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IX. Translate the following sentences into English.

1. Здание Московского университета – самое высокое в столице.

2. Грамматика английского языка трудная, но английское произношение труднее.

3. Какая из этих книг самая интересная?

4. Волга длиннее Дуная, это самая длинная река в Европе.

5. Зимой дни короче, а ночи длиннее.

6. Мне нравится теплая погода. Чем теплее погода, тем лучше я себя чувствую.

7. Становится все труднее и труднее найти работу.

8. Ты едешь слишком быстро. Ты можешь ехать чуть медленнее?

9. После того как она побывала в Англии, её английский стал намного лучше.

10. Не беспокойся. Ситуация не такая плохая. Она могла бы быть хуже.

11. Вчера я очень устал, поэтому пошёл спать раньше, чем обычно.




1. Если нужно сказать, что что-то имеется, существует (или не существует), то используется оборот there + to be. В этом обороте перед сказуемым (to be) стоит слово there, которое занимает место подлежащего, но не переводится. Глагол to beможет иметь любое число и время (настоящее, прошедшее или будущее) и обычно имеет значение: иметься, находиться, существовать.


There are about 70 metallic elements. - Существует около 70 металлических элементов.

There were many students in the library. - Было много студентов в библиотеке.

There will be three practical classes tomorrow.

Завтра будет три практических занятия.

2. Если в предложении с этим оборотом есть обстоятельство, отвечающее на вопрос “где?”, то перевод следует начинать с этого обстоятельства.


There are many forests in our country. – В нашей стране много лесов.

3. Вместо глагола to be в этом обороте может стоять другой глагол, перевод которого следует найти в словаре.


There appearednew methods of separating the molecules of polymers. – Появились новые методы разделения молекул полимеров.

4. There как обстоятельство переводится там, туда”.


There were many students there. – Там было много студентов.

5. В вопросительных предложениях с оборотом there + be глагол be ставится на первое место.

There are different kinds of energy.

Are there different kinds of energy?

Yes, there are. (No, there aren’t.)

There are no different kinds of energy.


I. Put in "there is / there isn’t / is there / there are / there aren’t / are there".


1. Kenham isn’t an old town. _____ any old buildings.


2. Look! _____a photograph of your brother in the newspaper!


3. “Excuse me, _____ a bank near here?” “Yes, at the end of the street.”


4. _____ five people in my family : my parents, my two sisters and me.


5. How many students _____ in your class?


6. “Can we take a photograph?” “No, _____ a film in the camera.”


7. _____ nowhere to sit down. _____ any chairs.


8. _____ a central weather bureau in our country.

II. Put in there + is / are / was / were / has been / have been / will be.


1. _____ a good film on TV yesterday evening.

2. _____ 24 hours a day.

3. _____ a party at the club last Friday but I didn’t go.

4. When we arrived at the cinema, _____ a long queue to see the film.

5. Last week I went back to the town where I was born. It’s very different now.

6. _____ a lot of changes.

7. I think everything will be OK. I don’t think _____ any problems.

8. _____ an accident last night.

III. Complete the sentences. Use "there will be, there would be, etc". Choose from:


will might would wouldn’t should used to (be) going to


1. If people drove more carefully, _____ fewer accidents.

2. “Have we got any eggs?” “No, I am not sure. _____ some in the fridge.

3. I think everything will be OK. I don’t think _____ any problems.

4. Look at the sky. _____ a storm.

5. “Is there a school in the village?” “Not now. _____ one but it closed.”

6. People drive too fast on this road. I think _____ a speed limit.

7. If people weren’t aggressive, _____ any wars.


IV. Translate the following sentences from English into Russian.



1. There are many students at the lecture today.

2. There is a blackboard in front of the students’ desks.

3. There are some drawings on the blackboard.

4. There are some figures there too.



1. There are hundreds of different plastics.

2. There are different types of rocket motors.

3. There are some kinds of surfaces.



1. In the corner of the room there stands a bookcase.

2. There hangs a clock over the bookcase.

3. In the middle of the classroom there stand some desks.


V. Translate from English into Russian.


1. There are several billions of planets in the Milky Way galaxy. 2. There are tremendous difficulties in establishing radio communication with extraterrestrial civilization. 3. There was much snow last winter. 4. There are many thousands of stars in the sky that are like the sun. 5. There are great deposits of titanium in the Urals. 6. There lived a great philosopher in Greece long before our era. His name was Democritus. 7. There was no radio a hundred years ago. 8. There are many electric appliances we cannot do without.





I. Fill in “a, an, one” or “ones”.


1. I’m making … sandwich. Would you like … ?

2. There was only … sandwich left. All the others had been eaten.

3. We saw … giraffe and … aligator at the Zoo.

4. These biscuits are nicer than the … I normally buy.

5. She paid … thousand pounds for her car.

6. … day, I will buy a house of my own.

7. I’d love … car like that … over there.

8. … of my brothers is … policeman.

9.I am looking for … dress I’d like a blue … .

10. We had … exciting holiday. It was better than the … we had last year.


II. Choose the correct alternative.

1. Catherine loves cats / the cats.

2. You cut the cake / cake and I’ll pour coffee / the coffee.

3. Life / The life will be very different in the future.

4. All people / the people in this room are my relatives.

5. Paul was only / the only person who remembered me.

6. In Stone Age / the Stone Age, people lived in caves.

7. We travelled to London by train / the train.

8. He is learning to play flute / the flute.


III. What do we call the following things or people?

1. A person who drives a bus is a _____ .

2. The screen of a computer is a _____ .

3. A stick for walking with is a _____ .

4. A curtain around the shower is a _____ .

5. Someone who cleans windows is a _____ .


IV. Underline the correct word.

1. A: I have a Physics exam tomorrow.

B: Oh, dear. Physics is / are a very difficult subject.


2. A: My office is three miles from my house.

B: Three miles is / are a long way to walk to work.


3. A: My little brother has got measles.

B: Oh, dear. Measles is / are quite a serious illness.


4. A: Jane looked nice today, didn’t she?

B: Yes. Her clothes were / was very smart.

5. A: The classroom was empty when I walked past.

B: Yes. The class was / were all on a school outing.


V. Complete the sentences using the noun in brackets in the singular or plural form and “a/an” where necessary.

1. He gave me a box of my favourite _____ (chocolate).

2. His favourite food is _____ (chocolate).

3. She bought _____ on her way to work (paper).

4. He placed all the important _____ in his briefcase (paper).

5. I need some _____ to write this massage on (paper).

6. Hurry up! We don’t have much _____ (time).

7. She has visited us several _____ this month (time).

8. He has no _____ , but he is keen to learn (experience).

9. She had a lot of exciting _____ during her travels (experience).


VI. Choose the correct item.

1. This is not my _____ car, this is _____ car.

a). my wife, my wife’s parents

b). my wife’s, my wife parents’

c). my wife’s, my wife’s parents’

d). my wife’s, my wife parent’s


2. _____ meeting has been cancelled.

a). tomorrow’s

b). tomorrow

c). the tomorrow’s

d). tomorrows’


3. It’s only _____ walk from my house to work.

a). ten minutes’

b). ten minutes’s

c). a ten minutes’

d). ten minutes


4. Hardly _____ missed his presentation, but he refused to say _____ on UFO.

a). anybody, anything

b). somebody, something

c). anybody, something

d). somebody, anything


5. _____ time I speak with him, I think he knows _____ .

a). every, all

b). every, everything

c). all the, all

d). all the, everything


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