by the ZA40S.

The engine has the same heavy fuel capability as low speed crosshead type diesels corresponding to fuels of 700 cSt viscosity at 50°C.

This is possible thanks to design features that include:

- high compression ratio thanks to the high stroke/bore ratio;

- correct temperature levels in combustion space components as a result of bore cooling;

- the rotating piston, giving high resistance against scuffing and low wear rates;

- high performance exhaust valve design allows long intervals between valve overhauls and even combined valve and piston overhauls.

The combination of bore cooled rotating pistons and plasma-coated piston rings results in low wear rates and long piston ring life. Measurements from ZA40S engine in service indicate that liner wear rate is settling around 0.02 mm/1,000 hr. The wear of the chromium plated piston ring grooves is already being maintained at less than 0.005 mm/1,000hr, resulting in long intervals be­tween the rechroming of ring grooves.

The ZA40S single pipe exhaust system gives a reasonable combination of advantages of the pulse system with the simplicity of a constant pressure system. This has been made possible by a modern, high efficiency turbo­charger.

4. Match the following phrases.

1. cylinder dimensions 1. охлаждение по внутреннему диаметру
2. power range 2. хромированный
3. combustion space components 3. импульсный турбонаддув
4. valve cage 4. переборка, ремонт
5. load-dependent 5. диапазон, мощность
6. single-pipe exhaust system 6. части камеры сгорания
7. overhaul 7. зависимый от нагрузки
8. bore cooling 8. кожух клапана
9. chromium plated 9. размеры цилиндра
10. pulse system turbocharging 10. система выхлопа с одним патрубком

5. Give English equivalents.

Переборка клапана, непрерывная работа, наддув, вращающийся пор­шень, выработка электричества, развивать мощность, среднеоборотный двигатель, износ, головка цилиндра, тяжелое топливо, вязкость, канавка, замеры, эксплуатация, указывать, преимущества, система постоянного давления.

6. Arrange the words according to the parts of speech.

To maintain, simplicity, reasonable, plated, combination, to indicate, com­bined, dimension, successful, fully, turbocharging, heavy, capability, possible, giving, feature.

7. Translate the sentences paying attention to gerunds.

1) In starting an engine pay attention to the functioning of its parts.

2) This engine is a standard turbocharged crosshead unit arranged for run­ning on heavy oils.

3) Water used for cooling engines should meet fixed requirements.

4) This ship has two diesel engines for driving propellers.

5) That handle is provided for starting and stopping the engine.

6) Combustion is the process of uniting fuel with the oxygen of the air.

7) We are sure of their having completed testing the engine.

Unit 7

Volvo Penta’s New D12 Marine Diesel Engine

Part I

1. Read and remember the words. Mind the pronunciation.

to develop развивать
to increase увеличивать
emission выброс
to reduce уменьшать, сокращать
fuel consumption расход топлива
application применение
in-line в одну линию
output мощность
feature черта
rigidity жесткость
robust прочный
unit установка, агрегат

2. Read and translate the text.

Volvo Penta’s new D12 marine diesel engine is reported to be unique in every respect - unit-injectors, a new EDC system[8], a redesigned cylinder block and a crankshaft with seven main bearings for greater rigidity. All these contribute to increased power with lower emissions and reduced fuel consump­tion compared with the previous models.

The new D12 is a 12-liter, in-line cylinder power unit with 4 valves per cyl­inder designed to offer high performance for smaller commercial vessels. The en­gine comes in two versions for commercial applications: the D12-650 develop­ing 650 hp (478 kW) and the D12-615 with an output of 615 hp (453 kW). Both versions have the same displacement.

The unit injectors inject the fuel into the cylinder at 1800 bar through eight hole nozzles. This combined with the new EDC system gives very efficient combustion.

Five sensors constantly communicate data to the EDC system and this is engineered to be so precise that any variations in torque created by individual cylinders can be compensated for immediately.

The engine is built robustly. It produces very little vibration and noise. The company has deliberately added weight to reduce vibration and noise with features like the vibration damper[9] on the camshaft and a ladder-frame[10] cylinder block.

3. Group the words according to the part of speech.

Commercial, performance, great, extensively, emit, operator, slightly, injec­tor, reliability, deliberately, offer, emission, combine, nozzle, report.

4. Match the following English and Russian phrases.

1. smaller commercial vessels 1. предыдущая модель
2. high performance 2. во всех отношениях
3. eight-hole nozzles 3. высокие рабочие характеристики
4. to communicate data 4. передавать данные
5. marine diesel engine 5. распылитель (форсунка) с 8-ю отверстиями
6. to give efficient combustion 6. обеспечивать эффективное сго­рание (топлива)
7. in every respect 7. малые торговые суда
8. previous model 8. морской дизельный двигатель

5. What do the following numbers refer to? Make a sentence about each number.

650; 4; 6; 453; 1800; 5; 7; 2; 8.

6. a) Find infinitives in the text and define their functions.

b) Translate the sentences, paying attention to infinitives and infini­tive constructions.

1) To keep the engine clean is very important.

2) The engine to be installed in the tanker is very powerful.

3) We know the remote-control system to be widely used on these vessels.

4) The purpose of a compression ring is to prevent leakage.

5) I suppose the mechanic to be adjusting the engine.

6) The alarm light signal system is used to warn the personnel about emer­gency.

7) A turbocharger is known to be an essential unit of the supercharging sys­tem.

8) The equipment to be repaired has not been delivered.

7. Answer the questions.

1) Why is Volvo Penta’s new D12 marine diesel engine reported to be unique?

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