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It is necessary for our country to have well-trained and well-educated specialists in all branches of the national economy. Every year young people from all parts of our big region come to Orenburg to take entrance exams at its higher educational establishments.

I am a student of the Orenburg State Agrarian University. It is one of the biggest and finest higher educational establishments. Many famous people have graduated from my university.

The OSAU was established in 1930. Now it has 9 faculties and 40 specialties.

- faculty of economics;

- faculty of mechanization;

- veterinarian faculty;

- faculty of law;

- faculty of agronomy and technology;

- faculty of computer technology;

- institute of risks;

- institute of professional education;

- institute of management.

The biggest part of the students are full-time students, the others are part-time students.

The course of study in our university lasts 5 years. All students must attend lectures and seminars if they want to pass exams successfully at the end of term. This term I study History of State, English, Russian, Mathematics and other subjects.

Our University is large and there are several buildings, a library with a reading hall, 4 museums, several hostels, a canteen and a concert hall. Also there are many laboratories, a gym and a computer centre.

I entered the University in 2010. Now I am a first-year student of the OSAU. I am a full-time student. I would like to get an excellent education.


higher educational establishment Высшее учебное заведение

higher educational institution высшее учебное заведение

to be established образовываться

to enter the University поступать в университет

to graduate from the University закончить университет

entrance exams вступительные экзамены

full-time student студент дневного отделения

part-time student студент заочного или вечернего


tuition by correspondence заочное обучение

evening classes вечернее образование

course of study курс обучения

semester ( term ) семестр

Department ( of ) кафедра

Rector (the Principal) ректор

Dean декан

teaching staff преподавательский состав

tutor преподаватель (куратор)

hostel общежитие

canteen столовая

gym спортзал

to teach учить ( кого-то ) , преподавать

to learn учить ( что-то ) , изучать

to study обучаться

to train готовить

successfully успешно

excellent отлично

lucky везучий

2)Answer the questions:

Where do you study?

What faculty do you study at?

What year student are you?

What subjects do you study this term?

What exams are you to take this year?

3) Form word combinations or phrases from the following:

Lesson, education, school, exam, student, classes, educational

Example: to miss lessons

Learn by heart

to attend lectures about посещать лекции по

to miss classes пропускать занятия

period пара

time-table расписание

student’s card студенческий билет

examination card экзаменационный билет

record- book зачётка

diploma диплом

test зачёт, контрольная

to take an exam in сдавать экзамен по

to pass exam выдержать экзамен успешно

to fail at an exam провалиться на экзамене

to get a stipend получать стипендию

vаcation каникулы

to make progress in делать успехи в

to make poor progress учиться плохо

to fall behind the group отстать от группы

to catch up with the group догнать группу

to be promoted to the next year быть переведённым на след. курс

5) Retell the story:

The Agrarian University

Our University is situated in the centre of the town in Chelyuskintsev Street 18. In 1930 it had only faculty – Zoo-Veterinary faculty. Our University is staffed by qualified teachers, research assistants and professors. They do extensive academic and research work, give lectures and seminars and hold examinations.

The academic year is divided into two terms: the autumn term and the spring term. Tests and examinations are held twice a year – in January and in June. If a student passes the exams well, he gets a grant. The University works according to the time table. There are lectures, seminars and practical lessons. At the end of the course of studies the students take the state exams and write their diplomas. When graduates pass their examinations and defend their degree projects they are awarded the degrees of an engineer, economist, lawyer, veterinary surgeon, zoo-engineer, agronomist and others.

My future Profession

Answer the following questions:

What are you? I am a student. (a worker, an engineer, an economist, an office employee, an officer, a military man, a lawyer, an investigator, a judge, a defense counsel, a militiaman, an officer of the court, an inspector, a clerk)

Pay your attention to the prepositions:

Where do you work? I work at a plant. (at a factory, at a construction site, in an office, on a farm, at school, in hospital, in a library, in the Procurator’s Office,at the people’s(district, regional) Court, in the Militia)


successfully успешно

unhealthy нездорово

large amounts of money большие суммы денег

enterprise предприятие

to qualify for годиться для чего-либо

educational level уровень образования

a command of уровень владения чем-либо

to gain приобретать

sufficient достаточный

staff персонал

unemployed безработный

employee служащий



My Plans for Future

Прочитайте и переведите текст на русский язык:

I want to talk about my plans for future. I would really want to work with people rather than with figures and numbers. I want to travel much and see other places and meet different people. One opportunity for this is to work for a foreign enterprise in Russia or to work abroad for a big company. You also travel much if you work for the travel agency. This kind of job is well paid. Of course, it is quite difficult to qualify for such a job. You need to have a very good educational level and a good command of spoken and written foreign language, computer skills, and finally, some experience.

School gives a very good background knowledge. But this knowledge is too general. Most graduates are prepared for work only theoretically. We didn’t have much practice. The only opportunity to work somewhere is that during the summer vаcation. It is quite impossible to have a good command of English after finishing secondary school. It is necessary to have classes outside the University. It is especially useful to read books on economics, business, marketing and management in the original. When one knows the special vocabulary or terminology it will be much easier to communicate with your colleagues from other countries. The graduates will not be unemployed. Firms need specialists in finance, management, and marketing. Employers need young and energetic employees who have computer skills.

Используйте следующие выражения для пересказа текста. Переведите их на русский язык:

1. As I understood from the text ….

2. According to the text …

3. According to the author …

4. As it is described in the text …

5. As it is said in the text …

6. As the author puts it …

7. According to the figures (data, information, opinions) from the text …


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