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Read the dialogue and understand it in every detail.

(After knocking at the door of the Captain's Cabin)

C/Off: Captain, Third Mate Conrad Cruz and Third Engineer Manuel Santos are here, sir.

Capt: Come in. I've been expecting you.

C/Off: Let's go in. Captain, I'd like to introduce you to Third Mate, Mr. Conrad Cruz and Third Engineer, Mr. Manuel Santos.

Cruz: Nice to meet you. Captain. I'm Third Mate Conrad Cruz from Manila I am 22 years old and I am determined to do my best.

Santos: Nice to meet you, sir. I'm Third Engineer Manuel Santos. I'm also from Manila. I am 23 years old and I hope to do my best, too.

Capt: (Shaking hands) Nice to meet you both. I'm Captain Shimoda. Welcome aboard The Persian Adventure. Please have a seat.

Cruz/Santos: Thank you, sir.

Capt: Is this your first time on a Japanese ship?

Cruz: Yes, it is, and I'm a little nervous. I've never been on such a large ship.

Capt: Oh, don't worry. Everyone is nervous the first time. Just watch your step and don't get into any trouble. I expect everyone to work hard, but if you don't understand something, just ask one of us. In Japan, we have a saying: «Asking for help is a momentary shame, but never asking for help is a lifetime shame». The worst situation is when you pretend that you understand when you really don’t and then you fail to do your work right.

Cruz/Santos: We'll keep that in mind, sir.

Match the words with their equivalents or definitions.

1. C/Off 1. disgrace, loss of honor
2. expect 2. have or cause problems
3. determined to do my best 3. act as if, make believe
4. nervous 4. short, brief, temporary
5. watch your step 5. not succeed, be unable to accomplish something
6. get into trouble 6. be careful, look where you are going
7. saying 7. wait for...., to look forward to something
8. momentary 8. for your whole life, until you die, throughout your life
9. shame 9. will try hard to do the best I can
10. lifetime 10. worried, uneasy
11. pretend 11. Chief Officer
12. fail 12. proverb, adage, motto

Find English equivalents for the following words and word combinations. Make up your own sentences using them.

1) я бы хотел познакомить Вас с…

2) приятно познакомиться

3) добро пожаловать на борт

4) давайте пройдем внутрь

5) я жду вас

6) я немного нервничаю

7) сделать все возможное

8) «провалить» работу, потерпеть неудачу

9) пожалуйста, присаживайтесь

10) не беспокойтесь

11) будьте осторожны

12) попадать в неприятности

13) решительный

14) держать что-то в уме, иметь в виду

Answer the following questions based on the dialogue.

1) Where are the new crewmembers from?

2) What are their job titles?

3) How does Conrad Cruz feel and why does he feel that way?

4) What advice does the captain give them?

Convert the dialogue into Indirect Speech and retell the situation as a story.

The COC Room of the Tanker

Read the dialogue and understand it in every detail.

2/Off: Hi, you're the Third Mate, Mr. Cruz, aren't you? Welcome on board. I'm the Second Mate and my name is Tanaka. Nice to have you with us.

Cruz: Nice to meet you. My name is Conrad Cruz. I'm 22 years old and I'm from Manila.

2/Off: Is this your first time on a tanker?

Cruz: Yes, it is. I've been on a 20,000-ton bulk carrier before, and I received tanker training in the Philippines, which was mainly lectures. I also trained using a tanker simulator at one of the Japanese shipping company's training centers. It was quite helpful.

2/Off: I did that simulator training, too. Training is different from the real job, but it's quite helpful. By the way, I'm from Hiroshima. I have a wife and three children. The eldest one is 13. He is a junior high school student. My family comes to see me whenever my ship arrives in Japan. They have already been to my cabin and made a big fuss.

Cruz: That's great. I'm single and my parents live with my elder brothers. Both of my brothers work for Japanese companies in the Philippines. There are a lot of differences in culture and in social structure between Japan and the Philippines. I'm dying to learn about Japan.

2/Off: That's a great attitude. Learning about each other's culture helps us understand each other better. That's the first step towards having a pleasant and peaceful time on board.

Match the words with their equivalents or definitions.

1. COC 1. a friendly way of addressing the Second Officer
2. 2/Off 2. organization of a society
3. Second Mate 3. Cargo Oil Control
4. bulk carrier 4. large company that owns and operates boats
5. simulator 5. unmarried
6. shipping company 6. large ship that carries raw goods in its hold
7. Hiroshima 7. large port city in Western Japan
8. made a big fuss 8. made a big issue about something
9. single 9. machine for practice
10. difference(s) 10. arts, philosophies, products of any society
11. culture 11. things that are not the same or similar
12. social structure 12. Second Officer also called Second Mate (the rank that comes after First Mate)
13. I'm dying to... 13. way of thinking, behavior and manners
14. attitude 14. want to do something very much

Find English equivalents for the following words and word combinations. Make up your own sentences using them.

1) второй помощник капитана

2) сухогруз

3) проходить обучение

4) тренажер

5) учебный центр

6) полезный

7) отличаться от

8) старшеклассник

9) отношение

Answer the following questions based on the dialogue.

1) What marine job experience does Cruz have?

2) What tanker training has he received?

3) What does Tanaka think about simulator training?

4) What can you say about Tanaka’s family?

5) What did Cruz say about his family?

6) Why is it important to learn a lot about different cultures?

Convert the dialogue into Indirect Speech and retell the situation as a story.

Self-Introduction on a Passage

Read the dialogue and understand it in every detail.

Santos: (To a Japanese crewmember passing by) Hello! I'm Third Engineer, Manuel Santos. I just came on board.

2/Eng: Hi. Nice to meet you. I'm Second Engineer, Suzuki. I was checking a pump so I couldn't come to the Engine Control Room when the Chief Engineer introduced you.

Santos: Boy, I was surprised by the size of the engine. It's the first time that I've seen such a big one!

2/Eng: This ship keeps us busy and she's a good one to learn many different jobs on.

Santos: I'm sure I'll learn a lot. The small number of crew also surprised me.

2/Eng: Well, it means that each crewmember takes on a lot of responsibility. I do hope you'll become familiar with the ship quickly, and do your job well. We all count on each other. I'll help you whenever there's something that you don't understand. Also, read and study all the instruction books. Don't hesitate to learn things using your hands, feet, and body. You know, hands-on experience. That’s the way Japanese people work.

Santos: I see. I was told the same back home.

2/Eng: It's important to work hard. Doing a good job helps you gain confidence. Oh, by the way, I should tell you more about myself. I'm 30 years old. I'm single and I come from Yamaguchi. I like fishing. Pretty handy when you work on a boat, don't you think?

Santos: Sure. I'm 23 years old and I come from Manila. I don’t have any hobby. I just like reading.

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