Пиши Дома Нужные Работы

Обратная связь

Read the dialogue and understand it in every detail.

3/Off: Second Officer, I know that our salaries are based upon our rank, but are our salaries any different from the Japanese crew?

2/Off: Yes, they are. They're different because of the Japanese system. In Japan, a company guarantees lifetime employment. Once an employee starts work for a company, he is guaranteed a job until retirement. And salaries are based on seniority. Salaries increase with the number of years the employee works for a company.

3/Off: So salaries don't vary according to rank, then?

2/Off: No, they don't. For seamen, however, the base salary varies depending on whether you are an officer or a crewmember.

3/Off: So once a person starts working for a company, their employment is secure?

2/Off: No, that's not exactly right, and lately, things have been changing. It seems that shipping companies cannot remain competitive unless they use a Western-style salary system. More companies have abandoned their seniority system and now apply wages based on job evaluation.

3/Off: Well, our contracts start at departure from Manila and finish at arrival at Manila. I think that the Japanese system is better.

2/Off: I agree.

3/Off: Yes, and Japanese salaries are generally much higher than ours.

2/Off: But you can't only compare salaries. You also have to take into account the living standards of each country. We can't say that Japanese seamen are richer than Filipino seamen because prices are much higher in Japan than in the Philippines.

Match the words with their equivalents or definitions.

1. salaries 1. having a job or work
2. rank 2. to differ, to change
3. guarantee(s) 3. basic agreement between concerned parties
4. lifetime employment 4. a job promotion system based on age or length of service
5. retirement 5. a lifelong promise of work
6. seniority 6. level of comfort, quality of life lived by people
7. vary 7. to stop working after reaching a certain age
8. employment 8. to promise or secure
9. competitive 9. position, status
10. job evaluation 10. wages, usually paid on a monthly basis
11. contract 11. judging how well a person is doing his job
12. living standards 12. able to compare favorably with others

Find English equivalents for the following words and word combinations. Make up your own sentences using them.

1) заработная плата

2) конкурентный

3) отказаться

4) оценка

5) отъезд, отправление

6) прибытие, приезд

7) пенсия, отставка

8) отличаться

9) на основе

10) пожизненное трудоустройство

11) различаться

12) в зависимости от

13) принимать во внимание

14) сравнивать

15) уровень жизни

Answer the following questions based on the dialogue.

1) What did the seamen’s salaries depend on?

2) Why were the salaries of the Japanese crew different from the other crewmembers?

3) What is the Japanese seniority salary system based on?

4) How do the base salaries for seamen vary?

5) Why did Japanese shipping companies turn to a Western-style salary system?

6) What contracts do they apply to foreign crewmembers?

Convert the dialogue into Indirect Speech and retell the situation as a story.


General arrangement of the engine room

The engine room is located in the afterbody between frames 31 and 41. The entrance is through a water-and gas-tight door. An emergency exit to the deck is provided at the stern.

The superstructure is provided with an engine removal hatch; the hatchway cover is fitted with a port.

While the main engine is installed in the centre line between frames 32 and 37, the starboard side of the engine room is occupied by machinery and equip­ment serving the fuel system, lub oil system, compressed air system and the cold-starting aid. On the port side there are the rest of items serving the lub oil and compressed air systems in addition to the systems of cooling the engine and providing a water supply.

Main engine

The main engine is a V-type high-speed diesel, model M-400. It is a twelve cylinder four stroke single-acting unit with a supercharger, variable-speed gov­ernor and reversing clutch. The direction of rotation of the output shaft flange of the reversing clutch is clockwise (looking from the reversing clutch).

Engine horsepower at reversing clutch flange:

rated 900

continuous 830

Crankshaft, rpm:

rated 1,800

continuous 1,450

Fuel diesel fuel to GOST 4749-49

Shaft line and main engine mounting

The main engine integrally with the reversing clutch is installed on the bed plate by means of rubber pads running all the way along the bearing surface of engine frame.

The shaft line is arranged in the centre line with an inclination of 2° 30’ aft. The shaft line consists of a drive shaft, a stern tube with an elastic gland and two rubber bearings, a drive shaft bracket, an impeller and a water nozzle.

The stern tube rubber bearings are lubricated by outside water.

Propulsive unit

The propulsive unit comprises a single-stage pump jet with horizontal partially subsurface ejection.

Technical data on pump jet

Diameter of nozzle, m 0,7

Particulars of impeller:

diameter, m 0,696

pitch, m variable

pitch ratio variable

expanded blade-area ratio 1,2

blades 4

direction of rotation clockwise

pressure ratio 0,814

diameter of outlet cross-section, m 0,6


Main engine remote control system

The vessel is equipped with means of the main engine remote control which enable the stepless control of the engine speed and the reversing of the craft from the wheelhouse. The main engine can be started and stopped from the engine room and also from the wheelhouse, using the remote control sys­tem in this latter case. On the wheelhouse console, there is a crash stopping handle.

The instrument panel in the wheelhouse is fitted with instruments which monitor the operation of the engine, providing the following read­ings:

- lub oil pressure in the engine oil main line;

- fuel pressure at fuel injection pump inlet;

- cooling water temperature at engine outlet;

- lub oil temperature at engine inlet;

- lub oil temperature at engine outlet;

- pressure in starting air cylinders;

- engine rpm.

The wheelhouse instrument panel is also fitted with alarms which are initi­ated in the following cases:

- low (3 kgf/sq.cm) lub oil pressure in the engine oil main line;

- high (+95 °C) lub oil temperature at engine outlet.

Fuel system

The craft is refuelled through a filling hose and a filling valve provided at the superstructure top on the port side.

Fuel is fed to the main engine from a service tank with a capacity enabling the craft to cruise 8 hrs without refueling. In addition, there is a 400-litre stor­age tank between frames 31 and 33 on the starboard side which contains a 2-hr fuel reserve to be used in emergency. The same tank supplies fuel to a water heater. For filling the reserve tank, use is made of a hand-operated pump with a delivery rate of 1.2 cub.m/hr. The same pump may be used for defueling purposes and as a stand-by engine priming pump. Serving as the main engine priming pump is a unit with a delivery rate of 16 or 17 litres/min at a delivery pressure of 3 kgf/sq.cm at the outlet. The service and storage tanks are equipped with all the necessary fittings and vent pipes with fire protectors. The delivery line stop valves of both the tanks are remotely operated from the bulkhead at frame 31.

The ullage in the service tank is taken by a dip stick whereas the storage tank is equipped with a liquid level gauge glass. The fuel piping is in aluminium and the fittings in brass and light alloy.

Lub oil system

A supply of oil to lubricate the main engine and auxiliaries is contained in a 150-litre main tank capable of catering for all the needs during an 8-hr. cruise. For filling the tank, use is made of a hose applied to a filling valve located at the superstructure top on the port side.



  Simple Continuous Perfect Perfect Continuous
Констатация факта Процесс Завершенность (результат) Процесс в течение некоторого периода времени
Present   V Vs   I write. Я пишу (часто). am is V-ing are     I am writing. Я пишу (сейчас).   have ed V has III     I have written. Я написал письмо (уже, только что).   have been V-ing has     I have been writing. Я пишу (уже час; с двух часов).
Past   ed V II     I wrote. Я писал (вчера; два дня тому назад).   was V-ing were     I was writing. Я писал (вче­ра в два часа; когда он во­шел).   ed V III     I had written. Я написал (вчера к 3 часам; до того как он пришел).     had been V-ing   I had been writing. Я писал (уже 2 часа, когда он при­шел).
Future   will V   I will write. Я буду пи­сать (завтра).   will be V-ing   I will be writ­ing. Я буду писать (завтра в 3 часа). ed will have III     I will have written. Я напишу (завтра к 3 часам).   will have been V-ing   I will have been writing. Я буду писать (зав­тра уже 3 часа, когда он придет).



  Simple Continuous Perfect Perfect Conti-nuous
Констатация факта Процесс Завершенность (результат) Данные формы отсутствуют. Вместо них употребляется Perfect.
Present am ed is V are III     I am instructed. Меня инструктируют (каждый день).     am ed is being V are III     I am being instructed. Меня инструктируют (сейчас).       have ed been V has III     I have been instructed. Меня инструктировали (уже).  
Past   was ed V were III   I was instructed. Меня нструктировали (вчера).   was ed being V were III   I was being instructed. Меня инструктировали (когда он пришел).   ed had been V III   Меня уже проинструктировали (к тому времени когда он пришел).
Future     ed will been V III     I will be instructed. Меня будут инструктировать (завтра).   Данная форма отсутствует. Вместо нее употребляется Future Simple.     ed will have been V III     I will have been instructed. Меня уже проинструктируют (к тому времени).



The Infinitive (инфинитив)

Инфинитив — неличная форма глагола, называющая действие. Призна­ком данной формы является частица to.

Forms of the Infinitive

  Active Passive
Simple (Present) to install to be installed
Present Continuous to be installing -
Perfect to have installed to have been installed
Perfect Continuous to have been installing -

Simple (Present) Infinitive выражает действие, одновременное с дейст­вием, выраженным сказуемым, или относится к будущему.

The safety valve is used to relieve pressure.   Предохранительный клапан используется, чтобы понизить давление.

Continuous Infinitive выражает длительное действие, одновременное с действием сказуемого.

They are said to be designing a new engine.   Говорят, что они проектируют новый двигатель.

Perfect Infinitive выражает действие, предшествовавшее действию, вы­раженному сказуемым.

The engine is known to have been built in Germany.   Известно, что этот двигатель был построен в Германии.

Perfect Continuous Infinitive выражает длительное действие, предшест­вовавшее действию, выраженному сказуемым.

This engineer seems to have been testing the new pump for a long time.   Кажется, этот инженер испытывает новый насос долгое время.



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