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Answer the following questions based on the dialogue.

1) How can the main engine be operated?

2) What situations require the main engine to be operated from the Bridge or locally?

3) What characteristics does the main engine have?

4) Why is Santos impressed by the main engine?

5) What are all the Engine Room crewmembers involved in?

6) Who has to stay in the Engine Room and what do they have to do?

Convert the dialogue into Indirect Speech and retell the situation as a story.

Getting to Know the Ship - The Engine Store

Read the dialogue and understand it in every detail.

2/Eng: Here is the Consumable Goods Store. Whenever you take something out, you should write down the date, the name and number of the article, and your name in this notebook. The First Engineer has the key to this room.

Santos: You mean this notebook hanging on the wall? There are so many articles. How can I remember each one?

2/Eng: Consumable goods are separated into three departments: the Deck, the Engine, and the purser. The Spare Parts Store is in the Engine Room. Let's go down there now so I can show you.

Santos: Are the spare parts of all the machines stowed in the Spare Parts Store?

2/Eng: Not all, but most of them. For example, the spare parts for the conditioning refrigerator plant or for the provision refrigerator plant are stowed near them, and some parts for the main engine are in the workshop.

Santos: Hmm, supplying seems rather hard work. How do you manage that?

2/Eng: To control the supply properly, we must note the date and the number of the part in the spare parts list in the Engine Control Room. We have been thinking of introducing a system to enter all of the data into a computer. It would control the spare parts inventory on the ship or on shore.

Match the words with their equivalents or definitions.

1. purser 1. a record of things a person (or a ship) has
2. spare part(s) 2. extra components
3. conditioning refrigerator plant 3. cooling unit to chill foodstuffs
4. provision refrigerator plant 4. cooling unit to air condition rooms
5. inventory 5. officer in charge of money matters

Find English equivalents for the following words and word combinations. Make up your own sentences using them.

1) расходные материалы

2) вещь, предмет

3) разделять, распределять

4) запасные части

5) склад

6) хранить, складывать

7) цех, мастерская

8) вводить систему

9) вносить данные

10) снабжение

11) запас

Answer the following questions based on the dialogue.

1) How do they control the spare parts inventory on the ship?

2) How are consumable goods classified on the ship?

3) Where are spare parts of all the machines stowed?

4) How are they going to improve the control of the spare parts inventory?

Convert the dialogue into Indirect Speech and retell the situation as a story.

KYT - Tool Box Meeting in the Engine Control Room

Read the dialogue and understand it in every detail.

1/Eng: Good morning, everyone. Third Engineer, did you sleep well last night?

Santos: Yes, I slept very well. I feel great today.

1/Eng: That's good. OK. Let's start today's meeting. I wrote our three tasks for today on this whiteboard. Second Engineer, will you explain the first task in detail, using 5W1H?

2/Eng: Yes, sir. The first task is to overhaul the main engine's exhaust valve. I will be the leader, and the No. 1 Oiler and the Third Engineer will work together with me. Our job is to clean the inside of the valve and to change all of the 0-rings and seat-rings.

1/Eng: Thank you. Let me know when you are about to take out the valve spindle and take off the valve seat. Pay attention to the following points so that you don't get injured:

- avoid dust, which can get in your eyes, nose, and mouth;

- avoid getting your fingers caught in the gaps between the spindle or the valve seat, and the casing body;

– don’t get hit by the spindle or the valve seat if the ship moves suddenly;

- be careful that the spindle or the valve seat doesn't fall on you if a haul wire breaks when shifting the load. Third Engineer, will you repeat these points?

Santos: Yes, sir.

Match the words with their equivalents or definitions.

1. task(s) 1. a valve fitted at the exit side
2. 5W1H 2. disassemble something and clean up the inside; repair or restore to original condition
3. overhaul 3. interrogatives, e.g., who, what, when, where, why, and how
4. exhaust valve 4. a job that needs to be done; duty
5. 0-rings 5. a ring fitted on a structure where a valve sits
6. seat-rings 6. round pieces used for scaling or shock-absorbing purposes
7. valve spindle 7. place where a valve is fitted
8. valve seat 8. usually a metallic rod which causes the valve to move
9. spindle 9. a metallic wire or line used to pull something
10. haul wire 10. a long rod-like structure which serves as an axis for a revolving part

Find English equivalents for the following words and word combinations. Make up your own sentences using them.

1) задание

2) подробно

3) перебрать, провести капитальный ремонт

4) обратить внимание на…

5) травмироваться

6) избегать

7) ударить

8) передвигать, перемещать

9) быть осторожным, следить

10) попадать

11) золотник, стержень клапана

Answer the following questions based on the dialogue.

1) What was the first task for that day?

2) Who did the team consist of?

3) What jobs were they going to do?

4) What were they to be careful about and why?

Convert the dialogue into Indirect Speech and retell the situation as a story.

A Meeting in the Engine Control Room

Read the dialogue and understand it in every detail.

1/Eng: Good morning, everyone. It will be a hot day today. Wiper, you don't look well. What's wrong?

Wiper: I'm fine. Just a little sleepy. I was reading last night until quite late.

1/Eng: Being tired makes you less attentive. That can lead to accidents. Be very careful. I've written today's tasks on the whiteboard. Does anyone have anything else to add?

No. 1 Oiler: During the MO check this morning, I found out that the delivery pressure of the No. 1 main engine fuel oil supply pump was 0.5kg/cm2 lower than usual.

1/Eng: Is that so? I didn't notice. (He exits the control room to confirm the information and comes back a few minutes later). No. I Oiler, you're right. Its suction pressure is lower, too. Dirt must have accumulated in the suction strainer and caused this pressure drop. One of today's scheduled tasks was to clean the fuel oil pump. Third Engineer, I want you to do this job and take No. 1 Oiler and the Wiper to help you.

No. 1 Oiler: After we finish cleaning the fuel oil pump, can I do the third scheduled job on the list with the Wiper? That is cleaning the Engine Room floor.

1/Eng: Yes, you may. Third Engineer, why don't you come back here after you've done cleaning, and I'll explain the machines in the Engine Room to you.

3/Eng: Yes, sir. I will. I don't know much about them and I've been a little worried about that.

Match the words with their equivalents or definitions.

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