Пиши Дома Нужные Работы

Обратная связь

VII. The following paragraph is an extract from a story. Read it and punctuate it.

as I crept into the house I knew id probably get into trouble suddenly the living-room door flew open where on earth have you been shouted my mother its after midnight sorry mum i said we just got talking and i forgot the time well ive been worried sick she said you could have at least phoned to say youd be late with that she left the room and closed the door with a sigh i slowly made my way upstairs to bed


VIII. Put the adjectives in the correct position.

1. lace / blue / beautiful / handkerchief.

2. a(n) stone / ancient / small / cottage

3. a(n) English / huge / wooden / wardrobe

4. a(n) Chinese / amazing / old / story

5. a(n) American / new / exciting / film

6. a pair of / wire / old / reading / glasses


IX. Make compound adjectives to describe the following.

1. a walk that takes ten minutes

2. a story which is written well

3. a building which has twelve storeys

4. a train which moves fast

5. a student who works hard



X. Write the correct form of the comparative or superlative and complete the sentences with your own ideas.

1. In my opinion, _____ (dangerous) animal of all.

2. _____ is _____(nice) place I have ever been to.

3. _____ (sweet) sugar.

4. I can _____ (good), but I can _____ even _____ (good).

5. I think _____ (difficult) subject of all.

6. _____ (valuable) rubies.

7. _____ (healthy) food of all.




Put the adjectives in brackets into the comparative or superlative form, adding any necessary words.

Dear Anita,

I’m writing to tell you about the auction I went to last weekend. It was held in (1) _____ (large) house in the village and the items sold were far (2) _____ (beautiful) I had expected.

I saw (3) _____ (pretty) vase I’ve ever seen, but it was also (4) _____ (expensive) item there, so I couldn’t afford to buy it. I bid for some chairs. They were far (5) _____ (nice) mine, but unfortunately some made a (6) _____ (good) offer than me and I couldn’t afford to make (7) _____ (high) bid.

In the end, I bought (8) _____ (small) item of all, although it was not (9) _____ (cheap) of all! It was a gold locket, which I’m going to give to my (10) _____ (old) daughter on her 18th birthday. I think it’s (11) _____ (lovely) necklace I’ve ever seen and it was (12) _____ (easy) to carry home than a set of chairs!

I enjoyed the auction very much and hope to go to another one soon. Perhaps next time you’ll come with me.

Write soon and tell me all your news.




(12 marks)


II. Cross out the unnecessary word.

1. He is much more taller than his brother.

2. As time went by, I got the more and more nervous.

3. I hardly not know anyone in my new job.

4. Going on holiday abroad is very more exciting than staying at home.

5. This flat is so bigger than the one we saw yesterday.

6. The more time you spend with your children, the more than they appreciate it.

(6 marks)


III. Complete the sentences with two to five words, including the word in bold.

1. I’ve never heard such a silly excuse.

theIt’s _____ I’ve ever heard.


2. Jane’s car was cheaper than Adam’s.

lessJane’s car _____ Adam’s.


3. As we got closer, I became more nervous.

the The closer we got, _____ I became.


4. Tom has bought the same number of sweets as Lucy.

manyTom has bought _____ Lucy.


5. Ben is smarter than Steve.

asSteve _____ Ben.

(5 marks)

IV. Choose the correct answer.

1. I have never seen such _____ men!

a. higher c. tall

b. high d. the tallest

2. I don’t think you should select the pictures so carefully. _____ will do.

a. Some c. Any

b. No d. None

3. The clothes are absolutely wet. I should dry _____ .

a. it c. them

b. their d. theirs

4. _____ Mississippi is one of the longest rivers in the world.

a. A c. An

b. The d. –

5. There isn’t _____ sense in what you suggest.

a. many c. few

b. much d. a few

6. The forecast promises such _____ good weather, but I don’t believe it.

a. a c. -

b.an d. the

7. Would you like _____ sweet?

a. other c. others

b. another d. the others

8. Who can tell me where _____ ?

a. is my key c. my key was

b. my key is d. my key had been

9. _____ breakfast on the train was awful.

a. A c. The

b.An d. –

10. This really is _____ food I’ve ever eaten.

a. worst c. bad

b. the worst d. the bad

11. _____ are only seven stations on this metro-line.

a. These c. There

b. It d. This

12. _____ there any news in your parent’s letter?

a. Are c. Have

b. Were d. Is

13. There aren’t _____ fruits at this time of the year.

a. some c. no

b. any d. none

14. Of the two irons I have one is burnt, and _____ is out of order too.

a. the others c. another

b. other d. the other

15. _____ something strange in this situation.

a. There is c. This is

b. It is d. That is

16. _____ Great Britain is the name of the largest island of the British Isles.

a. The c. A

b. An d. –

17. I’d like to know what _____ .

a. the matter is c. what’s the matter

b. matter is d. happening

18. I’ve got two TV-sets. One is in the living-room, and _____ is in the kitchen.

a. another c. others

b. other d. the other

19. _____ snow on the top of the mountain peak.

a. There is c. Here is

b. It is d. What is

20. What _____ wonderful weather it is today!

a. a c. -

b. an d. the

21. Turn over _____ page 20, please.

a. a c. -

b. an d. the

22. _____ not a single light in the house.

a. It is c. There is

b. This is d. Here is

23. _____ is no coffee left.

a. It c. Here

b. There d. This

24. Is there _____ strange in what I’m saying?

a. some c. any

b. anything d. nothing

25. I’ve got no idea where _____ .

a. it is c. has it

b. is it d. does it

26. There _____ no news today.

a. are c. have been

b. is d. have

27. _____ can help me! I’m totally lost.

a. Anybody c. Somebody

b. Nobody d. Everybody

28. Join us! We are sure to have _____ lovely time.

a. a c. the

b. an d. –

29. While in Spain we visited _____ Prado Art Museum.

a. a c. -

b. an d. the

30. We made a short trip to _____ Netherlands.

a. the c. an

b. a d. –

31. Some people like summer best, some like spring or autumn, _____ prefer winter.

a. another c. the others

b. the other d. others

32. There is _____ provocative in her behavior. She is very shy and modest.

a. something c. everything

b. anything d. nothing

(32 marks) Total: 55 marks.


Личные формы глагола в английском языке имеют шесть грамматических категорий:


Лицо (Person) – 1-е, 2-е, 3-е.

Число(Number) – единственное (Singular) и множественное (Plural).

Время (Tense) – настоящее (Present), прошедшее (Past), будущее (Future) и будущее в прошедшем (Future-in-the Past).

Вид (Aspect) – длительный (Progressive) и перфектный (Perfect).

Залог(Voice) – действительный (Active) и страдательный (Passive).

Наклонение (Mood) – изъявительное (Indicative), повелительное (Imperative), сослагательное (Subjunctive).


К неличным формам глагола относятся:

Инфинитив (Infinitive).

Причастия (Participle I, Participle II).

Герундий (Gerund).


1. Смысловые и вспомогательные глаголы.


Большинство английских глаголов имеют самостоятельное значение и в предложении выступают в роли простого сказуемого. Они называются смысловыми.

Небольшая группа глаголов называется вспомогательными, потому что они помогают образовывать сложные глагольные сказуемые или видо-временные формы глагола. Вспомогательные глаголы теряют свое самостоятельное значение.

Вспомогательными являются глаголы-связки, служебные и модальные глаголы.



В качестве связок используются глаголы: to be, to get, to grow, to become, to lock, to turn.

В английском языке в именном составном сказуемом связка никогда не опускается.


My name is Roger. I am a designer. – Моё имя Роджер. Я - дизайнер.


Служебные глаголы to be, to have, to do, shall (should), will (would) необходимы для образования различных видовременных форм:


be – временных форм Progressive; временных форм страдательного залога Passive;

do – вопросительной и отрицательной формы времён Simple;

have – всех временных форм Perfect;

shall, will – форм будущего времени Future;

should, would – для образования одной из форм сослагательного наклонения (Subjunctive).




Времена группы “Indefinite” употребляются:

1. для констатации факта совершения действия;

2. для выражения обычно совершаемого действия в настоящем, прошедшем или будущем времени.

В эту группу входят три времени: Present, Past и Future.


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